Funkwerk elmeg T444 Operating Instructions Manual

Operating instructions
elmeg T444
Declaration of conformity and CE marks
This device meets the requirements of the following EC directive R&TTE 6/3/EG:
»Directive 1999/5/EC of theEuropean Parliament and of theCouncil of 9 March1999 on radio equipment andtelecom munications terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity«.
The wastecontainer symbolwith the"X"through iton thedevice indicatesthat thedevice mustbedisposed ofseparately from normaldomesticwasteatanappropriatewastedisposal facilityattheendofitsusefulservicelife.Youwillfind addi tional information on an individual returning of the old appliances under
© 2006 Funkwerk Enterprise Communications gmbH - All rights reserved.
Reprintingofthisdocument,evenexcerpts,ispermittedonlywiththeexpressconsentofthepublisherandwithprecisesourceinformation, regardless of the media used (mechanical or electronic).
Function descriptions included inthis documentation which refer to softwareproducts of other manufacturers are basedon the software usedand validatthedatethedocumentation waspreparedorpublished.Theproductand companynamesusedinthisdocumentationmay be protected by trademarks.

Table of contens

PABX Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Safety notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
System telephones at the internal ISDN port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
System telephones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
PABX system menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Making Calls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Calls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Making internal calls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Making outside calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Trunk group (routing discrimination) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Calling several telephones (team call) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Never Out of Touch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Monitoring costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
PABX Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Features without user action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Conducting calls with several subscribers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Installation of the PABX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Commissioning the phone part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Starting an IP telephone with the DSP module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Initial startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
PABX and PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Application programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Configuration with a PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Description of the router functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Appendix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Technical specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Brief description of functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Table of contens
PABX Description
PABX Description
The PABX system is an ISDN telecommunicationssystem at an ISDN point-to-multipoint or point-to-point connection that employs the EuroISDNprotocol(DSS1).Analogterminaldevicescanbeconnectedviaintegratedjacks.ThePABXsystemisalsoequippedwithaninter nal ISDN port,allowing anISDN terminal deviceto beconnected at itsRJ45 jacks.Fixed cabling usingterminals isalso possible foranalog connections. Two analog ports are routed out via acommon RJ45 jack. Assignment of internal phonenumbers is freely configurable bet ween 00... 99. Calling using analog terminal devices should be conducted using the DTMF method and these devices should be equipped with a Flash key. Analog terminal devices that use pulse dialing can not be used for functions or codes. Pleasenote thatthebuttonsonsomeISDNterminalsavailable onthemarketmaylimittheuseofthefeatures providedbythePABXsystem. All terminal devices connected to the system must be »TC Terminals Guideline« or »R&TTE Guideline« approved.
The PABXsystemalso providesallofthe functionsnecessaryfor high-speedInternet accessforasingle pcs,orfor completeLANsviaxDSL orISDN. HerethefirewallintegratedintothePABXsystem,togetherwith theNAT(networkaddresstranslation)function,providesthene cessarysecurity;the functionsDHCPserverandDNSproxyensurethatthe scopeofconfiguration,bothforyourPABXsystemandyourPC, is kept to a minimum.
Internet accessfor allof thePCs connectedto thePABX systemis providedvia onesingle connection(SUA -single useraccount); onlyone set of access data is required from your Internet service providers (ISP.
Loss of power
During alossof poweryoucaninitiate orreceivecallsat anISDNor systemtelephonecapable ofemergencyoperation. Othertelephonesor terminal devices can not be reached as long as power is down.
In theeventof aloss ofpower,all storedcontents(program andapplication data)areretained inthePABX withoutanychanges. Theinter nal clock for the phone system is set automatically via the ISDN port on the next external call.
You cancleanyourPABXwithoutany difficulties.Useaslightlymoistenedcloth orananti-staticclothfor this.Donotuseany solvents!Ne­ver use adry cloth; electrostatic chargescould damage the electronicsin the system.Always ensure, however,that no moisture penetrates into your PABX, as this could result is damage to the PABX.
Safety notes
Important safety information for handling the PABX system
Unauthorized openingofthe PABXandimproperrepairs mayresultinriskof injuryforthe user.
Attention: Unplugthe 230VAC plug-inpower supplybefore removingtheenclosurecoverofthePABXandworking on the cable terminal bay. Replace the top on the PABX before plugging the power connector back in.
Plug the plug-in power supply unit into the 230 V ~ socket so that the connecting cord to the PABX system points downward.
Do notexposethe insideofthePABX ortheplug-inpower supplytoanyliquids. Thiswouldposea riskofelectrical shock andcanalsodestroy thedevices.
You shouldnotconnector disconnectanylinesduring thunderstorms.
Only terminalswithSELVand/or whichcomplywithETS 300047maybeconnectedto thePABXsystem.This regu lation isfulfilledwhenapproved terminaldevicesareused asintended.
The distancebetweentheplug-in powersupplyunitand thePABXandto theISDNconnectionshould notexceed1. 5 meterssothat standardconnectinglinescan beused.
The PABXisoperatedwith 230VACusingthe plug-inpowersupplyunit. Pleaseensurethat theelectricaloutlet (grounding outlet)forthe PABX(andforadditional deviceswhererequired) isinstalledsuchthat itisfreelyaccessi ble atalltimesand thatitisinstalled byaqualifiedelectrician topreventanyrisks ofpersonalor materialinjury/da mage! Where atallpossible,providea separatepowercircuit forthe230V connectionofyourPABX system.This protects yourPABXfromshort-circuits thatmayoccurin otherin-houseequipment.
Safety notes
We recommendinstallinganoverload protectiontoprotect yourPABXagainstsurge thatcansometimes occurdu
ring thunderstorms.Forfurther informationpleasecontact yourlocalelectrician.
To preventmutualinterference,do notinstallyour PABXsystemintheimmediate vicinityofelectronicdevices such
as stereoequipment,electronicoffice equipmentormicrowaveunits. Avoid installingyourPABXnear sourcesofexcessiveheat, e.g.radiatorsor inroomswithexcessive humidity.The ambient temperatureatthe locationwherethesystem isoperatedmust bebetween5to40° C.
