Gallagher Group G031504 Users Manual

3E0722 SmartReader R Series 3E0722
Gallagher SmartReader R Series
Instruction Manual
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PUBLISHED BY Gallagher Group Limited Kahikatea Drive, Private Bag 3026 Hamilton, New Zealand
Copyright© Gallagher Group Limited 2006. All rights reserved. Patents Pending.
Gallagher SmartReader R Series Instruction Manual 3E0722 - Ed 2 - January 2007
DISCLAIMER Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, neither Gallagher Group Limited nor any employee of the company, shall be liable on any ground whatsoever to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information.
In accordance with the Gallagher policy of continuing development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Developed and manufactured by Gallagher Group Limited, an ISO 9001:2000 Certified Supplier.
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3E0722 SmartReader R Series 3E0722
Table of Contents
Tag types read....................................................................................................2
Configurator ........................................................................................................2
MyScale Pro........................................................................................................2
Electronic Controller Features.............................................................................3
Audible beep................................................................................................... 3
Mounting the Antenna Panel...............................................................................5
Antenna Panel Kit...........................................................................................5
Notes on locating the Antenna Panel..............................................................5
Procedure .......................................................................................................6
Mounting the Electronic Controller......................................................................8
Electronic Controller Kit ..................................................................................8
Connecting the Electronic Controller to the Antenna Panel............................9
Connect the Electronic Controller to a computer ...............................................11
Testing the SmartReader EID tag read range...................................................12
Testing the read range..................................................................................13
Investigating SmartReader read range issues..............................................14
Advanced Electronic ID tag read range testing.................................................15
Connect the Electronic Controller to a computer ..........................................15
Start the Diagnostics Wizard.........................................................................15
Assessing the background noise ..................................................................18
Test read range.............................................................................................19
Testing with live animals...............................................................................20
Wireless installation ..........................................................................................22
Wired installation...............................................................................................24
Cabling requirements for connecting SmartReaders.........................................26
Installing the Configurator.................................................................................27
Connecting the Electronic Controller to the computer.......................................28
Viewing the current Electronic Controller settings.............................................28
Altering Electronic Controller Settings...............................................................29
Screen descriptions...........................................................................................30
Operational Settings - BR.............................................................................30
ID Code Format ............................................................................................35
Panel Settings...............................................................................................37
Communication Settings...............................................................................38
Diagnostics ...................................................................................................39
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Menu options.....................................................................................................41
Reader menu................................................................................................41
Connection menu..........................................................................................41
Tools menu...................................................................................................41
Advanced menu............................................................................................42
Connection toolbar........................................................................................43
Reader toolbar..............................................................................................44
SmartReader Extension Mounting Kit installation .............................................46
Mount the Antenna Panel .............................................................................46
Mounting the Electronic Controller................................................................46
Small Antenna Panels.......................................................................................49
Large Antenna Panels.......................................................................................50
Electronic Controller..........................................................................................51
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3E0722 SmartReader R Series 3E0722
The Gallagher SmartReader R Series is a panel reader for use in permanent installations where it can be connected to:
an external power supply and
to a permanently connected data collection device.
The captured Electronic ID tag data is transferred to the data collection device (Scale or computer).
The Gallagher SmartReader R Series has two parts:
the Electronic Controller and
the Antenna Panel.
Two Antenna Panel sizes are available to suit the animals being scanned.
There are two models in the Gallagher SmartReader R Series:
Small panel (600 mm x 400 mm)
Electronic Controller with external power.
RS232 port for transferring data to the Scale.
Large panel (1300 mm x 600 mm)
Electronic Controller with external power.
RS232 port for transferring data to the Scale.
If required, multiple SmartReader's can operate in close proximity, so long as they are set up to ensure all Electronic ID tags are read
Tag types read
The Gallagher SmartReader R Series enables you to read both HDX (Half Duplex) and FDX-B (Full Duplex-B) Electronic ID tags.
