GAI-Tronics 12584-002 User Manual

Pub. 42004-388B
Model 12584-0 02 I/O Cont rol Module
This manua l is provide d sole ly as an operatio nal, installation, and ma inte nance guide and conta ins sensitive business and t e chnical informatio n tha t is confidentia l and pr opri et ary to GAI- Tronics. GAI-Tronics retains all intellectual property and other rights in or to the information contained herein, and such information may only be used in connection with the operation of your GAI-Tronics product or system. This manu al may not be dis clos e d in any form, in whole or in pa rt, direct ly or i ndir ectly, to a ny third pa r ty.
General Information
The Model 12584-002 I/O Control Module is designed to monitor contact closure devices connected to its input, and to turn devices on or off that are connected to its output. It operates as a slave device reporting to a syste m ma ster controller via a seri al data line conn e c tion. The ma ster c ontr oller is programmed to recognize the I/O Control Module and process the data information received from it.
Typically, the system master controller is a computer or a GAI-Tronics Model 10959 Series Audio Messenger Interface (AMI). In special applications, the system master control ler can be another I/O Control Mo dule that is reprogrammed with custom software.
In general, the Model 12584-002 I/O Control Module provides the following features:
Digital Inpu t Monitori ng
The I/O Control Module can monitor up to 32 voltage-free contact inputs. The contacts can be normally open or closed. Additionally, they can be momentary or maintained type activation. The programming of the system master controller defines how each input is activated. Each input is individually programmed for the type of activation switch and the resulting event.
Analo g Inpu t Monit oring
The I/O Control Module monitors up to eight analog voltage inputs from 0 to +5 V dc. Each input is individually programmed to activate on a pre-programmed voltage threshold level.
Figure 1. Model 12584-002 I/O Control Module
OTE: This feature is not available when an AMI is acting as the master controller device.
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Readi ng, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
Pub. 42004-388B
Model 12584-002 I/O Control Module Page: 2 of 15
Outpu t Control
The module provides up to 32 open collector control outputs for activating devices such as relays, indicators, or other on/off devices. The outputs can be active high (off) or active low (on). Additionally, they can be momentary (pulsed) or maintained type activation. The programming of the system master controller defines how the outputs are activated. Each output is individually programmed to activate during a cert ain system event.
Accessory D evice to the GAI-Tronic s AMI
There ar e two ways the devic e can be u se d with the AMI:
Input/output exte nsion module - This application provides 32 additional switch inputs to the AMI
that can be programmed for alarm activation, alarm reset, muting, or telephone interface control switches.
Serial dat a alarm control - This application allows the system master controller to activate and reset
alarms on the AMI from a remote location without using contact closure inputs wired directly to the AMI.
Each allocation requires a unique data connection to the AMI. Refer to the Installation section for wiring diagrams.
Data Line Selecti on and Settings
The Model 12584-002 I/O Control Module supports both RS485 and RS232 data connections. The RJ232 connection is accessed from a male DB-9 connector. There are two different RS485 data connections. RS485 #1 is accessed from terminal block TB1 and TB2, and RS485 #2 is accessed on an RJ45 receptacle .
Data connecti o n to system master controller must be ma d e using either the RS4 8 5 #1 da ta connection
OR the RS232 data connection. Both cannot be used simultaneously. A 3-position jumper (J6) selects either RS232 or RS485 #1 data communication.
- Shor t pins 1 and 2 to sel e c t RS485 data on TB2.
- Short pins 2 and 3 to select RS232 data on DB9 connector.
RS485 #1 data connection is made to terminal blocks TB1 and TB2. Refer to Table 7 and Table 8 in the Installation section of this manual for data line connection details.
RS232 data connection is made to the male DB-9 connector. A null-modem cable should be used for connection to the master controlling device.
The RJ45 receptacle connection is used exclusively for serial data control of the AMI as mentioned
above. Refer to Table 9 in the Installation section of this manual for data line connection details. Do not use this data connection for the system master controller.
After selecting the data line type, there are several other switches on the I/O Control Module that must be set to the proper data format to communicate with the controlling device. Each switch is labeled on the module case. The following sections describe each switch in detail.
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Address S witches S1 a nd S2
S1 an S2 are hexadecimal switches that are used to set the I/O Controller’s address. If the system contains more than one I/O Controller, each device must be set with a different address. The device’s addressing should be set in se quential ord er sta rting with address 01. Swit ch S2 sets the first digit a nd switch S1 sets the second digit.
Example: Address 01: S2 = 0, S1 = 1 Address 02: S2 = 0, S1 = 2 Address 03: S2 = 0, S1 = 3
OTE: After changing the board address, the RESET button must be momentarily depressed for the new
address to take effect.
DIP Switch S4
An 8-p osition DIP switch S 4 sets various data par amete rs and operation paramet ers of the I/O c ontr oller. The following tables indicate each switch position and the corresponding settings/functions.
DIP switch S4 positions 1-3 set the serial data line baud rate as follows:
Table 1. DIP Switch S4 Positions 1–3: Baud Rate
Switch S4-1 Switch S4-2 Switch S4-3 Baud Rate
Closed Closed Closed 2400
Open Closed Closed 4800
Closed Open Closed 9600
Open Open Closed 19200
Closed Closed Open 38400
Open Closed Open 57600
Closed Open Open 115200
Open Open Open 115200
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The DIP switch S4 positions 4-8 set the operating parameters as follows:
Table 2. DIP Switch S4 Positions 4–8: Operating Parameters
DIP Switch
Position Function
S4-4 None - not used N/A S4-5 None - not used N/A S4-6
Automatic input response
S4-7 Address return
Data fault indication
Closed - will wait for a poll request from master controlling device before sending an input activation data message.
Open - will automatically send a data message when an active input is detected. The controller will NOT wait for poll request from the master controlling device.
Closed - will NOT return the controller’s address (set by hex switch S1 and S2) when sending a data message to the master controlling device.
Open - will return the controller’s address (set by hex switch S1 and S2) when sending a data message to the master controlling device.
Closed - if data communication is lost with the master controlling device, all outputs will remain in their current state until data communication is restored.
Open - if data communication is lost with the master controlling device, all outputs will flash on/off.
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Switch Se ttings for A MI Extender Application
Table 3. Hex Switch Settings
Switch No. Function
S1 a nd S2 Board addr es s
S1 = 1 S2 = 1
Table 4. DIP Switch S4 Settings
Switch S4 Function
S4-1 Open S4-2 Open S4-3
Baud rate =19.2K
Closed S4-4 N/A S4-5 N/A N/A S4-6 Wait for poll requ est from master Closed S4-7 Return address to master controller Open S4-8 Do not signal data fault with master Closed
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