Galil DMC-2143, DMC-2183, DMC-2133, DMC-2123, DMC-2113 User Manual

& Accessories
Manual Rev. 1.0m
Galil Motion Control, Inc.
270 Technology Way
Rocklin, California 95765
Fax: (916) 626-0102
E-mail Address:
Rev 12/08
Using This Manual
This user manual provides information for proper operation of the daughter boards that connect to the DMC-21x3 controllers. It also includes a small listing of commands that pertain to the daughter boards. This is a subset of the commands listed in the command reference you received with your motion controller.
Please note that many examples are written for the DMC-2143 four-axes controller or the DMC-2183 eight axes controller. Users of the DMC-2133 3-axis controller, DMC-2123 2-axes controller or DMC-2113 1-axis controller should note that the DMC-2133 uses the axes denoted as XYZ, the DMC­2123 uses the axes denoted as XY, and the DMC-2113 uses the X-axis only.
Examples for the DMC-2183 denote the axes as A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H. Users of the DMC-2153 5-axes controller denotes the axes as A,B,C,D,E. DMC-2163 6-axes controller denotes the axes as A,B,C,D,E,F. DMC-2173, 7-axes controller denotes the axes as A,B,C,D,E,F,G. In other words, the axes names A,B,C,D may be used interchangeably with X, Y, Z, W.
WARNING: Machinery in motion can be dangerous! It is the responsibility of the user to design effective error handling and safety protection as part of the machine. Galil shall not be liable or responsible for any incidental or consequential damages.
CONTENTS................................................................................................................................................................ 1
CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW........................................................................................................................................ 5
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
DC TO DC OPTION ................................................................................................................................................... 5
PINOUT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
DC TO DC PASS THROUGH....................................................................................................................................... 6
MODULE TYPES ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Servo Drives........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Stepper Drives..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Non Amplifier Modules....................................................................................................................................... 6
Cables ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
CHAPTER 2 SR-19900............................................................................................................................................ 9
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
LAYOUT.................................................................................................................................................................. 11
PINOUT ................................................................................................................................................................... 11
CONFIGURATION..................................................................................................................................................... 11
CHAPTER 3 ICM-20100....................................................................................................................................... 13
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
LAYOUT.................................................................................................................................................................. 14
PINOUT ................................................................................................................................................................... 15
AMPLIFIER ENABLE ................................................................................................................................................ 17
CHAPTER 4 ICM-20105....................................................................................................................................... 19
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 20
LAYOUT.................................................................................................................................................................. 20
PINOUT ................................................................................................................................................................... 21
CONFIGURATIONS FOR ICM-20105 ........................................................................................................................ 23
Amplifier Enable Circuit................................................................................................................................... 23
Opto Isolation Settings...................................................................................................................................... 25
CHAPTER 5 SDM-20240/20242............................................................................................................................ 27
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 28
LAYOUT.................................................................................................................................................................. 28
PINOUT ................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Mating Connectors............................................................................................................................................ 31
DMC-21x3 Accessories Contents• 1
CONFIGURATIONS FOR SDM-20240 & SDM-20242............................................................................................... 31
Motor Current Setting....................................................................................................................................... 31
Low Current Setting (JP1)................................................................................................................................ 32
ADDITIONAL SETTINGS FOR SDM-20242 ............................................................................................................... 33
Protection Circuitry and Error LED................................................................................................................. 33
ELO (Emergency Lock Out).............................................................................................................................. 33
Fault Output from SDM-20242......................................................................................................................... 33
CHAPTER 6 AMP-20341...................................................................................................................................... 35
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 35
ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 36
LAYOUT.................................................................................................................................................................. 36
PINOUT ................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Mating Connectors............................................................................................................................................ 38
CHAPTER 7 AMP-20440/20420........................................................................................................................... 39
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 39
ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 40
LAYOUT.................................................................................................................................................................. 40
PINOUT ................................................................................................................................................................... 41
OVER-VOLTAGE PROTECTION ................................................................................................................................ 43
