Furrion FDW18SA-SS User Manual

DishwasherFeatures.................. ....3
Detergent............................ ....5
RinseAid.................. .......... ....5
Loading the Dishwasher Rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
FilteringSystem...................... .... 7
TurningOntheAppliance.............. .....8
Caring for the Dishwasher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8,9
Beforecallingforservice.......... 10,11
The electric dishwasher of FDW18SA-SS model, be si des the common characteristics of oth er household dishw ashers, it has its own specialties:
Er ror alarm
Fa ult c od es di splay would infor m th e user of abnor mal status of the machine.
Rinse aid Warn ing Indica tor
If the rinse aid are r unning low, t here wi ll be c learl y displayed on t he pane l ale rt ing y ou to top them up, to e nsure that the mach opti mum per for mance .
in e continu es to operate at
Stainless steel tub
You need not wa rry about st ain of tu b.
4 wash programs
You ca n ch o os e des ired program acco rdin g to the soiled lev el. Such as: hea vy , nor mal , l ight , speed ,
This product is suitable for use in modular homes and recreational vehicles.
The manufacturer, following a policy of constant development and up-da ting of the product, may make modifications without giving pr ior notice.
Under certain conditions, H ydrogen gas may be pr oduced in a hot-wat er system t hat has n ot been usedfortwoweeksormore.HYDROGENGASISEXPLOSIVE. If th eh ot-water system has not been usedfor such a period, before u sing the dishwasher turn on a ll hot-water faucets and let the water flow from each for several minutes. This w ill release any accumulated h ydro gen gas.As the ga s is flam mable, donot smokeor use an open flame durin g this time.
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, grounding will
reduce the risk of electric shock by providing a
path of least resistance of electric current. This
appliance is equipped with a cord having an equipment-grounding conductor and a grounding plug.The plugmustbe plugged into an appropriate outlet that is installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish rack of the dishwasher.
Donot touch theheating elementduring or immediately after use.
Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked
dishwasher safe orthe equivalent. For plastic items not so marked, check the manufactures recommendations.
Use onlydetergentand rinseadditives designed foran automatic dishwas her.Never use soap , laundry detergent, or han d washing detergent in yourdishwasher. Keep theseproductsout of childre n.
Keep child away from detergent and rinse aid, keep child away from the open door of the dishwasher, there could still be some detergent left inside.
The d oo r should not be left i n the open posi ti on sincethiscould present atrippinghazards.
Duringinstallation, t hepowersupplymustnot beexce ssively or d ange rously be nt or f lattened.
Donot tamper with controls.
The app liance is not i ntended for use by young children orin firm persons without supervision.
Dishwasher detergents are strongly a lkal ine,they can be extremel y da ngerous if sw allowed. Avoid contact with ski n and eyes an d keep childr en away from the dishwasherwhen thedoorisopen.
Improper connection of the equipment­grounding conductor can result in a risk ofelectric shock. Check with a qualified electrician or service representative if you arein doubt whether theappliance is properly grounded. Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance ;If it is not fit for the outlet .have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all enclosure panels are properly inplace. Open the door very carefully if the dishwasher is operating,
there is a risk of water squirting out.
Do not place any heavy objects of stand on the door when it is open. The appliance could tip forward.
When loadingitemstobe washed:
1)L ocate sharp i tems so t hat they are not likely to damage the door sea l;
2)L oad sharp kn ives with the handles up to reduce theriskofcut-type injuries.
When us ing your dishwasher, you should prevent plastic item from contacting with heating element.
If the suppl y cord i s damaged, it mu st be replaced bythem anufactureroritsse rviceagent or a similarly qualified person in o rder to avoid a hazard.
Please dispose of packing m aterials properl y. Use the dishwasher only for its intended function. Remove the door to the washing compartment when
removing an old dishwasher from service or discarding it. Young children should be supervised to ensure th at
they do not play with the appliance. Checkthatthe d etergentreceptableisempty after
To get the best perfo rma nce from y our di shwash er,re ad al l o perating instructions befor e using itf or the first time.
Poweronlight:TocomeonwhenPowerON/OFF button is pressed down.
Rinse Aid Warning Light: To come on whenthe dispenser
needs to be refilled.
Power indicator light: To show the power supply.
ON/OFF Button: To turn on/off the power supply.
Start /Pause button: To start the selected
washing program or pause the washing program when the machineis working.
Program button :press the button
to select wash cycles.
2 3
4 5
UpperR ack
Spray A rms
2 3
Lower R ack
Water Soft en e r
Main F ilter Detergent Dispenser
Cup Shelf
7 8
Silverware B asket CoarseFilter
Rinse Aid Dispens er
Juncti on Box
+ 9 hidden pages