Galileo International
Technical Support Documentation
TCP/IP Print Server
Changing TCP/IP or Host Access Configuration

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TCP/IP Print Servers, not to be confused with Network Print Servers such as HP JetDirect, are
used to receive and distribute messages to the various Apollo® printing devices. This includes
Ticket Printer, Itinerary/Invoice Printers, OSDP Manager and back office Accounting Interface
Galileo also provides Focalpoint Print Manager™, a Windows™ based print distribution
application. If you use this solution for Galileo® or Apollo® host printing, please refer to the
instruction guide for that application to make appropriate changes.
This document will provide the steps required in changing configuration settings. These include:
IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway: Used to communicate with the Host
Reservation System
Configuration Servers: The servers used to authenticate users into the Galileo® or Apollo®
Client Identifier: Alphanumeric code used to authenticate users into the Galileo® or Apollo®
reservation system.
GTID (Global Terminal Identifier): A six digit alphanumeric code used by Apollo® or
Galileo® to identify a print device.
Before you begin
Gather the information indicated above from your Travel Management Company or Apollo
Account Representative:
IP ADDRESS: ____.____.____.____
SUBNET MASK: ____.____.____.____
DEFAULT GATEWAY: ____.____.____.____
CONFIG SERVER ADDRESS: ____.____.____.____ (Primary)
____.____.____.____ (Secondary)
Note: Config Servers for Apollo® System: (Primary) (Secondary)
Note: Config Servers for Galileo® System: (Primary) (Secondary)
GTIDS: #1: __________ #2: __________
#3: __________ #4: __________
#5: __________ #6: __________
#7: __________
Note: Print Servers may be configured with less then 7 GTIDS.
TCP/IP Print Server – Changing TCP/IP or Host Access Configuration (10/29/01 mlr) 3