OVER-CURRENT PROTECTION ................................................................................................................................ 43
ABORT INPUT OPTIONS........................................................................................................................................... 44
CHAPTER 8 ICM-20500....................................................................................................................................... 45
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 45
ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 46
LAYOUT.................................................................................................................................................................. 46
PINOUT ................................................................................................................................................................... 47
CONFIGURATION..................................................................................................................................................... 48
CHAPTER 9 AMP-20540/20520............................................................................................................................. 49
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 49
ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 50
LAYOUT.................................................................................................................................................................. 50
PINOUT ................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Mating Connectors............................................................................................................................................ 53
OPERATION............................................................................................................................................................. 54
Brushless Motor Setup...................................................................................................................................... 54
Brushless Amplifier Software Setup.................................................................................................................. 54
Brush Amplifier Operation................................................................................................................................ 55
Using External Amplifiers................................................................................................................................. 55
Error Monitoring and Protection...................................................................................................................... 56
Hall Error Protection........................................................................................................................................ 56
Under-Voltage Protection................................................................................................................................. 57
Over-Voltage Protection................................................................................................................................... 57
Over-Current Protection................................................................................................................................... 57
Over-Temperature Protection........................................................................................................................... 57
ABORT INPUT OPTIONS........................................................................................................................................... 58
CHAPTER 10 AMP-20542 ...................................................................................................................................... 59
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 59
ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 60
LAYOUT.................................................................................................................................................................. 60
PINOUT ................................................................................................................................................................... 61
Mating Connectors............................................................................................................................................ 63
2 • Contents DMC-21x3 Accessories
OPERATION............................................................................................................................................................. 64
Brushless Motor Setup...................................................................................................................................... 64
Brushless Amplifier Software Setup.................................................................................................................. 64
Brush Amplifier Operation................................................................................................................................ 65
Using External Amplifiers................................................................................................................................. 65
Error Monitoring and Protection...................................................................................................................... 65
Hall Error Protection........................................................................................................................................ 66
Under-Voltage Protection................................................................................................................................. 66
Over-Voltage Protection................................................................................................................................... 66
Over-Current Protection................................................................................................................................... 66
ABORT INPUT OPTIONS........................................................................................................................................... 66
CHAPTER 11 SDM-20640/20620............................................................................................................................ 67
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 67
ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 68
LAYOUT.................................................................................................................................................................. 68
PINOUT ................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Mating Connectors............................................................................................................................................ 70
CONFIGURATIONS FOR SDM-206X0....................................................................................................................... 71
Current Level Setup (AG Command)................................................................................................................ 71
Low Current Setting (LC Command)................................................................................................................ 71
ABORT INPUT OPTIONS........................................................................................................................................... 71
CHAPTER 12 PCM-20900.................................................................................................................................... 73
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 73
CHAPTER 13 DB-28040........................................................................................................................................ 75
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 75
LAYOUT.................................................................................................................................................................. 76
PINOUT ................................................................................................................................................................... 77
ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 78
3.3V I/O (Standard)........................................................................................................................................... 78
5V I/O (-5V Option).......................................................................................................................................... 78
Analog Inputs.................................................................................................................................................... 78
INTERFACING TO THE DIGITAL I/O ......................................................................................................................... 78
SSI ......................................................................................................................................................................... 79
DB-28040 AND AMP-205X0.................................................................................................................................. 79
DB-28040 AND AMP-205X2 OR SDM-20640 ........................................................................................................ 79
CHAPTER 14 DB-28104.......................................................................................................................................... 81
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 81
LAYOUT.................................................................................................................................................................. 83
THEORY OF OPERATION.......................................................................................................................................... 83
SETTING UP THE ENCODER ..................................................................................................................................... 85
TUNING THE SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................................. 87
EXAMPLE SIN/COS ENCODERS ................................................................................................................................ 89
CHAPTER 15 CABLES FOR AMP-20XXX ....................................................................................................... 91
APPENDIX A ABORT INPUT OPTIONS........................................................................................................... 97
ELO SCENARIOS..................................................................................................................................................... 97
DMC-2143 with AMP-20540............................................................................................................................ 97
DMC-2143 with SDM-20640............................................................................................................................ 98
DMC-2183 with two AMP-20440s.................................................................................................................... 98
APPENDIX B MATING D-SHELLS .................................................................................................................. 101
DMC-21x3 Accessories Contents• 3
APPENDIX C COMMAND REFERENCE........................................................................................................ 103
AE.................................................................................................................................................................... 104
AG................................................................................................................................................................... 105
AU................................................................................................................................................................... 106
AW................................................................................................................................................................... 107
BR.................................................................................................................................................................... 108
BS.................................................................................................................................................................... 109
CN................................................................................................................................................................... 110
CO................................................................................................................................................................... 111
LC.................................................................................................................................................................... 112
QH................................................................................................................................................................... 113
TA.................................................................................................................................................................... 114
TK.................................................................................................................................................................... 115
TL (Binary 8a)................................................................................................................................................ 116
4 • Contents DMC-21x3 Accessories
Chapter 1 Overview
Galil’s DMC-21x3 series motion controllers connect with daughterboard modules that mount directly on the motion controller. This eliminates the need for a separate cable between the motion controller and the amplifier or breakout module. This approach saves the cost of the cable and significantly reduces the real estate required for the controls within a system.
The DMC-21x3 uses a rugged 96 pin DIN board-to-board connector to interface the daughter boards with the motion controller. The same controller can be ordered with different modules for different system requirements. This controller series supports modules ranging from passive breakout modules to 500W-per-channel brush and brushless servo drives to stepper and microstepper drives. Each module breaks out the I/O provided by the controller and some of the boards also provide additional I/O functions such as analog inputs or optoisolation. If you do not find the exact module you are looking for, please contact Galil at 800-377-6329. We will work closely with you to create a module that will fit your needs.
DC to DC Option
The DMC-21x3 series controllers can be ordered with an optional DC-to-DC converter so that a single DC power supply can be used to power the controller (as opposed to the standard 5 V and +/-12 V input). This can be ordered as either the –DC24 (18-36 VDC range) or –DC48 (36-72 VDC range). With the DC option, a 4-pin molex power connector is provided for DC supply to controller at J99.
J99 4-Pin Molex
1 Earth (optional)
2 No connection
Mating connector = AMP #770 849-4 Pins = AMP #770 476-1
(18-36 or 36-72 VDC)
DMC-21x3 Accessories Chapter 1 Overview• 5
DC to DC Pass Through
When using the DC-to-DC converter in conjunction with the Galil amplifier daughter boards described in this manual, there is an option to have the DC power supply input shared among both boards, which alleviates the need to supply power to two connectors. Power is passed through from the amp to the controller via the “Pass Through” header located at J98 (1-4 axes) or JP14 (5-8 axes) on the controller.
When using the pass through on a 1-4 axis DMC-21x3 controller, DC power must be applied only to the amplifier’s power connector.
When using the pass through on a 5-8 axis DMC-21x3 controller, DC power must be applied to both amplifier’s power connectors. Power is passed through to the controller only from the second (axes E-H) amplifier
The proper DC-to-DC converter must be chosen so that the DC voltage range is compatible with the amplifier and motor voltage requirements. The J98/JP14 header comes standard, hence the purchaser must specify if they would not like this header present with –NOJ98.