Supported Features
The followingISDN featuresaresupported bythe PABXsystemat theexchangeof thenetwork serviceprovider;some ofthese mayhaveto be applied for at your service provider.
HOLD: Hold/Broker'scall
ECT: Callswitching
3PTY: Three-partyconferencecall
CD: Calldeflection(forwarding ofcalls)
PR: PartialRerouting.Individualcall forwardingforterminal devicesatapoint-to-point connection.
CLIP /CLIR:Activation/Deactivationof callerIDtoparty beingcalled.
COLP /COLR:Activation/Deactivationof calledpartyIDto caller.
AOCD: Transmissionofchargecosts duringacall.
AOCE: Transmissionofcostsof callatendof call.
AOCS: Transferoftariff informationduringthecalling phase,forexamplefor payphones.
CCBS: Completionofcallto busysubscriber,assoonas subscriberisavailable.
CCNR: Call-backtoavailablesubscriberas soonasthat partyhaslifted andreplacedthehandset.
MCID: MaliciouscallerID(tracing).
CFB /CFU/CFNR: Callforwarding.
UUS1: Transmissionofuser-definedtext messages.
SUB: Extendedaddressingfor aterminaldevice.
X.31:Support forpacketdata (V-25)ontheD-channel, forexamplefor electroniccashiers.
MWI: Newmessagesavailable.
SMS inthefixed-linenetwork.
Please note that some of the features described in these operating manual must be applied for at your service provider.
Display / LEDs
Power Readyforoperationindicator.
Green lit: When the PABX is ready for operation.
Green flashing: When 480 data records have been saved in the charges memory of the PABX
ISDN/POTS ISDNportreadyforoperationmodulePOTSmounted:
Green flashing: One B channel busy, or an existing connection via the POTS module
Green flickering: Two B-channels busy
DSL IndicatesthefunctionoftheDSLrouter:
Green lit: DSL connection established
Green flickering: Data link established
LAN Indicatesthenetworkconnectionstatus:
Green lit: 100Mbit/s network connection established
Green flickering: 100Mbit/s data link
Orange lit: 10Mbit/s network connection established
Orange flickering: 10Mbit/s data link
Red flickering: Network link collision
Safety notes
USB Indicatesthestatus/activitiesontheUSBport.
Not lit: The USB port of the PABX system is not ready for operation at the connected PC (not logged
Green lit: The USB port of the PABX system is ready for operation at the connected PC (USB driver ac-
Green flickering: Data is being exchanged via the USB port. E.G.: CAPI application programs, CTI applications
All LEDs lit
New firmware not properly identified by the PABX. Please repeat the operation.
All LEDs flashing
New firmwarebeingdownloaded intothe PABX.Donot removetheplug-in powersupplyunit forthe PABXsystemduring thisphase,as it can result in data being lost in the PABX.
in, or not recognized), or when the PC/USB port is in the suspended mode.
tive). PC applications that run via the USB connection can be started.
or new software downloading into PABX system.
Safety notes
Please note: different terminal devices will not necessarily have the same dial tones, ringing signals or procedures for use.
Symbols used
b Liftup thehandset,activatehands freecalling,orstartinitializingselection. g Thissymbol indicatesthecallstatus. a Replacethe handsetofyourphoneinthecarriage, orthetelephoneisidle. l Indicatessignaling ataterminaldevice,for exampleyourphonerings. t Youcan dialthedesirednumber. 1x0
Dialaspecifiedcode,numberor character.
*# =x)~ Diala codeoracharacter.
R Promptsyou topresstheflashkey(signal key). q Indicatesthatan acknowledgementsignalcanbeheardinthe handset. d Indicatesa conferencecall.
This symbol indicatesthat a configurationis required. Enter»Start configuration« beforeentering anycodes (see Page
Safety notes
Acoustic signals
The following tones describe signaling for the PABX when using analog telephones.
Internal dial tone(421 Hz)
//___//___//________//___//___//________//___//_______// You will hear this dial tone after lifting the handset for »calling external
parties with line access digit«. This signal indicates that you can dial a number. After 40 seconds this signal changes to the busy signal; hang up the handset and then lift it up again. You will then hear again the internal dial tone.
Busy tone (421Hz)
//____//____//____//____//____//____//____//____//___//_ You will hear this signal, when the called external or internal extension is
Positive acknowledgement signal (mixed tone 421Hz und 320 Hz)
///////_________________________________________________ The positive acknowledgement signal indicates that your input has been
Negative acknowledgement signal (mixed tone 421Hz and 320 Hz)
///___///___///___///___///___///___///___///___///___// If you hear this tone, the selected function can not be used or the feature
has not been configured or has been canceled.
Internal ringing signal (421 Hz)
//////////_______________________________________/////// This signal indicates that the telephone of the external or internal extensi-
on is ringing.
Special dial tone (421 Hz and 316 Hz mixed)
//___//___//________//___//___//________//___//_______/ This signal indicates that your phone has been set for call rerouting.
External dial tone (425 Hz)
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// A continuous signal that you hear when you have engaged the external
ISDN connection.
Call waiting tone (421 Hz)
//___//_____________//___//_____________//___//_________ Call waiting tone. This tone signals that an external party is calling you
during an ongoing call. The call waiting signal is sounded for a maximum of 30 seconds.
Time intervals of the signals in seconds
12 3 45
Safety notes
Calling cycles
The figures below show the duration of the calling cycles when using analog telephones.
Internal call, Internal call-back, internal recall
////____////_____________________________////___///_____ Internal call: You are called either directly, or in an inquiry call by an in
ternal user. Internal call-back: You are called automatically when the party you at tempted to call hangs up the handset for his/her phone. Interner Repeat call: You initiate an inquiry call, but replace the handset before dialing. The first call that is on hold is signaled at your terminal de vice by call-back for 3 minutes. If your telephone has been configured for calling line identification (CLIP), this alarm call will be displayed just like a normal external call.
Internal call, internal call-back, internal recall with CLIP
//______________________////____////_____________________ CLIP: If your analog telephone has been configured for calling line identi
fication (CLIP), it will be called with this signal.
External call, external call-back, external recall
////////_________________________////////_______________ External call: You are called by an external party.
External call-back: You are called automatically when the party you at­tempted to call hangs up the handset for his/her phone. Externer Repeat call: You initiate an inquiry call, but replace the handset before dialing. The first call that is on hold is signaled at your terminal device by call-back for 3 minutes.
