Fuji Xerox ApeosPort-II C4300, ApeosPort-II C3300, ApeosPort-II C2200 Function Manual

ApeosPort-II C4300/C3300/C2200
ApeosPort Function Guide
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1. This manual is copyrighted with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied or modified in whole or part, without the written consent of the publisher.
2. Parts of this manual are subject to change without prior notice.
3. We welcome any comments on ambiguities, errors, omissions, or missing pages.
4. Never attempt any procedure on the machine that is not specifically described in this manual. Unauthorized operation can cause faults or accidents. Fuji Xerox is not liable for any problems resulting from unauthorized operation of the equipment.
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents ..............................................................................................1
1 Before Using the Machine .............................................................................. 5
Preface ..............................................................................................................6
Using This Guide............................................................................................... 7
Related Information Sources ........................................................................7
Organization of This Guide........................................................................... 8
Conventions.................................................................................................. 9
Features Overview ..........................................................................................10
2 Control Panel .................................................................................................13
Standard Control Panel...................................................................................14
Customizing the Control Panel........................................................................16
Differences in the Screen Operations ............................................................. 18
Table of Contents
3 Copy ...............................................................................................................19
Copy Feature List ............................................................................................ 20
Differences in the Copy Feature...................................................................... 25
[Layout Adjustment] Tab.............................................................................25
[Output Format] Tab ................................................................................... 26
4 Fax .................................................................................................................. 33
Fax Feature List .............................................................................................. 34
Differences in the Fax Feature........................................................................ 37
[Transmission Options] Tab........................................................................37
5 Scan................................................................................................................ 39
Scan Feature List ............................................................................................40
Differences in the Scan Feature......................................................................44
[General Settings] Tab (Network Scanning) ............................................... 44
[General Settings] Tab (E-mail) .................................................................. 45
[Output Format] Tab ................................................................................... 51
6 Send from Mailbox ........................................................................................ 53
Selecting a Mailbox .........................................................................................54
Checking/Operating Documents in a Mailbox .................................................55
Checking Document Details............................................................................ 57
Printing Documents in a Mailbox.....................................................................58
Configuring/Starting Job Flow .........................................................................60
Job Flow Restrictions.................................................................................. 63
7 Stored Programming.....................................................................................65
Stored Programming Overview ....................................................................... 66
Registering/Deleting/Renaming Stored Programs .......................................... 67
Registering a Stored Program .................................................................... 68
Registering Stored Program for Build Job .................................................. 69
Calling a Stored Program................................................................................ 70
Calling a Stored Program for Build Job ...................................................... 70
8 Job Flow Sheets............................................................................................ 71
Job Flow Procedure ........................................................................................ 72
Step 1 Opening the [Job Flow Sheets] Screen........................................... 72
Step 2 Selecting a Job Flow Sheet............................................................. 72
Step 3 Confirming/Changing the Job Flow Sheet....................................... 73
Step 4 Starting the Job Flow Sheet ............................................................ 73
Selecting/Changing a Job Flow Sheet ............................................................ 74
9 Web Applications .......................................................................................... 77
Web Applications ............................................................................................ 78
Setting an Access Destination ........................................................................ 78
Configuring/Canceling the Auto Jump Destination..................................... 80
Accessing Web Applications ........................................................................... 81
10 System Settings ............................................................................................ 83
System Settings Procedure............................................................................. 84
Step 1 Entering the System Administration Mode ...................................... 84
Step 2 Entering the Administrator ID and Password .................................. 84
Step 3 Selecting the Operation Mode on the System Administrator Menu 85
Step 4 Selecting an Item on the [System Settings] Screen ........................ 85
Step 5 Setting the Feature.......................................................................... 86
Step 6 Exiting the System Administration Mode......................................... 86
System Settings Menu List.............................................................................. 87
Differences in Common Settings................................................................... 110
Paper Tray Settings.................................................................................. 110
Print Universal Unique ID .........................................................................110
Differences in Copy Mode Settings...............................................................112
General Settings Tab - Features Allocation.............................................. 112
Differences in Network Settings .................................................................... 113
Proxy Server Settings............................................................................... 113
Remote Authentication Server/Directory Service ..................................... 114
PKI Settings (Public Key Infrastructure) ................................................... 118
Differences in Job Flow Settings................................................................... 120
Differences in Setup Menu............................................................................ 121
Job Flow Sheets....................................................................................... 121
Address Book (Address Number)............................................................. 126
Differences in Login Setup/Auditron Administration...................................... 128
Table of Contents
11 Job Status ....................................................................................................129
Job Status Screens ....................................................................................... 130
Job Status Overview ..................................................................................... 132