Module Types
Servo Drives
Part Number Description
AMP-20340 4 Axis Brush Type 20 Watt Linear Servo Drives. OBSELETE
AMP-20341 4 Axis Brush Type 20 Watt Linear Servo Drives (bipolar supply)
AMP-20420 2 Axis Brush Type 200 Watt/Axis PWM Servo Drives
AMP-20440 4 Axis Brush Type 200 Watt/Axis PWM Servo Drives
AMP-20520 2 Axis Brushless/Brush 500 Watt/Axis PWM Servo Drives
AMP-20540 4 Axis Brushless/Brush 500 Watt/Axis PWM Servo Drives
Stepper Drives
Part Number Description
SDM-20240 4 Axis 2 Phase Full/Half Step Stepper Motor Drive
SDM-20620 2 Axis 2 Phase Micro Stepper Motor Drive
SDM-20640 4 Axis 2 Phase Micro Stepper Motor Drive
Non Amplifier Modules
Part Number Description
ICM-20100 4 Axis Breakout to D Shell Connectors
ICM-20105 4 Axis Breakout to D Shell Connectors with opto-isolated I/O
DB-28040 Additional Configurable I/O and 8 Dedicated Analog Inputs
DB-28104 Accepts Sin/Cos Encoder Feedback
PCM-20900 Breadboard Module to Aid Design of Customer Daughter Boards
SR-19900 Shunt Regulator
6 • Chapter 1 Overview DMC-21x3 Accessories
Part Number Description
15-pin high density D-sub cable with 1 m flying leads (AMP-204x0 and
44-pin high density D-sub cable with 1 m flying leads (AMP-204x0 and AMP-205x0)
DMC-21x3 Accessories Chapter 1 Overview• 7
8 • Chapter 1 Overview DMC-21x3 Accessories
Chapter 2 SR-19900
For applications requiring a shunt regulator, Galil offers a small mountable model that can be configured for varying voltage levels. Two fixed voltage threshold settings are available with jumpers, which can be set at either 33 or 66 volts. Additionally, a user defined voltage threshold can be set by changing a simple resistor. This shunt regulator operates with hysteresis, where the regulator switches on at the set voltage threshold and switches off at 2 volts below.
The shunt regulator should be placed in parallel with the power supply as in the figure below, and it should be mounted to a metal surface using thermal grease to aid in heat transfer. Connections are made to the unit at VS (voltage supply) and PG (power ground) using either the 4-pin Molex connector or the 8-pin Mate ‘N Lock connector (AMP# 770579-1).
For a summary of shunt regulator operation, as well as details to help determine if one is required in your system, please refer to application note #5448 at: (
DMC-21x3 Accessories Chapter 2 SR-19900• 9
+ -
+ -
System Load
Figure 1 Shunt Regulator Placement in a Typical Servo System
10 • Chapter 2 SR-19900 DMC-21x3 Accessories
Figure 2 SR-19900 Layout
J2 4-pin Molex J1 8-pin Mate ‘N Lock
Power Ground 1 PG Voltage Supply 2 VS Power Ground 3 PG Voltage Supply 4 VS
1 Earth 5 PG 2 VS 6 PG 3 VS 7 PG 4 VS 8 PG
USR - User Settable Voltage
SR-19900 Configuration Voltage Threshold
Setting (Vs) JP1
33 volts 33V
66 volts 66V
User selectable USR
DMC-21x3 Accessories Chapter 2 SR-19900• 11
R8 = 1930 * Vs -42.2K Voltage
(Vs) R8 value (ohms)
24 4.12 k
48 50.44 k
72 96.76 k
12 • Chapter 2 SR-19900 DMC-21x3 Accessories
Chapter 3 ICM-20100
The ICM-20100 interconnect module provides D-Sub connections between the DMC-21x3 series controllers and other system elements, such as amplifiers, encoders, and external switches. The ICM-20100 provides access to the signals for up to 4 axes (two required for 5 or more axes).
DMC-21x3 Accessories Chapter 3 ICM-20100• 13
Figure 3 ICM-20100
Drawing Not to Scale. For Reference Only. Dimensions are inches
Figure 4 ICM-20100 Layout
Board Dimensions are 3.7” x 4.25”. See Application Note #1231 for Hole Locations.
