Owner’s Manual
To find a dealer near you, please visit our web site at: www.anthonygallo.co.uk
Anthony Gallo Acoustics, The Inox Building, Caldwellside, Lanark, United Kingdom ML11 7SR
Phone 0870 350 1348 • Fax 0870 350 1346
Anthony Gallo Acoustics
The Inox Building, Caldwellside
Lanark, United Kingdom ML11 7SR
Fill Out Warranty Information on back, detach and return
to us for your five year Nucleus A’Diva product warranty.

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Owners Manual
Where did you first hear about the Nucleus A’Diva?
Magazine Web Dealer Other
How influential was your dealer in your decision to purchase the Nucleus A’Diva’?
Very Somewhat Not At All
What type of A’Diva system did you purchase?
Stereo Home Theatre
What other Speakers did you listen to before choosing the Nucleus A’Diva?
From what dealer did you purchase your Nucleus A’Diva?
How would you rank your Nucleus A’Diva in terms of: