Bulldoze your opponent with a ground attack. Take control of your running backs
after the hand-off or watch the computer execute the play.
After you press the A Button to snap the ball, the computer executes the
hand-off or pitch automatically. To take control of the ball carrier, press the Control Pad in
any direction. If you do not press the Control Pad, the computer runs the play for you.
Execute four different moves when running: press the L Button to Dive, the R Button to
Hurdle, the B Button to Spin, and the A Button for a Speed Burst. When running as the QB,
press the L Button to Slide or Dive.
Execute some timed, short passes, or find a seam in the deep secondary coverage.
To execute a passing play:
1. Press the A Button to snap the ball.
2. Use the Control Pad to control the quarterback, moving out of the pocket if necessary to
avoid the defensive linemen.
3. Press the A Button to call up the passing icons (when Quick Pass mode is OFF).
4. Press the A Button, B Button, R Button, or L Button to pass to an open receiver.
Once the ball is in the air, the receiver automatically completes his pattern. You can take control
of the intended receiver by pressing the A Button and then using the Control Pad to move him
in any direction.
The kickoff return man is automatically positioned to catch the ball. If he catches the ball in the
open field, press Control Pad Up (and Left/Right) to gain yards. If he catches the ball in the end
zone, you can either try to gain yards, or remain in the end zone for a touchback. On a touchback, the offensive drive begins on the offense’s 20-yard line.
Put your play-calling abilities to the test. When your offense gathers in the huddle, select an
offensive formation and play. Be sure to call a play and snap the ball before a delay of game
penalty is called.
To choose a play on offense:
1. Press the Control Pad Up/Down to scroll through the different formations.
2. Press the A Button, B Button, or R Button to select a formation. The sets for the formation
3. Press the Control Pad Up/Down to scroll through the different sets.
4. Press the A Button, B Button, or R Button to select a set. The plays for the formation appear.
5. Press Control Pad Up/Down to scroll through the different plays.
Press SELECT to flip the direction of a play.
Press L Button to cancel the set and formation.
6. Press the A Button, B Button, or R Button to select a play.