14 • Chapter 3 ICM-20100 DMC-21x3 Accessories
J6 X-Axis 15-pin Male D-sub J5 J5 Y-Axis 15-pin Male D-sub
1 Forward limit X 1 Forward limit Y
2 Home X 2 Home Y
3 5V 3 5V
4 A- X 4 A- Y
5 B- X 5 B- Y
6 I- X 6 I- Y
7 Amp enable X 7 Amp enable Y
8 Sign/dir X 8 Sign/dir Y
9 Reverse limit X 9 Reverse limit Y
10 Ground 10 Ground
11 A+ X 11 A+ Y
12 B+ X 12 B+ Y
13 I+ X 13 I+ Y
14 Motor command X 14 Motor command Y
15 PWM/step X 15 PWM/step Y
J4 J4 Z-Axis 15-pin Male D-sub J3 W-Axis 15-pin Male D-sub
1 Forward Limit Z 1 Forward Limit W
2 Home Z 2 Home W
3 5V 3 5V
4 A- Z 4 A- W
5 B- Z 5 B- W
6 I- Z 6 I- W
7 Amp enable Z 7 Amp enable W
8 Sign/dir Z 8 Sign/dir W
9 Reverse limit Z 9 Reverse limit W
10 Ground 10 Ground
11 A+ Z 11 A+ W
12 B+ Z 12 B+ W
13 I+ Z 13 I+ W
14 Motor command Z 14 Motor command W
15 PWM/step Z 15 PWM/step W
DMC-21x3 Accessories Chapter 3 ICM-20100• 15
J10 Aux Encoders 25-pin Female D-Sub J11 I/O 25-pin Male D-Sub
1 Reset * 1 Ground
2 AB- W 2 Latch X/Input 1
3 AA- W 3 Latch Z/Input 3
4 AB- Z 4 Input 5
5 AA- Z 5 Input 7
6 AB- Y 6 Abort *
7 AA- Y 7 Output 1
8 AB- X 8 Output 3
9 AA- X 9 Output 5
10 5V 10 Output 7
11 5V 11 Ground
12 +12V 12 NC
13 NC 13 NC
14 Error Output * 14 5V
15 AB+ W 15 Latch Y/Input 2
16 AA+ W 16 Latch W/Input 4
17 AB+ Z 17 Input 6
18 AA+ Z 18 Input 8
19 AB+ Y 19 Encoder-compare output
20 AA+ Y 20 Output 2
21 AB+ X 21 Output 4
22 AA+ X 22 Output 6
23 Ground 23 Output 8
24 Ground 24 5V
25 -12V 25 NC
* Active Low Signal
16 • Chapter 3 ICM-20100 DMC-21x3 Accessories
Amplifier Enable
The standard configuration of the AMPEN signal is TTL active high. In other words, the AMPEN signal will be high when the controller expects the amplifier to be enabled. The polarity and the amplitude can be changed. To change the polarity from active high (5 volts= enable, zero volts = disable) to active low (zero volts = enable, 5 volts= disable), replace the 7407 IC with a 7406 (U2). Note that many amplifiers designate the enable input as ‘inhibit’.
To change the voltage level of the AMPEN signal, note the state of the resistor pack on the ICM-
20100. When pin 1 of the resistor matches pin 1 of the RP1, the output voltage is 0-5 V. To change to 12 volts, pull the resistor pack and rotate it so that pin 1 is on the 12 volt side. Pin 1 of the resistor will be marked with a designator, pin 1 of location RP1 can be determined by the square through hole on the circuit board denoting pin 1. If you remove the resistor pack, the output signal is open collector, allowing the user to connect an external supply with voltages up to 24V. Note that any external pull-up resistor should limit the current draw to 10 mA
Figure 5 ICM-20100 Amplifier Enable Circuit
DMC-21x3 Accessories Chapter 3 ICM-20100• 17
18 • Chapter 3 ICM-20100 DMC-21x3 Accessories
Chapter 4 ICM-20105
The ICM-20105 opto-isolated I/O module are used with DMC-21x3 controllers. It has four 15-pin Male D-Sub connectors for individual axis signals. There is one 37-pin D-Sub for the 8 digital inputs, 8 high side drive 500 mA digital outputs, home switches, limit switches, and one 25-pin D­Sub for 4 axes of auxiliary encoders.
