GAI-Tronics 263-000 User Manual

Pub. 42004-178D
Model 263
Confidentiality Notice
This manua l is provide d sole ly as an operatio nal, installation, and ma inte nance guide and conta ins sensitive business and t e chnical informatio n tha t is confidentia l and pr opri et ary to GAI- Tronics. GAI-Tronics retains all intellectual property and other rights in or to the information contained herein, and such information may only be used in connection with the operation of your GAI-Tronics product or system. This manu al may not be dis clos e d in any form, in whole or in pa rt, direct ly or i ndir ectly, to a ny third pa r ty.
General Information
GAI-Tronics Corporation offers intrinsically-safe (I.S.) telephones and isolation barrier units (IBU), which conform to all pertinent requirements in the USA and Canada. For convenience, a telephone and an IBU can be purchased together under a single model number: Model 261-001 for indoor use, and Model 271-001 for outdoors.
However, for rack-mount configurations or special applications, the telephones and IBUs can be purchased separately:
Model 262-001 Indoor I.S. Phone
Model 272-001 Outdoor I.S. Phone
Model 263 Isolation Barrier Unit
The I.S. telephones are designed to be installed in all hazardous areas. The IBU or rack-mount card unit is placed in a non-hazardous area up to one mile from the phone, limiting the energy levels going to the hazardous area to conform to intrinsically-safe requirements.
The Model 263 Isolation Barrier Unit is constructed of durable glass-reinforced polyester, which is highly resistant to chemicals and weather, and is rated Type 3R (rainproof).
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Readi ng, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
Pub. 42004-178D
Model 263 Isolation Barrier Unit (IBU) Page: 2 of 13
Installa tion Guidelines
When installing any GAI-Tronics telephone equipment, please adhere to the following guidelines to ensure the safety of all personnel:
NEVER install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.
Install a UL Listed lightning arrestor on any phone installed where the phone or phone cable is at
ris k of bei ng exposed to lig htning strikes . The l ight ning arr es tor must b e installed as cl ose t o the phone as possible to maximize the protection. The lightning arrestor must not be installed within the enclosure supplied with the phone.
NEVER install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for wet
NEVER touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has been
disconnected at the network interface.
USE CAUTION when installing or modifying telephone lines.
Install UL Listed telephone line suppressor (customer-supplied) on the telephone line.
Use silicone sealant or equivalent around and inside all conduit entries
Installa tion of the IB U
The Model 263 Isolation Barrier Unit provides an intrinsically-safe circuit when connected in accordance with GAI-Tronics Pub. 42004-380, Control Drawing 73242. It must be installed in a non-hazardous location. See Figure 1 for a typical installation.
The Model 263 Isolation Barrier Unit interior includes a power switch selector, a ring pitch adjustment, and f our troubleshooting LEDs. The I BU hou sing is compose d of two modular suba ssembl ies, the fr ont panel and the rear enclosure assembly, for easy installation and wiring.
Figure 1. Typic al in trin sic ally-safe install ation
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Wiring Requirements
Design Lim its
In order to be intrinsically safe , energy and energy storage must be constrained to “safe” levels in hazardou s area ap para tus. Wiring i nherentl y has capacitance formed by a dielect ric material between tw o conductors. A buildup of this capa c itance can for m a surge of elect ricity, a dangerous situatio n in a hazardou s area.
Intrinsically-safe telephones require cabling that will limit the amount of capacitance formed. The limitat ion on cable length was set b y Underwriter’ s La boratory (UL ) based on test results. This “ worst case” cable available was found to have a capacitance of 60 picofarads/foot. Therefore, UL set the cable limitation at one mile, the length at which this worst-case cable capacitance level was still within acceptable bounds. Cable types with less capacitance have been specified to allow connection distances over one mile.
For example: GAI-Tronics Model 60059-001 and 60021-301 cables allow connection distances of up to
1.5 miles.
Shiel ded Cable
Where multiple I.S. telephone wires are routed together, shielded cable should be used. The use of shielded cable prevents cross-talk from occurring between multiple I.S. telephone circuits. The shield must be grounded to an I.S. ground and connected only at the IBU.
Wiring G uidelin es/Contr ol Drawi ng
The Model 263 provides an intrinsically-safe circuit when installed in accordance with GAI-Tronics Pub. 42004-380, Control Drawing 73242. In addition, the NEC and the CEC provide additional installation details that are recommended for safe installation.
General Wire Ty pes
24 AWG 22 AWG 20 AWG 19 AWG 18 AWG
Maximum capacitance,
316,800 pF/mile
C (picofarads/mile) Maximum resis tance,
271 171 107 85 67
R (ohms /mile) *Ring signal loss,
-16 -12 -8 -6 -4
decibels (dB/ mi l e)
*Nominal ring signal is 98 dB @ 10 feet.
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Model 263 Isolation Barrier Unit (IBU) Page: 4 of 13
System Setup
GAI-Tronics recommends taking the following steps to ensure a safe and trouble-free installation:
1. Install the Model 263 Isolation Barrier Unit (IBU) and wire it completely, except for the hazardous
area signal wires.
The unit must be wired in accordance with Pub. 42004-380, Control
Drawing 73242, to ensure intrinsic safety.
2. Next, temporarily connect the I.S. telephone to the IBU with a short pair of conductors, and operate
the unit by making a test phone call. If any problems are detected, see the Troubleshooting section.
3. Call the I.S. telephone from another telephone, and adjust the
RING PITCH (located on the IB U) t o
the desired pitch. See Figure 2 for location.
4. Disconnect the I.S. telephone and install it in the intended permanent location.
The unit must be wired in accordance with Pub. 42004-380, Control
Drawing 73242, to ensure intrinsic safety.
5. Make a call from the I.S. telephone. If any problems are detected, see the Troubleshooting section.
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Figure 2. Rear of IBU enclosure with cover removed
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