1 Before Using the Machine

This chapter describes how to use this guide and the features available on the ApeosPort series.
Preface .........................................................................................................6
Using This Guide ..........................................................................................7
Features Overview......................................................................................10
1 Before Using the Machine


Before Using the Machine
Thank you for selecting the Fuji Xerox ApeosPort-II C4300/C3300/C2200 (hereafter referred to as “the machine”).
This guide is intended for users who use the machine for the first time, and describes features unique to the ApeosPort series. For features common to both the ApeosPort and DocuCentre series, refer to the User Guide.
Please read this guide thoroughly as well as the User Guide to obtain the best performance on this product.
After reading this guide, keep it handy for future reference when you encounter difficulties with the machine during use.

Using This Guide

Using This Guide
This section describes the organization of this guide.

Related Information Sources

We provide the following guides for optimum usage of the machine.
Included Manuals
Several manuals are included with this product. They are referred to as accompanying manuals.
These accompanying manuals include descriptions on configurations and operation of the product.
The following manuals are included with the machine.
User Guide
Describes all the necessary steps for copy/print/scan/fax, clearing paper jams, daily care, setting the various items and safety information.
ApeosPort Function Guide (this guide)
Describes unique functions in the copy/print/scan/fax features of the ApeosPort series that differ from functions described in the User Guide. For common features, refer to the User Guide.
Before Using the Machine
Network Administrator Guide
Aimed toward network administrators, as a guide to setting up the network environment.
Manual (HTML)
A guide for installing print drivers, configuring the printer environment, etc. This manual is included in the CD-ROM of the Driver CD Kit.
Guides for Optional Accessories
Optional accessories are also available for the machine. User Guides are provided with the optional accessories exclusively for ApeosPort-II C4300/C3300/C2200. These User Guides are referred to as "guides for optional accessories". Guides for optional accessories are provided in two forms, as printed or as On-line Help.
Guides for optional accessories describe all the necessary steps for operating optional accessories and installing software.
1 Before Using the Machine

Organization of This Guide

This guide consists of the following chapters.
Before Using the Machine
Information on computer operations, paper types, authentication and auditron administration, maintenance, problem solving, machine status, specifications, and emulation modes is written in the User Guide.
For the features, specifications, notes and restrictions not described in this guide, refer to the User Guide.
1 Before Using the Machine
Describes how to use this guide and the features available on the ApeosPort series.
2 Control Panel
Describes how to use the touch screen.
Describes differences from the copy feature written in the User Guide.
Describes differences from the fax feature written in the User Guide.
Describes differences from the scan feature written in the User Guide.
6 Send from Mailbox
Describes the mailbox features and how to work with mailboxes.
7 Stored Programming
Describes the stored programming feature for recording a series of procedures on the machine.
8 Job Flow Sheets
Describes operations using a job flow sheet created by a remote system.
9 Web Applications
Describes the operations to connect to web applications.
10 System Settings
Describes differences from the system settings written in the User Guide.
11 Job Status
Describes differences from the job status screen written in the User Guide.


