Pub. 42004-212C
Model 10401-201 and
10401-301 Headsets
Confidentiality Notice
This manual is provided solely as an operational, installation, and maintenance guide and contains
sensitive business and technical information which is confidential and proprietary to GAI-Tronics. GAITronics retains all intellectual property and other rights in or to the information contained herein, and
such information may only be used in connection with the operation of your GAI-Tronics product or
system. This manual may not be disclosed in any form, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, to any
third party.
General Information
The GAI-Tronics Model 10401-201 Headset provides hands-free communication with Page/Party®
systems. The 30-foot extension cable provides mobility when connected to a Page/Party
cable is equipped with a push-to-page switch on the belt clip so users can access the page line up to
30 feet away from a Page/Party
station. The
The GAI-Tronics Model 10401-301 Mobile Headset provides hands-free communication with GAITronics’ Digital Intercom System. The Model 10416-301 30-Foot Extension Cable provides mobility
when connected to a digital intercom station.
Both headsets provide a noise reduction rating of 23 dB, making them ideal for use where hearing
protection is required. Please refer to the attached Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Use and
Care Sheet for information on maintaining the headsets’ noise reduction rating (NRR). The gooseneck
(flex-boom) microphone is fully adjustable but remains stationary once in place. In addition, the gelfilled ear cups and adjustable black cloth head strap maximize comfort and keep the headset securely in
place. These headsets are designed for use in areas with up to 110 dB SPL ambient noise, improving
safety for employees working in these areas.
The Model 10401-201 Headset and 10401-301 Mobile Headset are adaptable for use with or without
hard hats. An employee working in different areas with different requirements can alternate the use of
the same headset, requiring a reduced investment. A headset clip is provided to prevent the coil cord
from dangling when it is not connected to the extension cable.
The Model 10401-201 Headset must be connected to a Page/Party® station using a Model 10416-103
Extension Cable. The connection of the headset disables the Page/Party
only be initiated from the headset. To page from the headset, press the push-to-page switch located on
the extension cable belt clip.
station handset and paging can
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954

Pub. 42004-212C
Model 10401-201 and 10401-301 Headsets Page
NOTE: The Model 10401-201 Headset is not directly compatible with older GAI-Tronics Model
10416-001 and 10416-003 Extension Cables. To be compatible, these extension cables require
installation of the Model 12590-001 Extension Cable Connector Upgrade Kit.
In addition, older GAI-Tronics Model 10401-101 and 10402-101 Headsets require installation of the
Model 12590-002 Headset Connector Upgrade Kit to be compatible with the Model 10416-103
Extension Cable.
For ease of reference, refer to the chart in Table 1 below.
Table 1. Headset and Extension Cable Replacement Cross Reference Table
2 of 2
Model Number
Model Number
Upgrade Kit for Compatibility
10401-101 Headset 10401-201 Headset 12590-002 Headset Connector Upgrade
10402-101 Headset
10401-201 Headset 12590-002 Headset Connector Upgrade
(for use with a hard hat)
10416-003 Extension Cable
(with a six-pin connector)
*10416-002 Extension Cable
(with a four-pin connector)
10416-301 Extension Cable
10416-103 Extension
10416-102 Extension
12590-001 Extension Cable Connector
12590-001 Extension Cable Connector
from Digital Intercom
*This extension cable is used only with GAI-Tronics Model 600 Series Page/Party® systems and special
Noise Reduction Rating ........................................................................................................................ 23 dB
Microphone ................................................................... Gooseneck (flex-boom); dynamic, noise-canceling
Receiver .................................................................................................... Hearing aid compatible; dynamic
Configuration .......................................................................... Adaptable for use with or without a hard hat
Cable ............................................................................................ Shielded, 5-foot (1.5 m) extended length;
four-pin connector; attached belt clip
Ear cups........................................................................................................................................... Gel filled
Temperature range (operating and storage) ...................................... −22 F to +158 F (−30 C to +70 C)
Headset weight ................................................................................................................... 1.10 lbs (0.51 kg)
Shipping weight ................................................................................................................. 2.25 lbs (1.03 kg)
f:\standard ioms - current release\42004 instr. manuals\42004-212c.doc