Figure 6 ICM-20105 shown mounted to a DMC-2143
DMC-21x3 Accessories Chapter 4 ICM-20105• 19
Electrical Specifications
Input Common Max Voltage 28 VDC Output Common Max Voltage 30 VDC Max Drive Current per Output 0.5 A (not to exceed 3A for all 8 outputs) Minimum Current to turn on Inputs 1 mA Max Enable Current @24V source 25 mA
Drawing Not to Scale. For Reference Only. Dimensions are inches.
Figure 7 ICM-20105 Dimensions and Jumper Locations
Overall Dimensions: 4.25” x 3.70”
20 • Chapter 4 ICM-20105 DMC-21x3 Accessories
JX X-axis 15-Pin Male D-sub JY Y-axis 15-Pin Male D-sub
1 Amp enable common-1 (AECOM1) 1 Amp enable common-1 (AECOM1)
2 Amp enable X 2 Amp enable Y
3 5V 3 5V
4 A- X 4 A- Y
5 B- X 5 B- Y
6 I- X 6 I- Y
7 NC 7 NC
8 Sign/dir X 8 Sign/dir Y
9 Amp enable common-2 (AECOM2) 9 Amp enable common-2 (AECOM2)
10 Ground 10 Ground
11 A+ X 11 A+ Y
12 B+ X 12 B+ Y
13 I+ X 13 I+ Y
14 Motor command X 14 Motor Command Y
15 PWM/step X 15 PWM/step Y
JZ Z-axis 15-Pin Male D-sub JW W-axis 15-Pin Male D-sub
1 Amp enable common-1 (AECOM1) 1 Amp enable common-1 (AECOM1)
2 Amp enable Z 2 Amp enable W
3 5V 3 5V
4 A- Z 4 A- W
5 B- Z 5 B- W
6 I- Z 6 I- W
7 NC 7 NC
8 Sign/dir Z 8 Sign/dir W
9 Amp enable common-2 (AECOM2) 9 Amp enable common-2 (AECOM2)
10 Ground 10 Ground
11 A+ Z 11 A+ W
12 B+ Z 12 B+ W
13 I+ Z 13 I+ W
14 Motor Command Z 14 Motor Command W
15 PWM/step Z 15 PWM/step W
DMC-21x3 Accessories Chapter 4 ICM-20105• 21
JAUX Aux. Encoder 25-pin Female D JIO I/O 37-Pin Female D-sub
1 NC 1 Input Common Voltage
2 AB- W 2 Input 2
3 AA- W 3 Input 4
4 AB- Z 4 Input 6
5 AA- Z 5 Input 8
6 AB- Y 6 Output Supply Voltage
7 AA- Y 7 Output 2
8 AB- X 8 Output 4
9 AA- X 9 Output 6
10 5V 10 Output 8
11 5V 11 Limit Switch Common
12 +12V 12 Reverse Limit X
13 NC 13 Forward Limit Y
14 NC 14 Home Y
15 AB+ W 15 Reverse Limit Z
16 AA+ W 16 Forward Limit W
17 AB+ Z 17 Home W
18 AA+ Z 18 5V
19 AB+ Y 19 Ground
20 AA+ Y 20 Input 1
21 AB+ X 21 Input 3
22 AA+ X 22 Input 5
23 Ground 23 Input 7
24 Ground 24 Abort
25 -12V 25 Output 1
26 Output 3
27 Output 5
28 Output 7
29 Output Return
30 Forward Limit X
31 Home X
32 Reverse Limit Y
33 Forward Limit Z
34 Home Z
35 Reverse Limit W
36 5V
37 Ground
