Muff-based bass fuzz
with germanium growl
Contents of this document are ©2017 Pedal Parts Ltd.
No reproduction permitted without the express written
permission of Pedal Parts Ltd. All rights reserved.
Schematic + BOM
*The original circuit uses
C2240, but you could try
other BJT. The circuit is
basically a Big Muff Pi.
C2240 have a nonstandard pin-out so there
are extra pads on the PCB
to accomodate those and
standard CBE cans. See
later in this document for
more info on that.
**NTE102/3 in the
original, but you can try
other germaniums. We
supply AC128/AC176
which work well. You
could replace these with
silicon if you prefer.
R1 1M
R2 100K
R3 100K
R4 680K
R5 4K7
R6 4K7
R7 470K
R8 33K
R9 100K
R10 470R
R11 470K
R12 10K
R13 10K
R14 100K
R15 100R
R16 470K
R17 10K
R18 10K
R19 100K
R20 100R
C1 10n
C2 6n8
C3 470p
C4 470p
C5 100u
C6 470p
C7 100n
C8 100n
C9 10n
C10 100n
C11 470n
C12 470n
C13 2u2
C14 10u
C15 10u
C16 10u
C17 4n7
C18 1u
D1-4 1N4148
***10K in original but
we’ve made it bigger to
accommodate a wider
range of germaniums.
Yes, C18 is shown as
470n in the cover pic.
We were all out of 1u
when we built it.
R21 470K
R22 15K
R23 100K
R24 100K
R25 10K
R26 470K
R27 2K2
R28 12K
R30 39K
R31 100K
Q1-5 C2240*
Q6 NPN Ge**
Q7 PNP Ge**
DIST 100KA Dual Gang
T1 22K trimmer***