HDX and FDX-B Electronic ID tags operate differently and therefore have different applications.
The Configurator is a software program provided with the SmartReader HHR. Use it to alter settings and to diagnose performance problems in the installed SmartReader HHR.
The Configurator is for advanced users and should be used with care as altering settings affects the operation of the SmartReader HHR.
The Configurator software is automatically installed with the MyScale Pro software.
MyScale Pro
Note: The MyScale Pro CD is included with this product to so that the
Configurator software (Included on the CD) can be installed as required, see Installing the Configurator - BR R (see "Installing the Configurator" on page 27)
For the SmartReader R Series, MyScale Pro is not used. MyScale Pro does not communicate directly with the R Series Electronic Controller. The Electronic ID tag information is transferred to a Scale or computer etc.
If the R Series Electronic Controller is connected to a Gallagher Scale, the captured Electronic ID tag information is incorporated into Scale sessions and can be transferred to MyScale Pro from the Scale.
For information on the MyScale Pro features see the documentation provided with the Scale.
For an updated version of the MyScale Pro manual go to the following website:
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3E0722 SmartReader R Series 3E0722
User information
Electronic Controller Features
Audible beep
The Electronic Controller beeps whenever one of the following situations occurs:
There are two volume levels on the Electronic Controller:
To change the volume on the Electronic Controller while it is operating, press the
Volume button. Note: Warning beeps (i.e. low battery
warning etc) ignore the Volume setting and beep as required.
An Electronic ID tag has been read, except if the volume is set to
The volume level is set. For more details on setting the volume of
the beep, see Buttons (p 3).
The external power supply level is too low or too high. This
warning sounds regardless of the volume level setting.
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3E0722 SmartReader R Series 3E0722
Mounting the Antenna Panel
Antenna Panel Kit
The Antenna Panel kit contains the following components:
Antenna Panel
Mounting instructions
Antenna Panel mounting kit:
4 x Washers M8 x 21 mm flat Stainless steel
4 x Bolt M8 X 70mm HEX Stainless steel
4 x Nut M8 HEX Stainless steel
Screw Wood TEK 14 X 10 90mm
Screw Wood TEK 14 X 10 65mm
Notes on locating the Antenna Panel
Gallagher recommends the following when installing the SmartReader Antenna Panel:
The Antenna Panel can be mounted onto metal pipe work or wood
of the animal handler but not solid steel handler walls.
The edges of the Antenna Panel contain the antenna windings.
This means that when the Antenna Panel is mounted, vertical bars should be kept away from the vertical edges of the Antenna Panel and horizontal bars should be kept away from the horizontal edges of the Antenna Panel.
The position of the Antenna Panel installation depends on the type
and size of the animals to be scanned and the size of Antenna Panel to be installed.
Gallagher recommends you mount the Antenna Panel temporarily
while you determine the most appropriate position.
Mounting the Antenna Panel on a metal animal handler can alter
the read range of the SmartReader. Gallagher recommends that the SmartReader is mounted on wood or spaced pipework.
Multiple SmartReaders can be installed in close proximity to each
other, so long as they are synchronised to ensure conflict does not occur between SmartReaders. See Installing multiple SmartReader (p 21) for further details.
Use the defined mounting holes, because drilling through the
Antenna Panel will damage the antenna.
1. Measure the vertical range of the Electronic ID tags on the
animals to be scanned.
2. Determine the average height of the Electronic ID and mark this
on the outside of the animal handler.
3. Determine what the Antenna Panel is to be mounted on, wood or
pipe work, and prepare the appropriate mounting hardware from the supplied kit.
Wood - washers and tek screws
Pipe work - washers, bolts and nuts
4. Using the defined mounting holes, mount the Antenna Panel on
the outside of the animal handler so that the middle of the Antenna Panel matches the average height.
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Note: DO NOT drill through the Antenna Panel as it will damage the antenna.
