Connection possibilities 3
Connection examples 4
Carrier detection 5
Transmitter control 5
Transmitter follow-up time 6
Transmission time limit 6
Transmitter lead-up time 6
In- and outputs 7
Inputs 7
Outputs 8
Digital output control 8
AF-signals (telephone to radio) 9
AFsignals (radio to telephone) 9
AF-signaling pathways 9
Tone Sequence Encoder and Decoder 10
Dial-up - Telephone -> Radio 13
Direct Dialing by DTMF - Telephone -> Radio 13
Automatic Connection - Telephone -> Radio 13
Automatic Call Forwarding with Direct Call - Tel -> Radio 14
Night Mode - Telephone -> Radio 14
Direct Dialing with DTMF - Radio -> Telephone 14
Radio -> Telephone 14
Direct Dialing with tone sequence - Radio -> Telephone 15
Speed Dail - Radio -> Telephone 15
Speed Dial Memory 16
Call Monitoring 16
Operating Mode 17
Voice Announcement (Option) 18
Example for the configuration 19
Call progress tone detection 20
T11-55 22
EEPROM register layout 23
Register in TIM (Telefon Interface Modul) 28
DTMF Geber, Auswerter 29
Installation TIM (Telephone Interface Module) 32
Connector pinout 33
RS232-Connection cable 35
Service program and setting 35
Ordering information 38
Technical data 38
General Safety Instructions 39
Revision remarks 40
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FT635 Telephone Line Interface
The FT635 telephone line interface (UELE) consists of a CPU card of Europe with an attached
TIM (telephone interface module).
There are 3 different housings available. The standard version is a flange aluminum housing. There
also is a 19“ plug-in unit and a special version in the FT635 system housing.The version in the
system housing has a connector which is pin-compatible to FT633UELE to the two-way radio.In
the standard version only the most important connectors are available as sockets on the front.
The FT635UELE serves as interface between the telephone network and the radio installation.
For phone lines with direct outward dialing the FT635 can be additionally equipped with the option
VMM (voice memory/voice response).
To connect the UELE to the radio there is a 15-pole D-Sub--connector available (the version in
the FT635 system housing has the additional 37-pole D-Sub-connector). The connection to the
telephone network is made by a RJ11 connector.
Connection possibilities
The telephone network is connected to the 6-poleTRJ11 connector (TEL) by two-wire
technology (analog a/b) and can optionally work with the DTMF- or the pulse dialing
method. Ex factory the dialing method is preset to "DTMF dialing“.
The connection to the radio is made by the 15-pole D-Sub-connector (RADIO). It includes
squelch input, PTT output, AF input, AF output, 4 digital outputs (or digital inputs) and the
power supply. The PTT output and the AF inputs/outputs are potential-free.
The 37-pole D-Sub-connector of the version in the FT635 system housing has 12 additional
digital outputs (or digital inputs), a second AF input, a second AF output, 2 analog inputs
and a RS232 interface.
The RS232 interface and 5 digital inputs (or digital outputs) can be connected at the RJ45
Reg. Function
366 4. digit
0 = pulse dialing
1 = DTMF dialing
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Connection examples
Automatic call forwarding from the radio to the telephone
network resp. from the telephone network to the radio
telephone line
two-way radio
There are different applications for the operation of a FT635 UELE:
- automatic call forwarding from the telephone network to the radio
- automatic call forwarding from the radio to a telephone
Carrier detection
The FT635UELE offers different possibilities of carrier detection. The carrier input can
be low or high active and a pull-up resistance can be activated additionally. Alternative
possibilities are the AF controlled carrier and the phantom control. For phantom control
the solder jumper JP2 has to be resoldered. The carrier is active if one or both pins of the
AF input of the radio are connected to ground.
Reg. Function
056 1. digit
0 = carrier input low active, pull-up on
1 = carrier input high active, pull-up off
2 = AF controlled carrier
3 = phantom carrier
4 = carrier input low active, pull-up off
5 = carrier input high active, pull-up on
If the normal carrier input is also to be used as external input additionally or exclusively for
other functions, 2 or 3 needs to be programmed at the first digit in register 056.
Reg. Function
056 2. digit: configuration of the carrier input without
carrier function
(if the 1. digit is programmed with 2 or 3)
possible values: 0,1,4,5 same as 1.digit
Transmitter control
The FT635 Interface can activate the transmitter in 3 different ways. The PTT relay has
a potential-free output for the PTT activation. One pin has to be connected externally to
the reference voltage which is needed by the two-way radio (normally GND or +Batt) and
the other pin is connected to the PTT input of the two-way radio. Alternatively there is the
possibility of PTT phantom control. With phantom control the PTT is acitvated by switching
the center tap of the output transformer to GND. To activate the phantom control the
solder jumper JP1 needs to be resoldered. For reasons of compatibility to FT633UELE
the PTT by a switching output is possible. For FT633UELE I/O15 is used as PTT output.
