GAI-Tronics 10434-202 User Manual

Pub.: 42004-320B
Building Ent rance Prot ect ion Barrier
Confidentiality Notice
This manual is pr ovided s olely as an insta llation gu ide and conta i ns sensit ive business and technical information tha t is confident ial and proprieta ry to GAI - Tronic s. GAI-Tronics r etains all intellectual property and other right s in or t o the informa tion contained herein, and su c h inf ormat ion ma y only be used in connection wit h the installat ion of your GAI-T ronics product or system. This ma nu al may not be disclosed in any form, in whole or in pa rt, direct ly or indirectly, t o any third party.
The Model 10434-202 Building Entrance Protection Barrier provides secondary protect i on f rom signa l line t ransients and over-voltage condit ions tha t may cause s erious damage to indoor equipment or injury t o p ersonnel. This ma nu al provides inst ructions on the p lacement and mounting of the barrier. The barrier is designed for use with G AI-Tronics Page/Party applicat ions only.
syst ems in indoor
To ensure safe operation, this product must be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code.
1. Determine a location for installing the Model 10434-202 Building Entrance Protection Barrier. The
location should be as close as possible to where the 60029 System cable enters the structure.
2. Install all indoor Page/Part y
prevent system dama ge, personal injury, or fir e.
3. Drill or punc h the openings for conduit or cable, preferably on the b ottom of the enclos ure.
Avoid punching the hole close to t he rear surfa c e of the enclosure as damage can occur to t he p rinted circuit board assembly.
4. Mount the Model 10434-202 Building Entrance Protection Barrier using the four 0.312 inch diameter
mounting hol es in each c o rner of the encl o sure. See F i g ure 1.
Use caution when mounting the enclosure to avoid damaging the printed circuit board assembly.
handset and sp eaker a mplif ier stations on the protected circuit to
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Reading, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax : 610-796-5954
Pub. 42004-320B
Model 10434-202 Building Ent r anc e P r otective Barrier Page: 2 of 3
5. Install the condu it in the enclosure by feeding t he wiring thr ough the conduit and int o the enclosure.
6. Spade lug the wires and c onnect them securely to the corres ponding terminal blocks by following the
wire colors. The color c odes that c orres pond to the G AI - Tronic s 60029 Series system cable are shown in Figure 2.
An improper termination can result in improper system performance, personal injury, or fire.
Figure 1. Enclosu re Mount i ng D et ails
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