External call, external call-back, external recall, call with CLIP
////////_________________________////////_______________ CLIP: If your analog telephone has been configured for calling line identi-
fication (CLIP), it will be called with this signal.
Communication data overflow
///////_________________________________________________ Communication data overflow: This signal indicates a communication
data overflow at a system telephone. Depending on the system telephone type used, the caller list either displays the service number together with a message or the service number only.
Time interval of the signals in seconds
12 3 45
System telephones at the internal ISDN port
System telephones at the internal ISDN port
System telephones
Your PABXis preparedfor operationwith systemtelephones. Nospecial programmingis requiredfor thesesystem telephones.ThePABX automatically recognizes the activated system telephones and provides functions typical for these telephones in a special menu. Youcanalso configureseveralfunctionkeysonsystemtelephonesandexpansionmodulesforthe systemtelephones.Thesystemtelephone operating instructions include a description of these functions and their configuration and use.
Configuration of system telephones via the PABX
Youcanconfiguresystemtelephones fromacentrallocationfromPCoffusingtheProfessionalConfigurator.Thesystemtelephones arere cognized by the ProfessionalConfigurator and the configuration canbe read out andedited. You canalso load ringing melodiesusing the Sound Manager and edit the telephone book for the system telephone (with the exception of the CS290).
An intercomcallallows youto setupa connectionfrom onesystem telephonetoanother systemtelephone withoutthis connectionhaving to be accepted by pushing a button. Intercom calls are accepted automatically by the phone being called when the function »Hands-free calling« is activated, provided:
the telephoneisidle,
the intercomcallfunctionhas notbeenspecificallydeactivated and
»Do notdisturb«hasbeen deactivated.
If you lift the handset of a system telephone during an intercom call, the call is continued over the handset.
If an intercom call is not terminatedby one of the two users, the connectionis terminated automatically after a time defined in thePABX (around.
If thefunction»Donotdisturb« isactivatedatasystem telephone,intercomcallscannot beplacedtothatphone. Intercomcallscanbeacti vated or inhibited specifically using a function key or a code procedure.
Activate / inhibit intercom calling
b*/ # 590 q a
Lift up
Enable intercom calls /
Inhibit intercom calls
Replace handset
PABX system menu
A special menucontaining functionstypical for thesystem is providedby the PABX.This menu,and the associatedfeatures, are managed solely from the PABX.
You can select the language of your display, provided the desired language has been configured using the telephone directory program.
PABX system menu
The following features are available in the system menu:
Telephone directoryforthe PABX
Follow me
Direct call
Switching callmodes(day/night)
Cost registration
Refer to the operating instructions of the terminal device being used to find out how to reach the PABX system menu.
Telephone directory
Using system telephones, you can access the PABX telephone directory.
To search for an entry in the telephone directory enter the first few letters (maximum 8) for the entry and then confirm your input. Eight (8) entries from the PABX telephone directory are always shown which you can view one after the other.
Select the desired entry and confirm by clicking »OK«. You must now begin dialing by lifting the handset.
When usingsystem telephonesyou canreach thePABXtelephone directoryby pressingShift +the telephonedirec­tory softkey(forexample »telephonedirectory«).Systemtelephones withoutatelephonedirectory canaccessthete­lephone directory of the PABX via this telephone directory softkey.
Follow me
Using system telephones, you can set up call forwarding from another terminal device of your PABX system to your telephone or mobile unit. This call forwarding is based on the feature Follow me for the PABX.
Enter thenumberofthesubscriberthatis tobeforwardedtoyour telephoneandthetypeofcall forwardingusingthesystemmenu.In addi tion, you can also delete an existing call forwarding function. A distinction is made between the following types of call forwarding:
»Activate« / »Always active« All calls are forwarded to your telephone or mobile unit.
Direct dial-in
If the directcall functionhas beenconfigured yourtelephone willdial a number(MSN) thatyou haveinput previously.If youdo not begin dialing a number within five seconds after lifting up the handset, dialing is begun automatically.
You canconfigure thenumber foradirect callvia thesystem menu.ThePABX systemrecognizes bythelength ofthe numberwhether you have entered an internal or external number. You therefore do not need to input a prefix code for external numbers. You can also deactivate or delete a direct call number that has been previously configured or activated.
Call modes
In the »Day/ Night«menu ofthe systemmenu you canswitch overthe callmode for thePABX withoutusing theallocated codes(see page
29).The telephones must be authorized for switchover of the call modes.
Cost logging
PABX system menu
Thecostloggingfunctionallowsyoutoviewand,ifdesired,deletethenumberofaccumulatedunitsandthecostsofcallsfortheterminalde vices. This feature is protected by the 6-digit PIN2.
If you wish to clear all of the counters for the terminals devices enter »*« instead of the number for the internal user.
You can query the status of LCR using this menu item. Settings are not available.
Making Calls
Making Calls
Some terminaldevicesuse theirown specialproceduresfor thefunctions describedinthe following.Refer totheoperating instructionsfor the terminal device being used for detailed information.
Only telephone connections, i. e. calls betweensubscribers, are presented in the following usage procedures asexamples. For analog tele phones, these functionsare onlydescribed fortone dialingterminal devicesequipped with aflash key.The tonesand signalsdescribed be low areheardwhenusing analogtelephones.These tonesmaybedifferent forISDNtelephonesand analogtelephoneswhichgenerate their own dial tones. Other information may also be shown in the display of these telephones.
Direct exchange line access
The individualusersofthe PABXcanconfigureactivation ofdirectexchange lineaccessordialing callsusingaprefix digit.Whendirect ex changelineaccess isactivated, youwillbeswitchedimmediatelytothe externalISDNconnectionwhenyouliftthehandsetandwillthenhe ar the dial tone for the exchange. You can then begin dialing the external number at once. Ifyou deactivatedirectexchangelineaccessyoumustdialaprefix(LAD)when youmakeanexternalcall.Youwillheartheinternaldial tone when you lift up your handset.