Using This Guide
In this document, “Computer” refers to a personal computer or workstation.
The screen images that are used in this guide are based on the machine configuration with the various options. Some of the items in the screen images may not be displayed or there may be features that cannot be used depending on the machine configuration.
The following icons are used in this guide.
Important Indicates important information that you should read.
Note Indicates additional information on operations or features.
The following conventions are used in this guide:
" " : A cross-reference included in this guide.
Before Using the Machine
" " : Refers to names of CD-ROM, features, and touch screen
messages and input text.
[ ] : Refers to folders, files, applications, button or menu names
displayed in the touch screen, as well as the names of menus, commands, windows, or dialog boxes displayed on the computer screen and their buttons and menu names.
< > button: Indicates a hardware button on the computer.
< > key: Indicates a key on the keyboard of the computer.
Orientation of documents or paper is described in this guide as follows:
, ,Long Edge Feed (LEF) : Loading with one of the long edges of the document
or paper.
, ,Short Edge Feed (SEF): Loading with one of the short edges of the document
or paper.
LEF Orientation
Paper feed direction
SEF Orientation
Paper feed direction
1 Before Using the Machine

Features Overview

Before Using the Machine
Various remote services and application software are available on this machine.
Note Remote services and application software are optional. For more information, contact our
Web Applications
The dedicated browser on the control panel allows you to access a DocuShare server. You can store scanned documents in the DocuShare server.
Note The Remote Access Kit (optional) and DocuShare (optional) are required to use this feature.
Customer Support Center.
Browse, Search
Upload scanned documents
Print documents stored in the server
Signature and Encrypted Communication with Certificate
You can receive and print encrypted E-mail, or send scanned documents as E-mail with signature.
Note The Data Security Kit (optional) is required to use this feature.
Encrypted e-mail
E-mail with signature
Automatic Processing of Routine Tasks using Job Flow Sheets
Once you have registered on the machine a job flow sheet created on a network connected computer, you can automatically execute a series of operations beginning with a scan operation.
You can create advanced job flow sheets with ApeosWare Flow Service.
Note ApeosWare Flow Service (optional) is required to use this feature.
Features Overview
Before Using the Machine
Network Scanning
Documents can be automatically scanned and transferred to the server by selecting a file (job template) in which information on scanning conditions and a forward destination is stored. Network Scanning is useful to increase operating efficiency because you only need to select a job template when scanning documents..
1 Before Using the Machine
Input-Output Processes of Mailbox
Various methods are available to store or import documents in or from mailboxes.
Before Using the Machine
You can use mailboxes to reduce the amount of paper used or maintain confidentiality of documents.

2 Control Panel

This chapter describes how to use the touch screen.
Standard Control Panel ..............................................................................14
Customizing the Control Panel ...................................................................16
Differences in the Screen Operations.........................................................18
2 Control Panel

