This device meets the requirements of the following EC directive R&TTE 1999/5/EG:
»Directive 1999/5/EC of theEuropean Parliament and ofthe Council of9 March
1999 on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and the
mutual recognition of their conformity«.
You can also request this EC declaration of conformity at the following Internet
The waste containersymbol withthe "X" throughit onthe device indicatesthat
the devicemustbedisposed ofseparatelyfromnormal domesticwasteatan ap
propriate waste disposal facility at the end of its useful service life.
Reprintingofthisdocument,evenexcerpts,ispermittedonlywiththeexpressconsentofthepublisher and
with precise source information, regardless of the media used (mechanical or electronic).
Function descriptionsincluded in thisdocumentation whichrefer tosoftware products ofother manufacturers are basedon the softwareused and valid at the datethe documentation was prepared or published.
The product and company names used in this documentation may be protected by trademarks.
Youcan connectthe systemtelephoneat theinternalS0, Up0or Ethernetconnectionof a pabx system. The
telephone provides system features when connected to certain elmeg PABX systems. For example:
The internal connection of the PABX systems automatically interfaceswith the system telephone. Please
refer to the operating instructions of your PABX to determine whether these typical system features are
provided with the various system telephones.
Itis designedforconnectiontoan internalS0port (4-wirecable)of aPABXsystem. Thesystem telephoneis
not equippedwith a USB orserial port forconfiguration orother uses. This phone mustbe configured via
theinternal ISDNport usingtheWinTools ProfessionalConfigurator. There arealsono»Audio functions«
implementedand youcan notuse theAnswering machineor Up0modules orfunctions. None ofthe functions for this module are shown in the display, nor can they be used.
Thistelephone isequippedwith thefunction»Emergencyoperation«.»Off«
= Emergency operation off, »On« = Emergency operation On. meaning it
Selection of a call number from the telephone directory or the speed dial memory after liftingthe
Displayof callduration andcosts.
can be operated at NT via the PABX system on a loss of 230 V~ power. If
more than one telephone is connected to the ISDN system, the emergency
operation functionmay only beconfigured onone of theISDN systemtele
phones. All callsare signaled at thisphone. The volumeof the ringingtone
isset tolow. Inaddition tomaking normalcalls, thefollowingfunctions are
also available:
The phone number(MSN) that the network serviceprovider assigned to you as thefirst (master) number
willbe transmittedto externalsubscribers. Chargebilling iseffected forthis. Observe theinformation con
cerning emergency operation in the PABX system. Ongoingconnections are interrupted in the event of a
power failure.
Refer tothe operatingmanual of your PABXsystem to see ifyour system supports emergency
Description and installation
Configuring emergency operation (PtMP and PtP connections)
Emergencyoperation isnotconfiguredasa factorydefaultfeature. Aslideswitch islocatedonthebottom of
the system telephone that can be used for configuring emergency operation.
To configurethe emergencyoperation feature, slidethe switch on theleft side onthe bottom of thephone
down. To de-activate emergency operation, slide the switch back to the top position.
Attention: Before you move the emergency operation switch unplug the ISDN connector for
the system telephone. Use a non-metallic tool to move the switch.
Configuring emergency operation at a point-to-point (PtP) connection
Ifyou wishtoalso useyoursystem telephoneforemergency operationata PtPconnectionyou mustalsoac
tivatethis featureusingthe PCconfigurationforyoursystem telephone. Youcan usetheconfiguration pro
gram to set emergency operation at a PtP connection.
Making calls during emergency operation at a point-to-multipoint connection
The systemtelephone begins emergencyoperation whenpower supplyfor the PABXsystem and theNT is
lost.Emergency operation,followedbyatelephone symbolisthenshown inthesystem telephonedisplay.
Ifthe 230VACpower supplyisrestoredduring anongoingcall, allnormal,configuredfunctions areavaila
ble againonly afteryou hangup the handset. If the230V~ power supplyis restored whenthe handsetis in
the cradle,the emergencyoperation displayis replacedby thenormal displaywhenthe handsetis lifted,or
on the next call.
