GAI-Tronics 10461-002 User Manual

Pub. 42004-220B
Model 10461-002
Confidentiality Notice
This manua l is provide d sole ly as an operatio nal, installation, and ma inte nance guide and conta ins sensitive business and t e chnical informatio n tha t is confidentia l and pr opri et ary to GAI- Tronics. GAI-Tronics retains all intellectual property and other rights in or to the information contained herein, and such information may only be used in connection with the operation of your GAI-Tronics product or system. This manu al may not be dis clos e d in any form, in whole or in pa rt, direct ly or i ndir ectly, to a ny third pa r ty.
The GAI-Tronics Centra-Page system provides dependable paging and party line communications for rugged and hazardou s industrial f aciliti es . Centra- P age f eatures c e ntrally loc ated elect ron ic s tha t pr ovide environmental protection for components. Standard Centra-Page cabinets can support up to 30 handset stations. Alarms and telephone interfacing can also be added to Centra-Page systems.
General Information
The Model Centra-Page 10461-002 Card Rack is one of the primary components of a Centra-Page system. All Ce ntra-Pa ge s yste ms requir e at least one card rac k, which houses the indivi du al line ca rds that correspond to specific handset stations and speakers in the system. The card rack contains termination points for 22 to 28.8 V dc power as well as the alarm/tone generator and the telephone interface connections.
Each card rack has the capacity for holding up to ten GAI-Tronics Model 69037-101 Line Cards. These cards plug easily into the rack with the card ejectors at the top and components to the right. The cards are keyed so that they cannot be plugged in backwards. Centra-Page systems using the Model 10468-002 Centra-Page Central Cabinet have maximum capacity of three card racks and therefore 30 line cards (and stations). Some large Centra-Page systems involve custom cabinets or other customer-designed installations.
All of the hands et statio ns and speakers in a Centra-Pa ge syst e m are h omerun (in dividual ly) w ired back to the card rack(s). Terminations for each station and associated speaker are found in the rear of the card rack. For wiring information, refer to Figure 1, which illustrates a typical Centra-Page system, to the Model 10468-002 Centra-Page Central Cabinet manual, Pub. 42004-222, and the individual component manuals.
When a Model 10961-001 AMI Centra-Page Interface is used in a Centra-Page system, priority encoded tones are sent over all speakers in the system through the line cards. Refer to Pub. 42004-345 and 42004­371 for details of operation. Additionally, a telephone line can be connected to the system allowing off­site personnel to communicate to those in the plant or facility.
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Readi ng, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
Pub. 42004-220B
Model 10461-002 Centr a- P age Car d Rac k Page: 2 of 7
Hazard ous Areas
The Model 10461 Card Rack must
be mounte d in a no n-haz ardous a rea, although other port ions of the Cent ra- P age syste m may be l ocated in D iv. I or Div. II haz ardous areas if app ropriate wiring configurations and barriers are used. Refer to Pub. 42004-356, Control Drawing 72979, for proper installa tion of sta tions f or int rins ic ally saf e operatio n in Class I, D i v. I, Group C and D hazardous areas.
A typ i c al C e ntra-Pa ge s yste m w ith c omponents in both hazardous and non-haz ardou s areas is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Typical Centra-Page System Diagram
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Pub. 42004-220B
Model 10461-002 Centr a- P age Car d Rac k Page: 3 of 7
Po wer Requirements
This equipment is designed for nominal 24 V dc operation (22 to 28.8 V) with the negative side grounded, 20 amps maximum, 2 amps idle. However, neither power supply lead is actually wired to the ground termi nal.
The Centra-Page system may be used with negative ground, positive ground, or ungrounded power sources. The card rack must be mounted in a non- haza rdous area.
If installing a station and line card as an add-on, please consult the following chart to ensure proper power will be supplied.
Power Supply Current Requirements
Mode 10 Cards 20 Cards 30 Cards
Standby 0.8 amp 1.5 amps 2.3 amps Page (maximum load) 5.7 amps 11.4 amps 17.1 amps Alarm (typical) 3.8 amps 7.5 amps 11.3 amps Alarm (maximum level) 12.5 amps 25.0 amps 37.5 amps
Notes regarding power supply current requirements listed above:
1. Ra tings at 27.0 V dc at the central cabin et. Add 8% for page and ala rm at 2 8.8 V dc.
2. Full load is defined as 15-watt load on all cards with levels adjusted at factory; 2-watt alarm output.
3. Typical load is defined as 7.5-watt load (such as 16-ohm loudspeaker connected to 8-ohm output).
4. Maximum level is defined as 15-watt loads and level control adjusted for 15-watt alarm level on all
5. Ratings for alarm based on continuous tones. Pulse tone reduces current to about 60%.
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