Ex factory I/O15 is configurated as input for FT635UELE and needs to be reprogrammed
(see section "In- and outputs").
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Transmitter lead-up time
The lead-up time is defined as the time between the activation of the transmitter and the
start of the signaling (e.g. tone sequence). It can be adjusted from 0 to 990ms. Ex factory
it is set at 100ms.
Reg. Function
055 1.+ 2. digit: transmitter lead-up time nn * 10ms
Transmitter follow-up time
The follow-up time is defined as the time between the end of the signaling(e.g. tone
sequence) and the end of the transmission. It is adjustable from 0 to 990ms. Ex factory
it is set at 100ms.
Reg. Function
055 3.+ 4. digit: transmitter follow-up time nn * 10ms
Transmission time limit
The transmitter can be turned off by the transmission time limit. The transmission time limit
can be adjusted form 1 to 999s or be turned off with 000. Ex factory it is turned off.
The transmission time limit can be adjusted separately in the telephone mode and in the
none-telephone mode. Currently only the telephone mode is used with the UELE.
Reg. Function
010 1.- 3. digit: transmission time limit in none-telephone mode nnn * 1s
310 1.- 3. digit: transmission time limit in telephone mode nnn * 1s
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In- and outputs
The FT635UELE has 16 in- and outputs and the carrier input, which can be used for
special functions. The 16 in- and outputs can be programmed as either input or output.
Ex factory I/O0-7 are configurated as open collector outputs and I/O8-15 as inputs with
27kOhm pullup to 5V. With an alternative equipping all 16 I/O can be fitted with pullup
resistors to +5V or to supply voltage or as open collector output.
If the I/Os are configured as inputs then they each use 2 registers in which their
functions are programmed. In the first register the function is programmed when
activating the input (input switches to ground) and in the second register the function
is programmed when the input is deactivated (input is opened or switches to +).
Currently there are 2 possible functions:
- T11-55 input (see section T11-55)
- night mode input (see section Night mode)
Reg. Function
108 1. digit: function for input I/O 0
in case of activation to GND
109 1. digit: function for input I/O 0
in case of deactivation to +
110 - 141 the same as register 108/109 for I/O 1-15 and carrier input
possible functions at
1. digit
0: no function
3: T11-55 input
9: night mode input
further configuration for T11-55 input (1.digit = 3)
2. digit
0: channel free
1: channel busy
further configuration for night mode input (1.digit = 9)
2. digit
0: normal operation
1: night mode
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If the I/Os are configured as output, then there currently there are 3 possible functions:
- additional PTT output
- output for telephone active
- digital output by tone sequence (see section Digital output control)
Up to 4 I/Os can be programmed with digital output functions.
Reg. Function
097 1. digit function 1
097 2. digit digital output for function 1
097 3.+ 4. digit digital output and function 2
097 5.+ 6. digit digital output and function 3
097 7.+ 8. digit digital output and function 4
possible functions at 1./ 3./ 5./ 7. digit:
0: no function
1: PTT output normal
2: PTT output inverted
3: TEL output normal
4: TEL output invertes
possible digital outputs at 2./ 4./ 6./ 8. digit:
0-9,A-F: I/O 0-9,10-15
Examples for function 1 = I/O15 = PTT output the same as FT633UELE:
Register 097: 1Fxxxxxx
Digital output control
The digital outputs I/O8-15 can be switched by transmitting certain 8-tone sequences from
the radios. In this process the first 5 digits of the 8-tone sequence are evaluated selectively.
The last 3 digits of the 8-tone sequence are interpreted as decimal value and are converted
into the binary switching pattern of the 8 digital outputs I/O8-15. This means that for the
last 3 digits values varying from '000' and '255' can be entered (8-bit-number). The tone
sequence for switching is acknowledged by a 5-tone sequence acknowledgement. The
acknowledgement can be turned off by 'F' at the 1. digit.
Example: The last 3 digits are '036'. The decimal number '036' corresponds to the 8bit binary number '0010 0100', so that the digital outputs can be switched as follows:
('1'=ON, '0'=OFF).
digital output 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 output state 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
Reg. Function
030 1.- 5. digit tone sequence for digital output control for I/O8-15
030 6.- 8. digit needs to be programmed with F
031 1.- 5. digit acknowledgement after digital output reswitching (Reg.030)
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AF-signaling pathways
All AF pathways are switched wear-free with analog switches. The radio in-and outputs
(except discriminator input and CTCSS output) are galvanically decoupled using a
AF-signals (telephone to radio)
The level of the incoming telephone signal is adjusted in register 620. The AF signal is
transferred from here to the the radio output by means of the output level adjustment. Also
see section Service program/adjustment.
