5.4 System Setup Menu ....................................................................... 27
5.5 Valve Setup Menu ..........................................................................31
5.6 Check System Performance ........................................................... 41
5.7 Custom Setup Menu ....................................................................... 42
5.8 Troubleshoot Menu ......................................................................... 44
5.9 Store / Recall Setups ...................................................................... 46
5.10 Data Transfer ................................................................................. 46
MCB3 Installation ManualPage 1
A Valve Identication and Setting Recommendation ......................... 47
B Fault Codes .................................................................................... 48
C Hydraulic Valve Guide ..................................................................... 49
D Elevation Error caused by Slope On Grade Deadband .................. 52
E Upgrading the MCB3 Firmware ...................................................... 54
Table of Contents
MCB3 Installation ManualPage 2
All documentation, data, dimensions, and drawings in this manual were compiled and checked
with great care, however Futtura Tools & Technologies, Inc. cannot assume responsibility for
possible errors or omissions. We reserve the right to change designs and specifications without
Futtura Tools & Technologies, Inc. accepts no liability whatsoever for direct or indirect damage
that may occur due to the unauthorized or improper use or interpretation of this document, and
also shall not be liable for direct or consequential damages resulting from the improper service,
application, maintenance or use of the product.
This document is strictly for the use of qualified service technicians with the requisite technical
skills, training, and facilities. This manual should be read completely before installing the
Reproduction of any or all parts of this manual, including electronic, is prohibited without the
written permission of the Futtura Tools & Technologies, Inc. It also may not be used for any
purpose other than for which is was intended, nor made accessible or communicated in any
form to any third party not expressly authorized by Futtura Tools & Technologies, Inc.
June 2015
MCB3 Installation Manual
Page 3
WARNING: Indicates a potential hazardous situation, which could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which could result in a minor or moderate
injury and/or material, nancial, or environmental damage.
Meaning of Symbols1.5
NOTE: Important information to enable the product to
unrelated to safety.
NOTE: The installation technician should be a qualied person who is familiar with the installation,
construction, and operation of the machine and laser equipment and the hazards involved.
NOTE: The user of this product is expected to follow all operating and safety instructions of this manual
and of the machinery operator’s manual. Perform periodic checks of the product’s performance. The
manufacturer or its representatives assume no responsibility for results
including any direct, indirect, consequential damage, and loss of prots. Check your work frequently.
WARNING: High pressure uid is present in operational hydraulic systems. Fluids under high pressure
are dangerous and can cause serious injury or death. Do not make modications, repairs or adjust-
ments to any hydraulic system unless you are competent or working under competent supervision. If
in doubt consult a qualied technician or engineer.
WARNING: When working near construction or agricultural machinery, follow all safety precautions
as described in the machinery’s user manual.
machine before operating or beginning any work.
WARNING: Do not remove the back panel of the control box. The back panel is to be accessed by
authorized Futtura Tools & Technologies service personnel only.
WARNING: Be aware of all overhead obstructions and electrical power lines. The receiver and mast
may be higher than the machinery. Remove when transporting.
Familiarize yourself with all basic functions of the
be used in a correct and efcient manner
of the use of this product
WARNING: When excavating or trenching, follow all excavation and trench safety regulations and
CAUTION: Do not disassemble any part of the receiver other than to replace batteries. The receiver
is to be serviced by authorized Futtura Tools & Technologies service personnel only.
CAUTION: Ensure all equipment is properly installed, the MCR receiver is secured in its
mounting position, and all cables connections are tight and secure.
NOTE: Environmental Limits: Suitable for use in an atmosphere appropriate for human habitation (no
protection in an aggressive or explosive environment).
MCB3 Installation ManualPage 4
General Information
2.1System Description
The Dual Automatic Blade Control System uses a MCB3 Control Box, MCR laser
receivers, cables, optional remote switches, and a hydraulic kit to automatically control
construction grading machinery for earthmoving and grading applications.
Reference elevation from a rotating laser is received by the MCR receiver and sent to the
control box. The information is processed and automatically directs the hydraulic valves to maintain
the elevation of the blade when in automatic mode.
System conguration can be set for lift and tilt control - a typical bulldozer conguration.
Conguration can also be lift and lift - a typical motor grader conguration. In addition the system
can be set to control the elevation of two independent implements with receivers, a typical tandem
carry-all type scraper conguration
Elevation control may be used in conjunction with slope control with certain MCR receivers
that contain internal slope sensors. These slope sensors control the slope of the blade relative to
the machine. Slope lasers provide a slope relative to the laser transmitter.
