FunkTronic Major BOS 4a User Manual

Major BOS 4a
mbos4a (25.02.14)
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Table of Contents
Keypad................................................................................................................................. 5
Busy Status LED.................................................................................................................. 5
Transmitter Status LED........................................................................................................ 5
Channel Selection................................................................................................................ 7
Headsets............................................................................................................................ 10
RX-AF-Outputs....................................................................................................................... 11
Encoder ................................................................................................................................. 12
External Signaling Device ..................................................................................................... 12
Transmitter Control................................................................................................................ 12
Audio-Frequency-Connection................................................................................................ 12
Microphone Selection............................................................................................................ 13
Channel Selection ................................................................................................................. 13
Opto-Coupler Input................................................................................................................ 14
Major BOS 4a´s in parallel Circuit ......................................................................................... 15
Activating of the Busy Lines............................................................................................... 15
Scanning of the Busy Lines ............................................................................................... 16
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Monitoring-Interface TBBBox4 (optional) .............................................................................. 17
Assigning Channels to the UGA-Modules ......................................................................... 17
Evaluation Functions ......................................................................................................... 18
Tape Control (Switching Contact) ...................................................................................... 19
Service Program.................................................................................................................... 20
Monitor Status.................................................................................................................... 21
Programming Mode EEPROM........................................................................................... 21
EEPROM-Address Layout ................................................................................................. 22
Chart: Jumper and Potentiometer ......................................................................................... 27
Layout.................................................................................................................................... 28
Adjustment Instructions ......................................................................................................... 29
Sockets Pin Layout Connection ............................................................................................ 30
Technical Data....................................................................................................................... 31
General Safety Instructions.................................................................................................... 33
Factory Returning Instructions for old Equipment................................................................. 33
Release Notes....................................................................................................................... 31
mbos4a (25.02.14)
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mbos4a (25.02.14)
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Major BOS 4a
Major BOS 4a is a µC-controlled desktop controller unit for 2-way radio systems controlling up to four radios. Different operating parameters can either be factory preset or programmed during installation.
System / Connectivity
The Major BOS 4a is powered by an external +12V-DC power supply. Up to four channels (radio sets, PA systems -/intercom etc.) can be connected, also an external handset/headset, up to two external monitoring-interfaces (TBBox4), an external signal source, a tape recorder and a AF-RX-amplifier for each channel. Furthermore there is a RS232-connection, to which a terminal can be connected, or a PC for external control. There is a squelch input for each radio and also a PTT output, a busy-line, an AF-input and AF-output. As the TX-AF-outputs are only active while transmitting, several Major BOS 4a´s can be connected in parallel without any problems.
For detailed pinout see section Sockets Pin Layout Connection.
12VDC power supply connector (12VDC, external, max. 1,5A)
I2CI I²C-Bus
TB Tape recorder
RS232 RS 232 connection
PTT PTT (e.g. foot switch)
HS Headset
FK1 – 4 Transmit / Receive (channel 1 – 4, radio, PA system-/ . Intercom, etc.)
Also see section Sockets Pin Layout Connection.
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Control and Display Elements
The keyboard holds the following functions for each of the four channels:
Funkkreis x Selection button + Volume higher
L Loudspeaker mute button S Special function button
I Caller button for encoder 1 II Caller button for encoder 2
PTT button
All buttons can be locked separately
Volume lower
Busy LED
For each of the four radios there is a separate busy LED. To control the busy LED the carrier input can be switched to ground or to +12V (or an external reference voltage U The logic of the busy input can be configured separately for each radio with the jumpers J10 to J13. To change the reference voltage (+12V or U settings see Chart: Jumper and Potentiometer
) use jumper J5. For jumper
For each of the four channels there also is a separate TX LED, which lights up when the corresponding transmitter is activated. The transmitter is activated by pushing the PTT button while talking or by transmitting a call. Flashing of the TX LED means that another Major BOS 4a is using this channel. Also see section Major BOS 4a´s in parallel
Channel Selection LED
The channel selection LED (separate for each channel) lights up permanently when the corresponding channel is selected and activated. Flashing of the channel selection LED means that this channel has already been selected by another Major BOS 4a. Also see
section Major BOS 4a´s in parallel circuit.
Loudspeaker / Volume LED Display
The loudspeaker / volume display (separate for each channel) is a row of LEDs and indi­cates the volume setting. If the loudspeaker-AF for the corresponding channel is turned off the display turns dark.
