Product Date Form #
The 7110-0161 Add On Bra cket Set is intended to be used
with an y Stac kMaste r, ShortStack, StackAbout, Floo rMaster , or
FlexMaster products that requires the addition of another radio. The
product is shipped un-assembled and is made up with the parts
depicted in the illustration to the right.
This instruction sheet explains how to assemble the Add On Bracket
Set to the product it is intended to be used with. The illustrations
shown are g eneric and typical for all StackMaster, StackAbout,
FloorMaster, or FlexMaster products. The instruction sheets assumes
that you are adding the add on set to a previously assembled
StackMaster, Stack About, FloorMaste r, or F lexMaster produ ct. If that
is not the case please combine this instruction sheet with those that
came with the other products to determine prope r assembly.
Step1. Remove all equipment brackets from the assembly by removing the side bolts and washers leaving
only the bottom two brackets, Figure 1a. The remaining assembly should look like Figure 1b. Save all
bolts and washers for use in step 3.
Remove all equipme nt
Remove side bolts and
(Side bo l ts and w a she rs
will be reused in Step 3)
Figure 1a
Figure 1b
Product Mounting Disclaimer
Gamber-Johnson is not liable under any theory of contract or tort law for any loss, damage, personal injury, special, incidental or consequential damages for personal injury or other damage
of any nature arising directly or indirectly as a result of the improper installation or use of its products in vehicle or any other application. In order to safely install and use Gamber-Johnson
products full consideration of vehicle occupants, vehicle systems (i.e., the location of fuel lines, brakes lines, electrical, drive train or other systems), air-bags and other safety equipment is
required. Gamber-Johnson specifically disclaims any responsibility for the improper use or installation of its products not consistent with the original vehicle manufactures specifications
and recommendations, Gamber-Johnson product instruction sheets, or workmanship standards as endorsed through the Gamber-Johnson Certified Installer Program.
© copyright 2012 Gamber-Johnson, LLC
If y ou need assistance or have questions, call Gambe r-Johnson at 1-800-456-6868
Step 2.Assemble the two extension plates, from the 7110-0161 A dd On Bracket Set, to the inside of the
vertical side legs of the StackMaster, StackAbout, F loorMaster, or FlexMaster products as shown in
Figure 2. Temporarily use one carriage bolt, washer, and nut, that came with the add on bracket set, for
each extension plate. Adjust the extension plates to the needed height before tightening.
Extension plates
1/4-20 x 3/4 carriage bolts, washers, and nuts.
Figure 2
Step 3. Reinstall the equipment brackets as sho wn in Figure 3 using the hardware removed in Step1 from
the Stackmaster, StackAbout, FloorMaster, o r Fle xMaster products and the 7110-0161 Add On Bracket
Set. If the carriage bolts holding the vertical extension plates are in the way, move these bolts up or down
as needed and retighten. (Each e xtension will now be supported by a carriage bolt and at least one other
Use 1/4-20 x .38" long hex head
screws and washers r emoved in
Step 1 to assemble 7110-0161
Figure 3
Reattach brackets removed in
Step 1 with 1/4-20 x .62" long
hex head screws and washers
supplied with 7110- 016 1