GAI-Tronics 12557-001 User Manual

Pub. 42003-161
PCBA Replacement Kit
MODEL 12557-001
Confidentiality Notice
This manual is pr ovided s olely as a n op erat ional, installation, and maintenance guide and contains sens itive bus ines s and t echnic al infor ma tion tha t is confident i al and p roprietary to G AI-Tronics. GAI-Tronics retains a ll intellectual pr operty and other rights in or to t he inf ormation c ontained herein, and s uch informa tion may only be used in connection wit h the operation of you r GAI- Tronic s pr oduct or system. This ma nual may not be disclosed in any form, in whole or in p art, dir ec tly or indirectly, to any t hird pa rty.
The Model 12557-PCBA Replacement Kit contains one Model 9241-002 PCBA for use in GAI-Tronics SmartHandset™ sta tions and Smar tAmplifier™ sta tions.
Remove the power from the station prior to servicing. This assembly contains large capacitors which could potentially retain a charge. Please use caution.
Remo ving the Old PCBA
NOTE: When disassembling the unit, be sure to s ave all the hardware, a s it will be needed when the unit is re-assembled.
1. Loosen the four s c rews a t the cor ners of t he front p anel, and pull t he p lug-in amplifier from the
enclosure. All maintenance work from this point on should be p erformed a t a work bench with the operator prop erly grou nded to avoid static discharge.
2. Loosen the fou r cha ssis screws ( Phillips) on the top and bot tom of the unit.
3. Carefully s lide t he chassis to the left , and separat e it f rom the front pa nel.
The power supply harness inside is short; do not pull it apart abruptly.
4. Remove the power supply harness from J6 on the Model 69241 PCBA by pressing the tab on the
locking connector.
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Reading, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax : 610-796-5954
Pub. 42003-161
5. Remove the au x/su bset c onnector at J2 from t he M odel 69228 PCBA (for Model 701-804 only).
6. Disconnect the sp ade termina ls at E1 through E7 . Needlenose pliers may be r equ ired.
7. Remove the four screws that s ec ure the PCBA. Disconnec t the Model 69228 assembly by grabbing the
PCB A at t he s ides near the J1 connector. Unplug it from the PCBA below it, a nd set it aside.
8. Remove the four ¼-inch hex standoffs from the corners of the Model 69227 PCBA.
9. Unplug the Model 69227 PCBA from the baseboard by grabbing at the sides near the J1 connector.
Set the PCBA aside.
10. R emove the t wo screws at the top of the chassis, and remove the tr ansf ormer.
Hold onto the transformer to prevent damaging the baseboard.
11. Unplug the trans former harnes s from J2 of the b aseboard, and s et it aside.
12. R emove the fou r ¼-inc h hex sta ndoffs and two sc rews a t the corner of the baseboa rd.
13. R emove the t wo s crews whic h secur e the Amphenol connector to the back of the chassis; note the
ground wire at one locat ion.
14. Caref u lly slide the ba seboard out of the chas sis. Bef ore discarding t he P CBA, note the S1 and S2
settings, and transfer them to the new PCBA.
15. Remove the progr ammed IC U2 from the old PC B A, and p lace it in the new PCBA. Do this c arefully.
An IC puller is required (the suggested part is a Techni Tool 560PR291).
Installing the New PCBA
1. Slide the replacement Model 69241 PCBA to allow the Amphenol to be properly positioned in the
2. Install the two corner screws.
3. Install the four standoffs.
4. Fa sten the green ground wire under t he left screw (which connect s the Amphenol), and install t he right
5. Bend the lug a way from t he P CBA at approx ima tely a 60° angle.
6. Reattach the transformer to the chassis with the existing thread, cutting the screws.
OTE: The three condu ctor s fac e the baseboard.
7. Plug the tr ansformer connect or into the baseboard at J2.
8. Plug Model 69227 into the Model 69241 baseboard at the J1 connector.
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