The Model 4090 uses three internal
orthogonal sensors to evaluate and display
a wide range of ELF magnetic fields,
independent of measurement angle. The
instrument utilizes a precision analog-todigital converter and CMOS microprocessor
to accurately compute and display the
vector magnitude of the magnetic flux
density in milligauss. The instrument will
automatically adjust to the proper scale,
yielding a wide dynamic measurement
range of 0.1 to 1999 mG with a typical
accuracy better than 2%, sufficient for
characterizing essentially all electrical and
electronic equipment.
Under normal operating conditions the unit
will provide 50 hours of continuous use with
a standard 9v alkaline battery. A low battery
indicator will signal the user when
approximately one additional hour of
measurement time is available before the
battery needs replacing.
The instrument comes complete with a
padded, imitation leather carrying case and
a one year warranty, covering both parts
and labor. Optional features include a
switchable single-axis mode (to display the
individual vector components), analog
output, DC (recorder) output and wideband
frequency response.
Note: The term “magnetic field” is used
loosely throughout the manual. All
references to magnetic field levels in this
manual actually refer to the “magnetic flux
density”, which has (CGS) units of
milligauss (mG).
II. Operating Instructions
a. General
As a result of its inherent 3-axis method
of measurement, the Model 4090 virtually
eliminates the measure errors associated
with single-axis instruments due to
improper instrument orientation. With the
Model 4090, it is virtually impossible to
get an erroneous reading of the magnetic
field. Inexperienced and non-technical
users will benefit from the Model 4090’s
ease of use, while experienced users will
appreciate the ability to make accurate
measurements and field surveys quickly
and with full confidence.
b. Turning the Instrument On
To operate the Model 4090, first flip the
ON/OFF switch to the UP position. The
instrument will perform a self-test and
display –18.8.8 for approximately two
seconds, verifying proper operation. After
the power-on sequence has finished, the
display will indicate the magnetic reading
in mG.
c. Operation
Simply bring the instrument into the
vicinity of ELF magnetic fields and note
the magnetic field level. Upon power-on,
the meter is placed in the high-sensitivity
mode (0.1 mG resolution) and will remain
in that range until the magnetic field
exceeds 199.9 mG. At that time, the unit
is placed into the low-sensitivity mode,
where it will remain as lonl as the
magnetic field stays within the 180-1999
mG range. If the field exceeds the upper
limit of 1999 mG, the display will blank,
other than leaving a leading “1” in the
display, signifying an out-of-range
condition. If the level falls below 180 mG,
the unit will revert back to high sensitivity
The three magnetic field sensors are
located internal to the instrument just
below the LCD display, behind
“TRIAXIAL” on the front panel. The
display will indicate the magnetic field
level at that point in space. Rotation of
the instrument will not result in a
changing field indication as long as the
magnetic field is constant across the
dimensions of the internal sensors.
Some degree of directionality will be
observed in near fields, i.e. where the
magnetic field level changes rapidly over
distances comparable to the dimensions
of the instrument. In far fields, where the
magnetic field is essentially constant,
directionality of the instrument is typically
less than 1%.
d. Battery Replacement
Under normal operating conditions, the
unit will provide approximately 50 hours
of continuous use using a standard 9V
alkaline battery. When the battery level
falls below 5.4V, a low battery indication
(signaled by a minus sign) will appear.
Approximately one additional hour of
measurement time is available before
accuracy will become degraded;
however, the battery should be replaced
as soon as possible.
! Make sure the ON/OFF switch is in
the “OFF” position before replacing
the battery.
e. Dead Battery
If, after turning the instrument on, either
nothing happens or the unit behaves in
an unpredictable fashion, try replacing
the battery. If this solves the problem, it
may be that the instrument was left on
accidentally for an extended period of
time, resulting in a “dead” battery.
f. Single-Axis Mode
(Option X01). Units equipped with OPT
X01 have the ability to display the vector
components of the magnetic flux density:
Bx,By and Bz, in mG. When placed in
the single-axis mode, an arrow symbol
will appear in the upper-left area of the
LCD. It will disappear when the Model
4090 is returned to the triaxial (default)
mode. To activate the single-axis mode,
depress the push-button on the top panel
firmly until the display blanks, then
release. After blanking for approximately
one-half second, the display will indicate
the x-component of the magnetic field,
Bx. Depress the push-button a second
time until the display blanks, release and
the display will indicate By. Depress the
push-button a third time until the display
blanks, release and the display indicates
Bz. Depress the button once more and
the instrument will reset itself and enter
the triaxial mode.
Note: The x-sensor is aligned across the
meter face, from left to right. The y-sensor
alignment is across the meter face, from top
to bottom. The z-sensor alignment is
through the meter, from front to back.