Form Product Revision
Printing Spec:
1. Remove rear seat cushion and back rest
2. Remove C pillar trim panel from both sides of vehicle
3. Remove the parcel shelf carpet/board
4. Remove factory installed trunk shelf is so equipped. Factory trunk shelf is attached with 5 nuts
accessible from between the rear windshield and parcel shelf.
5. Screw three (3) ¼-20x3/4 bolts into each of the Upper Plates as shown (Fig. 1). Note plates are
the same however installing the bolts creates a left hand and right hand Upper Plate.1.
6. Set the plates into the factory holes in the parcel shelf (Fig. 2). Drivers side shown.
Fig 1 - Upper Plates Assembly Fig 2 - Upper Plate Placement
Product Mounting Disclaimer
Product Mounting Disclaimer
Gamber-Johnson is not liable under any theory of contract or tort law for any loss, damage, personal injury, special, incidental or consequential damages for personal injury or other damage
Gamber-Johnson is not liable under any theory of contract or tort law for any loss, damage, personal injury, special, incidental or consequential damages for personal injury or other damage
of any nature arising directly or indirectly as a result of the improper installation or use of its products in vehicle or any other application. In order to safely install and use Gamber-Johnson
of any nature arising directly or indirectly as a result of the improper installation or use of its products in vehicle or any other application. In order to safely install and use Gamber-Johnson
products full consideration of vehicle occupants, vehicle systems (i.e., the location of fuel lines, brakes lines, electrical, drive train or other systems), air-bags and other safety equipment is
products full consideration of vehicle occupants, vehicle systems (i.e., the location of fuel lines, brakes lines, electrical, drive train or other systems), air-bags and other safety equipment is
required. Gamber-Johnson specifically disclaims any responsibility for the improper use or installation of its products not consistent with the original vehicle manufactures specifications
required. Gamber-Johnson specifically disclaims any responsibility for the improper use or installation of its products not consistent with the original vehicle manufactures specifications
and recommendations, Gamber-Johnson product instruction sheets, or workmanship standards as endorsed through the Gamber-Johnson Certified Installer Program.
and recommendations, Gamber-Johnson product instruction sheets, or workmanship standards as endorsed through the Gamber-Johnson Certified Installer Program.
© copyright 2011 Gamber-Johnson, LLC
If you need assistance or have questions, call Gamber-Johnson at 1-800-456-6868
7. From inside the trunk, screw the Lower Brackets onto the bolts from the Upper Plates using
the provided flat washers and nylock nuts (Fig. 3). Drivers side shown.
8. Outside of the vehicle, loosely attach the Side Supports to the Shelf Deck using the provided ¼20x3/4 bolts and flat washers (Fig. 4)
9. Carefully slide the trunk shelf assembly into the vehicle trunk. Lift the trunk shelf assembly and
hook the Side Supports onto the studs in the Lower Brackets (Fig. 4)
10. Install and hand tighten the provided flat washer and nylock nuts to the studs in the Lower
11. From in the passenger compartment, attach the Rear Plates to the factory hole in the seat
back using the provided 3/8” carriage bolts, washers and nylock nuts (Fig. 5)
12. Install the four (4) ¼-20 x ¾ bolts and washers through the Rear Plate and into the threaded
inserts in the back of the trunk shelf.
13. Optional but recommended: The fourth hole in the Rear Plate should line up with the lip of
the wheel well. Make sure the Rear Plate is parallel to the body crease then mark and drill a hole
into the flange and secure with the provided ¼-20 x ¾ bolts, washers and nylock nuts.
14. Tighten the bolts and nuts on the Side Supports
15. Check the trunk shelf for proper latching and extension. It may be required to cut some of
the trunk liner to avoid interference with the trunk shelf operation
16. Reassemble vehicle interior in reverse direction of disassembly
Fig 3 - Upper Plate Mounting
Fig 4 - Side Support Assembly
Fig 5 - Rear Plate Installation