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mbos4a (25.02.14)
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Display and Control Elements
1 - Transmiting- , Squelch- , Selection Status LED 2 - Channel Selection Buttons 3 - Volume Display (row of LEDs) 4 - Volume Control Buttons (+/-) 5 - Loudspeaker Buttons (mute) 6 - Special Function Buttons 7 - Encoder Buttons (I/II) 8 - PTT (for gooseneck or headset microphone) 9 - Loudspeaker 10 - PTT Button (for handset) 11
- Handset
12 - Gooseneck Microphone
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mbos4a-english (25.02.14)
Calling a single Radio Subscriber
Channel Selection
To activate one of the four channels push the corresponding selection button. To deactivate a channel again push the corresponding selection button once more. Depending on the configuration of the EEPROM-Register 030 in Bit 1 you can either select several channels simultaneously or only one channel at a time.
Register 030 Number of selectable channels
Bit 1: 0 = several channels simultaneously (cumulative) 1 = only one channel at a time selected
When channels are activated the channel selection LED lights up. If the channel has already been selected by a different Major BOS 4a the device can be programmed so that the corresponding channel selection LED flashes. Also see section Parallel circuit of several Major BOS 4a´s. !!) In the EEPROM-Register 024 you can preselect which of the channels 1..4 (Bit 0..3) is automatically selected after turning on the radio installation.
Register 024 selected channels after turning on
Bit 0: Channel 1 No / Yes (0/1)
Bit 1: Channel 2 No / Yes (o/1)
Bit 2: Channel 3 No / Yes (0/1)
Bit 3: Channel 4 No / Yes /0/1)
It is possible to configure the EEPROM-Register 027 so that the selected channels are automatically saved in the EEPROM-Register 024 when the radio installation is turned off.
Register 027 Save the selected channels No / Yes (00/01)
Communicating with the Radio Subscriber
There are three different ways of communication with a calling radio subscriber:
a) By pushing one of the red PTT buttons the transmitter of the corresponding channel is activated on (the corresponding sending status LED lights up) and you can talk to the caller through the gooseneck microphone. (It is also possible to connect an external switch contact instead of a PTT button. See section Opto-Coupler input.) If another controlling device is already transmitting on a channel the Major BOS 4a can be programmed so that the corresponding sending status LED flashes and optionally the PTT button is blocked. Also see section Parallel circuit of several Major BOS 4a´s. After depressing the PTT button the caller can be heard on the loudspeaker. The receiver volume of the corresponding channel is adjustable, see section Loudspeaker (Volume setting).
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mbos4a (25.02.14)
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b) By picking up the handset and pushing the PTT button on the inside of the handset. By doing so the transmitter of the selected channel is activated (TX LED lights up) and you can talk with the caller through the microphone of the handset. If another controlling device is already transmitting on a channel the Major BOS 4a can be programmed so that the corresponding TX LED flashes and optionally the PTT button is blocked. Also see section Parellel circuit of several Major
BOS 4a´s.
Depending on the configuration you can hear the caller constantly on the handset or only after deactivating the PTT button, see section Loudspeaker. The call is ended by replacing the handset.
The volume of the earpiece and the microphone are each adjustable by a potentiometer. The potentionmeter is situated near the earpiece of the handset and is easily accessible from the outside, using a screw-driver through a small opening on the inside of the handset.
c) By connecting a compatible handset/headset and pressing the corresponding PTT button PTT2 (e.g. a foot switch). By doing this the transmitter of the selected radio channel is also turned on (TX LED lights up) and you can talk with the caller through the microphone of the handset/headset. (It is also possible to connect another external switch contact. See section Opto-Coupler input.) If another controlling device is already transmitting on a radio channel the Major BOS 4a can be programmed so that the corresponding TX LED blinks and optionally the PTT button is blocked. Also see section Parallel circuit of several
Major BOS 4a´s.
Depending on the configuration you can hear the caller constantly on the handset or only after depressing the PTT button, see section Loudspeaker. After deactivating the PTT button you can also hear the caller on the loudspeaker. The volume of the corresponding channel is adjustable, see section Loudspeaker
(volume setting).
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The microphone level of the handset/headset can be adjusted with the potentiometer P10 and the level of its loudspeaker with the potentiometer P12.
!!) After ending the call the activated radio channel can be deactivated by pressing the corresponding selection button again.
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Loudspeaker Switching Status
The built in loudspeaker is automatically turned off during transmission.
It is also possible to configurate the EEPROM-Register 02A in Bit 1 so that the loudspeaker is also turned off automatically when the handset is lifted.
Register 02A Loudspeaker switching status when handset is lifted
Bit 1: 0 = Loudspeaker ON 1 = Loudspeaker OFF
The receiver-AF (on the loudspeaker) of individual radio channels can either be muted manually by pressing the loudspeaker buttons or automatically when the correspending busy line is activated (see section Parallel circuit of several Major BOS 4a´s).
