Pub. 42004-371B
Model 10961-001
AMI Centra-Page Interface
Confidentiality Notice
This manua l is provide d sole ly as an operatio nal, installation, and ma inte nance guide and conta ins
sensitive business and t e chnical informatio n tha t is confidentia l and pr opri et ary to GAI- Tronics. GAITronics retains all intellectual property and other rights in or to the information contained herein, and
such information may on ly be u sed in conn e ction with the operatio n of you r GAI-Tr onics p rodu c t or
system. This manu al may not be dis clos e d in any form, in whole or in pa rt, direct ly or i ndir ectly, to a ny
third pa r ty.
General Information
GAI-Tronics’ Centra-Page systems provide dependable paging and party line communications for rugged
and haza rdous indust ria l f aciliti es . Cent ra- Page syste ms feature centrally loc ated elect ron ic s tha t pr ovide
environ me nta l prot e c tion and u nitiz e d amp l ificatio n for easy ma inte nance. Standard Cent ra- Page
cabinets can support up to 30 handset stations, and in most cases, up to 60 paging speakers. Alarms and
telephone interfacing can be added to Centra-Page systems with the addition of a Model 10959-006
Audio Messenger Interface (AMI) and a Model 10961-001 AMI Centra-Page Interface.
The Model 10961-001 AMI Centra-Page Interface, in combination with the AMI, can replace the Model
H97019 Programmable Tone/Speech Generator and the Model 10448-202 Telephone Interface for
Centra-Page systems or the Model B93017 Programmable Telephone Interface in CP/P II systems.
The Model 10961-001 AMI Centra-Page Interface is designed to provide five alarm inputs to activate the
Model 10959-006 AMI’s tone/speech generator when both are mounted in a Model 10468-002 CentraPa ge C entr al Cabinet and are pr operly configured.
The AMI Centra-Page Interface can provide Centra-Page systems access to the public telephone network.
The telephone line coupler is designed for loop start operation with bridged ringing. This coupler is
registered by the FCC number ADGOT01B46055. The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) is 0.1A, with
an RJ11C connection.
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Readi ng, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954

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The Model 10961-001 AMI Centra-Page Interface contains a priority alarm test panel and a telephone
interface panel. The 69542-001 PCBA and 69407-002 I/O Controller PCBA are mounted on the rear
along with a power terminal block. The AMI Centra-Page Interface outline is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Model 10961-001 AMI Centra-Page Interface
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Power Disconnect. The power cord is the main power disconnect for all un its.
Disjontion de l’alimentation. Le cordon d’alimentation est la disjonction d’alimentation principale tous les appareils.
Para Desconectar la Alimentación: El cable de alimentación es el medio principal de desconexión del equipo.
Netzanschluß. Wenn man das Netzkabel aus der Steckdose zieht, dann ist die Spannungszuführung zum Gerät vollkommen
CAUTION To reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26 AWG or larger telecommunicat ion line cord.
ATTENTION Pour réduire le risque d’incendie, utiliser uniquement des conducteurs de télécommunications 26 AWG ou
de section sup érieure.
PRECAUCIÓN Para aminorar la posibilidad de in cendios, utili ce s olam ente cable de telecomun icaciones de calibre 26
(sistema AWG americano) o mayor.
VORSICHT Um die Brandgefahr zu verrin gern, verwenden Sie bit te nur Fernmeldekabel der Stärke Nr. 26 AWG oder
Do not apply power until all the connections have been wired.
Connect only to a UL-listed Class 2 power source.
If replacing existing equipment, remove the tone generator, telephone interface, and the associated wiring
prior to installing the Model 10961-001 Interface.
The Model 10961-001 AMI Centra-Page Interface and the Model 10959-006 AMI should be installed in
the Centra-Page central cabinet at the same time. Allow 6U of open space immediately below the Model
10461-002 Card Rack in the lowest position in the cabinet to mount the AMI, and immediately beneath it,
the Centra-Page Interface. Refer to Figure 2.
OTE: The standard lengths of the interconnecting cables do not allow for blank panel space between
th ese p ieces of eq uipme nt.
1. Carefully unpack and identify the various components. The Model 10959-006 AMI includes a parts
envelope containing mounting hardware, a CD, and a 12 V dc Walpac. The Model 10961-001 AMI
Centra-Page Interface includes a parts envelope containing seven cable assemblies, four mounting
screws, a SmartMedia
card, a modu lar RJ11 s plitter, an d a Centra- P age terminal block label. The
seven cable assemblies are:
• 61531-033 • 61531-038 • 61531-041 (9-inch green ground wire)
• 61531-034 • 61531-039
• 61531-035 • 61531-040
2. Use the mounting hardware supplied with the AMI to mount it directly below the bottom card rack.
The AMI occupies 1U of space.
3. Make all the required wiring connections before mounting the Model 10961-001 AMI Centra-Page
Interface. Refer to Figure 4 and Figure 5.
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Figure 2. Centra- Page C entr al Ca binet with AMI a nd AMI C entr a-P age Interf ace
(fr ont of center section)
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Figure 3. Centr a-P age Cent ral Cabin et
(Showing front of rear section and the rear of the center section)
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Figure 4. Wiring of Central Cabinet’s the wall-mounted section
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Figure 5. Wirin g of th e rear of th e C entr al Cabinet ’ s center sect ion
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