Copyright 2004 GameTech International, Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this material without the express written consent of GameTech is
prohibited. Diamond, Diamond Plus Bingo, Diamond VIP, Diamond TED, GameTech, AllTrak, TED, TED
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GameTech International, Inc.
GameTech Internat ion a l, Inc.
GameTech Internationa l, Inc.
900 Sandhill Road
Reno, NV 89521
Welcome to GameTech International, Inc. (GTI)
Purpose of t his Gu id e
This m anual is desi gned to be u sed b y GTI st af f. It p rovid es t he i nst ruct ions for usin g Ra dio
Frequency (RF) .
GameTech International, Inc.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
Radio Freq uen c y ( RF)................... ............. .......................... ............. ............. ............. .......................1
Operati ona l I n f orm a t i o n................... ............. ........................... ............. ............. ............. ............17
How it Works.......................................................................................................................17
System Ins t a l lat i o n......................... ............. ............. ............. ........................... ............. ..............21
Site Survey Form..................................................................................................................39
Graphing the Hall.................................................................................................................41
Site Survey Form........................................................................................................................ 55
GameTech International, Inc.
List Of Figures
Base Station Controller and Transmitter ...................................................................................................22
TED® Unit Screen.....................................................................................................................................23
TED2C™ Unit Screen...............................................................................................................................24
TED2C™ Unit Screen (v6.7.x or later).....................................................................................................24
•Hardware: Base Statio n Controllers and Transmitters
•RF Test Tools
•Signal Strength Meter (SSM)
•Standalone Battery Powered Transmitter
•Getting Started
•Paper Survey
•Questions and Answers
GameTech International, Inc.
2 Radio Frequency (RF)
GameTech International, Inc.Overview
With Radio Fre quency (RF), TED® and/or TED2C™ users can enjoy the advantages of playing with wireless electronics. Depending on the mode being used, users can enjoy from a
“Fully Au to m at ic” mo de of pl a y whi c h do es all t he dau bing, game and session changes to
a “Game Change Only ” mod e which signals game and session changes only.
Note: A ll modes of play involve RF signals. The least amount of RF interaction occurs when the hall is
configured to use UNIT_RFMODE=0 (Game Change Only). In this mode, the TED
are notified of game and session changes only. The player is responsible for entering the numbers as they are
called on the numer ic ke y pa d .
Note: If a unit loses the RF signal, a unit alarm will sound and a visual flashing message will display on the
and/or TED2C™ screen displaying “RF Signal Lost.” The unit will drop into non-RF manual mode
until a signal is once again received. See “RF Signals” on page 15 for further information.
and/or TED2C™ units
Radio F reque ncy (RF)3
OverviewGameTech International, Inc.
4 Radio Frequency (RF)
GameTech Internatio na l, In c.Modes of Operation
Modes of Operation
There are five modes of operation available with an RF installation as outlined in the next
few page s , however, it is the responsibility of the technician to be aware of any jurisdictional o r s t at e l aw s governing th e use o f R F a n d which method i s a pproved in thei r jurisdiction.
Terminology: Manual Entry - while i n RF mode, the player ent ers a number before it is
officially called.
In the fully automatic mode, everything is done automatically without user intervention. Incorrect manual entries ARE corrected upon RF signal and the unit will display “Bingo Pending” on
manual entries.
•Ball calls, ga me numbers, patterns and session informa tion is sent and rece ived by the TED
and/or TED
unit each time a signal is received.
•The units w ill disp lay RF M ODE, b all -cal ls ( in th e o rde r re ceive d), numbe r of car ds and nu mber
away on the main screen.
•Automatic corrections apply to:
•Incorrect manual entries
•The TED
automatic mode.
•When a number is ma nual ly en ter ed pr ior to t he RF signal being se nt, the num ber will be s how n
on the unit fla shboard but, will not da ub the cards. It the number would cause a unit to win, a
“Bingo Pending ” message will display. Once the RF signal is sent confirming the manual entry,
all numbers wi ll be daubed on the cards and the winning card(s) will display.
