GAI-Tronics 12512-011 User Manual

Pub. 42003-191A
Hookswitch Assembly Replacement Ki t
Confidentiality Notice
This manual is pr ovided s olely as a n op erat ional, installation, and maintenance guide and contains sens itive bus ines s and t echnic al infor ma tion tha t is confident i al and p roprietary to G AI-Tronics. GAI-Tronics retains a ll intellectual pr operty and other rights in or to t he inf ormation c ontained herein, and s uch informa tion may only be used in connection wit h the operation of you r GAI- Tronic s pr oduct or system. This ma nual may not be disclosed in any form, in whole or in p art, dir ec tly or indirectly, to any t hird pa rty.
General Information
This kit can b e u sed on the following su bsets :
Model Description
711-102 Desk-edge Subset, Single Party 7115-102 Desk-edge Subset, Five Party 716-102 Flush-mount Remote Subset, Single Party 7165-102 Flush-mount Remote Subset, Five Party
Parts inc luded in this kit are as follows:
Qty. Description
1 Cradle, reed switch, and gasket assembly 2 Screws 1 Tie-wrap
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Reading, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax : 610-796-5954
Pub. 42003-191A
Instructions for 716-102 and 7165-102 Subsets
Removal o f Old Assemb ly
1. Remove the four screws securing the sub set to the wall or panel. Save s c rews for re-ass embly.
2. Remove the four screws t hat s ec ure the rear cover to the front panel housi ng. Save screw for re-
3. Ca refully s ep arate the two pieces for a f ew inc hes to expos e t he connec ting cables.
4. Carefully cut the tie-wrap that holds the cable harnesses together.
5. Disconnect the plug f rom recept acle J4. Note t hat this is a loc king plug. Press release latch to unplu g.
6. Remove the two sc rews securing the handset c radle to the fr ont pa nel.
7. Slide the cradle, switch, and wiring harnes s as sembly through the hole in the fr ont pa nel.
8. Discard the cradle assembly and screws.
Insta llatio n o f Ne w Assem bly
9. Feed the cradle assembly wires through the front panel and secure the cradle with the two screws
10. Rec onnect the wir e harness plug to J4 as not ed in step 5 . Bundle ha ndset and reed wires with the
tie-wrap, as necessary.
11. Reass emble t he cover to the f ront p anel housing using sc rews from step 2. E nsur e t hat no wires or
cab l es are b eing p inc hed.
12. Re-mount the subset into the wall or panel with the 4 screws from step 1.
13. Chec k f or proper opera tion.
Instructions for 711-102 and 7115-102 Subsets
Removal o f Old Assemb ly
1. Remove the two s c rews s ecuring the sub set from the desk-edge mount ing bracket. Save the screws for
2. Remove the eight s c rews (f our s crews each side) secur i ng the dust covers on each side of the desk-edge
housing. Save screws for re-assembly.
3. Ca refully s ep arate the s i de cover tha t contains t he mounted PC b oard ass embly.
4. Carefully cut the tie-wrap that holds the cable harnesses together.
5. Disconnect the plug f rom recept acle J4. Note t hat this is a loc king plug. Press release latch to unplu g.
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