22 • Chapter 4 ICM-20105 DMC-21x3 Accessories
Configurations for ICM-20105
Amplifier Enable Circuit
The ICM-20105 gives the user a broad range of options with regards to the voltage levels present on the enable signal. The user can choose between High-Amp-Enable (HAEN), Low-Amp-Enable (LAEN), 5V logic, 12V logic, external voltage supplies up to 24V, sinking, or sourcing. The tables below illustrate the settings for jumpers, RPacks, and the socketed optocoupler IC. Refer to Figure 7 for precise physical locations of all components. Note that the resistor pack located at RPAE1 may be reversed to change the active state of the amplifier enable output. The polarity of RPAE2 must not be changed; however, a different resistor value may be needed to limit the current to 6 mA . The default value for RPAE2 is 820 ohms, which works at 5V. When using 24 V, RPAE2 should be replaced with a 4.7 kΩ resistor pack.
Amplifier Enable Circuit
Sinking Output Configuration
1 N
5V or GND
TTL level Amp
Enable signal
from controller
(SH = 5V, MO = 0V)
RPAE1 (470 Ohm)
TTL level Amp
Enable signal
from controller
(SH = 5V, MO = 0V)
(Pin 1 of PS2505 in Pin 2 of Socket U1)
Socket U1
Pin 1
of socket
Pin 1
RPAE2 (820 Ohm)
2 M O
Amp Enable Output to Drive
1 M O
2 M O
Figure 8 Amplifier Enable Circuit Output Configuration
Sinking Configuration (pin1 of opto chip in pin2 of socket U1)
Logic State JP1 JP2
5V, HAEN (Default Configuration) 5V - AEC1 GND - AEC2 Dot on R-pack next to RPAE1 label
5V, LAEN 5V - AEC1 GND - AEC2 Dot on R-pack opposite RPAE1 label
12V, HAEN +12V - AEC1 GND - AEC2 Dot on R-pack next to RPAE1 label
12V, LAEN +12V - AEC1 GND - AEC2 Dot on R-pack opposite RPAE1 label
Isolated 24V, HAEN AECOM1 - AEC1 AECOM2 - AEC2 Dot on R-pack next to RPAE1 label
Isolated 24V, LAEN AECOM1 - AEC1 AECOM2 - AEC2 Dot on R-pack opposite RPAE1 label
DMC-21x3 Accessories Chapter 4 ICM-20105• 23
(square pin next to RPAE1 label is 5V)
For 24V isolated enable, tie +24V of external power supply to AECOM1 at any axis D-sub, tie common return to
AECOM2. Replace RPAE2 with a 4.7 k resistor pack. AECOM1 and AECOM2 are located on any 15-pin axis D-subs (JX, JY, JZ, or JW). All pins labeled AECOM1 are connected. All pins Labeled AECOM2 are connected.