Making calls at emergency power supply mode on a point-to-point connection
During emergency power supply mode at a point-to-point connection, you will see the normaloperation
Thissystem telephoneisdesignedfor connectionto aninternal S0-port(4 wires)of an pabxsystem. If you
wish to connect the telephoneto an internal Up0-port, be sure to install the internal Up0/S0-module into
the telephone or use the external Up0/S0-converter.
Thissystem telephoneisdesignedfor connectionto aninternal Up0-port(2 wires)of an pabxsystem. The
internal Up0/S0-module or the external Up0/S0-converter is then no longer required.
On the system telephoneitself you can only carry out alimited configuration of thesupported features. A
fullconfiguration isonlypossible withanelmeg telephonesystemusingthe professionalWINtool configu
rator via the corresponding system telephone interface.
System-telephone extension modules
Up0/S0-module (CS410 only)
Install theUp0/S0-module into your telephoneif you wishto connect thephone to a Up0-portof a
onbuttons. The LEDisassigned tothe firstlevel. Another twoLEDs areprovidedfor indicatingad
Up to three additional keypads can be connected (cascaded) to your telephone. A plug-in power
supply isrequired if youuse more thanone additional keypad. Use onlythe approved T400power
supplyunits availableasaccessory /serialnumber220872.5or T400-UK/serial number220873.3.
onbuttons. The LEDisassigned tothe firstlevel. Another twoLEDs areprovidedfor indicatingadditionalinformation.
Safety notes
Mind the storage and operation temperatures for the device listed in the technical specifications.
Onlyconnectthe devicewhen thepermissible ambientoperating temperaturehas beenreached.
Please note that condensation on or in the unit may occur when moving from cold to warm sur-
roundings. Only removethe telephone from the packagewhen the permissibleambient operating
Elektrostatic charges (protection against electrostatic charges)
The telephone issupplied with enhanced ESD protection againstthe effects of electrostaticdischarge that
exceeds theprotection levelcited in theapproval specification. Elevated ESD levelsshould neverthelessbe
avoided to thegreatest possible extent. In some cases, electrostatic dischargelevels can farexceed the ap
proval limitsor theresistance levelsalready implementedin yourtelephones. Eliminate thecauses orcon
ditions that promote theseelevated ESD levels, such as insufficienthumidity or carpeting. The telephone
manufacturer does not assume any liability for damage caused under such circumstances.
Beforeinstallingthetelephoneyou mustmount therear feetfor thetelephone atthe positions(6) shownin
figure 1.
Pleasenote thatthefeetofyour telephonemayleave marksonsensitivesurfaces,such asfurniture. The ma
nufacturer of the telephone is not liable for any such damage. Therefore, use appropriate non-skidding
pads under the phone.
Cleaning the telephone
The ISDN system telephone has been manufactured for normal, everyday use. When required, clean the
ISDN systemtelephone witha slightly moistenedcloth, orwith ananti-static cloth. Never use a solventto
cleanthe phone!Neveruseadry cloth;electrostaticcharges coulddamagethe electronicsinthe system. Itis
essential that no liquids penetrate into the inside of the ISDN system telephone, as this could destroy the
Description and installation
Connecting the telephone (connecting and handset cords)
Connectthe handsetcord(1) asshowninfigure 1. Laythe handsetcordin thecordgroove (4)andlockitbelow the two cord retainers (5).
Connecting the connecting cord
Connection to the S0 (CS410, CS400)
Connect theISDN cord (2) asshown infigure 1 (S0-connector). Ensure that thelonger ISDN connectoris
pluggedinto theISDNjack andtheshorter ISDNconnectorinto theISDNsocket onthetelephone. Thenlay
the ISDN cord in the cord groove (4) and lock it below the two cord retainers (5).