MCB3 Installation ManualPage 5
General Information
2.2General Identication
1. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) - indicates control modes, guidance information and system status.
Menus are displayed during setup.
2. Right Grade LED's - green bar indicates on-grade, red arrows indicate direction to grade for
right side. Blinking red arrows indicate lost beam and direction to move to nd beam.
3. Mounting Knob - secures to control box bracket.
4. Right Auto/Manual LED's - green "A" indicates Automatic or amber "M" indicates Manual is
selected on right side.
5. Right Multi-Switch - Left/right movement selects Auto/Manual control and up/down movement
enables Raise/Lower implement. Rotation increases/decreases the control set point. Pressing in
enables elevation or slope matching. Navigates User Setup menu.
6. Access panel thumbscrew.
7. Access panel cover plate - panel contains rotary switch, DIP switch and fuse. DIP switch used
for installation.
8. Power / Setup Switch - turns power on and off. Toggle switch upward (I i) to turn power on.
Toggle switch downward (o) to turn power off. Enables changing operating modes and entry into
User Setup modes. Enables entry into Help screens.
9. Left Multi-Switch - Left/right movement selects Auto/Manual control and up/down movement
enables Raise/Lower implement. Rotation increases/decreases elevation. Pressing in enables
elevation or slope matching. Navigates User Setup menu.
10. Left Auto/Manual LED's - green "A" indicates Automatic or amber "M" indicates Manual is
selected on left side.
11. Left Grade LED's - green bar indicates on grade, red arrows indicate direction to grade for left
side. Blinking red arrows indicate lost beam and the direction to move to nd beam.
MCB3 Installation ManualPage 6
General Information
General Identication
12. Rotary Switch - used for factory tests. Default position is 0.
13. DIP Switch - used for installation. Default position is all switch bats down (off).
19. Beeper with adjustable volume control - rotate to increase or decrease volume. Single beep
is activated when switch command is accepted. Double beep activated when switch command
is not available, incorrect or not accepted.
20. Identication / serial number label / cable function symbols.
Refer to the control box operator's manual (P/N ATI-010884) for detailed operational information.
MCB3 Installation ManualPage 7
General Information
0&B Dual Control Box
Grade Display Green On-Grade LED's Red High / Low LED's
Display LCD
Operating Voltage 10 to 30 Volts DC, reverse polarity protected
Maximum Current 5 Amps per driver
Electrical Connection Standard military type
Valve Compatibility PT, Proportional Time (On/Off),
PC, Proportional Current, and
PV, Proportional Voltage
Laser Receiver Deadband 0 - 2.0 inches (0.05 in increments)
0 - 0.16 ft (0.005 ft increments)
0 - 50 mm (1.0 mm increments)
BE3+ 0 - 1.0 inches
0 - 0.08 ft
0 - 25 mm
Slope Set Point Range +/- 23 degrees (+/- 44%)
Remote Switch Option Raise/Lower, Auto/Manual Multi-Switch
Single switch for lift & tilt
Dual switches for dual lift
Weight 5 lbs. (2.25 kg)
Dimensions (without knobs) 7.7 x 5.5 x 5.5 in. (196 x 140 x 140 mm)
Operating Temperature -4° F to 140° F (-20° C to +60° C)
NOTE: The left and right sides of the machine are referenced while seated in the
operator's seat, facing the normal direction of travel. Graphics are depicted from the
operator's point of view.
Machine architecture is referenced by what type of cylinder arrangement controls the blade - Lift &
Tilt or Lift & Lift.
Left side and right side are dened as the operator would view the system when facing forward in
the operators seat.
Lift & Tilt is a common dozer arrangement. Typically for a bulldozer, one set of cylinders are linked
together for blade lift. A separate circuit controls blade tilt which pivots about a single pivot point.
Lift & Tilt is not conned to bulldozers. Skid steer attachments and other tractor attachments may
operate as a Lift & Tilt system. These systems may use a single lift cylinder.
Pivot Point
Blade Lift
Blade Tilt
Lift & Lift is a common motorgrader arrangement. A separate cylinder controls each side for
blade lift which pivots about a point on the opposite end of the blade. Lift & Lift is not conned
to motorgraders. Tractor attachments such as drag boxes may operate as a Lift & Lift system.
Additionally tandem pulled behind scrapers can operate as two independent lift systems.
Pivot Point
Left Hand Side Lift
Pivot Point
Right Hand Side Lift
MCB3 Installation ManualPage 9
Machine Architecture
Mast Mounting Options
Mast mounting locations may differ depending on machine architecture, receiver model, type of
machine, etc.
