Furman Sound, Inc.
FOR > 150' RUNS
FOR > 150' RUNS
1997 South McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, California 94954-6919 USA
Phone: 707-763-1010
Fax: 707-763-1310
Web: http://www.furmansound.com
E-mail: techsupport@furmansound.com
MiniPort AC Power Relays
MODELS MiniPort-15/15Q, MiniPort-20/20Q
Instruction Sheet
MiniPort-20 Wiring Diagram
Figure 1. Connections for single
or multiple MiniPort-20 units, Momentary or Maintained mode.
For control from more than one
location, use Momentary Mode
and parallel switch connections.
General Information
in the U.S. and Canada. The MiniPort-15Q
Figure 2. Connections for amplier
inrush current reduction, using delayed
turn-on feature. (Turn-off is not delayed.)
If using the delay feature and momentary switches, rst unit must be in Momentary Mode, all others in Maintained
Mode. For control from more than one
location, parallel switch connections to
Unit 1.
Th e Mi n iPo r t-20 Power Relay
provides a 20 amp relay switched 120
VAC outlet, with a terminal strip that allows
remote con tro l via safe, inex pen sive,
low voltage Class 2 control wiring. The
MiniPort-15 is identical to the MiniPort-20,
but is rated at 15 amps. Both units include
an internal 12 VDC supply. They are housed
in a rugged all-metal enclosure and come
equipped with a heavy duty, 10 foot AC
cord. The MiniPort-20 and -15 are listed by
Underwriters’ Laboratories (UL) for use
and 20Q, (see other side), are designed for quad box mounting
and have fewer features.
The MiniPort-20 and MiniPort-15 can be used independently
with an RS-1 System Control Panel, or with any other momentary
or maintained-action SPST switch. MiniPorts can also be used with
the Furman PowerLink or PowerPort for extra capacity.
With the addition of a PS-REL AC Relay, the MiniPort can
also be used to extend the capacity of a Furman PS-8R or
PS-PRO Power Sequencer — or any product with a switched
outlet, such as a receiver/amp controlled with a wireless remote.
When used in this manner, the MiniPort is switched on or off when
the outlet that the PS-REL is plugged into goes on or off.
Momentary vs. Maintained Contact Switching
An on-off switch of either kind may be used to actuate
the Min iPort. Maintained swi tch es, suc h as most tog gle
switches, push-on/push-off button switches, and the Furman
RS-1 locking key switch, stay open until thrown, then stay closed
until thrown again. Momentary switches, usually pushbutton types,
are normally open and stay closed only as long as the button
is pressed.
Maintained switches are most convenient when there is only
one remote switch location; momentary switches allow turn-on or
turn-off from multiple locations.
MiniPorts come factory-co nfigured for mai ntained operation. They may be easily converted to momentary operation
by moving a jumper on the MiniPort’s circuit board. To do this,
rst disconnect the unit from AC power. Remove the four screws
that secure the bottom cover. In the middle of the circuit board
(a s viewed from the bottom of the unit) , ther e are two
pairs of terminals, one labeled “MAINTAINED” and the other
“MOMENTARY.” There is a small black jumper linking the
MAINTAINED terminals. Slide it up and off, and replace it
securely over the MOMENTARY terminals. Reattach the cover.
Maintained Mode
In the simplest conguration, to control a single MiniPort from
a single remote location, connect a maintained-action SPST
switch to the REM and +12V terminals. Power will be available at
the MiniPort-20’s AC outlet when the switch is open, and will be
removed when it is closed. If the cable run is greater than 150
feet, we recommend that the REM wire be tied to ground during
on operation rather than leaving it oating, using an SPDT switch
as shown in Figure 1.
Momentary Mode
In Momentary Mode, the MiniPort-20 and MiniPort-15 have
“memory” — they only need a momentary signal on the remote
terminal to change their state from OFF to ON, or ON to OFF.

120 VAC 60 Hz
When rst plugged in (or after power is lost and reapplied for
any reason) the memory state is OFF, meaning that no power
will be available at the outlet. It will stay OFF until turned ON by a
momentary connection of the REM terminal to +12V. It will then
stay ON until turned OFF by a second momentary connection. The
ON or OFF state begins on the rising edge of the signal.
The Furman RS-1 Remote System Control Panel is an
attractively nished key switch designed for use in single-gang wall
mount boxes.It can control, from one location, most Furman power
products that have remote capability. The RS-2 Remote System
Control Panel is identical to the RS-1 in most respects, but with a
momentary function rather than maintained. The RS-2 is ideal for
installations requiring multiple remote switches.
If multiple MiniPorts are being controlled in Momentary Mode,
power loss to any one of the units will likely cause its memory to be
different than that of the other units. Not only will this be irritating,
it can also be dangerous, as it may be ON when the others are
OFF. To correct this potential problem (as exists in any simple
momentary switch product), our thoughtful engineers devised a
simple method of holding the switch down (REM to +12) for at
least four seconds. This resets all units to the OFF condition, and
avoids having to disconnect AC power from all units.