Connection to the Up0 (CS400,CS410 with Up410/S0-module or CS0-U)
Connect the ISDN cable (1) as shown in figure 2 (Up0-socket). Ensure that the longer ISDN connector is
pluggedinto theISDNjack andtheshorter ISDNconnectorinto theISDNsocket onthetelephone. Thenlay
the ISDN cord in the cord groove (2) and lock it below the two cord retainers (3).
CS410 telephones equippedwith a Up0/S0 moduleor CS410-U phones may not beconnected
through the S0-socket to an ISDN connection (e.g. internal ISDN port of the PABX).
Important notes for connecting the telephone to the Up0
phone) atthe S0jack of thetelephone. For eachadditional ISDN devicethis connection provides a
powerof1 watt.
Description and installation
Figure 2
Connecting and configuring a headset (not included in the scope of supply)
Youcan connecta headsettoyourtelephone. Ask yourdealer whichheadsetmodels canbe usedorretrieve
the required information from the Internet.
The telephoneis equippedwith an 8-pinsocket for connectinga headset. Headsets witha DSHG-interface
(e.g. cordlessDECT-headsets)can beconnected tothe telephonerightaway. Specialaccessories arenot required for this. For the connection of standard headsets (connection cable of 4 pins, e.g. U10PS) use the
supplied adapter cord.
You canconnect / installthe optional AnsweringMachine moduleand a headsetwith a DSHG
port simultaneously to/in a system.
Connecting a headset
Connect the headsetas shown in figure 1 on page 5to the telephone’s dedicated headset socket. Then lay
the headset cord (3) in the cord groove (4) and lock it below the cord retainers (5).
If theheadset corddoes notfit inthe cordguide, attachthe self-adhesivecord holder suppliedwith thesys
tem to the bottom of your telephone (7). Then, route the headset cord under the cord holder.
Assignment of the headset jack pins (CS410 / CS410-U)
If youwould liketo usethe auto-answerfeature withyour headset, set thetime afterwhich acall is
answered(see page70).Whenconfiguringyour telephone,youshould programafunctionkeyto be
usedfor activatingor deactivatingthe auto-answerfeature.
If youhave configuredyour phone for automaticheadset use, you canpoll the answeringmachine
usingthe headset.
Connecting the telephone to a PC
Connecting the PC connection cable (USB)
Use theUSB cordsupplied withthe systemto connectthe telephoneto thePC, orto thehub. If
youuse adifferentUSB cord,ensurethatthe distancebetweenthe telephoneandthe PC,orbet
weenthe telephoneandthe hub,doesnot exceedfivemeters,depending onthetype ofcord you
are using.
Description and installation
Connectthe USBcord (4)as shownin figure5(PC-socket). PlugtheUSB connector(type A)into thecorre
spondingsocket ofyourPC andtheUSB connector(typeB) intotheUSB socketonthe backofthe telephone
(1). The telephoneis automaticallydetected bythe PC,provided that both devices(telephone and PC) are
switched on.
Installat ionof a devicedriver is startedautomatically the firsttime you connectthe telephone
to thePC. Insert theWIN-Tools CD-ROMsupplied with thetelephone andfollow the instruc
tions displayed on the screen.
You willneed a hub(USB distributor)if you planto useseveral USB terminaldevices atyour PC. Connect
thehubto theUSBport ofthe PC.You canthen connectother USBterminal devices,including thetelepho
ne to the hub.
CS 410, CS 410-U connecting the audio cable (Audio in / Audio Out)
Thetelephone isequipped withan input(2)andanoutput (3)for audiosignals. Both theseports havea 3.5
mmstereo socket.Whenusing theoptional answeringmachine module,you canconnect thetelephone via
these ports to the PC sound card in order to upload announcements into the phone or save recorded
messages on the PC.
Youcan alsouse specifictelephonefeatures withthe Audio-Outoutput(see page64). Connectthespeakers
(5) with a 3. 5 mm stereo jack to the telephone’s Audio-Out (3) output, as shown in figure 5.
