GAI-Tronics 12578-002 User Manual

Pub. 42004-711L2B
Model 12578-002
Confidentiality Notice
This manua l is provide d sole ly as an operatio nal, installation, and ma inte nance guide and conta ins sensitive business and t e chnical informatio n tha t is confidentia l and pr opri et ary to GAI- Tronics. GAI-Tronics retains all intellectual property and other rights in or to the information contained herein, and such information may only be used in connection with the operation of your GAI-Tronics product or system. This manu al may not be dis clos e d in any form, in whole or in pa rt, direct ly or i ndir ectly, to a ny third pa r ty.
How to Use the A ssembly/Model
The 12578-002 Monitored Input Module (MIM) is used in SmartSeries ADVANCE systems. GAI-Tronics uses the MIM to receive inputs from field devices, monitor the integrity of eight input lines for trouble conditions or contact activation, and report these conditions to the 69254 Series or 69440 Series Master Control Unit (MCU). The MIM is comprised of two components: the 69248-xxx Central Processing Unit (CPU) printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) and the 69251-xxx Monitored­In-8 PCBA.
The MIM is designed to be mounted in a Snaptrack that is then installed in an equipment rack. Snaptrack is a grooved plastic channel that is designed to allow PCBAs to securely ‘snap’ into the groove. The Snaptrack provides flexible installation because the track may be installed inside a rack wherever it is convenient.
The module communicates with the MCU via the 69248-xxx CPU PCBA over an RS-485 link. The CPU PCBA interprets and reports the status of the inputs. The MIM is capable of monitoring up to eight inputs.
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Av e. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
Pub. 42004-711L2B
Model 12578-002 Monitored Input Module (MIM) Page 2 of 12
Each input may be independently configured to operate in one of the following five modes:
Input Mode Description
0 Deactivate circuit Input is not monitored. 1
IDC line supervision mult ip le swit ch
2 IDC single N.O. switch
Dete c ts open cir c uit, grou nd faults, and s witc h actu a tion from one or more normal l y- op e n dr y co nt a ct closu res.
Dete c ts open circu it, wire-to-w i re short c i rcuit, ground f aults, and swit ch actuat ion from a sin gle n ormally-open dry co ntact clos ure.
3 IDC single N.C. switch
Dete c ts open circu it, wire-to-w i re short c i rcuit, ground f aults, and
switch actuation from a single normally-closed dry contact closure. 4 IAC line supervision Reserved for 12579-002 Monitored Relay Module 5
IDC non-supervised N.O. dry switch
IDC non-supervised, wet switch
Dete c ts a swit ch ac tuation from one or more normally-open dry
contact closu res.
Detects the presence or absence of 24 V dc voltage depending on
applicable onboard jumper settings.
In order to utilize a particular input mode with a particular input, the appropriate external connections must be made between the MIM and the field devices. Also, the input modes must be added to the MCU Configuration using the ADVANCE Console System Configuration Software. Refer to the Installation Guidelines section on page 4 for further details.
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Pub. 42004-711L2B
Model 12578-002 Monitored Input Module (MIM) Page 3 of 12
Hardware Configuration
Figure 1. Model 12578-002 Monitored Input Module
The Model 12578-002 Monitored Input Module interfaces to an Amplifier Zone Interface via the RS-485 link.
Installa tion Safety Gui delines
Please adhere to all warnings, safety, and operating instructions on the unit and in the installation manual.
Disconnect power before servicing
Do not disconnect equipment while circuit is energized.
Avoid servicing the unit during electrical storms.
Do not touch uninsulated wires.
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Pub. 42004-711L2B
Model 12578-002 Monitored Input Module (MIM) Page 4 of 12
Installa tion Guidelines
1. Notify plant personnel of a system shutdown prior to servicing the unit.
2. Disconnect power before installing or removing the MIM.
To install the module into the Snaptrack slide either the right or the left edge of the module into the top groove on the track. On the opposite side, press firmly on the top and bottom corners of the module until they snap into the groove. Carefully press from each corner toward the center and simultaneously snap the edge firmly into place.
After the PCBA is installed onto the Snaptrack, 12 V dc power is brought in from the equipment rack power supply and terminated on TB9 (PWR IN). The positive leg is connected to TB9-1 (+) and the return leg is landed on TB9-2 (-). An earth ground is connected to TB9-3 (EGND). TB9 is paralleled with TB10. TB10 (PWR OUT) may be used to distribute power to additional Snaptrack modules.
The equipment rack power supply is not part of the 10457 Series Card Rack Assembly. The card rack power supply is not used to provide power to the Snaptrack modules. An additional power supply must be included in the cabinet to support these modules.
Connect the return leg of the power supply to earth ground at the supply terminals. N
OTE: The ground
reference for this assembly and the card rack must be identical.
Data C ommunicat ion Line
Terminal block TB12 has been provided to distribute the RS-485 data communication line to additional Snaptrack modules. If there are no additional Snaptrack modules, connect a 47207-151 150-ohm, ½ watt terminating resistor (sold separately) across TB12 of the 69251-xxx, or install a jumper across the pins of P2 on the 69248-xxx CPU PCBA.
The RS-485 line is polarity-sensitive. Be sure to maintain circuit polarity throughout installation. N
1. The conductor terminated on TB12
should be a twisted pair.
2. Only one termination is to be applied to an RS-485 circuit - either a 150-ohm resistor across TB12, or
a jumper across the pins of P2 on the 69248-xxx CPU PCBA.
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