Ifyour phoneissetfor»Automaticlineaccess«youmust firstpressthe*keywhenyou liftthehandsetbbeforebe ginning any internal call procedures. Thesymbol b is highlighted in color, as shown in theexample below, for the corresponding performance feature.
bt g
Lift up
Making internal calls Conduct your call
Accepting calls
Accepting a call (Pick-up)
An external call is signaled at a different in-house telephone. You cannow createdifferent pick-upgroupsof subscribersfor whompick-up(accepting) ofcalls ispossible.A callcan onlybeaccepted by subscribers/terminaldevicesof thesamepick-upgroup. Assignmentofsubscribersto pick-upgroups canbemaderegardlessof thesettings for the Day/Night team call assignments.
However, pickingupacall ispossibleonlywithin thepick-upgroupto whichyourterminaldevice hasbeenassigned via PC configuration.In the initialstate all terminaldevices are assignedto pick-up group00 so thatcalls can beac cepted from any telephone.
A telephone near you begins ringing. You would like to accept the call at your own phone.
b*0 g
Lift up
Lift up
Accept call Conversation
Conversation Replace
Call pick-up from answering machine
Making internal calls
Calls thatare signaledatthe answeringmachine(the answeringmachinehas notyet responded)canbe takenwithina groupusingthe per
­formance feature »Accepting a call«. If the answering machine has already accepted the connection you can also take this call from your telephone.
b#0 g
Lift up
Take call / conversation
from the answering machine
Making internal calls
Allphone calls,fax transmissions ordatatransmissionsthattakeplacebetweeninternalanalog andISDNterminaldevicesareinternalcon nections for which no charges are billed.
If a connection is set up between internal terminal devices and the terminal devices connected to the external ISDN point-to-multipoint connection(towhichyourPABXsystemisalsoconnected),thisisconsidered asbeinganexternalconnectionforwhichchargesarebilled.
Making internal calls without »Direct exchange line access«
Lift up
internal number Subscriber
is called
Making internal calls with »Direct exchange line access«
Ifyouaremakinganinternalcall,orinitiatingafunction,such asacceptingacall,liftthehandsetandpresstheasteriskkey –youcanthendi­al an internal number. If you hear the busy signal when you lift the handset (external ISDN connection busy) press the asterisk key again and you will hear the internal dial tone.
Lift up
Would you liketo callyour co-workers toa meeting, orinvite yourfamily out toeat? You couldcall eachseparate person todo this, oryou canuse themessagefunction.Withthisfunction,youneedto makeonlyonecalltoreachallof thetelephonesthatareauthorizedfor messa ges, without the called parties having to lift up the handsets of their phones. At theinternalISDNconnection ofyourPABXonlythe firsttwoteamtelephones canbeusedsimultaneously foramessage.Youcan enable or inhibit the message function for each internal user (see page 11). A notice signal is issued at the beginning of the message.
Refer to the operating instructions for your telephones whether the phones support the message feature.
Making an announcement
Dial internal extension number Subscriber
is called
b *540 t q g
Lift up
Internal- or
Team-Call number
Enabling / inhibiting announcements
You canenableor inhibitthesending ofmessagesto yourtelephone.If youhavedisabled messagesbeingsent toyourphone, thecallerthat is attempting to send a message to you will hear the busy signal.
Making outside calls
Enabling / Inhibiting announcements at telephones
b*/ # 591 q a
Lift up
Enable announcements /
Inhibit announcements
Making outside calls
Your PABXsystemcomesequippedwithan externalISDNport,withthe optionforanexternal, analogport(POTSmodule).Youcan setup two externalconnectionsviathetwo BchannelsforthisISDNport, andoneexternalconnectionviathe externalanalogport.These connec tionsmayalsobetotwodifferentpartiessimultaneously.Forexample,youcancallanexternalbusinesspartnerwhilesimultaneouslytrans ferring datafromyour PCtoadifferent businesspartner.When youinitiateanexternal callviayour PABX,thesystemautomatically trans mits your numberand the service ID(for the terminal device,such as phoneor fax). This ensuresthat only a terminal havingthe same ID code is called at the subscriber being called (phone calls phone, fax group 4 calls fax group 4).
If aterminalconnectionisconfigured foramulti-functionaldevicein thePABX,externalcallsare signaledwiththeID »Analogtelephony«, »ISDN telephony«and»Fax device«atthe terminaldevice.Here, whenyouinitiate anexternal call,theservice IDcode»Analog telephony« is transmitted.
It isnot necessarily requiredthat alltelephones / terminaldevices beavailable formaking callsthroughout the world.It issometimes even more advantageous when some telephones are authorized for local calls only (phone bills also more transparent).
The exchangeauthorizationfunction existstocontroland monitorthis.Anindividual authorizationforoutgoing calls(external)canbe as signed in PC configuration for each PABX user. This authorization is broken down into 5 different categories.
The user
has unrestrictedlineaccessauthorization.
has callauthorizationfor national(long-distance)calls.
has callauthorizationfor localcalls.
region (regionalnumbers).
can bereachedforincoming calls,butcanonly makeinternalcalls.
is authorizedforinternal callsonly.
Please note:ISDN terminaldevices connectedto theISDN connectionmay nothave thesame signals,ringing cycles or operating procedures as the internal terminal devices for the PABX system.
The individualusersofthe PABXcanconfigureactivation ofdirectexchange lineaccessordialing callsusingaprefix digit.Whendirect ex changelineaccess isactivated, youwillbeswitchedimmediatelytothe externalISDNconnectionwhenyouliftthehandsetandwillthenhe ar the dial tone for the exchange. You can then begin dialing the external number at once.
Making outside calls at automatic exchange line access
You wish to make a call to an external party.
Lift up
handset. Dial tone for
the exchange
External number Subscriber
is called
External call
Trunk group (routing discrimination)
Making external calls with prefix code
You wish to make a call to an external party.
Lift up
Dial line access digit Dial external number Subscriber
is called
External call
Ifyouhear thebusysignalafterdialingthefirst0yourtelephoneeitherdoesnothave authorizationformakingexter
nal calls, or the external ISDN connection is busy.
Trunk group (routing discrimination)
You canonlyusethisperformance featurewhenyouare usingmorethanone externalport(onlywith POTSmodule).Inthedefault setting, the externalISDNportis usedfirstafter dialingthelineaccessdigit. Ifthisportisoccupied, theexternalanalogport isselectedautomatical ly.IntheConfiguratoryoucandefinewhichtrunkgroupisto beusedfirstwhen2trunkgroupshavebeenconfigured (ISDNandPOTS).
