PurposeThis document is part of the user’s guide to the installation and configuration of bintec gateways run-
ning software release 7.4.10 or later. For up-to-the-minute information and instructions concerning the
latest software release, you should always read our Release Notes, especially when carrying out a
software update to a later release level. The latest Release Notes can be found at www.funkwerk-
LiabilityWhile every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information in this manual, Funkwerk
Enterprise Communications GmbH cannot assume liability to any party for any loss or damage caused
by errors or omissions or by statements of any kind in this document and is only liable within the scope
of its terms of sale and delivery.
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. Additional information, changes and
Release Notes for bintec gateways can be found at www.funkwerk-ec.com.
As multiprotocol gateways, bintec gateways set up WAN connections in accordance with the system
configuration. To prevent unintentional charges accumulating, the operation of the product should be
carefully monitored. Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH accepts no liability for loss of data,
unintentional connection costs and damages resulting from unsupervised operation of the product.
Trademarksbintec and the bintec logo are registered trademarks of Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH.
Other product names and trademarks mentioned are usually the property of the respective companies
and manufacturers.
CopyrightAll rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical – including photocopying, recording in any medium,
taping, or storage in information retrieval systems, without the prior written permission of Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH. Adaptation and especially translation of the document is inadmissible
without the prior consent of Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH.
Guidelines and standardsbintec gateways comply with the following guidelines and standards:
R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EG
CE marking for all EU countries and Switzerland
You will find detailed information in the Declarations of Conformity at www.funkwerk-ec.com.
The fields of the WAN PARTNER menu are described below.
R3000w Setup ToolFunkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
[WAN]: WAN PartnersMyGateway
Current WAN Partner Configuration
Partnername Protocol State
branch ppp dormant
To enable your gateway to set up connections to networks or hosts outside your
LAN, you must configure the partners you want to connect to as so-called WAN
partners on your gateway. This applies to outgoing connections (e.g. your gate
way dials its WAN partner), as well as incoming connections (e.g. a WAN partner dials the number of your gateway) and leased lines.
If you want to access the Internet, you must set up your Internet Service Provider (➤➤ISP) as a WAN partner. If you want to connect your LAN to a remote
LAN, e.g. your LAN (head office) and the LAN of a branch office (corporate network connection), you must configure the remote LAN as a WAN partner.
If you have configured a leased line during configuration of your gateway’s
ISDN S0 interface, a WAN partner is already configured automatically in the
WAN PARTNER menu. Edit this entry to suit your requirements.
All the WAN partners entered are displayed in a list that contains the partner
name (
state of each (
ENCAPSULATION, see table “Possible values for State field,” on page 4.
PARTNERNAME), the encapsulation used (PROTOCOL) and the current
Encapsulation PPP
Encryption none
Compression none
Calling Line Identification no
Advanced Settings >
WAN Numbers >
IP >
Bridge >
bintec User’s GuideWAN Partner
WAN Partner Menu
The WAN PARTNER➜ ADD/EDIT menu consists of the following fields:
Partner NameEnter a name for uniquely identifying the WAN
In this field the first character must not be a
number. Don’t use special characters or
umlauts. The entry can have max. 25 charac
Encapsulation➤➤Encapsulation. Defines how the
➤➤ data packetsare packed for transfer to
the WAN partner. Possible values:
■PPP (default value)
■Multi-Protocol LAPB Framing
■Multi-Protocol HDLC Framing
■Async PPP over X.75
■Async PPP over X.75/T.70/BTX
■Async PPP over V.120 (HSCSD)
■HDLC Framing (IP only)
■LAPB Framing (IP only)
■X31 B-Channel
■X.25 No Signaling
■X.25 PAD
■X.25 No Configuration
■Frame Relay
WAN Partnerbintec User’s Guide
WAN Partner Menu
Encapsulation (cont.)■X.25 No Configuration, No Signaling
As not all bintec devices support all protocols,
please check prior to configuration the availablity of the respective protocol according to
the data sheet at www.funkwerk-ec.com.
EncryptionDefines the type of encryption that should be
used for data traffic to the WAN partner. Only
possible if STAC resp. MS-STAC compression
is not activated for the connection. Possible val
ues: see table “Encryption selection options,”
on page 8.
If ENCRYPTION is set, this function must also be
activated at the remote gateway, otherwise the
connection cannot be established.
CompressionDefines the type of compression that should be
used for data traffic to the WAN partner and is
only active when supported by the remote gate
way. Possible values:
■STAC, MS-STAC, MPPC: These values are
only available if ENCAPSULATION has been
set to PPP, Async PPP over X.75, Async
PPP over X.75/T.70/BTX, Async PPP over
V.120 (HSCSD) or X.25_PPP.
■V.42bis: For E
(only IP) and Multi-Protocol LAPB Framing
only V.42bis compression is available.
bintec User’s GuideWAN Partner
Compression (cont.)■none (default value)
A combination of encryption and compression
is only possible with (any) MPPE encryption
and MPPC.