•By using a menu option on the TED
Button), a player can choose to enter numbers manually (displayed as “manual” mode on the
unit screen ). The only action performed through RF would then be game/session changes.
Note: The option for manual entry can be dis abled, refer to “R FMODELOCK” on page 32 for further
Attention: Numbers MUST be entered manually i f the RF signal has been lost.
and/or TED2C™ units WILL NOT enter sleep mode or shut off when using the fully
(Flashboard Button) and TED2C™ units (Lucky Options
Table 1. Unit_RFMODE=1
Radio F reque ncy (RF)5
Modes of OperationGameTech International, Inc.
Enter Once to Daub All
In this mode, the enter button is pressed once to daub cards AND catch the playe r up to
all ball-calls. Incorrect manual entries ARE corrected upon RF signal and the unit will display
“Bingo Pending” on manual entries.
•Pressing enter once will catch the player up to all ball calls, game, and session information
should the player not press enter each time.
•The units w ill disp lay RF M ODE, b all -cal ls ( in th e o rde r re ceive d), numbe r of car ds and nu mber
away on the main screen.
•Automatic corrections apply to:
•Incorrect manual entries
•The number of balls in the call queue are denoted on th e player screen with
“1 behind, 2 be hind,” etc.
•The TED
period of time.
•When a number is ma nual ly en ter ed pr ior to t he RF signal being se nt, the num ber will be s how n
on the unit fla shboard but, will not da ub the cards. It the number would cause a unit to win, a
“Bingo Pending ” message will display. Once the RF signal is sent confirming the manual entry,
all numbers wi ll be daubed on the cards and the winning card(s) will display.
•By using a menu option on the TED
Button), a player can choose to enter numbers manually (displayed as “manual” mode on the
unit screen ). The only action performed through RF would then be game/session changes.
and/or TED2C™ units WILL enter a sleep mode or shut off when left inactive for a
(Flashboard Button) and TED2C™ units (Lucky Options
Note: The option for manual entry can be dis abled, refer to “R FMODELOCK” on page 32 for further
Note: Numbers MUST be entered manually if the RF signal has been lost.
Table 2. Unit_RFMODE=2
6 Radio Frequency (RF)
GameTech Internatio na l, In c.Modes of Operation
Enter to Daub One
In this mode, the enter button will daub ONE NUMBER at a time only. If behind, the player
will be required to press the enter button multiple times to catch up. Inco rrect manual
entries ARE corrected upon RF signal and th e unit will display “Bingo Pending” on manual
•Pressing the e nter key will catch the player up only one number at a time. Pressing enter multiple times will daub the numbers in the order they were called.
•If the customer misses the last five b all calls , enter would need to pressed fi ve times to cat ch up.
The player will be able to see what numbers are missing by going to the units’ flashboard.
•The units w ill disp lay RF M ODE, b all -cal ls ( in th e o rde r re ceive d), numbe r of car ds and nu mber
away on the main screen.
•Automatic corrections apply to:
•Incorrect manual entries.
•The number of balls in the call queue are denoted on th e player screen with
“1 behind, 2 be hind,” etc.
•If a ball is entered manually (the player enters it before it is officially called) and then is called
via RF, it will become officially daubed. No need to press enter.
•The TED
and/or TED2C™ units WILL enter a sleep mode or shut off when left inactive for a
period of time.
•When a number is manually entered prior to the RF si gna l being sent the number will be shown
on the unit fla shboard but, will not da ub the cards. It the number would cause a unit to win, a
“Bingo Pending ” message will display. Once the RF signal is sent confirming the manual entry,
all numbers wi ll be daubed on the cards and the winning card(s) will display.
•By using a menu option on the TED
(Flashboard Button) and TED2C™ units (Lucky Options
Button), a player can choose to enter numbers manually (displayed as “manual” mode on the
unit screen ). The only action performed through RF would then be game/session changes.
