
System Components.........................................1
DHT Receiver Features.....................................2
HH76 Handheld Transmitter...............................3
MBP76 Body Pack Transmitter...........................4
System Setup.....................................................5
Setting Up Multiple Receivers.............................6
Rack-Mounting the Receivers............................7
Troubleshooting .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........................8
Thank you for choosing the Galaxy Audio DHT Wireless
Microphone System. You have joined hundreds of thousands of
other satisfied Galaxy customers. Since 1977 Galaxy Audio’s
professional experience in design and manufacturing ensure
our products quality, performance and reliability.
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visit www.galaxyaudio.com.
Frequency Band
Most countri es closely regulat e the rad io f requenc ie s used in the tr ansmiss io n of
wire le ss inf or mation. Th es e regu la tions st ate wh ic h devise s can u se which frequen ci es,
and help to li mi t th e am ount of RF (radio fre qu ency) inter fe rence in all wire le ss
comm un ication s. The DH TR QUAD o ff er s 12 0 select ab le c ha nnels wi thin e ither the 58 4607M Hz ( Code D) or 65 5- 679MHz (C od e L) freque nc y ranges.
To fa cilitat e syst em setup and protect again st RF interf er ence, ea ch s ys tem co mes wi th
m u l t i p l e p r e d e f i n e d f r e q u e n c y g r o u p s a n d c h a nn e l s . W h e n u s i n g a s i n g l e
rece iv er/tran sm itter, t he oper at ing fre qu ency wi ll gene ra lly n ot have t o be ch an ged. In
an in st allatio n w ith mu lt iple rec ei vers/tr an smitters, each set mu st opera te on a se pa rate
chan ne l from th e o thers. The gr ou p and chann el system p ro vides an op timum fr eq uency
spre ad w hen using m ul tiple rec ei ver/tra ns mitter sy st ems.

Functions of the DHTR Receiver
Functions of the DHTR Receiver
DHTR Recei ver Features
Fron t Panel
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 10
Infrared ( IR ) Wi nd ow.
Antenna A in di ca to r li gh t.
Indicate s wh en An te nn a A is act iv e .
Antenna A RF s tr en gt h in di ca tor.
Antenna B RF st re ng th i nd ic at or.
Antenna B indicato r li gh t.
Indicates when Ant en na B i s ac ti ve .
Audio Signal re ce iv ed i nd ic at or.
LCD Screen .
See: System Setup o n Pa ge 8 .
Rear P anel
ASC Sync Butt on .
Press to initiate I R co nn ec ti on b et we en
receiver and tran sm it te r.
System Men u Do wn B ut to n.
See: System Setup o n Pa ge 8 .
System Men u Up B ut to n.
See: System Setup o n Pa ge 8 .
System Set up B ut to n:
See: System Setup o n Pa ge 8 .
On/Off S wi tc h.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Antenna Jack B 50 ohm.
XLR Output Jack.
¼" Output Jack.
Mute Threshold Fine Adjustment.
This is set at the factory and usually does not need to be adjusted.
If interference signals are received, this threshold value may be increased
by turning the knob clockwise until the RF signal lamp goes out.
DC Power Input Connector.
Antenna Jack A 50 ohm