When ENCAPSULATION = Multi-Protocol HDLC
Framing, X.25, HDLC Framing (only IP), X31
BChannel, X.25 No Signalling, X.25 PAD, X.25
No Configuration, Frame Relay
Configuration, No Signalling
(As not all bintec devices support all protocols
and algorithms, please check prior to configuration the availablity of the respective protocol
according to the data sheet at www.funkwerk-
WAN Partner Menu
and X.25 No
this field is not dis-
Calling Line IdentificationIndicates whether calls from this WAN partner
are identified by means of the calling party
number (➤➤CLID). The value of this field
depends on DIRECTIONin the WAN NUMBERS
submenu and cannot be set here.
Table 1-2: WAN PARTNER menu fields
ENCRYPTION offers the following selection options:
none (default value)No encryption
MPPE 40MPPE version 1 and 2 with 40-bit key
MPPE V2 40MPPE version 2 with 40-bit key
MPPE V2 40 (RFC 3078)MPPE version 2 with 40-bit key as per RFC
3078: required for MS clients as of Windows
2000 (MS service packs may be necessary,
WAN Partnerbintec User’s Guide
WAN Partner Menu
MPPE V1 40 onlyOnly MPPE version 1 with 40-bit key
MPPE 56MPPE version 1 and 2 with 56-bit key
MPPE V2 56MPPE version 2 with 56-bit key
MPPE V2 56 (RFC 3078)MPPE version 2 with 56-bit key as per RFC
3078: required for MS clients as of Windows
2000 (MS service packs may be necessary,
MPPE V1 56 onlyOnly MPPE version 1 with 56-bit key
DES 56DES with 56-bit key
Blowfish 56Blowfish with 56-bit key
MPPE 128MPPE version 1 and 2 with 128-bit key
MPPE V2 128MPPE version 2 with 128-bit key
MPPE V2 128 (RFC
MPPE V1 128 onlyOnly MPPE version 1 with 128-bit key
MPPE V1 128 (MS compatible mode)
MPPE V2 128 (MS compatible mode)
DES3 168Triple DES with 168-bit key
Blowfish 168Blowfish with 168-bit key
Table 1-3: ENCRYPTION selection options
These values are only available if ENCAPSULATION has been set to PPP, Async
over X.75, Async PPP over X.75/T.70/BTX, Async PPP over V.120
or X.25_PPP. (As not all bintec devices support all protocols, please
MPPE version 2 with 128-bit key as per RFC
3078: required for MS clients as of Windows
2000 (MS service packs may be necessary,
MS compatible MPPE version 1 mode with
128-bit for MS-CHAP V1 (non-conform to RFC
MS compatible MPPE version 2 mode with
128-bit for MS-CHAP V1 (non-conform to RFC
bintec User’s GuideWAN Partner
WAN Partner Menu
check prior to configuration the availablity of the respective protocol according
to the data sheet at www.funkwerk-ec.com.)
For all other possible values for ENCAPSULATION the field ENCRYPTION is not displayed.
Authentication CHAP + PAP
Partner PPP ID
Local PPP ID r3000w
PPP Password
Keepalives off
Link Quality Monitoring off
The WAN PARTNER➜ PPP menu contains specific ➤➤PPP settings, e.g.
AUTHENTICATION, that only refer to the WAN partner to be configured.
The variable AUTHENTICATION is only applied for outgoing calls and incoming
calls that are identified via CLID.
For incoming calls without CLID the variable AUTHENTICATION from the PPP
main menu is applied.
The PPP menu consists of the following fields:
AuthenticationAuthentication protocol. Possible values: see
table “Selection options in Authentication field,”
on page 13.
Partner PPP IDID of WAN partner.
Local PPP IDID of your gateway.
The set value of LOCAL PPP ID in the SYSTEM
menu is default value.
PPP PasswordPassword.
WAN Partnerbintec User’s Guide
Submenu PPP
KeepalivesActivates the function PPP-Keepalive for
checking the reachability of the remote PPP
terminal. Possible values:
■off (default value for dialup connection) -
deactivates keepalive.
■on (default value for leased line) - activates
For the function PPP-Keepalive every three
seconds a packet is sent to the remote termi
nal. If the packet is unanswered five times, normally the interface is set to down for leased line
connections and
dormant for dialup connec-
Link Quality MonitoringActivates PPP Link Quality Monitoring as per
RFC 1989. Possible values:
■off (default value)
Only necessary in exceptional cases, e.g. with
Nokia Communicator.
Table 2-1: PPP submenu fields
The AUTHENTICATION field contains the following selection options:
Only run ➤➤PAP(PPP Password Authentication Protocol); the password is transferred
Only run ➤➤CHAP(PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol as per RFC
1994); the password is transferred encoded.
bintec User’s GuideWAN Partner
Submenu PPP
(default value)
MS-CHAPOnly run MS-CHAP version 1 (PPP-Microsoft
MS-CHAP V2Run MS-CHAP version 2 only.
noneRun no PPP authentication protocol.
Table 2-2: Selection options in AUTHENTICATION field
Run primarily CHAP, otherwise PAP.
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol).
Run primarily CHAP, on denial the authentication protocol required by the WAN partner.