Note: The option for manual entry can be dis abled, refer to “R FMODELOCK” on page 32 for further
Attention: Numbers MUST be entered manually i f the RF signal has been lost.
Table 3. Unit_RFMODE=3
Radio F reque ncy (RF)7
Modes of OperationGameTech International, Inc.
Enter to Daub One
In this mode, the enter button will daub ONE NUMBER at a time only. If behind, the player
will be required to press the enter button multiple times to catch up. Inco rrect manual
entries ARE NOT corre c ted upon RF signal and the unit WILL BINGO on manual entries.
•Pressing the e nter key will catch the player up only one number at a time. Pressing enter multiple times will daub the numbers in the order they were called.
•If the customer misses the last five b all calls , enter woul d have to presse d five times to cat ch up.
The player will be able to see what numbers are missing by going to the units’ flashboard.
•The units w ill disp lay RF M ODE, b all -cal ls ( in th e o rde r re ceive d), numbe r of car ds and nu mber
away on the main screen.
•Automatic corrections apply to:
•Game and session only.
•The number of balls in the call queue are denoted on th e player screen with
“1 behind, 2 be hind,” etc.
Attention: In this mode, Caller corrections do not automatically get corrected on the player units. The
players must correct them manually on their unit.
•The TED
and/or TED2C™ units WILL enter a sleep mode or shut off when left inactive for a
period of time.
•When a number is ma nual ly en ter ed pr ior to t he RF signal being se nt, the num ber will be s how n
on the flashboa rd AND the player’s cards. If a manually entered number would cause the unit to
win, the unit WILL BINGO. Incorrect manual entries are NOT corrected via the RF sig nal.
•By using a menu option on the TED
(Flashboard Button) and TED2C™ units (Lucky Options
Button), a player can choose to enter numbers manually (displayed as “manual” mode on the
unit screen ). The only action performed through RF would then be game/session changes.
Note: The option for manual entry can be dis abled, refer to “R FMODELOCK” on page 32 for further
Attention: Numbers MUST be entered manually i f the RF signal has been lost.
Table 4. Unit_RFMODE=4
8 Radio Frequency (RF)
GameTech Internatio na l, In c.Modes of Operation
Game Change Only
In the game ch ange only mode, the only RF information receiv ed i s wh en the caller
changes the game or session. Incorrect manual entries ARE NOT corrected upon RF signal
and the unit WILL BINGO on manual entries.
•When a number is manually entered, the number is placed on the unit flashboard AND the p layer
cards. If the manually entered number would cause the unit to bingo, the unit WILL BINGO.
Incorrect manual entries are not cor rected via RF signal.
Attention: Game and session changes must be done m a nually if the RF signal has bee n lost.
Table 5. Unit_RFMODE=0
Manual Entries by Player
If a player chooses to manu ally enter their number s on an RF unit, the UNIT_RFMODE
setting will deter mine if a u nit will bi ngo (play winning animation) or display a “Bingo
Pending” message.
•Pending Bingo ( UNI T _RF MODE=1, 2 or 3)
•Ball calls manually entered by the player are sent to the flashboard ONLY. The
cards will not be daubed un t il the RF signal confirming the number is sent .
Once the RF signal is re ceived, the cards will be dau bed. Therefore, a unit
WILL NOT bingo until RF confirmation of the number however, the unit will
display a “Bingo Pending” message.
•Bingo (UNIT_RFMODE=4, 0)
•Ball calls manually entered by the player WILL daub the flashboard AN D th e
cards wit ho ut RF co nf irm a t io n. T here fore, the unit WILL bi ng o (pl a y wi nni ng
animation) on manually daubed numbers wh ile in RF mode.
Radio F reque ncy (RF)9
Modes of OperationGameTech International, Inc.