Call waiting
Enable / Inhibit Call Waiting for a Further Call
Usingthefunction»Callwaiting«youcanbecalledbyother partieswhileconductinganongoingcall.Whenasecondcallerscallsupyouwill hear the callwaiting signalin your handsetand canthen decide whetheryou want tocontinue yourcall withthe current caller,or whether you want to take the waiting caller right away.
Call waitingfor external callsis possiblewith analogtelephones. Pleaserefer to thecorresponding sectionin theoperating instructions for your ISDN terminals for proper use of this function. If callwaitingoccurs duringanongoing callwithan analogphone andyouignore thecallwaiting signal,itwill bede-activatedafter around 30 seconds. You can also disable call waiting with analog telephones so that no call waiting signals are given during your calls.
Enable / inhibit call waiting
b*/ #58 q a
Lift up
Automatic completion of call
Thisfunctioncanonlybeusedbytelephonesthatpermitsuffixdialing! Automaticcallcompletionsfromaninquirycallare notpossible.
Automatic completion of call to busy subscriber
Let's assumethat youmust urgentlycontact abusinesspartner or aninternal extension.Whenyou calltheir numberyou alwaysget abusy signalhowever. Ifyouweretobeprovidedwithamessagethat thesubscriberyouareattemptingtocallhasendedhis/her call,thiswouldin crease your chances of reaching that party considerably. »Recalltobusysubscriber«allowsyoutocalltheextensionassoonastheother subscriberhangs uphisorhertelephone.Yourtelephonewill then ring. When you then lift your handset, a connection is set up automatically to that party.
An internal»Completionof calltobusysubscriber« isdeletedautomaticallyafter 30minutes.The external»Completionof calltobusysub scriber«is deletedafteraperioddefined bytheexchange(around45 minutes).Youcanalsomanuallydelete thisfunctionbeforethisperiod expires.
Automatic completion of calls on no reply
Enable announcements /
Inhibit announcement
Dial this code Ack.
Let's assume thatyou must urgentlycontact a businesspartner or aninternal extension. Whenyou calltheir number youalways get arin ging signal,but theparty isnot nearthe phoneor doesnot answer.Ifsupported byyour networkprovider, youcan usethe function»Com pletion ofcallsonno reply«toreachtheparty immediatelywhenhe/sheends acall,orliftsand thenreplaceshis/herhandset. Yourtelepho ne will then ring. When you then lift your handset, a connection is set up automatically to that party.
Trunk group (routing discrimination)
In thefollowingproceduresadistinctionis madebetweenanalogandISDNtelephones withregardtouseand acous
tic tones/signals.
Programming an automatic »Completion of Call on No Answer« for analog phones
l *40 q a
Internal or external
subscriber is busy or
does not answer
When the subscriber that was called hangs up his/her handset your telephone will ring. Whenyouliftupyourhandsetthesubscriberforwhichcompletionofcall isactiveiscalled.Ifthe partyanswersyoucanconductyourcall.
Programming an automatic »Completion of Call on Busy« for ISDN phones
This feature is supported for ISDNtelephones by the PABX atthe internal ISDN connection. Please referto the operating instructions for your ISDN telephone for proper use.
Programming an automatic »Completion of Call on No Answer« for ISDN phones
l *40 q a
Internal or external subscri
ber does not answer
Ack. signal
(or voice announcement)
When the subscriber that was called hangs up his/her handset your telephone will ring. Whenyouliftupyourhandsetthesubscriberforwhichcompletionofcall isactiveiscalled.Ifthe partyanswersyoucanconductyourcall.
Deleting automatic completion of call for analog phones
Analog telephones use this procedure for canceling:
Internal andexternalcompletion ofcalltobusy subscriber.
Internal completionofcallson noreply.
An external »Completion of calls on no reply« is canceled by the exchange after the defined time period expires.
b #40 q a
Lift up
Deleting an automatic »Completion of Call on No Answer« with ISDN phones
Internal completion ofcalls onno reply iscanceled withISDN telephones usingthe following procedure.An external»Completion of calls on no reply« is canceled by the exchange after the defined time period expires.
b #40 q a
Lift up
Cancel completion of calls Ack.
Calling several telephones (team call)
Calling several telephones (team call)
You can place a call to all the members of a team using the assigned number (group call).
A distinction is made between thee types of team call variants, »Team call simultaneous«, »Team call linear«, »Team call rotating« and »Teamcall adding«.
Team callsimultaneous:
All assignedterminaldevicesare calledsimultaneously.Ifa telephoneisbusycall waitingcanbeinitiated.
Team calllinear:
All assignedterminaldevicesare calledoneafter theother(asentered inthePCconfiguration). Ifonetelephone is busy, thenextavailableone iscalled. The callissignaledfor around15secondsat eachterminal.Youcan setthistimeto between1and99 secondshowe ver duringPCconfiguration.
Team callrotating:
This typeofteamcall isaspecialvariant ofthelinearteam call.Afterallof theterminaldevicesof ateamhavebeen called thecallissignaled againatthefirst terminaldevice.Thecall issignaleduntileither thecallerhangs up,oruntil the callisterminatedby theexchange(after around2minutes).
Team calladding:
The terminaldevicesarecalled intheorderthat theyhavebeen enteredinthesubscriber listinPCconfiguration. Each terminaldevicethathas alreadybeencalledwill continuetobecalled untilallofthe devicesthatare entered have beencalled.UsingPC configurationyoucandefine whenthenextterminal deviceistobe calledeachtime.
If youhave setlinear orrotating teamcall fora team,the membersofthis teamcan notforward callswhen thecall is being signaled (call deflection).
Defining Your Own Number for the Next Call
Forexample,ifyouwanttomakeabusinesscallfromhome,lateat night,youcandefineyourbusinesstelephonenumberastheMSNfor this business call. TheadvantageisthattheconnectionanditscostarerecordedundertheselectedMSNandyourbusinesspartnercanseethat itisyoucalling.
