Furrion FEHS19H3A User Manual

Model: FEHS19H3A
Safety Information
To prevent fir e an d/ or e le ct ri c shock, do not use this plug with an exten si on cord, rece pt ac le o r ot he r ou tlet unless the blades can be fully i ns er te d to preven t bl ad e ex po su re . Do n ot expose this appliance to rain or m oi st ur e.
Important Safety Instructions
-When ther e is a t hu nd er st or m (Please, pull out the power cord an d an te nn a) .
-When clea ni ng t he TV set.
-When the TV set is not used for a lon g ti me . Do not use cor ro si ve d ep ur at ive when cleaning the TV set. Do not put the TV set under direct s un li gh t or n ea r he at. Do not put a hea t so ur ce , su ch a s a ca ndle or heater, on top of or near the TV set. Leave pl en ty o f sp ac e (a t le as t 10cm) around the TV set for ventilation. Place the TV set away from where i t ca n be r ui ne d by r ai n or water (such as near a window ). Don't put a co nt ai ne r wi th l iq uid (such as a vase) on top of the TV set. Do not move th e TV set when the powe r is o n. Do not touch , pu sh o r sc ra tc h th e surface of the TV se t wi th hard materials or items. When TV surfaces are dirty, please use a wet cotton c lo th o r so ft c lo th w it h non­corrosiv e cl ea ne rs t o cl ea n it carefully. Don ´t use acetone, toluene or alcohol to clean the TV set. Be aware and car eful of moisture, whi ch can damage inner electronic components. Whe n condensed moisture i s pr es en t, t he TV scre en m ay a pp ea r bl ur ry or spotty. It is recomm en de d th at a t ec hn ician install the TV set on a wall, if such placement is desire d. An incorre ct w al l in st al la tion will be unsafe and hazardous . Do not let child ren clim b on or play around the TV set to avoid falls, collis sions, damages and inju ries. Do not hit the TV panel with hard ob je ct s to p re ve nt d amages. Do not cover t he TV set with blank et s or o th er o bj ec ts when it is connected to a power so ur ce t o pr ev en t ov er heating and fire. Batteries shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like. Mains pl ug i s us ed a s di sc on nect device from the mains, the disco nn ec t device s ha ll r em ai n re ad il y operate. Appara tu s wi th c la ss I c on st ruction shall be connected to a mai ns s oc ke t outlet wit h a pr ot ec ti ve e ar thing connection.
Important Safety PrecautionsImportant Safety Precautions
Please , im me di at el y pu ll o ut the AC power plug from ad ap te r if t he re i s an a bnormal sound or sme ll o r th e LE D TV has sou nd but no pictu re , an d co nt ac t af ter sales suppor t.
The LED TV should be kept free fro m ra in , moisture a nd d us t to p re ve nt e lectrical shock and sh or t ci rc ui ts . Do n ot cover the ventil at io n op en in gs w it h table clothes, curtains , ne ws pa pe rs , et c.
The LED TV should be k ep t fr om h ig h temperat ur e heating s ources or dire ct sunlig ht . Good ventilation is re qu ir ed. Allow 10 cm. be tw ee n the LE D TV and other appl ia nc es o r bu il t- in cabinet walls.
When y ou wipe the fr on t cabinet, please make sure th e p ow er plug is pu ll ed out and use a soft, dry, lin t-free c lo th and h an dl e it with care. Do not re pe at ed ly wipe t he panel, nor scrape , ta p or s tr ik e th e pa nel with a hard object.
Do not pla ce t he L ED TV on an unstab le surface.
Do not place the power cord or oth er ca bl es across a walkway in c as e it is tr am pl ed on. Do not overload th e power c or d or power soc ke t. When the pow er p lu g is u se d to d is connect and connec t the device, it should easily into the power so ur ce .
Do not di sa ss em bl e the back co ve r, as it contains h ig h vo lt ag es i ns ide and will cause electric sh ock. Only q ua li fi ed professionals should conduct interna l adjus t m e n t s , maintena nc e, a nd c he ck s.
The T V set should not be s ub je ct ed t o water droplets, vapor, or splash. This equipm en t sh ou ld n ot b e pl ac ed on objects filled with l iq ui ds . D o not p lace fl am e sources, s uc h as lit candles, o n or near the LED TV. P le ase, pull out the pow er plug and contact a ft er sale s support if t he re are abnorm al o bj ec ts o r wa te r in t he TV.
Do n ot wipe t he LED TV w ith any p etrol, chemical o r al co ho l ba se d so lvents as it will l ea d to product damage o f th e panel and cabi ne t.
When the tel ev is io n re ce iv er is not used for an extended p er io d of t im e, i t is a dvisable to disconnect the AC powe r co rd f ro m th e AC ou tl et . The MAINS pl ug o r an a pp li an ce c oupler is used as the discon ne ct d ev ic e, The dis co nn ec t de vi ce s hall remain readil y op er ab le .
Pull out the p ower co rd an d a nt en na ca bl e during e le ct ri ca l st or ms s o the LED TV i s no t damage d by ele ct ri ca l s ur ge s. Ke ep al l people away f rom th e antenna cable d ur ing electric al s to rm s.
Table of Contents
Features Specifications
Accessories General Description
Overview of front and side panel Overview of back panel Overview of remote control
Installing Batteries in the Remote Control
Install LED SET
6 7
W arnings
l TV adopts TFT LED display screen l HDTV Compatible( 480p,720p, 1080i, 1080p) l Support American TV Standard 8VSB/Free 64/256QAM,NTSC System, ATSC System l Connect to computer directly to realize TV/monitor combo. l Zero X radiation complies to green environment protection requirement l Advanced Chroma Processing l Closed captioning/PARENTAL LOCK l SAP/STEREO/MONO; ATSC. l HDMI input l USB input (for factory use only)
External Connection
Connecting VCR Connecting DVD Player/Set-Top Box Connecting DVD Player/Set-Top Box via HDMI
Connecting Amplifier/DVD Home Theater
Connecting PC
Supporting signals
OSD Menu Operations
Picture defects and the reason
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11 12 13
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Input terminals used for external equipment connection
One computer VGA/PC inpu t
One AV input One L/R output One Earphone output One Component input
One ANTENNA jack One PC Audio input
One HDMI input One USB for factory use only
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