Lift & Tilt: Traditional mounting
The traditional method for mounting dual receivers is to
mount the Lift mast and receiver (1) in the center of the
blade above the blade pivot point (2) and the Tilt mast
and receiver (3) on the end of the right hand side of the
NOTE: Without cross-coupling, a Lift error will cause an
unneeded Tilt correction which leads to instability (duckwalking). Traditional systems slow down the tilt blade
speed to remain stable.
Turn on and set up the cross coupling to minimize the
instability and improve performance. When the cross
coupling is set, the Tilt can be ran as fast as the lift and
remain stable.
Refer to the cross coupling menus in System Setup § 5.4.
Cross Coupling Setup Example
Cross Coupling Setup Example
Lift & Tilt: Wide Stance mounting option
The grade accuracy at the end of the blade can be
increased by moving the lift receiver (1) and the tilt
receiver (3) to each end of the blade. Refer to the
diagram on the following page for an illustration.
Cross coupling must be turned on. Refer to the cross
coupling menus in System Setup § 5.4.
The wide stance also avoids mast mounting near blade
king pin and linkage.
For low mounted receivers, it places the receiver grade
display in better line of sight to the corners of the blade.
This arrangement is not recommended for single laser
receiver or internal slope sensor systems.
Increasing the distance between the two receivers decreases the allowable movement within the
deadbands before a correction takes place.
Mast Mounting Options
Wide Stance
MCB3 Installation ManualPage 11
Machine Architecture
Lift & Tilt: Single Laser Receiver
Lift & Lift: Dual Laser Receivers
Mast Mounting Options
When a single laser receiver (1) is used, it is best to
mount it above the blade's pivot point (2).
The internal slope sensor of a MCR2 or
MCR3 may be used to control the tilt of the
A slope sensor driven tilt control will run slower than a
laser receiver driven tilt control. See § 5.5.
Cross Coupling is not required.
Cross Coupling Setup Example
Mount the left hand receiver (1) near the left hand
end of the blade.
Mount the right hand receiver (4) near the right
hand end of the blade.
Cross coupling must be turned on and setup.
Mounting receivers near the end of the blade
provides the best accuracy.
Mounting receivers near the blade pivot points
(2 & 3) provides the best stability.
Mounting locations are usually dictated by the
machine geometry.
If slope control is used, blade speeds must be
lowered compared to laser control. See § 5.5.
MCB3 Installation ManualPage 12
General Installation
Control Box
The control box mounts in the cab and is cable connected to machine power, the MCR
receivers and the hydraulic valve. Optional remote switches may also be connected. The operator
adjusts and selects various options using toggle switches or multi-switches that move left/right,
up/down, rotate in both directions, and can be pushed in.
An LCD indicates system and conguration status. An LED display indicates grade information for
each side. Automatic or manual modes are also indicated with LED's for each side.
Refer to the control box operator's manual (P/N ATI-010884) for detailed operational information.
The Control Box should be mounted in a location that is easily visible to the operator, is within easy
reach of the operator’s hands, and can be easily installed and removed. Insure that the location does
not interfere with other machine controls or operator movements. Remote switches are available which
allow the operator to adjust the system while keeping hands on the machine controls.
The Control Box has vented drain holes on the rear bottom of the unit that must
face downward.
A control box mounting bracket (ATI-950054) is designed to accept the mounting
knobs that are included with the control box.
System Components
0&5 Receivers
All MCR receivers feature 360 degree laser reception and work with all common rotating lasers.
MCR models 1, 2, MC2E, and 3 are designed for automatic blade control and will work with
the MCB3. The model 1 has limited proportional control capability and therefore limited on-grade
offset and elevation matching capability.
Models 2 and 3 incorporate internal slope sensors that can be used for blade slope control.
NOTE: These slope sensors must be calibrated to the machine before use.
Models 1, 2 and 3 can also be used as stand alone display receivers.
Please refer to the specic MCR operator's manuals for more detailed information.
The MCR receivers mount to round masts from sizes 1.66” to 2.00” O.D. (42 to 50 mm) and to
1-1/2” (38 mm) square tube.
The communication protocol for the MCR receivers is proprietary RS485 @ 62.5 kbaud.
MCB3 Installation ManualPage 13
General Installation
Hydraulic Valves:
The Control Box supports Proportional Time (PT), Proportional Current (PC), and Proportional Voltage
(PV) hydraulic valves.
Hydraulic installation kits are available for several common machines and depict valve mounting. Some
kits contain the hydraulic valves, valve brackets, hydraulic hoses and ttings necessary for automatic
control of a specic machine. Other valve kits require some additional components to be supplied.
