Gamber-Johnson DS-55 User Manual

Product Date Form #
Offset Auto Hump Base 11/16/00 INST13
The base is normally shipped unassembled. The parts may be bolted together in a compact arrangement to prevent damage in shipment. In some cases the post assembly is shipped already attached to a mount head.
2. Using 3/8-16 carriage bolts with washers and nuts, mount the other two parts as shown in the drawing, but do not tighten these nuts. (Note that the hole pattern in the plate is located in the right rear corner.)
3. Before installing the base, orient the top plate on the post as shown in the drawing. To do this, loosen the bolt at the top of the post one turn. If necessary, tap on the top of the bolt until the upper part of the post moves freely.
4. Install the base in the vehicle with the vertical foot assembly on the floor just to the right of the hump.
5. Use machine bolts and nuts of the largest size that will fit the holes in the base. Do not use lag screws or sheet metal screws as these can pull out of the floor. We recommend placing fender washers, which have a larger outside diameter than regular washers, on the back side of the mounting surface. Placing the bolts so the nuts are inside the vehicle will prevent corrosion from freezing the nuts on the bolts.
6. To adjust height of the post, loosen the bolt at the top of the post one turn. If necessary, tap lightly on the top of the bolt to release the top plate. Adjust the height and direction of the top plate and retighten the bolt.
Loosen and tap bolt to adjust top plate height
Place just to the right of the hump with the diagonal stabilizer on the left side.
If you need assistance or have questions, call Gamber Johnson at 1-800-456-6868.