Formfutura BV CoC: 69099502 Tel: +31 (0)85 002 0881
Groenestraat 215 VAT: NL857733709B01 Email: info@formfutura.com
6531 HH Nijmegen EORI: NL857733709 Website: www.formfutura.com
EasyCork is a lightweight cork-filled PLA-based filament which is gravimetrically filled with approximately 30% cork
fibres. The gravimetric filling with relatively lightweight cork fibres means that EasyCork has extremely high volumetric
cork filling properties, allowing you to 3D print beautiful objects with great cork-like aesthetics and cork-like properties
such as being lightweight and impact resistant.
EasyCork is a very easy to print material as it is based on our EasyFil PLA compound and the 30% gravimetrical filling with
cork fibres make the filament absolutely warp-free.
All information supplied by or on behalf of Formfutura in relation to its products, whether in the nature of dat a, recommendations or otherwise, is supported by research and, in good faith,
believed reliable, but Formfutura assumes no liability and makes no warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to, those of title, merchantability, fitness for a
particular purpose or non-infringement or any warranty arising from a course of dealing, usage, or trade practice whatsoever in respect of application, processing or use made of the
forementioned information or product. The user assumes all responsibility for the use of all information provided and shall verify quality and other properties or any consequence from the use
of all such information. Typical values are indicative only and are not to be construed as being binding specifications.
Charpy Notched @23° C (73° F)
@Yield 50mm/min (2 inch/min)
@ Break 50mm/min (2 inch/min)
Product details, certifications and compliance