Pub. DS12576-215
Model 12576-215
Desktop Access Panel
General Information
This data sheet applies to the Model 12576-215 Access Panel, which is a component of the SmartSeries
system that may be used for public address, intercommunication, and emergency notification.
The Model 12576-215 Access Panel is a
compact desktop-mounted assembly with a
120 V/240 V ac power input. This power
input allows the access panel to be used in
almost all installations without requiring
additional line transformers.
The access panel can be used to initiate
alarms and to monitor system activity via
its 15 configurable illuminated push
buttons. Each push button contains an
LED lamp that can be configured to
provide system status information.
A piezo alarm is provided that is typically
used to alert personnel of updated system
status. The panel provides a handset
equipped with an integral pressbar. The
handset is used to make page
announcements and to hold two-way party
line conversations.
An internal speaker is provided to allow page audio monitoring. The access panel also includes a
dedicated speaker mute push button with LED lamp. The LED operation and function of this push
button are pre-defined by the access panel and can not be changed. An external power supply unit and an
ac power cord are provided with the access panel. The Model 12576-215 Access Panel consists of the
following components:
• External power supply (40405-012)
• 15 configurable push buttons
• Speaker mute push button
• Handset
• Speaker
• Piezo alarm
The function of the other 15 push buttons is software configurable. Contact GAI-Tronics for more
information on configuration of the access panel.
Figure 1. Model 12576-215 Access Panel (Top View)
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954

Pub. DS12576-215
Model 12576-215 Desktop Access Panel Page: 2 of 2
Input voltage .................................................................................................................... 120 V ac/240 V ac
Input frequency .............................................................................................................................. 50/60 Hz
Input current draw from external power supply...................................................... 1 amp max. @ 120 V ac
Line length................................................................... 3.0 km with No. 24 AWG, attenuation = 8.0 dB/km
................................................................................... 2.2 km with No. 26 AWG, attenuation = 11.5 dB/km
Operating temperature range.................................................................. +32° F to +120° F (0° C to +49° C)
Relative humidity................................................................................................ Non-condensing 85% max.
Unit dimensions........................................ 9.63 H × 13.25 W × 6.13 D inches (244.7 × 336.6 × 155.7 mm)
Unit weight ......................................................................................................................................... 9.1 lbs.
Handset material ........................................................................................................................... Gray ABS
Handset microphone ............................................................................................. Dynamic, noise-canceling
Handset receiver............................................................. Dy namic, hearing aid compatible per FCC part 68
Handset cord ...................................................................................... Hytrel, 6-foot (1.8 m) when extended
Handset cradle............................................................................................. Fixed, built-in off-hook detector
External controls.......................................................... Press-to-page switch, 15 configurable push buttons,
speaker mute push button
CE Mark
f:\standard ioms - current release\data sheets\ds12576-215.doc