Before youbegintomake anexternalcall youcandefinewhich numberistobe transmittedtothe exchangeandto thepartyyou arecalling. This MSNmustfirstbe assignedtoan indexduringPCconfiguration (seeExternalnumbers).When youthenalso dialthisindex,the assig ned MSN is transmitted to the party being called. The charge for this call at your network service provider is then billed to this MSN.
You wish to set up a connection with an external party and have a certain number transmitted along with the call.
Lift up
Index for the MSN
Dial call number Conversation
Suppressing transmission of your own number
If youdonotwishtohave yournumberdisplayedtothe partybeingcalledbeforehe/shelifts upthehandset,youcansuppress thetransmis sion of your MSN specifically for that call.
This feature must be applied for at your network service provider.
Transmission of the caller's own number is suppressed using the following procedure with analog terminal devices. Please refer to the operating instructions for ISDN terminal devices on how to initiate this feature.
b *594 t l g
Lift up
Dial call number Conversation
Calling several telephones (team call)
Noting an external ISDN connection
Youcan useforeachterminaldevicean»automaticcall back«(subscriber free)or note»anexternalISDNconnection«.Thelast enteredfea ture will be active. The performance feature entered previously will be canceled.
ISDN terminal devices can use this feature provided keypad dialing is possible during an ongoing call or when the line is busy.
You wanttocallanoutside partybuttheexternal ISDNconnectionisbusy.Withthis procedure,youcannotean externalISDNconnection. As soonasthisISDNconnection isagainavailable,yourtelephone ringsandyoucanmake yourcall.Allcurrent»reservations«are automa tically deleted at midnight (0: 00). This function can only be used by telephones that permit suffix dialing.
You wish to call an external party. The external ISDN connection is busy. You hear the busy signal.
g *40 a l b
You hear the busy sig
Now switch your ISDN telephone to keypad mode.
Dial the number of the external party you wish to call.
Canceling »Noting an external ISDN connection«
Replace handset. Called subscriber is again availa
b #41 q a
Lift up
Ack. signal Replace handset.
Speed dialing from the telephone directory
The PABX system is equipped with an integrated telephone directory in which youcan make up to 500 entries, each with up to a24-digit number and up to a 20-character name (text).
You can dial these speed dialing numbers with analog phones using the codes 000...499.
Authorization for dialing from the telephone directory
The authorization level for dialing from the telephone directory can be set individually for each subscriber. There are three different authorization levels:
Subscriber isnotauthorizedto dialnumberslistedin thetelephonedirectory.
Subscriber maydialonlythose telephonedirectorylistingsthat matchhisor herspecifiedcallauthorization.
Subscriber maydialalltelephone directorylistings.
An analogsubscriberwith notelephone directoryauthorization hearsthebusy signal.ISDN aswellas systemphones display»Youhave no authorization« if telephone directory authorization has not been assigned.
Configuration of thetelephone directoryis performedusing thetelephone directory programon theWIN-Tools CD-ROM.You cancreate or edit telephone directory entries using this software.
WhenyoudownloadnewfirmwareversionsforyourPABXsystem,allofthetelephonedirectorydataisdeleted. The refore, save all of your telephone directory data to your PC prior to loading new firmware.
Reading/loading the telephone directory
Thecontentsofthetelephone directorycanbe exported,andalsoloaded,viaaconnectedPC(USB,Ethernet,ISDNconnection).Youcanha ve the service center export the directory of your PABX in a remote access link and then upload it again when the firmware download is completed.
Showing names in the display of the system telephone
Calling several telephones (team call)
When asubscriberiscalledbyaninternalor externalparty,thenamethat isenteredinthetelephonedirectory isshowninthedisplayin ad ditiontothetelephone number.With internalcalls,thenamefromthetelephonedirectoryisdisplayedonlyifnonamehasbeenentereddu ringPC configurationunder»Internalextension«.Ifanamehasbeenentered here,thisnameisdisplayed,asithaspriority overthenamein the telephone directory.
Speed dialing from the telephone directory
Every numberinthePABXtelephonedirectoryis assignedtoaspeeddialingindex (000...299).You candial thisspeeddialingindexinplace of the long number. The speed dialing memory is integrated into the PABXtelephone directory. Observe the information provided in PC configuration.
Lift up
Call deflection during regular signaling (Call Deflection)
If youarenotable,ordonot wish,toacceptacall,youhave theoptionofreroutingthe calltoadifferentsubscriberwhile thecallisbeingsig naled. Whenyouforwardacall toanexternalsubscriber,youwill bechargedforthecosts ofthecallfromyour phonetotheforwarding des tination. You canutilize thisperformance feature withsystem telephonesof ISDNphones that supportthis function(refer toOperating Manual for terminal devices).
Forwarding external calls to external parties
speed dialing index
Subscriber is called Conversation
Forwarding of calls while the call is being signaled depends on the team that is being called:
If severalmembersare enteredfor ateam,call forwardingin thePABXis carriedoutvia thesecondB channelofthe ISDNconnection. This also applieswhentheconnectionhasthefeature CD(calldeflection).ThePABXcannotbereachedby externalpartieswhilecallforwarding is in progress.
If onlyone memberis enteredfor ateam,call forwardingin thePABX iscarriedout viathe secondB channelof theISDNconnection when theconnectiondoesnothavethefeatureCD.ThePABXcannotbereachedbyexternalpartieswhilecallforwardingisinprogress. Ifthecon­nection does havethe CDfeature activated however,the callis forwarded tothe exchange.Both B channelsare thenimmediately available again and the PABX can be reached by external parties.
Call forwardingbya teammemberisonlypossible when»Teamcallsimultaneous« callsignalinghasbeen setforthe team.
Direct dial-in
Say youareaway fromhome.However, somebodyathomeshould beableto reachyouquicklyand easilybytelephone ifneeded(forexam ple childrenorelderlyrelative).Sinceyou havealreadyconfiguredthe function»Directcall«forone ormoreofyourphones, youneedtolift the handsetofoneof thesephones.After fivesecondswithoutanynumbers beingdialedthePABXwill automaticallydialthedefineddirect call number.
You canenterthe numberyourselfof theparty thatisto becalledprior tocalling.The PABXsystemrecognizes bythelength ofthe number whether youhaveenteredaninternal orexternalnumber.Youtherefore donotneedto inputaprefixcodefor externalnumbers.Tochange an alreadyentered directcall number,just enterthe newone withoutdeleting theold number.You canalso performthe followingsettings using PC configuration.