IP-S400 Audio in / Audio out
The telephone isequipped with an input (2) andan output (3) for audio signals.These ports are provided
for headsets(6). Thejacks are linked tothe correspondingports for the headsetjacks on the bottomof the
Figure 5
elmeg IP-S400 at the Ethernet-port
The IP-S400system phonecan bepowered throughthe Ethernetport as defined inIEEE Std 802.3af-2003
(PoE),with powerbeingsuppliedvia Ethernetfrom thehubor switch.At theport, »AlternativeA«and »Al
Description and installation
ternative B«, as defined by IEEE Std 802.3af-2003, and »Power classification 1« (up to 4 W) is supported.
The PoE port is not polarity sensitive.
PIN assignment for PoE
PIN 1 = Transmit Data + / PIN 2 = Transmit Data PIN 3 = Receive Data + / PIN 6 = Receive Data PIN 4 / PIN 5 connected = power supply
PIN 7 / PIN 8 connected = power supply
Figure 6
Connection for plug-in power
supply unit
Plug-in power supply unit
Ethernet PC-Connection
PC or other IP-telephone
Ethernet-port of the pabx
elmeg pbx
Connecting to and operating the system telephone at the pabx system (basic function including
Consult theinstallation instructionsfor thePABX systemto determinewhich portcan beused forconnec
ting the IP-S400. Connect this port with the Ethernet PABX port on the system telephone.
You can now use the IP system telephone at the ISDN or UP0 port.
You find a complete description of the configuration on page 84.
Changing the label
The label panels for the function keys are included on a separate sheet enclosed in the operating instruc
tions. Cut out the label you wish to use.
To changethe label panel,press the flexiblecover togetherbetween your indexfinger and thumband lift it
out. The label panel can now be changed.
Youcan fillinthelabel foryourtelephonewith yourowninformationand thenprintitout usingtheProfes
sional Configurator. Also available on theWIN-Tools CD-ROM is an Adobe Acrobatfile containing tem
plates that you can also fill in and print out.
Description and installation
The pictographs (symbols) described below have been used in these operating instructions to illustrate
some procedures for setting and using the telephone.
321 characters per line
4Arrow: Further menu items accessi-
ble by using the arrow keys.
Figure 8
5Answering machine button on the
telephone (optional module)
6Arrow: Indicationof thesoftkey that
can be used in the current menu.
A checkmark »®« following a display text indicates that this feature is active.
The telephone is equippedwith a seven-line backlit display. Backlighting is automatically switched on or
After connecting the system tothe internal ISDN connection ofyour PABX system, the date andthe time
are shown on the display. The date and time are imported automatically from the pabx system. The text
displayed for a function isalways located next to the corresponding softkey. When you press the softkey,
the nextlevel isdisplayed. If notall information fitinto thescreen, thiswill beindicated by»««or»««. To
have the other characters displayed, press the R-button first and then the corresponding arrow button.
Various telephone display shots are illustrated in this operator’s manual to helpexplain the different set
tingsand useofthesystem. A wavylineat thetopor bottomofanillustrationindicates thatnotall ofthe7 li
nes of that particular display are shown (only pertinent lines shown).
Description and installation
Special feature for displaying lists in the display
Severalentriesareshowninthe displayasalistfor certainsettingsorwhenusingthe phone. Theselists are
required for telephone directory or VIP memory programmings for example.
<> The activeentry (the oneyou haveselected) is
highlighted. Use the menu or the OK button
to display further features or select the high
lighted entry.
Special feature for changing existing entries
You have various options available for changing existing entries (for example names or numbers).
Example 1:
You may wantto change thetelephone numberof an entry, becausethat subscriber has movedto another
When youuse the push-buttonset to enterthe first digitof the newnumber theexisting number isdeleted
completely. Enter the other digits of the new number.
Example 2:
You wishto change partsof a namein a telephonedirectory listing, becausethe name haschanged (e.
the case of marriage).
Usethe arrowbuttons tospecify thestorage positionfor thatentry. Youcanoverwriteanexistingsurname
right away or delete it with the C-button and then enter the new name.