Linking Multiple Units
Multiple MiniPorts may be connected together so that all are
controlled by a single switch closure. All the units must be set to
the same mode depending on the type of switch or switches to
be used (use momentary mode and momentary switches if more
than one switch is required.) All the units must be paralleled by
tying together all the +12V terminals, all the REM terminals, and
all the GND terminals (see Figure 1).
Multiple MiniPorts may be linked so that they all turn on
simultaneously, as discussed above, or in a delayed sequence.
In a delayed sequence, only the turn-ons are delayed (all
turn-offs occur simultaneously.) This feature is particularly useful in staggering the turn-on of large power amps to avoid large
inrush currents that might trip the house circuit breakers. The
delay interval is approximately two to three seconds (the rst unit
turns on with the switch closure, the second in the chain about 3
seconds later, the third unit 3 seconds after the second, etc.)
The choice of delayed or simultaneous linking is available
regardless of whether maintained or momentary switching is used.
However, if delayed linking is used with momentary switching,
only the rst MiniPort should be set to momentary mode, and all
momentary switches should be connected in parallel between the
rst unit’s +12V and REM terminals. The second and subsequent
MiniPorts must be left in maintained mode. See Figure 2.
Optional Remote LED Indicator
The MiniPort terminal labeled STATUS is an output that may
be used to illuminate an LED at a remote location to indicate that
power is available at the MiniPort’s outlets. If it is HIGH (+12V relative to the GND terminal), the unit is ON; if LOW, the unit is OFF.
Simply connect the indicator LED between STATUS and GND (do
not use a series resistor). If multiple units are used, a separate
LED must be used to indicate the status of each. Do not connect
the STATUS terminals of multiple units together.
Knockout Holes
Both the MiniPort-15 and the MiniPort-20 come equipped
with two knockout holes for permanent installation with 1/2"
conduit — one on the top surface, the other on the bottom. Use
of the bottom knockout hole requires removing the AC cord. The
National Electrical Code allows for up to eleven 14awg conductors
of THHN/THWN/THWN-2 type in 1/2” conduit (MiniPort-15) or up
to eight 12awg conductors (MiniPort-20). For grounding and other
details, please consult a licensed electrician.
MiniPort 20-Q/15Q Quad Box Power Relays
The new 20-amp MiniPort-20Q and the MiniPort-15Q
(15 amps) provide a pair of remotely-activated, relaycontrolled outlets, set up for mounting in any standard
el e ctrica l quad box ,
either directly or with a
“mud ring” attached.
Du e to the spa c e
limitations of a quad box,
the MiniPort “Q” models
have a smaller feature set
than the MiniPort-15 and
Mi n iPor t -Q’s have
no internal power supply;
a maintained 8-15 VDC
supply capable of supplying 10 mA is required
to turn on the outlets.
Th i s can be sup p lied by a Furman Pow erLin k,
ASD-120, or a PS-8R (with a simple internal modication
to the PS-8R.)
Solder pads are available on the circuit board to allow
control wiring from inside the quad box.
The MiniPorts’ body dimensions are: 5.5" (H) x 3.75" (W)
x 2" (D). The baseplate is 5.25" square.
Differences From the Earlier MiniPort
The MiniPort-20 and MiniPort-15 are upgraded versions
of an earlier product designated simply “MiniPort”. These
new MiniPorts are equipped for remote operation using either
maintained or momentary contact switches to initiate the
turn-on or turn-off. (The original MiniPort required maintained
contact switches.) Also, a Delay Out terminal has been added
to permit sequenced turn-on when multiple MiniPorts are
linked. Finally, the new MiniPorts have the previously described
knockout holes at top and bottom for permanent installation
with 1/2" metal conduit.
Three Year Limited Warranty
All Furman MiniPort models are protected by a limited three year warranty,
covering defects in materials and workmanship, provided that the registration card
is lled out and returned by the customer. Otherwise, a one year warranty applies.
Products must have a proof of purchase from a Furman authorized dealer. During
this period, Furman will make any necessary repairs without charge for parts or
labor. Shipping charges to the factory or repair station must be prepaid by the owner;
return shipping charges (via UPS Ground) will be paid by Furman. This warranty
applies only to the original owner and is not transferable. Also, it does not apply to
repairs done other than by the Furman factory or its Authorized Repair Stations.
This warranty may be cancelled by Furman at its sole discretion if the unit has
been subjected to physical abuse or has been modied in any way without written authorization from Furman. Furman’s liability under this warranty is limited to
repair or replacement of the defective unit.
Furman will not be responsible for incidental or consequential damages
resulting from the use or misuse of its products. Some states do not allow the
exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations may
not apply to you. This warranty gives you specic legal rights, and you may also
have other rights which vary from state to state.
Before retu rn in g any equ ip ment for repai r, please be sure that it is
adequately packed and cushioned against damage in shipment, and that it is
insured. We suggest that you save the original packaging and use it to ship the
product for servicing. Also, please enclose a note giving your name, address, phone
number and a description of the problem.
NOTE: All equ ip ment being returned for repair must have a Retu rn
Authorization (RA) Number. To get an RA Number, please call the Furman Service
Department (707-763-1010 ext. 40) between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. U.S. Pacic Time.
Please display your RA Number prominently on the front of all packages.