Standard Control Panel

The following describes the names and functions of components on the standard control panel.
Control Panel
3 8
4 5 6 7
1416 131718
001 002 003
004 005 006
007 008 009
010 011 012
013 014 015
1 2
016 017 018
019 020 021
022 023 024
025 026 027
028 029 030
No. Component Function
1 Touch screen Displays messages required for operation, and buttons for various
features. You can directly touch the touch screen to instruct operations in screens and set features.
2 <Online> indicator Lights when the machine is sending or receiving data to or from a client.
3 <Job in Memory> indicator Lights when data is stored in the machine's memory.
You can check stored documents in [Stored Documents List]. For information on [Stored Documents List], refer to “Print Report/List” under “Chapter 12 Machine Status” in the User Guide.
4 <Job Status> button Press this button to confirm or cancel the current job, confirm or print
saved documents, or confirm completed jobs. In this manual, this button is indicated as the <Job Status> button.
5 <Review> button Press this button to open the [Review] screen. In this screen, you can
check a list of the status of copy, fax and scan features whose settings have changed from the defaults. You can also check the destination information for sending faxes and e-mail. In this manual, this button is indicated as the <Review> button.
6 <Machine Status> button Press this button to confirm the machine status and meters, check the
state of consumables, and print reports. In this manual, this button is indicated as the <Machine Status> button.
7 <Log In/Out> button Press this button to display the Administrator ID input screen for System
Administration mode or Login Setup/Auditron Administration. In this manual, this button is indicated as the <Log In/Out> button.
8 <Power Saver> button If the machine is not operated for a while, the machine's power
consumption is lowered to enter the power saver mode. In the power saver mode, this button lights up. To cancel the power saver mode, press this button again. In this manual, this button is indicated as the <Power Saver> button.
Standard Control Panel
No. Component Function
9 <Clear All> button Returns the statuses of all displayed services to their default values.
The machine will be reset to this state after it is turned on. In this manual, this button is indicated as the <Clear All> button.
10 <Interrupt> button Press this button to temporarily stop a continuous copy job or printing to
give another job higher priority. During an interrupt, the interrupt button lights up. Pressing the <Interrupt> button again cancels the interrupt and the previous operation is resumed. In this manual, this button is indicated as the <Interrupt> button.
Some jobs such as print jobs designated from client computers cannot be executed during the interruption. For detail information, refer to “Notes and Restrictions on the Interrupt Mode” under “Chapter 16 Appendix” in the User Guide.
11 <Stop> button Press this button to stop the current copy job or communications.
In this manual, this button is indicated as the <Stop> button.
12 <Start> button Press this button to start copying or scanning.
In this manual, this button is indicated as the <Start> button.
13 Numeric keypad Press these buttons to enter the number of copies, passwords and other
numerical values. In this manual, these buttons are indicated as the numeric keypad.
Control Panel
14 <Speed Dial> button Used to specify a destination phone number for fax or e-mail.
In this manual, this button is indicated as the <Speed Dial> button.
15 <C (Clear)> button Press this button if you have entered a wrong numerical value with the
numeric keypad. In this manual, this button is indicated as the <C> button.
16 <Dial Pause> button Used to insert a pause into a destination number.
In this manual, this button is indicated as the <Dial Pause> button.
17 <Custom> buttons
(<Copy>, <Custom 2>, <Custom 3> buttons)
18 <All Services> button Used to display the [All Services] screen.
19 One touch button panels Panels for one touch buttons.
20 One touch buttons Specify a recipient with one button. These buttons are available for fax
Used to call a custom feature. The features assigned to the buttons are selected from the features displayed on the [All Services] screen and [Language]. In this manual, these buttons are indicated as the <Copy>, <Custom 2>, and <Custom 3> buttons.
For information on registering a feature with a button, refer to “Screen/Button Settings” of “Common Settings” under “Chapter 10 System Settings” in the User Guide.
In this manual, this button is indicated as the <All Services> button.
You can change the features that appear in the All Services screen. For detail information, refer to “Screen/Button Settings” of “Common Settings” under “Chapter 10 System Settings” in the User Guide.
You can leaf through panels to display 001 to 030, 031 to 060, and 061 to 070. M01 to M20 are reserved for the stored programming feature. These buttons correspond to jobs registered in 01 to 20.
Note • This feature is not available for some models. An optional package is
necessary. For details, contact our Customer Support Center.
and iFax. Registered preset recipient numbers 001 to 070 are supported.
Control Panel
2 Control Panel

Customizing the Control Panel

You can customize items displayed on the screen when turning the machine on or canceling the power saver mode, items displayed on the screen after auto clear, the <Custom> buttons, and items on the [All Services] screen.
For detail information, refer to “Screen/Button Settings” of “Common Settings” under “Chapter 10 System Settings” in the User Guide.
In addition, the brightness of the middle-sized color control panel can be adjusted.
Customizing the Screen Default
Allows you to customize the features displayed on the screen that appears after turning the machine on or canceling the Power Saver mode.
Customizing the Screen after Auto Clear
Allows you to customize items displayed on the screen after Auto Clear. You can select from [Last Selection Screen] and [All Services].
Customizing the [All Services] Screen
Allows you to customize the types of features and the location of buttons on the [All Services] screen. The following is the factory default settings.
Note When the feature is not available, the button will not be displayed. Also, if the feature is
unavailable due to hardware problems, the button will be grayed out.
Fax/Internet Fax
Scan to Mailbox
Network Scanning
Scan to PC
Send from Mailbox
Stored Programming
Job Flow Sheets
Web Applications
Screen Contrast
Setup Menu
Activity Report
Fax Receiving Mode
Print Mode
Assigning Features to <Custom> Buttons
Allows you to assign features to the <Custom> buttons on the control panel: <Custom 1> to <Custom 3>.
Customizing the Control Panel
By assigning features to the <Custom> buttons, you can switch to the features without returning to the [All Services] screen. To leave a feature unassigned, select [Not Set].
As the factory defaults, [Copy] is assigned to the <Copy> button. No feature is assigned to the <Custom 2>, and <Custom 3> buttons. The features assigned to the buttons are selected from the features displayed on the [All Services] screen and [Language].
Attach the labels included in the machine when you have changed the assignment. If you have used a feature for which no label is provided, use a blank label and write down the feature using a permanent marker, and then attach the label to the appropriate button.
Changing the Feature Screen
You can customize items displayed on the setting screen of the following features on the [All Services] screen.
Fax/Internet Fax
Scan to Mailbox
Network Scanning
Scan to PC
Screen Contrast
The [Screen Contrast] button on the [All Services] screen allows you to adjust the contrast of the screen.
Control Panel
Control Panel
2 Control Panel

