Safety Information
To prevent fir e an d/ or e le ct ri c shock, do not use this plug with an exten si on
cord, rece pt ac le o r ot he r ou tlet unless the blades can be fully i ns er te d to
preven t bl ad e ex po su re . Do n ot expose this appliance to rain or m oi st ur e.
Important Safety Instructions
Read the se i ns tr uc ti on s.
Keep these i ns tr uc ti on s.
Heed all w ar ni ng s.
Follow a ll i ns tr uc ti on s.
Please , un pl ug t he TV power co rd w he n th e fo ll ow ing conditions occur:
-When ther e is a t hu nd er st or m (Please, pull out the power cord an d an te nn a) .
-When clea ni ng t he TV set.
-When the TV set is not used for a lon g ti me .
Do not use cor ro si ve d ep ur at ive when cleaning the TV set.
Do not put the TV set under direct s un li gh t or n ea r he at.
Do not put a hea t so ur ce , su ch a s a ca ndle or heater, on top of or near the TV set.
Leave pl en ty o f sp ac e (a t le as t 10cm) around the TV set for ventilation.
Place the TV set away from where i t ca n be r ui ne d by r ai n or water (such as near a
window ).
Don't put a co nt ai ne r wi th l iq uid (such as a vase) on top of the TV set.
Do not move th e TV set when the powe r is o n.
Do not touch , pu sh o r sc ra tc h th e surface of the TV se t wi th hard materials or items.
When TV surfaces are dirty, please use a wet cotton c lo th o r so ft c lo th w it h noncorrosiv e cl ea ne rs t o cl ea n it carefully. Don ´t use acetone, toluene or alcohol to
clean the TV set.
Be aware and car eful of moisture, whi ch can damage inner electronic components.
Whe n condensed moisture i s pr es en t, t he TV scre en m ay a pp ea r bl ur ry or spotty.
It is recomm en de d th at a t ec hn ician install the TV set on a wall, if such placement is
desire d.
An incorre ct w al l in st al la tion will be unsafe and hazardous .
Do not let child ren clim b on or play around the TV set to avoid falls, collis sions,
damages and inju ries.
Do not hit the TV panel with hard ob je ct s to p re ve nt d amages.
Do not cover t he TV set with blank et s or o th er o bj ec ts when it is connected to a
power so ur ce t o pr ev en t ov er heating and fire.
Batteries shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like.
Mains pl ug i s us ed a s di sc on nect device from the mains, the disco nn ec t
device s ha ll r em ai n re ad il y operate.
Appara tu s wi th c la ss I c on st ruction shall be connected to a mai ns s oc ke t
outlet wit h a pr ot ec ti ve e ar thing connection.
Important Safety PrecautionsImportant Safety Precautions
Please , im me di at el y pu ll o ut the AC power
plug from ad ap te r if t he re i s an a bnormal
sound or sme ll o r th e LE D TV has sou nd
but no pictu re , an d co nt ac t af ter sales
suppor t.
The LED TV should be kept free fro m ra in ,
moisture a nd d us t to p re ve nt e lectrical
shock and sh or t ci rc ui ts . Do n ot cover the
ventil at io n op en in gs w it h table clothes,
curtains , ne ws pa pe rs , et c.
The LED TV should be k ep t fr om h ig h
temperat ur e heating s ources or dire ct
sunlig ht . Good ventilation is re qu ir ed.
Allow 10 cm. be tw ee n the LE D TV and
other appl ia nc es o r bu il t- in cabinet walls.
When y ou wipe the fr on t cabinet, please
make sure th e p ow er plug is pu ll ed out and
use a soft, dry, lin t-free c lo th and h an dl e it
with care. Do not re pe at ed ly wipe t he panel,
nor scrape , ta p or s tr ik e th e pa nel with a hard
Do not pla ce t he L ED TV on an unstab le
Do not place the power cord or oth er ca bl es
across a walkway in c as e it is tr am pl ed on. Do
not overload th e power c or d or power soc ke t.
When the pow er p lu g is u se d to d is connect and
connec t the device, it should easily into the
power so ur ce .
Do not di sa ss em bl e the back co ve r, as it
contains h ig h vo lt ag es i ns ide and will cause
electric sh ock. Only q ua li fi ed professionals
should conduct interna l adjus t m e n t s ,
maintena nc e, a nd c he ck s.
The T V set should not be s ub je ct ed t o
water droplets, vapor, or splash. This
equipm en t sh ou ld n ot b e pl ac ed on objects
filled with l iq ui ds . D o not p lace fl am e
sources, s uc h as lit candles, o n or near the
LED TV. P le ase, pull out the pow er plug
and contact a ft er sale s support if t he re are
abnorm al o bj ec ts o r wa te r in t he TV.
Do n ot wipe t he LED TV w ith any p etrol,
chemical o r al co ho l ba se d so lvents as it
will l ea d to product damage o f th e panel
and cabi ne t.
When the tel ev is io n re ce iv er is not used for an
extended p er io d of t im e, i t is a dvisable to disconnect
the AC powe r co rd f ro m th e AC ou tl et .
The MAINS pl ug o r an a pp li an ce c oupler is used as the
discon ne ct d ev ic e, The dis co nn ec t de vi ce s hall remain
readil y op er ab le .
Pull out the p ower co rd an d a nt en na ca bl e
during e le ct ri ca l st or ms s o the LED TV i s no t
damage d by ele ct ri ca l s ur ge s. Ke ep al l
people away f rom th e antenna cable d ur ing
electric al s to rm s.
Table of Contents
General Description
Overview of front and side panel
Overview of back panel
Overview of remote control
Installing Batteries in the Remote Control
Install LED SET
W arnings
l TV adopts TFT LED display screen
l HDTV Compatible( 480p,720p, 1080i, 1080p)
l Support American TV Standard 8VSB/Free 64/256QAM,NTSC System, ATSC System
l Connect to computer directly to realize TV/monitor combo.
l Zero X radiation complies to green environment protection requirement
l Advanced Chroma Processing
l Closed captioning/PARENTAL LOCK
l HDMI input
l USB input (for factory use only)
External Connection
Connecting VCR
Connecting DVD Player/Set-Top Box
Connecting DVD Player/Set-Top Box via HDMI
Connecting Amplifier/DVD Home Theater
Connecting PC
Supporting signals
OSD Menu Operations
Picture defects and the reason
Input terminals used for external equipment connection
One computer VGA/PC inpu t
One AV input
One L/R output
One Earphone output
One Component input
One ANTENNA jack
One PC Audio input
One HDMI input
One USB for factory use only