A separate installation guide is included with the hydraulic kit.
STM1 Mast:
The Model STM1 shock mounted manually telescoping mast allows the receiver to be positioned
above the machinery for unobstructed laser reception.
STM1 Specications
Height retracted: 75.5 in. (192 cm)
Extension Length 48.0 in. (122 cm)
Tape increments 1/16th in. and 1 mm
Weight 52 lbs. (23.6 kg)
System Components
Bolt size 3/4 in x 10 x 2-1/2 in Grade 8
MCB3 Installation ManualPage 14
General Installation
STM1 Mast Installation:
The machine should be positioned on a at level surface with the blade on the ground. Make sure
that all mast-mounting bolts are accessible with the appropriate tools when the mounting assembly
is complete.
Caution: Before welding turn the master disconnect off and disconnect any computer module.
1. Observe all safety practices recommenced by the machinery manufacturer while installing and
using the mast.
a) Turn off engine and engage parking brake.
b) Rest blade on the ground.
c) Take precautions to avoid lifting or falling injuries. Mast weight is
57 Lbs. (26 kg.)
2. To minimize elevation errors due to changing cut depths:
The masts should be positioned to place the laser receive
close as possible vertically over the cutting edge of the blade.
b) The masts should be vertical "front-to-back" when the blade is in
its normal operating position.
3. To minimize elevation errors due to changing blade tilt, the masts
should be vertical "side-to-side" when the blade is in its normal
operating position.
System Components
rs as
4. Weld the optional mast mounting plates (ATI-010766) to best meet
the above recommendations, and:
a) Not interfere with blade movement or linkages.
b) Provide clearance for pin removal, or other service
c) Follow all machine manufacturer precautions for welding to the
d) Several pieces of material are usually required to stand the plates
slightly above a dozer blade. These pieces are not included with the
mounting plate.
5. Attach the masts to the mounting plates with provided (1) 3/4-10
x 2-1/2 inch long grade 8 screws and lock washers. Torque to 265
ft-lbs. (37 mkg)
6. Attach the laser receivers to the masts as shown. Wrap the
electrical cable around the masts to keep it out of harm from blade
linkages or material near the blade. Attach the cables to the laser
7. Loosen the mast clamp and extend the mast to the desired
elevation to clear laser obstructions such as the machine's cab.
Tighten the mast clamp.
a) Pull out on the clamp handle to reposition the handle.
Operator's View
MCB3 Installation ManualPage 15
General Installation
System Wiring
Cables are generally shipped at a predetermined length required for a particular machine. Connectors
are installed at the factory.
Plan the routing of all cables prior to actual installation. Some machines may require cutting a
hole in the sheet metal with a hole saw to route the cable. Be sure not to drill into harnesses or other
components. Grind or le any sharp edges and add edge grommet or wire loom to protect the cables.
All cables should be attached to the machine at a minimum of every 2 to 3 feet (.6 to 1.0 meter)
or less to try to eliminate cable movement and possible abrasion damage. Special care should be
taken at ex points to ensure the cable moves freely and does not rub on other hoses, ttings, or
the machine. Provide
cables should not
adequate cable length to avoid pinching, stretching, and tight bending
be clamped to pipes or hoses that will cause the cable to b
e exposed to high
. Also,
Power Cable:
Connect the 4-socket connector on the power cable to the 4-pin
connector on the box. Route the
cable to the machine's battery and connect the terminal ends to the battery. The red terminal is for the
positive post and the black is for ground. The box has reverse polarity protection in case the terminals
are connected improperly.
NOTE: In order to utilize the machine's master disconnect, the ground wire must be
connected to the machine frame.
Receiver Cable:
A dual receiver cable connects the control box with a dual connector junction block that supports two
laser receivers. Two separate cables connect the junction block to the receivers.
The junction block can be mounted on the front of the machine with the provided 1/4 inch hardware.
Once the junction block mounting is determined, route the cable through the machine to the control
box. Connect the cable 7-pin connector to the 7-socket connector on the control box.
The junction block is marked "L" for left side and "R" for right side as the operator is looking forward
in the direction of machine travel.
Connect the receiver straight cable or coil cord 7-pin connector to the 7-socket connector on the junction
block for each side. Connect the cable's 7-socket connector to the 7-pin connector on the bottom of
the MCR receiver for each side.
Attach dust caps to connectors when not in use.
Dual Receiver Cable - Hood Mounting
Lay block on its side with bolt holes vertical. Mount to top of
hood with provided hardware.
Alternatively, the junction block may be mounted to the grill
(possibly with minor grill modications) and user provided
MCB3 Installation ManualPage 16
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