Differences in the Screen Operations

This section describes differences on the screens that are common among features.
Screen Changes
List screen The buttons to jump to the first screen [ ] and the last
screen [ ] are added.
Keyboard screen The [Clear All] button is added. This button allows you to
delete all characters you entered at once.


This chapter describes differences from the copy feature written in the User Guide.
Copy Feature List .......................................................................................20
Differences in the Copy Feature .................................................................25
3 Copy

Copy Feature List

This section describes items in the copy feature.
[General Settings] Tab
Copy Feature List
Reduce/Enlarge Options for Preset %Twelve scaling factors are preset.
Paper Supply Paper Color When [Enabled] is selected for [Paper Color]
Output Color - -
2 Sided Copying - -
Original Type - -
Copy Output/ Stapling
Feature changed/
Independent X-Y% A scaling factor can be entered with the
numeric keypad.
under [Customize Paper Supply Screen] in the System Settings, the paper colors specified under [Paper Tray Attributes] are displayed.
Size Detection When [Size Detection] is selected for [Other
Attributes] under [Customize Paper Supply Screen] in the System Settings, the specified size detection method is displayed.
Options for Standard Size of Tray 5 (Bypass)
Twenty paper sizes are preset.
Changes Refer to
User Guide
Multiple-Up - -
Lighten/Darken - - User Guide
[Image Quality] Tab
Original Type - -
Image Options - -
Image Enhancement
Color Effects - -
Color Balance - -
Color Shift - -
Feature changed/
Changes Reference
User Guide
3 Copy
[Layout Adjustment] Tab
Book Copying - - User Guide and
2 Sided Book Copy
Original Size Options for
Mixed Sized Originals
Edge Erase - [Original Orientation] is added. User Guide and
Feature changed/
Standard Size
- [Original Orientation] is added.
- [Edge Erase] and [Border Erase] are added. User Guide and
Changes Refer to
Seventeen paper sizes are preset.
(Specify the
Orientation of
(Specify the
Orientation of
"Edge Erase
(Erasing Edges
and Margin
Shadows in the
Document)" (P.25)
Image Shift/ Variable Shift
Image Rotation - -
Invert Image - -
Original Orientation
2 Sided Copying - [Original Orientation] is added.
- [Original Orientation] is added.
[Output Format] Tab
Booklet Creation Covers [Printed Covers - 2 Sided], [Printed Covers -
Covers - Allows to specify the settings for a front cover
Transparency Separators
Multiple-Up - [Original Orientation] is added.
Poster - -
Repeat Image - -
Feature changed/
- - User Guide and
Changes Refer to
Print Outside], and [Last Original as Back Cover] are added.
and a back cover individually.
User Guide and
(Specify the
Orientation of
"Booklet Creation
(Creating a
Booklet)" (P.26)
"Covers (Attaching
a Cover to
Copies)" (P.28)
(Specify the
Orientation of
Copy Feature List
Annotation - [Original Orientation] is added. "Original
Watermark - [Original Orientation] is added. User Guide and
Secure Watermark
Feature changed/
[Stamp Position] screen
[Date Position] screen
[Page Number] Screen
[Page Number ­Print On] Screen
Text Effect [Original Orientation] is added.
[Side 2] can be selected.
[Side 2] can be selected.
[-1/N-, -2/N-, -3/N-] and [Page1/N, Page2/N, Page3/N] are added to [Style].
Allows you to select [Include Covers/ Separators] when specifying [All Pages].
Changes Refer to
(Specify the
Orientation of
(Adding Stamp/
Date/Page Number to
Copies)" (P.29)
(Specify the
Orientation of
Folding - - User Guide and
Preset Repeat Image
2 Sided Copying - [Original Orientation] is added.
Copy Output/ Stapling
- [Original Orientation] is added.
(Specify the
Orientation of
3 Copy
[Job Assembly] Tab
Build Job Separators [Printed Separator - Side 1], [Printed
Sample Set - -
Combine Original Sets
Delete Outside/ Delete Inside
Feature changed/
Screen during copying
- [Original Orientation] is added.
- [Original Orientation] is added.
Changes Refer to
Separator - Side 2], and [Printed Separator - 2 Sided] are added.
Blank Separators
The number of separators can be set from 1 to
Printed Separator - Side 1
Copies on Side 1 when inserting separators.
Printed Separator - Side 2
Copies on Side 2 when inserting separators.
Printed Separator - 2-Sided Copies on the both sides when inserting separators. You can insert separators for the first document set.
A [Sample Set] button is added.
User Guide