AFsignals (radio to telephone)
The AF signals of the radio go through an input level adjustment. The discriminator input of
the UELE also has an electronic input level adjustment. Also see section Service program/
adjustment. The level of the outgoing telephone signal is adjusted in register 621.
Signalings of the radio (e.g. 5-tone sequences) which are processed in the UELE, can
optionally be connected to the normal RX output or to the discriminator output of the twoway radio. This is is programmed in the EEPROM-register 080:
Reg. Function
080 6.digit tone sequence decoder
7.digit FFSK decoder
8.digit CTCSS (subtone) decoder (optionally available)
For all 3 digits the following applies:
1 = decoder at the RX input (radio in) of the UELE
2 = decoder at the discriminator input (discriminator in) of the UELE
To program the EEPROMs please read the section Programing mode EEPROM. Ex factory
the tone sequence decoder and the FFSK decoder are connected to „radio in“ and the
CTCSS decoder is connected to „discriminator in“ .
The FT635UELE has 2 independent DTMF decoders. Therefore a directional switchover, as with the FT633UELE, is no longer necessary. Now it is possible to wait for an
ending call from the radio and to decode new mobile IDs from the telephone. The following
assignments of the progammable values to the DTMF tones apply in all registers in which
DTMF tones are programmed:
programmed values: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F
DTMF tone: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,*,#
For both directions the DTMF signals have a delete key and an end key . These keys can
be configured individually. Ex factory '*' is the delete key and '#' is the end key. By using
the delete key the complete telephone number is deleted and the entry begins anew. By
using the end key the input is finished and the call is started. It is necessary to use the
end key when dialing via DTMF from the radio.
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Calling the mobile ID via telephone is started with the end key or automatically after the
complete input of the mobile ID.
Ex factory telephone dialing uses DTMF, but pulse dialing is also possible.
Specifications for the DTMF encoder and decoder can be adjusted in the TIM, if problems
Reg. Function
357 1. digit delete key from radio
357 2. digit end key from radio
357 3. digit delete key from telephone
357 4. digit end key from telephone
366 4. digit dialing mode
0 = pulse dialing, 1 = DTMF dialing
Tone sequence encoder and decoder
The FT635UELE can decode tone sequences from the radio by means of the normal AF
input or the discriminator input. Ex factory the tone sequences are decoded at the normal
AF input. The standard version does not include the discriminator input. The tone sequence
encoder always transmits via the normal AF output to the radio. The tone sequence for
encoder and decoder can only be adjusted together. But the length of the individual tones
can be adjusted separately. After changing the tone sequence the duration of the tones
also has to be reprogrammed. This is not automatically carried out by the FT635UELE.
The tone sequence encoder supports the following ID-Modes when calling a vehicle.
05-tone sequence
1double tone sequence call, link tone, ID 2*X-tone sequence (number of
tones of register 081 / 6. digit)
2double tone sequence, ID, link tone, call 2*X-tone sequence (number of
tones of register 081 / 6. digit)
36-tone sequence (5-tone sequence with attached 1 digit ID of register 015 /
47-tone sequence (5-tone sequence with attached 2 digit ID of register 015 /
58-tone sequence (5-tone sequence with attached 3 digit ID of register 015 /
84-tone sequence
9X-tone sequence (number of tones of register 081 / 6.digit)
Fno tone sequence
The decoder evaluates each incoming tone sequence individually. There are 10 decoders
(T1-T10) with corresponding configuration register available for the telephone functions.
The decoder T1 has the highest priority and the decoder T10 the lowest.
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Incoming tone sequences are checked for conformity with the decoders T1-T10. If there
is a match, this decoder is processed and all the following decoders with lower priority
are not checked anymore. The correct number of tones and conformity with the key
tones is necessary for decoding. If all tones are to be accepted at a certain position of
the tone sequence or if this position does not exist in the tone sequence (e.g. tones 6-8
when decoding a 5-tone sequence), then the decoder must be programmed with 'F' at
this digit.