VIP digit to select {}
Description and installation
Key assignments for entering texts
The assignments for the keypad for entering letters, digits and special characters are as follows:
Whenyou pressthe 0 key thefirst timeaspace isinserted. When youpress thiskey asecondtimeseveral
special characters are shown in the display. Press the appropriate key to select the corresponding special
Call signalingis effected usingthe ringingtone that hasbeen set forthe dialed number(MSN) in eachtele
If youare usingthe telephoneat aninternal ISDNconnection ofcertain elmegPABX systems,you canpro
gram special ringing melodies for internal and external calls.
1 … 9. If you wish to view further special characters, press the 0 key.
Example:»Dean, James«.
Example:»Dean, James«.
Whenyou startentering texts,theinput modeis always»Abc«.Press theRecallflashbutton to
change the input mode. To insert a character while in »Abc« mode, press the C key.
Description and installation
Function keys and LEDs
Youcan programthefivefunctionkeys ontwo levelswithdifferentfunctionsviathePCconfigurationpro
gram forthe telephone. Each key isequipped with anLED that isused to displaythe activefunction. Each
color is assigned to a particular level for the function key. (level 1 - red / level 2 - yellow).
Pressthe keytwotimestoreach thesecondlevelfor thefunctionkeys. Thismustbedoneat ashortinterval.
Entries or settings you make at your telephone are sometimes confirmed by acknowledgement signals.
Positive acknowledgement signal (1 long tone):
The positive acknowledgement signal indicates that your input has been accepted and stored by the
Negative acknowledgement signal (3 short beeps):
You willhear thenegative acknowledgementsignal whenyour inputhas notbeen accepted bythe telephone, or when invalid input has been made.
Displays for programmed features
sWhen the telephone is in the idle state, addi-
tional information about functions that have
beenconfiguredareshown on»Info«lineof
the display. In this example: »-t-S-R-«.
Press the softkey »Info« if you wish to get
more information about the configured
<> If you have programmed several features,
press the arrow buttons to view the various
29.05.06 07:21
Tel. drctry
Caller list
Inhibit/Menu access:
Guard for modification
Displays Configured function
Active appointment reminder set.
Description and installation
Dialing control or Call filter active,
Access to telephone menus is protected.
Function »Silent signalling« (notice tone only) active.
Function »Silent signalling« (all calls) active.
(All call signals are switched off)
Call forwarding active.
Informationen on programmed function keys
FOR EXAMPLE.: Message enabled / inhibited.
Informationen through Messages (MWI) For example. auf Ihrer t-Netbox
Tochangethe numberor tocorrect awrong entry,select thewrongfigurewiththe arrowbuttons andpress
C to delete it. Now enter the correct number.
If youwish to conductthe callusing the handset,just lift itup after dialingthe number. Any timeduring a
call you can switch back and forth between hands-free calling, speaker function and use of the handset.
Afteryou havedialedthe numberyoucan alsopressthespeakerecall flashbuttonto havethenumber dialed
and to use hands-free calling.
If a callcan not be put through(e. g. number isinhibited via thedial ranges control, or theaccount for the
number/MSNis empty),a correspondingmessage willappearin thedisplay. e.g.:»Inhibit. : dial
number«, when the dialing filter is active.
When you lift the handset and there is still no connection set up, you can pick up a waiting call using the
softkey »pick up«without replacingthe handset again.You are notifiedof thecall inadvance by abrief
message. When youconfigure a connectionkey or a macro keyyou can pick up a call immediatelyjust by
pressing that key.
Other options for dialing without lifting the handset
Ifyou areusing oneoftheseoptions, youcan makefurther entriespriortoinitiating thecall. Youcan define
which number (MSN), if any, is to be transmitted to the party being called. You can use the Professional
Systel-Configurator to set which function is to be assigned directly to the softkey »Telephone directory«:
»Local« or »PABX«. You can reach the second function by pressing the R (Recall flash) key.
