Pub. 43003-021E
Model XCP0100A 4-Channel Expansion Kit
Field Installation Kit Instructions
Confidentiality Notice
This manual is provided solely as an operational, installation, and maintenance guide and contains
sensitive business and technical information that is confidential and proprietary to GAI-Tronics.
GAI-Tronics retains all intellectual property and other rights in or to the information contained herein,
and such information may only be used in connection with the operation of your GAI-Tronics product or
system. This manual may not be disclosed in any form, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, to any
third party.
General Information
The Model XCP0100A 4-Channel Expansion Kit expands the total number of channels in the ICP9000
CommandPLUS Series Console or the ICPN9000 Navigator Series MCU by four additional channels.
This kit includes the following components:
Qty Description
1 CP-CLP Slave Unit Suppression Circuit PCBA
1 CPSLAV2J EPROM (needed for backward compatibility only)
1 CP-LP-GND-JPR Surge Protection Ground Cable
1 SLV-CBL-M Interconnecting Cable (for Master PCBA-to-CSD PCBA)
1 SLV-CBL-P Interconnecting Cable (for CSD-to-CLP PCBAs)
1 CP-CBL-I/O Console I/O Cable (10-foot)
1 Envelope containing “Motorola Brand Hardware”:
#4-40 ¼-inch Phillips screws
#4-40 standoffs (qty. 3)
#4-40 5/16-inch screws (qty. 3)
#10-32 1 ½-inch screw
#10 washers (qty. 2)
#10-32 nut
#10-32 standoff
#4-40 3/16-inch screws (qty. 3)
M3 6mm screws (qty. 6)
#4 washers (qty. 6)
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954

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Model XCP0100A 4-Channel Expansion Kit Page 2 of 7
Pre-Installation Notice
Before installing the CP-CSD Slave PCBA, the master firmware version of the ICP9000 Desktop or
Navigator Series Console must be determined. To determine the master firmware version, momentarily
depress the RESET button located on the rear panel of the unit. The master firmware version will appear
in the console display window (for approximately 5 seconds) as MAST, followed by a version number
and letter (example: MAST4D). If the version number/letter is “4x” or higher (“x” being an alphabetic
letter), no changes are required to the CP-CSD board and installation can continue.
If the version number/letter is “3x” or lower, the slave firmware must be changed due to incompatibility
with the master firmware and CARD Suite software (found on the XAC4000A Programming Bundle
CD). Observing precautions for handling electrostatically sensitive devices, remove EPROM No. 50086085 from socket U502. Install EPROM CPSLAV2J in its place. Installation can now continue.
OTE: If you are interested in upgrading your console to the latest feature firmware, upgrade kits are
available. Please contact our Customer Service department at 1-800-492-1212 for price and availability.
If installing this kit in the Motorola CommandPLUS, use the supplied hardware in the envelope
labeled “Motorola Brand Hardware.” See the “Motorola CommandPLUS Hardware Installation”
instructions on page 5 for this hardware only. For the remainder of the installation, follow the
instructions provided for the ICP 9000 Series Desktop Console. Motorola is a registered trademark
of Motorola Incorporated.
ICP9000 Series Desktop Console
1. Disconnect the power from the ICP9000 Series Desktop Console and remove all attached cables from
the rear cover.
2. Remove the four screws securing the rear panel. Gently pull the rear cover from the housing and
disconnect the ribbon cables (SLV-CBL-P) attached to the surge suppression PCBA. Lay the rear
panel flat. See Figure 1.
3. Mount the new CLP PCBA next to the existing CLP board using the four threaded stand-offs with the
#4-40 screws provided. See Figure 2.
4. Remove the earth ground terminal screw from the bottom right corner of the existing CLP PCBA.
Attach the supplied surge protection cable to the earth ground screw, and the other end to the
matching location on the new CLP PCBA.
5. Attach the SLV-CBL-P ribbon cable to its matching connectors between the CLP PCBA at J25 and
the CSD PCBA at P25. Also reattach the original ribbon cable.
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Model XCP0100A 4-Channel Expansion Kit Page 3 of 7
Figure 1.
Figure 2. Inside of rear cover
OTE: Only one module is provided with each kit.
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