Differences in the Copy Feature

Differences in the Copy Feature
This section describes differences from the copy feature written in the User Guide.

[Layout Adjustment] Tab

Edge Erase (Erasing Edges and Margin Shadows in the Document)
When you make copies with the document cover open or make copies from a book, black shadows sometimes appear along the edges and center margin of the paper. If it happens, you can make copies with the shadows erased.
Important • Confirm that the orientation of the document and the setting for [Original Orientation] are the
Note For 2-sided originals, the same edge erase amounts are set for the front and back sides.
If you set [Reduce/Enlarge], the edge erase amounts will be reduced or enlarged in
proportion to the ratio you configured.
For information on the areas that can actually be printed, refer to “Printable Area” under “Chapter 16 Appendix” in the User Guide.
The edge erase amount is set to 2 mm for the top and bottom, and left and right. Select one of [Margin Erase], [Edge Erase] and [Border Erase] to change the edge erase amount.
Margin Erase
Erases shadows in the center of booklets or facing documents, or shadows at the top, bottom, left, and light of documents. You can specify values for [Top & Bottom Erase], [Left & Right Erase], and [Center] individually.
Edge Erase
Erases shadows in the center of booklets or facing documents, or shadows at the top, bottom, left, and light of documents. You can specify values for [Top Erase], [Bottom Erase], [Left Erase], [Right Erase], and [Center] individually.
Border Erase
Erases shadows in the center of booklets or facing documents, or shadows at the top, bottom, left, and light of documents. You can specify values for [4 Edges], and [Center] individually.
Erase Value
You can erase only the necessary amount. Specify the value within the range from 0 to 50 mm in 1 mm increments.
Original Orientation
The [Original Orientation] screen is displayed.
Refer to "Original Orientation (Specify the Orientation of Loaded Documents)" (P.26).
3 Copy
Side 2
Appears when [Edge Erase] is selected.
Set whether the same value is set to the edge erase amount of Side 1 and Side 2.
Same as Side 1
The same value is set to the edge erase amount of Side 1 and Side 2.
Opposite to Side 1
The edge erase amounts of Side 1 and Side 2 are set symmetrically.
Original Orientation (Specify the Orientation of Loaded Documents)
In order to identify the top of the document, the orientation of the originals must be configured.
Note If the [Original Orientation] differs from the actual document orientation, then the machine
may mistakenly detect the head of the document.
Upright Images
Select this item when placing the top of the document facing the inner side of the document glass or document feeder.
Sideways Images
Select this item when placing the top of the document facing the left side of the document glass or document feeder. Be sure to select [Sideways Images] when the top of the document is placed facing the left side (horizontal text).