3E0722 SmartReader R Series 3E0722
Note: You may want to temporarily attach the Antenna Panel and test the
read range prior to permanently attaching the Antenna Panel.
Mounting the Electronic Controller
Ensure the mounting location of the Electronic Controller
Electronic Controller Kit
provides protection from being knocked or damaged by animals.
The Electronic Controller kit contains the following components:
R Series Electronic Controller.
MyScale Pro CD
Instruction Manual (this manual)
Short serial cable (DB9 to DB9)
Long serial cable (DB9 to DB9)
DB9 to USB adapter
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3E0722 SmartReader R Series 3E0722
Connecting the Electronic Controller to the Antenna Panel
For information on using the Extension Mounting Kit see SmartReader Extension Mounting Kit installation (p 46).
1. Ensure the Electronic Controller is turned off.
2. On the Antenna Panel, unscrew the Amphenol connector locking
nut from the Amphenol socket and pull it down to unplug from the Antenna Panel.
3. Mount the Electronic Controller on the mounting bracket by
grasping the Electronic Controller on both sides and slide the back handle onto the mounting bracket.
4. Connect the antenna cable to the Electronic Controller and tighten
the locking nut.
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3E0722 SmartReader R Series 3E0722
Connect the Electronic Controller to a computer
1. Using one of the supplied cables, connect one end into the RS232
port on the Electronic Controller.
2. Connect the other end into appropriate port on the Scale or
computer, etc:
Scale - RS232 (COM Port 2)
Computer - RS232 or USB
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Testing the SmartReader EID tag read range
The SmartReader EID tag read range should be tested to ensure the animals passing through the animal handler are accurately and reliably identified.
The SmartReader generates a balloon shaped read range (see diagram next page), within which EID tags are read reliably. The size of the read range for individual installations should be the width of the animal handler.
The SmartReader EID tag read range for a particular installation is tested using the built in set up mode in the SmartReader. This set up mode changes how often the SmartReader beeps to confirm a tag read from “only on first read” to ”every read”. This enables you to easily test the SmartReader EID tag read range using the same tag.
The following section describes how to complete an initial test on the SmartReader EID tag read range for your SmartReader installation. For more advanced testing see Advanced EID tag read range testing (p 15).
Note: The SmartReader R Series is shipped in Operational mode. See Using
the Configurator (p 27) for details on how to set the SmartReader R
Series into Setup mode.
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3E0722 SmartReader R Series 3E0722
Testing the read range
For your SmartReader installation you need to determine the size of the EID tag read range. If the read range is too small you need to take steps to improve it.
You need to test the appropriate type of EID tag you will be using, either HDX (Half duplex) and/or FDX (Full duplex).
To determine the size of your installation’s SmartReader EID tag read range, complete the following steps:
1. Turn on the SmartReader.
2. Ensure the SmartReader is in set up mode by holding an EID tag
in front of the SmartReader.
If the SmartReader beeps continuously it is in set up mode.
If the SmartReader beeps once it is in operational mode.
3. Hold the EID tag in the best orientation in the animal handler near
the SmartReader Antenna Panel. The SmartReader should beep indicating it is reading the EID tag.
4. Move the EID tag around to determine the size of the read range.
5. Is the read range indicated by the EID tag reads close to the ideal?
If yes, then test with live animals by passing a small group of
animals through the animal handler and reading their Electronic ID tags.
If no, see Investigating SmartReader read range issues (p 14).
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Investigating SmartReader read range issues
If the EID tag read range on your SmartReader installation is not adequate, check the following:
The SmartReader is turned on and connected to the Antenna
The EID tag is functional and is in the correct orientation for
Re-test the read range by passing a small group of animals through the animal handler and reading their Electronic ID tags. If the SmartReader read range is still not adequate, complete the advanced testing and contact your Gallagher representative, see Advanced EID tag read range tes (p 15)ting.
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