If the loudspeaker-AF of a certain radio channel is turned off, the corresponding volume LED display (row of LEDs) turns dark.
!!) In the EEPROM-Register 025 the loudspeaker switching statuses of the radio channels
1..4 (Bit 0..3) can be preselected after turning on the radio installation.
Register 025 Loudspeaker switching status after turning on
Bit 0: Channel 1 OFF/ON (0/1) Bit 1: Channel 2 OFF/ON (0/1) Bit 2: Channel 3 OFF/ON (0/1) Bit 3: Channel 4 OFF/ON (0/1)
In addition it is possible to make a configuration in the EEPROM-Register 028 so that loudspeaker switching statuses are automatically saved in the EEPROM-Register 025 when the radio installation is turned off.
Register 028 Saving the loudspeaker switching statuses No/Yes (00/01)
The EEPROM-Register 02A in Bit 0 can be configurated so that the receiver-AF of all radio channels (without muting) is switched to the loudspeaker or that the corresponding radio channels also have to be activated additionally.
Register 02A Receiver-AF on loudspeaker
Bit 0: 0 = all radio channels without muting 1 = only activated radio channels without muting
Loudspeaker (Volume Control)
The volume of the loudspeaker which is turned on can be set separately with the volume buttons (+ = higher, - = lower) for each radio channel. The volume level is displayed on the LED chain.
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!!) In the EEPROM-Registers 018...01B the volume settings (´01..´08) for each radio channel can be preselected separately after turning on the radio installation.
Volume after switching on for
Register 018 Channel 1 Register 019 Channel 2 Register 01A Channel 3 Register 01B Channel 4
In the EEPROM-Register 029 you can also make a configuration so that the selected volume settings are automatically saved in the EEPROM-Registers 018...01B when the radio installation is turned off.
Register 029 Save Volume setting No / Yes (00/01)
The receiver-AF of the selected radio channel can always be heard on the earphones of the handset and the headset. The earphone-AF of individual radio channels can be muted either manually by pressing the selection buttons or automatically by transmitting on the active or on one of the other radio channels (earphone muting).
a) In the EEPROM-Register 022 a configuration for the radio channels 1..4 (Bit 0..3) can be made so that the earphone-AF for the active radio channel is muted while transmitting.
Register 022 Earphone-AF (while transmitting on the active channel) for
Bit 0: Channel 1 OFF / ON (0/1) Bit 1: Channel 2 OFF / ON (0/1) Bit 2: Channel 3 OFF / ON (0/1) Bit 3: Channel 4 OFF / ON (0/1)
b) In the EEPROM-Register 023 a configuration for the radio channels 1..4 (Bit 0..3) can be made so that the earphone-AF is muted while transmitting on a different radio channel.
Register 023 Earphone-AF (while transmitting on a different radio channel) for
Bit 0: Channel 1 OFF / ON (0/1) Bit 1: Channel 2 OFF / ON (0/1) Bit 3: Channel 3 OFF / ON (0/1) Bit 4: Channel 4 OFF / ON (0/1)
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mbos4a-english (25.02.14)
The volume controlled receiver-AF can be tapped individually for each radio channel on the Major BOS 4a. The outputs can be used e.g. for connecting external AF-amplifier (per radio channel).
The receiver-AF (for the AF-RX-outputs) of individual radio channels can be muted either
- manually by pressing the loudspeaker buttons or
- automatically by activating the corresponding busy lines (see section Parallel circuit of several Major BOS 4a´s) or
- automatically by transmitting on the active or a different radio channel
There is one Muting-Output per radio channel with which the connected AF-RX amplifier can be muted when there is no receiver signal (busy??/squelch) (output switches to GND). See section Sockets Pinout.
a) In the EEPROM-Register 020 a configuration for the radio channels 1..4 (Bit 0..3) can be made so that the AF-RX-Output is muted while transmitting on the own radio channel.
Register 020 AF-RX-Output (while transmitting on the active radio channel) for
Bit 0: Channel 1 OFF / ON (0/1) Bit 1: Channel 2 OFF / ON (0/1) Bit 2: Channel 3 OFF / ON (0/1) Bit 3: Channel 4 OFF / ON (0/1)
b) In the EEPROM-Register 021 a configuration for the radio channels 1..4 (Bit 0..3) can be made so the AF-RX-Output is muted while transmitting on a different radio channel.
Register 021 AF-RX-Output (while transmitting on a different radio channel)for
Bit 0: Channel 1 OFF / ON (0/1) Bit 1: Channel 2 OFF / ON (0/1) Bit 2: Channel 3 OFF / ON (0/1) Bit 3: Channel 4 OFF / ON (0/1)
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