Preparing and activating a direct call with set numbers
b *65 t # q a
Lift up
Now, when you lift up your handset the direct call number will be dialed after five seconds.
Call number Ack.
Calling several telephones (team call)
Activating direct dial-in
b #65*
Lift up
direct dial-in
*65# q a
Reactivating direct dial-in
Replace handset
The numbers stored in the PABX for direct calls are retained even when the direct call function is deactivated.
Deleting a direct dial-in number
b #65# q a
Lift up
The stored direct dial-in number is deleted.
Voice announcement
YoucanuseananalogportofyourPABXforanintercomfunctionbyconfiguringthisportforvoiceannouncements.Thisenablesyoumake voice announcements for example into a waiting room via an internal telephone.
A voice announcement extension can be reached by internal extensions only.
Delete a
direct dial-in
Lift up
Dial the internal number of the voice announ-
cement extension
Voice announcement Terminate voice announcement
Room monitoring
You canmonitoraroom acousticallyfromatelephone inyourPABXsystem, orfromanexternal telephone.Todo this,thetelephonein the room tobemonitored mustbeenabledfor roommonitoringwith thecorrectcode andthehandset removedfromthe holder,orhands-free callingmustbeactivated.Ifyouhang upthehandsetofthephoneintheroombeingmonitored,orifyoudeactivatehands-free calling,room monitoring is ended and the feature is deactivated again. This feature can not be used in conjunction with inquiry call, call forwarding or team call functions.
Room monitoringisdeactivated aftereachPCconfiguration ofthepabx andmustsubsequentlybe enabledandcon
figured once again.
Enabling room monitoring for an internal telephone
b *593 q
Lift up
Room monitoring from an internal telephone
Do not replace handset /
Do not deactivate hands-free calling
Lift up
Dial the number of the telephone to be used
for room monitoring
Room monitoring is activated
Room monitoring of external telephone directory
You can monitor a room acoustically from a telephone in your PABX system, or from an external telephone. To carryoutroommonitoring fromanexternallocation dialthenumber(MSNor directdial-innumber)towhichthe PABXsystemservice number is assigned. The service number (internal virtual subscriber) is assigned to this MSN in the PABX. You must then enter a 6-digit PIN. The PABX then checks your authorization for executing room monitoring from an external phone based on this PIN2. In the initial state (when delivered), the internal number 55 is entered as the service number. This number can not be used in teams.
Calling several telephones (team call)
Please notethatyoumust firstallocateamultiplesubscriber number(MSN)ordirectdial-innumber tothisservicenumberduring PCcon figuration.
Room monitoring is protected by a 6-digit PIN 2 and can be activated by entering this PIN 2.
In theinitialstate,thisPIN2 issetto000000.To ensureadequatesecurityyoumustchange this6-digitPIN2 and enable remote access to the PABX if you wish to use this feature.
You are at an external telephone.
Lift upthe handsetof thephone fromwhich youwish toconduct roommonitoring anddial theMSN ordirect dial-innumberto whichthe service number for the PABX is assigned.
If remote access has been enabled and is possible at this time you will hear the special dial tone of your PABX. Set your phone to frequency (DTMF) dialing, or use a DTMF manual transmitter.
tq t q
Enter PIN 2 Ack.
To end room monitoring, hang up the handset of the external telephone.
Tracing (Malicious call identification)
You must applyfor thisfeature to yourservice provider.You will thenbe informedof further proceduresthere. If youdial theappropriate code duringacall, orafter thecallerhas endedacall (youwillhear thebusysignal fromtheexchange) thecaller's numberissaved attheex­change. ISDN telephones can also use dedicated functions for this feature.
Dial the number of the telephone
to be used for room monitoring
Room monitoring is activated
Attention: Only hang upthe handset after youhave enteredthe code fortracing the callerand hearthe positive ac­knowledgement signal.
g *51 q a
Ongoing call, or caller
hangs up
Allocating Project Numbers
Project numbersallowyou forexample toinvoicetelephone callsforspecific customers.Ifyou haveinitiatedcalls yourselfyoucan savethe datafor callduration andcostsforthiscustomerunder theproject number.Ifyouarecalledbyacustomer,youcanstorethecalldataforthis particular customer.
A project is activated by entering a code and a project number consisting of up to 6 digits.
If youhave exportedcall data recordsusing thecharge managersoftware onthe CD,you can,for example,sort, filteror compilethese data records according to project numbers.
Assigning a project number for a call you initiate
b *50 t # q t
Lift up
Enter project number
(max. 6 - place)
Dial call number
Calling several telephones (team call)
Project number for an external call from an ISDN terminal device
You can usethis feature atan ISDNterminal if yourISDN terminal devicesupports the function»Net direct«(Keypad) during anongoing call.
You are conducting a call and wish to register it for a project.
g *50 t # q g
Conversation Enter project number
(max. 6 - place)
Project number for an external call
You canusethisfeature atananalog oranISDNterminal deviceifyourISDN terminaldoesnotsupport thefunction»Net direct«(Keypad) during an ongoing call.
You are conducting a call and wish to register it for a project.
Continue call
g R *50 t # q R g
Conversation Enter project number
(max. 6 - place)
Continue call
Keypad function (»Net direct«)
Only recently you purchased themost modern telephone on the market. Sincethen, however, new features havebeen added to the public network which you are not able to use just by pushing a button. Using the »Keypad« function you can use current ISDN functions offered by your service provider by entering a key sequence from your ISDN or analog telephone.
Ask your networkservice provider aboutthis and getthe corresponding codesfrom them (forexample activating inhibitsat the exchange office). Useofthis featuremustbe enablesfora userdefinedinconfiguration inthesection »Internaluser«on thetab»Features«. Ifthefea­ture »Directexchange line access«is activatedyou willonly beable touse the keypadfunction ifyou pressthe * buttonfirst andthen dial 0 after you lift the handset.
The keypadfunctionscanonly beusedbyterminaldevicesto whichanMSNhas beenassignedduringconfiguration andforwhichthis fea­ture has been applied for at the exchange.
