GAI-Tronics 7085-004-UL, 7085-004-EX User Manual

Pub. 42004-694L2B
SmartSeries Multi- Party Hazardous Ar ea
Amplifier Enclosures wit h Alternate Page
Confidentiality Notice
This manual is pr ovided s olely as a n op erat ional, installation, and maintenance guide and contains sens itive bus ines s and t echnic al infor ma tion tha t is confident ial and prop rieta ry to GAI - Tr onic s. GAI- Tr onic s retains all intellectual prop erty a nd other r ights in or to the information contained herein, and s uch infor ma tion may only be used in connection with t he op erat ion of your GAI-T ronics produ c t or s ystem. This manu al may not be disclos ed in any form, in whole or in pa rt, direct ly or indirectly, t o any third party.
General Information
The Model 7085-004-UL and 7085-004-EX Multi-Party Amplifier Enclosures with Alternate Page are components of the 700 Series Page/Party syst ems, which can accommodate conversations on up to f ive p arty lines simultaneously. Addit ionally, alt ernate page des i gnations can be soft ware configur ed when u sed with a G AI -Tronics AD VANCE syst em. Control of thes e alternate page destinations is through a s econd selector switch.
system. Th ese enclo sures are conf igured for mul ti- part y
They a re constru c ted of ca st a l uminum and a re extremely weather proof and cor rosion- resis tant. These enclosures are equipp ed with termina l str ips for connecting s ystem cable. T he Model 709-901 SmartSeries Amplifier mates directly with this enclosure.
Models 7085-004-UL and 7085-004-EX differ in design by their conduit or c able entries. The Model 7085-004-UL Enclosure contains NPT threads and the Model 7085-004-EX Enclosure cont ains metric threads.
These enclos u res must be inst alled by trained, qualif ied and competent personnel. I nsta llation mus t comply with s tat e and national regulations, as well as safety practices for this type of equipment.
hazardous areas other than those indicated on the approval listing in the Specifications section of this manual. Such installation may cause a safety hazard and consequent injury
Do not install this e quipment in
Figure 1. The Model 7085-004-UL/EX
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Reading, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax : 610-796-5954
Pub. 42004-694L2B
Model 7085-004-UL/ E X SmartSeri es Multi-Par ty Haz. Area Ampli fier Enc losures Page:
or property damage.
The mounting location must be flat and provide proper clearance, rigidity and strength to support the enclosure and a ll c ontained devices. The enclosures are equi p ped with factory-inst alled hinges. The enclosures shou ld be mounted with hinges on the left.
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Do not mount the enclosu re with hinges on the top or bottom side.
Securely fasten the enclosure to the mounting location, using 1/ 2-inch dia meter steel mount ing bolts and washers, or washer head bolts.
Do not disconnect equipment while energized.
Insure proper grounding to protective earthing.
Inspect and c lean the machined flange fla me joint sur f aces of both the cover and b ox. Surfaces must be smooth, f ree of nicks, scrat c hes , dirt or any foreign p article build-up that wou ld prevent a pr oper seal. Surfa c es must seat fully aga inst ea c h other to provide a prop er explos ion- proof joint. C l ean surfaces by wiping with a clean lint-free cloth.
Apply a light coat of Killa rk “LUBG” lub rica nt to flange surfac es and close t he cover. Ins tall and tight en all cover bolts to 30 f t.-lb s. M ake cert ain no cover bolts are omitt ed. Use only thos e b olts supplied with the enclos ure.
When installing an add-on st ation, consu lt the appr opriate sys tem layout diagrams. These figu res, when used in conju nction with t he s tat ion insta llation information and ca b l e layout gu ide, should p rovide all t he information necessary t o insta ll additional Pa ge/ Party< stat ions.
Enclos ure Placement
All GAI-Tronics Pa ge/ Party® units are wired in parallel. G ood system layout design minimizes the cable required for ea ch insta llation. GAI-Tronics multi-condu c tor cable, des igned especially for this applic ation, is rec ommended. For the numb er, s iz e, and color-coding of c onductors refer to the approp riate system connection diagra ms .
System layout and power c able length are ver y important when inst alling Page/Party< equipment. Although it vari es f or differ ent systems, the general guideline is t hat t he t otal p ower cable length should not exceed one mile (5280 feet) for 120 V ac systems. The total cable length is the most important consideration while cable length between the sta tions is generally not a fa c tor.
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Pub. 42004-694L2B
Model 7085-004-UL/ E X SmartSeri es Multi-Par ty Haz. Area Ampli fier Enc losures Page:
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Hardware Configuration
The multi-party enclosur es each contain a handset with an approved gland, push- to-page operator , a party line selector switch, alter nate page selector switch, and applica ble app roval labeling. The handset rests on a cradle, whic h has a magnetic r eed switch loca ted behind it to signal an off-hook condition. The enclosure itself has 12 cover mount i ng bolts located a round t he p erimeter of the enclosure, a nd a set of aluminum hinges located on the left s i de. See Figu re 2.
P.O. BOX 1060 READING, PA 1 9607
Outside USA: 1-610-777-1374In USA: 1-800-492-1212
Figure 2. Model 7085-004-UL/EX Outline Drawing
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Pub. 42004-694L2B
Model 7085-004-UL/ E X SmartSeri es Multi-Par ty Haz. Area Ampli fier Enc losures Page:
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The multi- party enclosures contain three ter mina l blocks, an int erior mount ing plat e, an a mp lif ier br idging plate, a nd a connect or for the mating M odel 709-901 Amplifier. The amplifier bridging plate is hinged on one side and attached on the opposite side with two #10-32 screws. For system cable installation, the screws to t his pla te must be removed and the b ridging plate swu ng open 90º. Upon installation of the wiring cable, the amplifier bridging plate can be rotated closed and reattached with the two #10-32 screws. This plat e will then serve as a pr otection for the amplifier and t he switches fr om the s ystem cable when the unit is complet ely closed. Refer to Figure 3.
The a lterna te page destinat ion selector switch is c onnected through an a dditional 8 - point terminal bloc k, with wir ing directly to the fr ont door. The 8- point t erminal bloc k is located on the right side of the interna l mounting plate. See Figure 3.
The part y line s elect or swit c h c an be disconnected from the a mplifier bridging pla te by means of the 12-p in connector. Upon insta llation of system cable, after the amplif ier br idging plat e has been r eattached, p l ug the 12- pin connector bac k into its receptacle.
OTE: The front door ca n be swung a ppr oximately 120º before the plug must be disconnected.
Figure 3. Model 7085-004-UL/EX Amplifier Enclosures - interior view
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