The Elite 20 PF Features
• Power Fa ctor cor rect ion p rovi d es s urp l us c urre n t fo r powe r-st a rv e d am plif iers
• Ul t ra-L inea r Filt e rin g for stun ning aud io/v i deo cla r ity
• Ser ies Mult i-St a ge P r o tec tion Plus (SM P+) featu r ing Ex t reme Volt age S hutd own ( EVS )
• Zero grou n d co ntam i nati on c ircui tr y pro tect s cr itic al d igit a l co m pon e nts
• Ul t raso nic b i- d irec tio n al f ilte ring iso l ates eac h au d io a nd v ideo out let b ank
• Re t rac tabl e LE D la m ps i llum inat e a c abin et o r ra c k fu ll o f eq u ipm e nt
• De t ach a ble modu le fo r te l co s urge supp ressi on a nd 3 pai r s o f ca b le / sat e llit e T VS S
is o late d F- con n ect o rs
Suggested AC Connection
with Power
1 to 7
Satellite /
Cable TVSS
Plasma /
LCD Monitor

For over 30 years, Furman has pioneered the
development of AC power products for the
most demanding audio, video, and broadcast
professionals. Though the need for pristine AC
power is nothing new, the Elite-20 Power Factor’s
technology and its unique implementation are
revolutionary and without peer.
The extreme AC demands encountered in the
professional audio/video arena have required
technological developments far in excess of
typical home theater/audiophile power products.
In studios, live sound, and broadcast facilities,
breakdown is unacceptable. Equipment failure
or poor performance is costly. The same is true
of today’s home theater. Our solution based
technology, extensive engineering expertise,
and robust build quality have answered the
challenge of today’s corrupted power lines, and
led to the creation of the Elite-20 PF.
Today’s power lines are plagued with RF
and EMI noise. When connecting sensitive
equipment to your home’s power outlet, AC
noise couples into your system’s critical
components. This AC noise masks low level
signals and cripples performance. This low level
content is critical because it relays the crucial
harmonics and ambience in audio, as well as
the depth and clarity in video. With Furman’s
exclusive Ultra-Linear Filtering Technology,
televisions, projectors, DVD players, ampliers,
and processors are fed ultra-wide bandwidth
linearly-ltered AC power. This dramatically
reduces noise, ensuring consistent peak
operation regardless of load conditions or the
time of day. For the rst time, you will see and
hear your theater or audio system as it should
be – uncompromised.
Another critical feature is our exclusive
Series Multi-stage Protection. This virtually
maintenance-free surge suppression assures
the highest level of AC protection possible,
without sacricing itself when the offending
surge is severe – no damaged equipment,
no service calls, no down time. Further, our
famous retractable front panel LED lamps allow
easy viewing of either a rack or cabinet full of
equipment, even when your theater lights are
At the center of the Elite-15 PF is our unique
Power Factor Correction Circuit. For the rst time,
low-level analog, digital, and video components
are not modulated or distorted via the power
amplier’s extreme AC current demands.
Further, the power amplier sees a highly
ltered, extremely low-impedance supply of AC
power. The Elite-20 PF, in fact, has in excess
of 4.5 Amps of continuous current reserve (over
55 amps peak charge) for the most extreme
peak power demands. This technology enables
power ampliers and powered subwoofers to
operate at peak efciency, reaching levels of
performance previously unattainable.
No longer will your amplier’s performance be
at the mercy of your home’s incoming AC power
or inferior AC protection/ltering devices. The
net effect is as if your power amplier virtually
doubled in power and improved immeasurably
in quality.
When employing the Elite-20 PF, you will
immediately notice far clearer, stunningly
focused sound and visual images from your
system. Video presentation will be crisp and
colors true with greater gray and black scale
denition, as well as noticeably improved
depth and clarity. Sonic transients will be
startlingly fast with bass fundamentals that

shake foundations with their weight and visceral
impact. Mid and high frequencies will bloom with
sweet, non-glaring ease while imaging improves
dramatically, all the while remaining true to your
system’s inherent virtues.
Before unpacking your unit, inspect the carton
for any obvious severe damage to the box and
internal protective materials. If internal damage
is likely, contact the carrier who delivered the
unit before proceeding with unpacking. If, after
unpacking, shipping damage is evident, contact
the carrier. Save all shipping and packing
materials. You may need them if you should
ever have to return the unit to the factory for
The box should contain the Elite-20 PF unit,
detachable AC cord, rack mount kit, owner’s
manual, and warranty registration card. If anything
is missing, please contact Furman Customer
Service. Fill out and return your warranty
registration card. Registration is recommended
because it can be used to establish whether the
unit is within the warranty period should your
original ownership documents be lost, and it
assists us in informing you about upgrades or
other vital information.
Safety Information - Warnings
Please read and observe all of the safety and
operating instructions before the Elite-15 PF is
operated. Retain these instructions for future
• Do not disassemble or modify in any way. No
user-serviceable parts inside
• Keep away from moisture and avoid excessive
• Do not allow liquids or foreign objects to
enter the unit
The Elite-20 PF should be serviced by qualied
service personnel when:
• The power supply cord or plug has been
frayed or cut.
• Objects have fallen or liquid has spilled into
the unit.
• The Elite-20 PF has been exposed to rain or
other moisture.
• The Elite-20 PF does not appear to operate
normally, or exhibits a marked change in
• The Elite-20 PF has been dropped, or the
enclosure damaged.
The Elite-20 PF requires that a safety ground
be present for proper operation. Any attempt to
operate the Elite-20 PF without a safety ground
is considered improper operation and could
invalidate the warranty.
Power Source
The power source to which the Elite-20 PF is
connected should be adequate for use at 20
Amps. The Elite-20 PF will operate with a 15
Amp service outlet; however, nuisance tripping
at the circuit breaker panel may result if the
systems continuous current draw exceeds 15
The Elite-20 PF is manufactured with four
rubber feet for placement on any table, cabinet,
shelf, or oor. These rubber feet may be
easily removed with a standard Philips screw
driver when rack mounting adjacent to other