Initiating the keypad function
b0 *or #t a
Lift up
Multifunctional device
IfananalogterminaldeviceconnectionforthePABXhasbeenconfiguredasa»Multi-functionport« formulti-functiondevices,allcallswill come in,regardlessof theirservicefunction.With exchangelineacquisitionusing acodetheservice IDsfor»analog telephony«,»faxgroup 3« or»ISDNtelephony« canbetransmitted, regardlessofthe configurationfor theanalogconnection. TheserviceID »analogtelephony«is transmitted when you dial a 0. Example: You areunable to reacha faxmachine ofgroup 3that isoperated with theservice IDat aremote ISDNPABX system.By dialingthe appro priate code,yourPABX transmitsthe serviceID»fax group3«.The remotePABXsystem recognizestheservice andconnects youtothe fax machine.
Dial line access digit Initiate keypad function Enter codes Replace handset.
You would like to make an external connection to a certain service.
b *773 t l
Lift up
»Fax group 3« Dial external number
Never Out of Touch
Never Out of Touch
Call forwarding
Using thefunction »Callforwarding«, the PABXprovidesyou witha meansfor remaining accessible,evenif youleave yourdesk orphone. Thisisachievedbythesystemautomaticallyforwardingcallstoanotherinternalorexternalnumber.DuringPCconfigurationforthePABX you can specify for each internal extension whether this feature is to be executed within your PABX system or in the exchange.
Call forwarding by the PABX
The PABXconnectsthecalling partywiththe internalorexternal subscriberthatyou havespecified.TheB channelofthe ISDNconnection is used for an external call, depending on your particular configuration.
Call forwarding can also be made to a team number.
Call forwarding in the exchange
You canusethisoption atthenetwork serviceproviderifyouhave activatedtheseservices foryourconnection.Con
tact yournetworkserviceprovider formoreinformation.
The exchangeconnectscallingparties withtheexternal numberthatyouhave specified.Internalcallforwarding is
activated bythePABXwithin thePABX.
At apoint-to-multipointconnectionall callsareforwarded fortheMSNthat iscalled.Otherterminal devicesofthe
PABX towhichthesame MSNhasbeenassigned arenotcalled(partial rerouting).
Ifcallforwardinghasbeenconfiguredbutisnotcarriedoutbytheexchange(becausethisfeaturewasnotappliedfor) calls will automatically be forwarded by the PABX.
There are three different variants of call forwarding:
Call forwardingimmediately: The callisforwardedimmediately tothedefined number.
Call forwardingonno answer:Thecallisforwarded after15seconds (dependingonthe settinginthePABX oratthe exchange; partialrerouting).
Call forwardingonbusy: The callisforwardedonly ifthedestination telephoneisbusy.
Ongoing call forwarding callsalso be overwrittenby a newcall forwarding. Other callforwarding variants may also be activated simultaneously. For example. Callforwarding per time, zur Call number12345 und Call forwarding at Besetzt, zur Call number 45677.
Activating call forwarding
Using this procedure,all calls willbe forwarded to theMSN to whichthe terminal deviceinitiating the functionis assigned, evenif several terminal devices are assigned to this MSN.
The PABXrecognizesautomaticallyby thelengthof thenumberwhether callforwardingisto bemadeto aninternal or externalsubscriber. Thisiswhy thedestination numberfor callforwarding toanexternal subscriberis alwaysin put without the line access digit (LAD).
b*61/ 62 / 63t#qa
Lift up
Permanent call forwarding /
Call forwarding on no reply /
Call forwarding on busy
Destination number
for call forwarding
Never Out of Touch
Deactivating call forwarding
b#61/ 62 / 63 q a
Lift up
Call forwarding in Teams
Certain conditions apply to subscribers that are assigned to a team for call forwarding:
Each subscribercaninitiatecallforwarding fromhis/herinternal numbertoa differentsubscriber(regardlessof the
team thatsubscriberisassigned to).
Call forwardingfromone teammembertoa teamnumberisnot possible.Ifcallforwarding isinitiatedfromone
team numbertotheteam numberforadifferent team,thefunction willnotbeactive andtheuserinitiating thecall forwarding functioniscalled.
Follow me (call forwarding from another telephone)
Permanent call forwarding /
Call forwarding on no reply /
Call forwarding on busy
If youare ata differentlocation, andnot atyour phone,you havethe possibilityofhaving callsmade toyour phonewhile youare awayfor warded toatelephone nearoratyour currentlocation(Follow me).Youcanalso forwardcallsfromother phonestoyour phone.Whenyou lift up the handset of your phone a special dial tone will remind you that you have call forwarding currently activated.
Internal configuration of call forwarding (Follow me, internal)
b *64 t # q a
Lift up
Call will then be forwarded to the specified telephone.
Internal de-activation of call forwarding (Follow me, internal and external)
Internal number whose
calls are to be forwarded
Replace handset.
b #64 t # q a
Lift up
Configuring/De-activating call forwarding from external location (Follow me, external)
For the weekend you have rerouted the fax number of your office to your private fax machine at home. Let’s say you’re on the way to the office, which takes around 30 minutes, and would now like to also receive fax messages that are addressed to your office. Youthen cancelthe»Followme-external«functionathomeand whenyouarriveattheofficeyourfax messageswillbewaitingonyou–ex actly where you need them. You can use this function to configure or cancel call forwarding to any destinations. Toconfigure callforwarding,dial(fromanexternal location)themultiplesubscribernumber(MSN)towhichto theServicenumber(inter nal, virtual subscriber) has been assigned. In the initial state, the number 55 is entered as the service number. Remote accessmust beenabledduring configuration.The PABXusesthe PINto checktheauthorization forcall forwardingfrom anexter nal location 2. Please note that you must first allocate a service number to this multiple extension number (MSN) number during PC configuration. The factory setting of the 6-digit authorization PIN 2 is. You must change the PIN2 in the PC configuration, as otherwise you will not be allowed access to the PABX system.
Internal number for which
call forwarding is to be can
Replace handset.
You are located at an external telephone.
Lift up the handset of your phone and dial the MSN to which the internal service number of the PABX has been assigned to.
If remote activation of call forwarding has been enabled you will hear the special dial tone for your PABX system. Set your phone to frequency (DTMF) dialing, or use a DTMF manual transmitter.
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