2. First steps
a) Pairing the GPS bluetooth
If you ha ve a GPS Bluetoot h or if you’ve acquire d the NDrive BTGP S versi on, f irst you ha ve to pair the GPS
with your Pocket PC:
- Turn on the GPS Bluetooth
- At the inferior right corner of you Pocket PC click on the Bluetooth icon (if this icon is not there go to
- Click on “Mode” and activate “Turn on Bluetooth”; then click on “Devices” an d on “New”
- Click on the GPS found during the search and introduce the pairing code when asked for (consult the manu-
al of your GPS to v erify this c ode). Please not e that, usually, t his code is “ 0000” or “123 4”.
- If you are questioned about a serial port, activate that option.
- (...)
Given the large divers ity of Pocke t PCs , GPS and Bl uetoo th dri vers of diff erent manufac turers , in case you do n’t ge t a pa iring, searc h
the manual of the PDA manufacturer about the Bluetooth. Make a soft reset on your Pocket PC and verify the manual of you GPS.
b) Insert the memory card with the NDrive on the Pocket PC*
- Insert the memory card with the NDrive application on your Pocket PC. If you already have a memory card
with other applicat ions and don’t want to switch cards all the time, copy all the contents of the card wit h the NDrive
to the root of the card you use more frequently. It is also advisable to make a backup of the NDrive to your personal computer. As you introduce the card, the NDrive will install automatically and will make a soft reset.
- If the soft reset is not made automatically , you must do it manually.
* - If you own the NDr ive CD version, y ou’ll have to i nstall the softwa re of the NDriv e in the memory card. Make
sure that you are connected to the PC via Microsoft ActiveSync, and that you placed the CD-ROM in the right
c) NDrive registration
As you initiate the NDrive for the first time, you’re asked to make the register. You must introduce the serial number that comes with the NDrive. If you own a Pocket PC Phone Edition you may choose to make the register
by SM S. In case you don’t have a Pocket PC Phone Edit ion, you mu st make the register though the internet,
just as explained while introducing the serial number on the Pocket PC.
f yo u don’t have a reg ister and wa nt to use th e softwa re you may always p ut the word DEMO - - and yo u
will be able to test the programme for a period of 5 minutes with all the functions working.
d) Ready to navigate
You are now r e ady to navigate. The GP S s ho uld be recognized autom a t ica lly and in a few minutes, max i mu m ,
you’ll get the satellites’ signal (place yourself with the GPS out of doors, in a large place this first time, so that the
satellites are easier to pick up). Use the Pocket PC tutorial to clear some additional doubt or continue to read
this guide.
In case you have problems with the registration or the GPS recognition, please contact us through the e-mail