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U --/'_1_1_11 I_1_1 - To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury:
Your safety is important to us. To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, injury to
persons or damage when using your vacuum cleaner, follow basic safety precautions
including the following:
Read this manual before assembling or using
¢our vacuum cleaner.
Use your cleaner only as described in this
manual. Use only with supplied attachments.
To reduce the risk of electric shock- Do not
use outdoors or on wet surfaces.
Do not vacuum up water.
Disconnect electrical supply before servicing
or cleaning out brush area. Failure to do so
could result in electric shock or brush suddenly
Always turn cleaner off before connecting or
disconnecting the hose.
Always turn cleaner off before unplugging.
Do not unplug by pulling on cord. To unplug,
grasp the plug, not the cord.
Hold plug when rewinding onto cord reel.
Do not allow plug to whip when rewinding.
Do not use with damaged cord or plug. If
cleaner is not working as it should, has been
dropped, damaged, left outdoors, or dropped
into water, return it to a Sears Service Center.
Do not pull or carry by cord, use cord as a
handle, close door on cord, or pull cord around
sharp edges or corners. Do not run cleaner over
cord. Keep cord away from heated surfaces.
De not leave cleaner when plugged in.Unplug
from outlet when not in use and before servicing.
Do not allow to be used as a toy. Close attention
is necessary when used by er near children.
Do not handle plug or cleaner with wet hands.
Do not operate the cleaner with a punctured
hose. Replace if cut or worn. Avoid vacuuming
sharp objects.
De notuse withany openingblocked;keep
free of dust, lint,hair and anythingthat may
reduceair flow.
Keephair,looseclothing,fingers, and all parts
of bodyawayfrom openingsand movingparts.
De notuse cleanerwithoutdust bag and/or
filters in place.
Alwayschangethe dust bag aftervacuuming
carpetcleanersor freshener,powdersandfine
dust.These productsclogthe bag,reduce
airflowand cancausethe bagto burst. Failure
to changebagcould cause permanentdamage
to the cleaner.
Keepthe PEbag(withholes)awayfrombabies
andchildren,donot usein cribs,beds,carriages,
or playpens.This thinfilm mayclingto noseand
mouthand preventbreathing.
De notusethe cleanerto pick upsharp hard
objects,small toys, pins,paper,etc.Theymay
damagethe cleaneror dust bag.
Donot pickupanythingthatisburningorsmoking,
suchascigarettes,matches,or hotashes.
Donot usevacuumcleaner
topick upflammableorcombustibleliquids
(gasoline,cleaningfluids,perfumes,etc.),or use
in areaswheretheymay bepresent.Thefumes
fromthese substancescancreateafire hazard
or explosion.
Useextra care when cleaningon stairs. Donot
put onchairs,tables,etc.Keeponfloor.
Youare responsiblefor makingsurethatyour
vacuumcleaneris not usedby anyone unable
to operate it properly.
Proper assembly and safe use of your vacuum cleaner are your responsibilities. Your cleaner is
intended only for household use. Read this Owner's Manual carefully for important use and
safety information. This guide contains safety statements under warning and caution symbols.
Please pay special attention to these boxes and follow any instructions given. WARNING
statements alert you to such hazards as fire, electric shock, burns and serious personal injury.
CAUTION statements alert you to such hazards as moderate personal injury and/or property damage.