Pub. 42003-054B
Single- Party an d Multi- Party Trim Fram e
Replacement Kits
Models 12536-001 and 12536-002
Confidentiality Notice
This manua l is provide d sole ly as an operatio nal, installation, and ma inte nance guide and conta ins
sensitive business and t e chnical informatio n tha t is confidentia l and pr opri et ary to GAI- Tronics.
GAI-Tronics retains all intellectual property and other rights in or to the information contained herein,
and such information may only be used in connection with the operation of your GAI-Tronics product or
system. This manu al may not be dis clos e d in any form, in whole or in pa rt, direct ly or i ndir ectly, to a ny
third pa r ty.
General Information
The Model 12536-001 and 12536-002 Single-Party and Multi-Party Trim Frame Replacement Kits are
used on any 600 or 700 Series single or multi-party indoor wall station to allow flush-mounting of the
unit. When the units are flush-mounted, the cable should still be installed through conduit, because the
the following components:
Qty Description
1 Frame
4 Washer
1 Party-line Label (Model 12536-002 only)
cable outer layer is not rated to be installed without conduit protection. These kits include
Single-Party Trim Frame Kit (Model 125 36-001)
1. If the wall s tation is alrea dy instal led: L oosen the f our fr ont pa nel screws, and remove the handset
station from the amplifier. Remove the four screws securing the amplifier to the wall.
2. You will need to install the washers under the blue connector assembly. On the rear surface of the
enclosure, locate the blue connector mounted on two standoffs.
3. Remove the two screws securing the connector to these standoffs.
4. Place the washers (two on each s ide) betwe en the con nector and the standoffs.
5. Reinstall the screws to secure the blue connector.
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Readi ng, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
Pub. 42003-054B
ODEL 12536-001 AND 12536-002 SINGLE AND MULTI-PARTY TRIM FRAME KITS Page: 2 of 3
6. Cut a hole in the wall that measures approximately
/8-inch larger than the enclosure on all sides.
7. Mount the enclosure in the hole.
8. The trim frame is secured to the enclosure by the amplifier.
9. Place the handset amplifier through the trim frame and into the enclosure, making sure all the
mounting holes are properly aligned.
10. Tighten the four corner screws to mount the unit.
Multi-Party Trim Frame Kit (Model 1253 6-002)
1. If the wall station is already installed: Turn off the power to the station. Loosen the eight front panel
screws, and remove the handset station and the top panel from the enclosure. Remove the four screws
securing the amplifier to the wall.
2. You will need to install the washers under the blue connector assembly. On the rear surface of the
enclosure, locate the blue connector mounted on four standoffs.
3. Remove the four screws securing the connector to the standoffs.
4. Place the washers between the conne ctor a n d the standoffs.
5. Reinstall the screws to secure the blue connector to the mounting blocks.
6. Set the party-line selector switch to party line 1. Using a
/16-inch (#21) Allen wrench, loosen the two
set screws in the selector knob. One screw is to the right of the party-line indicator; the other screw is
in the end of the knob. After loosening the screws, lift the knob off, and set it and the screws aside.
Note the p o sition of the flat o n the switc h with r esp ect to the s mall hole i n the panel w here the antirotation tab fits and position 1 on the party-line label. The new party-line label must be installed on
the trim frame in the same orientation.
7. Remove and retain the four screws that secure the 4 × 8-inch switch plate to the upper part of the
8. Remove and retain the nut (
/16-inch) and l ockwash er that hold the rotary switch t o the switch p l at e.
Note the position of any washers or switch lock tabs.
9. Remove and discard the 4 × 8-inch panel.
10. Remount the party-line switch on the trim frame using the
/16-inc h nut and lock washer .
11. Orient the switch so that the locking tab inserts into the hole in the trim frame to prevent the switch
from turning in its mounting hole.
12. Loosely mount the trim frame to the enclosure using the four screw holes at the top of the trim frame.
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