(MS-CHAP version 1 or 2 possible.)
WAN Partnerbintec User’s Guide
Submenu PPP
bintec User’s GuideWAN Partner
Submenu Advanced Settings
3Submenu Advanced Settings
The fields of the ADVANCED SETTINGSsubmenu are described below.
Callback no
Static Short Hold (sec) 20
Idle for Dynamic Short Hold (%) 0
Delay after Connection Failure (sec) 300
Layer 1 Protocol ISDN 64 kbps
Channel Bundling no
Extended Interface Settings (optional) >
Special Interface Types none
Specific functions for ➤➤WAN partnersmake it possible to define the characteristics for connections to WAN partners individually and are configured in
CallbackThe callback mechanism can be used for each WAN partner to obtain additional
security regarding the connection partner or to clearly allocate the costs of connections. A connection is not set up until the calling party has been clearly identified by calling back. The gateway can answer an incoming call with a callback
or wait for a callback of a WAN partner.
Identification can be based on the calling party number or PAP/CHAP/MSCHAP authentication. Identification is made in the first case without call accep
tance, as the calling party number is transferred over the ISDN D-channel, and
in the second case with call acceptance.
Defining short hold➤➤ Short hold is defined to clear an unused connection automatically, i.e.
when no more user data is sent, and thus save charges. The short hold setting
can be either static or dynamic and tells the gateway the duration of the idle
time, after which it is to clear down the connection.
WAN Partnerbintec User’s Guide
Submenu Advanced Settings
The static short hold setting determines how much time should pass between
sending the last
fixed period of time in seconds.
Dynamic (only with ISDN)
With the dynamic short hold setting, no fixed period of time is specified and the
length of an ISDN charging unit is considered instead. Dynamic short hold is
based on AOCD (advice of charge during the call), which depends on time,
When setting dynamic short hold, you specify how much percent of an interval
of charge may be reached after the last user data has been sent before the connection is cleared. If you enter 50 %, for example, the IDLEFOR DYNAMIC SHORT
300 seconds if the preceding charging unit was 600 seconds. Only use IDLEFOR
➤➤ user data packetand clearing the connection. Enter a
OLD equals 60 seconds if the preceding charging unit was 120 seconds, and
YNAMIC SHORT HOLDin conjunction with STATIC SHORT HOLD for safety reasons.
Delay after
connection failure
This function enables you to set the period of time the gateway is to wait for an
attempt to set up an outgoing connection after an unsuccessful attempt to set
up a call.
Layer 1 protocolYou can define the Layer 1 protocol for outgoing connections to the WAN part-
Channel bundlingThe gateway supports dynamic and static ➤➤channel bundling for dialup
connections. Only one B-channel is initially opened when a connection is established.
Dynamic channel bundling means that the gateway connects other ➤➤ISDN
B-channels to increase the throughput for connections to the WAN partner, if
this is required, e.g. for large data rates. If the amount of data traffic drops, the
➤➤B-channels are closed again.
bintec User’s GuideWAN Partner
Submenu Advanced Settings
In static channel bundling, you specify right from the start how many B-channels
the gateway uses for connections to the WAN partner, regardless of the amount
of data transferred.
The ADVANCED SETTINGS menu consists of the following fields:
CallbackActivates the callback function. Possible val-
ues: see table “Callback selection options,” on
page 20.
Static Short Hold (sec)Idle time in seconds for static short hold.
Default value is 20.
10 for FTP connections
20 for LAN to LAN connections
90 for Internet connections
Idle for Dynamic Short
Hold (%)
Delay after Connection
Failure (sec)
Layer 1 ProtocolDefines which Layer 1 Protocol the gateway is
Idle time in percent of the interval of charge for
dynamic short hold.
Only activate if charging pulses are transmitted
during the connection (AOCD).
Block timer. Indicates the wait time in seconds
before the gateway tries again after an attempt
to establish a connection has failed.
to use. This setting applies to outgoing connec
tions with the WAN partner and to incoming
calls from the WAN partner, only if they have
been identified from the calling party number.
Possible values: see
Layer 1 Protocol,” on page 23.
You only need to make changes here if explicitly required.
table “Selection options of
WAN Partnerbintec User’s Guide
Submenu Advanced Settings
Defines the slot for the UMTS modem card.
Possible values:
■Slot 0 Unix 8 AUX (default value): Defines
slot 0 for use with a modem.
■Slot 6 Unit 0 UMTS: Defines slot 6 for use
with an UMTS modem card.
Channel BundlingDefines whether and which type of channel
bundling is to be used for ISDN connections to
the WAN partner.
Possible values:
Total Number of Channels
■no (default value): No channel bundling,
only one B-channel is ever available for
■static: Static channel bundling.
■dynamic: Dynamic channel bundling.
The field is not displayed when LAYER 1
ROTOCOL = PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE), PPP
over PPTP
For dynamic channel bundling: Defines the
maximum number of B-channels that may be
For static channel bundling: Defines the number of B channels that are open throughout the
The default value is 1.
bintec User’s GuideWAN Partner
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