decoder T3 is to decode all 6-tone sequences which begin with 1234 (123400-123499)
register 322 = 1234FFFF: decodes all tone sequences which begin with 1234, tone
duration 4-15 digits
register 332 = 6xxxxxxx: 1.digit: 6 = valid tone duration is 6-tone sequence
Reg. Function
015 1.- 8. digit: own ID when transmitting ID
055 1.+ 2. digit: nn * 10ms PTT advance time before tone sequences and tones
055 3.+ 4. digit: nn * 10ms PTT follow-up time after tone sequences and tones
080 1.- 3. digit: decoder: maximum tone duration 1. tone nnn * 5ms
080 4.+ 5.digit: decoder: minimum tone duration of all tones nnn * 5ms
080 6. digit: tone sequence decoder at: 1=radio AF, 2=discriminator
081 1.- 3. digit: decoder: maximum tone duration all other tones nnn * 5ms
081 4. digit: decoder locking period after transmitting tone sequences n * 100ms
081 5 . digit: tone sequence encoder and decoder (0/1/2/3:ZVEI1/CCIR/ZVEI2/EEA)
081 6. digit: number of tones for ID-Mode 1,2,9 (RK,KR,R) (3-7)
082 1.+ 2. digit: encoder: tone duration 1. Ton nn * 10ms
082 3. digit: encoder: tone duration all other tones n * 10ms
082 4.+ 5. digit: pause time between call and identification nn * 10ms
320 - 329 key tones for decoder T1 to T10
330 - 339 configuration for decoder T1 to T10
33x 1. digit: number of tones
33x 2. digit: type of decoder:
0: decoder off
1: starting call
2: short dial
3: direct dialing
4: night mode
9: ending call
further configuration for starting call (2. digit = 1):
3. digit:
0: starting call only, no function during call
1: also ending call during a call in progress
4. digit: transmit confirmation tone y/n (1/0)
(must not be activated for block dialing)
further configuration for short dial (2. digit = 2):
3. digit: position in tone sequence for "100" range short dial number (0=default)
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4. digit: position in tone sequence for "10" range short dial number (0=default)
5. digit: position in tone sequence for "1" range short dial number (0=default)
6. digit: "100" range short dial number default
7. digit: "10" range short dial number default
8. digit: "1" range short dial number default
At the 3.-5. digit the digit in the tone sequence is programmed whose value is used as the
short dial number. If 0 is programmed, then the value which is programmed at the 6.-8.
digit will be used.
Example: received tone sequence 987654, register 33x=62045100 = dialed short dial
number 165
3. digit 0: "100" range short dial number is derived from 6. digit in register (1)
4. digit 4: "10" range short dial number is derived from 4. digit of the tone
sequence (6)
5. digit 5: "1" range short dial number is derived from 5. digit of the tone
sequence (5)
further configuration for direct dialing (2. digit = 3):
3. digit: position in the tone sequence, with the 1. direct dialing number
4. digit: lowest permitted value for the 1. direct dialing number
5. digit: highest permitted value for the 1. direct dialing number
6. digit: number of prefix numbers to telephone (0-2)
7.- 8. digit: prefix numbers 1 and 2
At the 3.digit the digit in the tone sequence is programmed which contains the 1. direct
dialing number. The range for a valid 1. direct dialing number can be limited at the 4. and
5. digit. All following numbers of the tone sequence are dialed. If in addition one or two
specified prefix numbers are to be dialed before the direct dialing numbers, this can be
programmed at the 6.digit. These numbers are programmed at the 7. and 8. digit.
Example: received tone sequence 987654, register 33x=63427120 = dialed call number
3. digit 4: 1. direct dialing number is at the 4. digit of the tone sequence (6)
4. digit 2: min. value of the 1. direct dialing number
5. digit 7: max. value of the 1. direct dialing number (valid range 2-7)
6. digit 1: a prefix number of the 7. digit in register (2)
7. digit 2: 1. prefix number (2)
further configuration for night mode (2. digit = 4):
3. digit: 0=off, 1=on, 2=corresponding to 4.-7.digit, 3=on/off toggling
4. digit: digit in the tone sequence for night mode configuration
5. digit: value for turning on the night mode
6. digit: value for turning off the night mode
7. digit: value for toggling of the night mode
At the 3. digit the new status of the night mode is programmed. The turning on or off of the
night mode can be determined or it can be switched back and forth between the two kinds
of status. Alternatively a digit in the tone sequence can also determine the new status.
Example: received tone sequence 98760 for off, 98761 for on, register 33x=542510F0
3. digit 2: new status is stated in the tone sequence
4. digit 5: new status is stated at the 5. digit of the tone sequence
5. digit 1: xxxx1 (98761)for activating night mode
6. digit 0: xxxx0 (98760) for deactivating night mode
7. digit F: xxxxF (9876F) no toggling allowed (9876F does not exist)
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