Modes of Operation - Summarized
(RF Game/Se ssi o n
Change Only)
Catch Up
Autom aticManual input i s con-
catches up
all ball calls.
required for
queued call .
firmed/corrected on
the next RF si gnal
received on the
Manual input is con-
firmed/corrected on
the next RF si gnal
received on the
Manual input is con-
firmed/corrected on
the next RF si gnal
received on the
Bingo Style
Bingo pe nding
on manually
entered c a l l s .
Bingo pe nding
on manually
entered c a l l s .
Bingo pe nding
on manually
entered c a l l s .
required for
queued call .
Table 6. Modes of Operation - Summarized
All RF and manual
entries ar e
10 Radio Frequency (RF)
GameTech International, Inc.Wild Numbers
Wild Numbers
Wild ball-calls are expanded to their actual individual ball equivalents. For example, a wild
#1 call is e quivalent to calling balls 1, 11, 21, 31, 4 1, 51, 61 and 71 in that order into the
call queue. The RF message protocol is not aw are of a “wild” ball call. Wild calls on the
caller unit will simply appear as if many balls were called at once. The portable units will
simply catch up to the ball calls as sp ecified by the mode of operation.
To corr ect ball calls relating to a wild ba ll-call, each number must be individ ually corrected. Calli ng a correct on 91 will unconditionally correct all wild number 1’s whether or
not they were actually daubed as part of a wild 91 call. This may b e unexpected. (This i s
how manual non-RF portables handled it, nothing has changed.)
Note: The wild and F & B balls that are set in Ptech on a per-game basis are available only in manual mode.
The ball-calls that the TED
wants to play wild’s or F & B on the first ball-call(s) of a particular game, they must manually daub the
correspo nding balls on the caller unit connected to the RF hub.
and TED2C™ units receive match w hat appear s on the ma ster sc reen. I f a hall
To Hand le Wil d cod e s in UNIT_RFM O DES #3 and #4:
If a hall is using an RF mode that requires a player to hit Enter once for each ball-call and
the bing o operat ion is usi ng W il d Odds , W ild Even s or W i ld An y, the follow in g is the most
convenient process to follow: (Ensure jurisdictional requirements allow prior to implementation.)
The Caller announces that a wild is about to be called.
The Caller instructs the players to enter the appropria te wild code into their unit
BEFORE the Caller ac tually calls it.
Players enter the wild code.
Pending daubs are placed onto the unit flashboard.
Caller chooses the wild opti on on the caller screen.
All numbers w ill automatically be daubed on the player units.
Note: If the Caller chooses the wil d call on the caller screen first, players would be req uired to push ENTER
for each ball within the wild call. If a player attempts to enter wild codes on the unit pending daubs on their
flashboard, the wild code(s) will be ignored and treated as an enter to daub another ball. Pending daubs
(daubs outlined on the flashbaord but not yet daubed on cards) must be entered individually before wild
codes will be accepted on the units.
Radio F reque ncy (RF)11
Wild NumbersGameTe ch International, In c.
12 Radio Frequency (RF)
GameTech International, Inc.Bingo
Bingo Pending
The “Bingo Pending” message only checks bingo masks that are 1-away from a bingo in a
manually entered list. (This was done because of limited processing power on the TED
and was mirrored on the TED
that in an actual bingo operation, hall players would not manually enter more than one ball
call ahead because it is dis played on the hall monitor.
Note: Manually entered ball calls in UNIT_RFMODE 1, 2 and 3 do not affect the actual away counts. Only
actual ball calls recei ved through RF will be away-counted.
Valid Bingo
When a valid bing o is received, the portable unit wi ll stay in the bingo animation screen
until a key is pressed. In the winning cared screen, the unit wil l operate similar to a fi xedbase unit and will stay on the winning card until the following occurs:
Caller presses hard luck (Pattern).
Caller advan ces to another game (Next Game, Pick Game or Start Over ).
Caller cancels a ball call.
Player presses the hard luck button on unit screen.
for consistency.) It was also anticip ated (and expecte d)
Radio F reque ncy (RF)13
BingoGameTech International, Inc.
14 Radio Frequency (RF)
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