[Output Format] Tab

Booklet Creation (Creating a Booklet)
You can make copies to create a booklet. The machine automatically lays out the pages appropriately for booklet creation. You can also set the binding shift and attach covers when making booklets.
When a C Finisher with Booklet Maker is installed, Folding or Folding + Stapling become available.
Important • Confirm that the orientation of the document and the [Original Orientation] setting of the
[Layout Adjustment] screen are the same.
Note This feature does not appear for some models. An optional package is necessary. For more
information, contact our Customer Support Center.
If the number of pages in the booklet is not a multiple of four, the remaining pages will be output as blank pages.
No booklet is created.
On Create Booklet
Copies are made to enable left binding or top binding.
On - Right Bind Create Booklet
Copies are made to enable right binding.
On - Do not Create Booklet
You can output the copies of scanned documents as they are by specifying Bi-fold/ Stapling. Select this item when you do not need a document to be copied in page order.
Differences in the Copy Feature
You can attach a cover to a booklet.
No Covers
No cover is added.
Blank Covers
A blank sheet of paper is attached as the cover.
Printed Covers - 2 Sided
The first and second pages of the document are copied on both sides of the cover.
Printed Cover - Print Outside
The first page of the document is copied on the front side of the cover.
Last Original as Back Cover
The last page of the original is used as the back cover of the booklet. Select the check box to use the last page as the back cover. When using [Subsets] to separate booklets, the cover will be made on the last page of the last subset.
Note Depending on the number of pages in the original, a blank sheet may be inserted before the
last page.
Binding Shift
Displays the [Booklet Creation - Binding Shift] screen.
You can set the width of Binding Shift within the range from 0 to 50 mm in 1mm increments.
Divide Output
Displays the [Booklet Creation - Divide Output] screen.
When you have a large number of originals, the originals are divided to create subsets to reduce the thickness of each booklet. The machine folds copies in half, and piles them up to form a booklet. This feature can be set to from 1 to 50 pages in 1 page increments.
Note When specifying [Folding], set the dividing number of sheets in the range from 1 to 15.
Displays the [Booklet Creation - Finishing] screen.
When a C Finisher with Booklet Maker is installed, [Folding] and [Folding + Stapling] are selectable.
No Finishing is carried out.
Outputs copies folded in half.
Folding + Stapling
Outputs copies that are folded in half and stapled at the center.
3 Copy
Covers (Attaching a Cover to Copies)
You can make copies with a cover attached.
The front cover can be output before the first page of the document on a different type of paper (e.g. colored paper or heavyweight paper).
Note When making 2-sided copies, copies are made on both sides of the top cover/back cover in
accordance with the page order of the document.
Front Cover
Attaches a front cover to the copies.
No Covers
No cover is added.
Blank Covers
A blank sheet of paper is attached as a front cover.
Printed Cover - Print Outside
The first page of the document is copied on the front side of the front cover. When a back cover is to be attached, the second page is copied on the back cover.
Printed Cover - Print Inside
The first page of the document is copied on the back side of the front cover. When a back cover is to be attached, the second page is copied on the back cover.
Printed Cover - 2 Sided
The first and second pages of the document are copied on the front and back sides of the front cover. When a back cover is to be attached, the 3rd and 4th pages are copied on the front and back sides of the back cover.
Back Cover
Attaches a back cover to the copies.
No Covers
No back cover is attached.
Blank Covers
A blank back cover is attached.
Printed Cover - Print Inside
The first page of the document is copied on the front side of the back cover.
Printed Cover - Print Outside
The first page of the document is copied on the back side of the back cover.
Printed Cover - 2 Sided
The first and second pages of the document are copied on the front and back sides of the back cover.
Paper Tray Settings
Displays the [Covers - Paper Tray Settings] screen.
Allows you to set the paper tray to use.
Front Cover Tray
Set a tray used for front covers.
Back Cover Tray
+ 107 hidden pages