Dialing from the pabx telephone directory
Making Calls
When youuse thistelephone witha system telephony supportingpabx system,you can dialfrom the tele
phone directory of the pabx.
Dialing from the telephone directory
You can store up to 250 names and numbers in the telephone directory. To select a name, you can page
through the directory using the arrow buttons, or enter the specific first letter(s) of the name using the
push-button set.
For informationon how toprogram and configurethe telephonedirectory, please referto page 32 ofthese
operating instructions.
Dialing from the VIP memory
Youcan programVIP numbersforeachof theten dialbuttons1… 0including aname(20 charactersmax.)
and a telephone number (26 digits max.).
Enter first letterSelect
Enter first letterSelect
For information on how to program VIP entries, please refer to page 34 of these operating instructions.
Direct dial-in using function keys
Direct dialing isinitiated using the direct dialingkeys. Each of the fivekeys can be programmed withtwo
functions or direct dialing numbers.
Use the function keys to select the desired number.
Ifyou wishto diala numberfrom thesecondlevel,press thecorresponding keytwo times. This mustbe ex
ecuted at a short interval.
You can program thedirect dialing / functionkeys via the PCconfiguration program for thetelephone or
during extended configuration.
from Dialing from the caller/memo list
Select VIP
Press the function key
Select VIP
Thephone hasa combinedcaller andmemolist. Amaximumof 30entries (calls,memos, SMSmessages or
UUS1- messages) are stored in this list. Entries in the caller or memo list are indicated by the »Caller
In itsinitial statethe telephonewill acceptall calls, regardlessof the selectedMSN. If twocalls aresignaled
simultaneouslythe firstoneisaccepted whenyouliftup thehandset. Thesecond callcan stillbesignaledy a
call waiting signal.
Thetelephone displayshowsthe caller’snumberorthe numberthecaller hasdialed (MSN-1…MSN-10, or
the assigned name).
If you areunable, or do notwish to accept acall, you havethe option of rejectingthis call. Press the »re
ject« softkey and the call will be no longer be signaled at your telephone.
If you area member of ateam, then this callwill continue to besignaled at the phonesof your team. If the
call was signaled only at your phone, the caller will hear the busy signal when the call is rejected.
Call Deflection
If you are unable, or do not wish to accept a call, you have the option of forwarding this call. Press the
softkey »transfer«,if youwish to forwardthis call directly toanother subscriber. The call number of
the forwarding target can be preset for each call number (msn) when configuring the telephone.
You can block thedisplay of your telephone number atyour caller’s telephone if desired. You can set this
function specifically for the next call, or permanently (see page 50).
Suppressing calling line identification for the next call
During anexternal or internal call,you can prevent thenumber from beingtransmitted (displayed)to the
party you have called.
Making Calls
Dial number
Whena callissignaled,youcan decidebeforeacceptingthecall whetheryournumberisto betransmittedto
the caller. If your phoneis the final destinationof call rerouting youcan use thisprocedure to prevent the
caller from seeing the final destination phone number (i. e. yours).
Starting a call with a fixed extension number (MSN)
You can conduct an internal or external call such that a defined number (MSN) is transferred from your
telephone tothe party youare calling. This numbermust have beenentered previously inyour telephone.
When you call, either number that is transmitted is shown in the second line of the display (»msn1...
msn-10«) or the name that you have assigned to this number (MSN).
Youcaninitiatedialingusing theset extensionnumber (MSN)as explainedin thefollowing,or youcan use
a programmed function key for this.
Use the WIN-Tools telephone directory manager to set up and configure an MSN extension
number to be used for outgoing calls.
Dial number
MSN-1 … MSN-10
The previously dialed call number is stored in the redial memory.
Extended last number redial
In the extended redialing function the telephone numbers of the last 20 calls, connections (calls) or text
messages are stored. You can view these by pressing the redial button or the arrow buttons and subse
quently have them redialed automatically.
The lastdialed numberis displayed. At theend of thesecond linethe statusof thisentry isindicated bythe
letters displayed there.