Amplifier Enable Circuit
Sourcing Output Configuration
RPAE1 (470 Ohm)
1 N
5V or GND
TTL level Amp
Enable signal
from controller
(SH = 5V, MO = 0V)
TTL level Amp
Enable signal
from controller
(SH = 5V, MO = 0V)
(Pin 1 of PS2505 in Pin 1 of Socket U1)
Socket U1
Pin 1
Pin 1
of socket
RPAE2 (820 Ohm)
2 M O
Amp Enable Output to Drive
1 M O
2 M O
Sourcing Configuration (pin1 of opto chip in pin1 of socket U1)
Figure 9 Amplifier Enable Circuit Sourcing Output Configuration
Logic State JP1 JP2
5V, HAEN GND - AEC1 5V - AEC2 Dot on R-pack opposite RPAE1 label
5V, LAEN GND - AEC1 5V - AEC2 Dot on R-pack next to RPAE1 label
12V, HAEN GND - AEC1 +12V - AEC2 Dot on R-pack opposite RPAE1 label
12V, LAEN GND - AEC1 +12V - AEC2 Dot on R-pack next to RPAE1 label
Isolated 24V, HAEN AECOM1 - AEC1 AECOM2 - AEC2 Dot on R-pack opposite RPAE1 label
Isolated 24V, LAEN AECOM1 - AEC1 AECOM2 - AEC2 Dot on R-pack next to RPAE1 label
For 24V isolated enable, tie +24V of external power supply to AECOM2 at any axis D-sub, tie common return to AECOM1. Replace RPAE2 with a 4.7 k resistor pack. AECOM1 and AECOM2 are located on any 15-pin axis D-subs (JX, JY, JZ, or JW). All pins labeled AECOM1 are connected. All pins Labeled AECOM2 are connected.
(square pin next to RPAE1 label is 5V)
24 • Chapter 4 ICM-20105 DMC-21x3 Accessories
Opto Isolation Settings
The ICM-20105 module allows for opto-isolation on all of the digital inputs and outputs. This includes the dedicated I/O including limits, homes, and abort. The limits and home are powered by Limit Switch Common. The digital inputs and the Abort Input are powered by Input Common. The digital outputs are also optically isolated and are capable of sourcing up to 0.5 A per pin with a 3 A limit for the group of 8 outputs. The outputs are configured for hi-side drive only. The
supply voltage must be connected to output supply voltage, and the supply return must be connected to output return.
Input Isolation
Opto isolation of the general purpose inputs and the abort input is used by powering the Input Common line. The limit switch and home inputs are powered by Limit Switch Common. Shown below is the circuit diagram for the isolated inputs.
Additional Limit
2.2 kΩ
Switches(Dependent on
Number of Axes)
Z and W switches
use RP1 2.2 kΩ
2.2 kΩ
Figure 10 ICM-20105 Digital Inp ut Isolation
DMC-21x3 Accessories Chapter 4 ICM-20105• 25
Output Isolation
The high current isolated outputs available through the ICM-20105 are configured for High Side operation. The outputs are capable of 500 mA per output with a total of 3 A from the group of 8 outputs. The figure below shows the manner in which the load should be connected. The output will be at the voltage that is supplied to the OUTSUP pin. Up to 30 VDC may be supplied to OUTSUP.
The RPOUT resistor pack allows configuration of the active state of the outputs. For example when you issue the SB1 command, the polarity of the resistor will determine whether the output is turned on or off.
5V or GND
5V or GND
SB n = 5V
SB n = 5V
RP Out
RP Out
Figure 11 ICM-20105 General-Purpose Digital Output Opto-Isolation
26 • Chapter 4 ICM-20105 DMC-21x3 Accessories
Chapter 5 SDM-20240/20242
The SDM-20240 and SDM-20242 are stepper driver modules capable of driving up to four bipolar two-phase stepper motors. The current is selectable with options of 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, and 1.4
Amps/Phase. The SDM-20242 is the replacement for the SDM-20240 as of December 2006.
Figure 12 SDM-20240 shown mounted to a DMC-2143-DIN-DC24
DMC-21x3 Accessories Chapter 5 SDM-20240/20242• 27
Electrical Specifications
DC Supply Voltage: 12-30 VDC Max Drive Current (per axis) 1.4 Amps (jumper-settable) Max Step Frequency 3 MHz Motor Type Bipolar 2 phase
Drawing Not to Scale. For Reference Only. Dimensions are in inches
Figure 13 SDM-20240 Dimensions
Overall Dimensions: 4.25” x 3.70”
28 • Chapter 5 SDM-20240/20242 DMC-21x3 Accessories
+ 88 hidden pages