Fuji Xerox ApeosPort C6550 I, ApeosPort C5540 I, DocuCentre C6550 I, DocuCentre C5540 I Quick Reference Manual

ApeosPort C6550 I/C5540 I, DocuCentre C6550 I/C5540 I
Quick Reference Guide
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The data saved in th e h ard d is k of t he mach in e ma y b e l ost i f th ere i s a ny p robl em in th e h ard d is k. Fu ji Xerox is not responsible for any direct and indirect damages arising from or caused by such data loss.
Fuji Xerox is not responsible for any breakdown of machines due to infection of computer virus or computer hacking.
(1) This manual is copyrighted with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied or
modified in whole or part, without the written consent of the publisher. (2) Parts of this manual are subject to change without prior notice. (3) We welcome any comments on ambiguities, errors, omissions, or missing pages. (4) Never attempt any procedure on the machine that is not specifically described in this manual. Unauthorized
operation can cause faults or accidents. Fuji Xerox is not liable for any problems resulting from unauthorized
operation of the equipment.
An export of this product is strictly controlled in accordance with Laws concerning Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade of Japan and/or the export control regulations of the United States.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents..........................................................1
1 Before Using the Machine .................................................3
Using This Guide ..........................................................5
Organization of this Guide ................................................5
Conventions ............................................................6
2 Product Overview.........................................................7
Machine Components ......................................................8
Power On / Off............................................................12
Powering On...........................................................12
Powering Off...........................................................12
Circuit Breaker............................................................13
Power Saver Mode........................................................14
Changing the Power Saver Mode Change Interval ..........................14
Exiting the Power Saver Mode ...........................................16
Control panel.............................................................17
3 Basic Operations ........................................................19
Copying .................................................................20
Step 1 Loading Documents ..............................................20
Step 2 Selecting Features ...............................................22
Step 3 Entering the Quantity .............................................22
Step 4 Starting the Copy Job.............................................23
Step 5 Confirming the Copy Job in the Job Status ..........................24
Operations during Copying ..............................................24
Scanning ................................................................27
Step 1 Loading Documents ..............................................27
Step 2 Selecting Features ...............................................29
Step 3 Starting the Scan Job.............................................30
Step 4 Confirming the Scan Job in the Job Status ..........................31
Step 5 Saving the Scanned Data .........................................31
Stopping the Scan Job ..................................................32
System Settings Procedure.................................................34
4 Paper and Other Media ...................................................37
Paper Types .............................................................38
Paper Type............................................................38
Loading Paper............................................................41
Loading Paper in the Trays 1 to 2.........................................41
Loading Paper in the Tray 3 .............................................42
Loading Paper in the Tray 4 .............................................43
Loading Paper in the Tray 5 (Bypass).....................................43
Loading Paper in the Tray 6 .............................................44
Loading Tab Paper .....................................................45
Changing the Paper Size .................................................. 46
Changing the Paper Size for the Trays 1 to 2...............................46
Changing the Paper Size for the Trays 3 to 4...............................47
Changing the Paper Size for the Tray 6 ...................................49
5 Maintenance............................................................. 51
Replacing Consumables ................................................... 52
Replacing Toner Cartridges..............................................52
Replacing the Waste Toner Container.....................................54
Replacing Drum Cartridge R1............................................55
Replacing Drum Cartridge R2/R3/R4......................................59
Replacing the Staple Cartridge (Finisher C or Booklet fi nisher C) .............63
Replacing the Booklet Staple Cartridge (Booklet finisher C) ..................64
Emptying Punch Scrap Container (Finisher C or Booklet finisher C)...........66
Executing Auto Gradation Adjustment .......................................67
6 Problem Solving......................................................... 71
Fault Clearance Procedure.................................................72
Image Quality Problems ................................................... 73
Paper Jams ..............................................................74
Paper Jams in the Trays 1 to 2...........................................75
Paper Jams in the Tray 3................................................ 75
Paper Jams in the Tray 4................................................ 76
Paper Jams in the Tray 5 (Bypass) .......................................76
Paper Jams in the Tray 6................................................ 77
Paper Jams in the Transfer Module.......................................79
Paper jams in the Bottom Left Cover......................................80
Paper jams in the Bottom Right Cover.....................................81
Paper jams in the Output Tray ...........................................82
Paper jams in the Finisher C and the Booklet finisher C .....................83
Document Jams ..........................................................94
Stapler Faults ............................................................97
Staple Jams in the Staple Cartridge (Finisher C or Booklet finisher C) ......... 98
Staple Jams in the Booklet Staple Cartridge (Booklet finisher C)..............99
1 Before Using the Machine
This chapter contains descriptions about how to use thi s document, as well as cautions on using the product safely and legally.
Preface .........................................................................................................4
Using This Guid e ..................................... ............................. ........................5
1 Before Using the Machine
Before Using the Machine
Thank you for selecting the Fuji Xerox ApeosPort C6550 I/C5540 I, DocuCentre C6550 I/C5540 I.
This guide provides all the necessary copy/print/scan operating procedures, maintenance information like cleari ng paper jams, daily care, and precautions.
Please read this guide thoroughly to obtain the best perfor mance on this product. After reading this guide, be sure to keep it handy for quick reference.
Since the machine is equipped with anti-counterfeit features, in some rare cases, certain kinds of documents may be unable to copy.
February 2005
Fuji Xerox
In this manual, safety instructions are preceded by the symbol . Always read and follow the instructions before performing the required procedures.
As a member of the International Energy Star Program, Fuji Xerox confirms this product satisfies the requirements for International Energy Star Program standards.
Fuji Xerox shares the global concern about environmental conservation and has integrated that concern in its business activities–from research and development to disposal. We have implemented a number of programs to lessen the burden on the environment. For example, we have totally eliminated ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons from our manufacturing facilities.
We are committed to leadership in the conservation of resources by reusing and recycling post-consumer waste material such as paper, cartridges, and parts from our customer's copiers and printers. Along with our efforts to make environmental values a part of the Fuji Xerox culture, ApeosPort C6550 I/C5540 I, DocuCentre C6550 I/C5540 I adopts recycled components that satisfy our strict quality standards.
Important Note: This equipment will be inoperable when main power fails.
Using This Guide
Before Using the Machine
Using This Guide
This section describes the organizati on of this guide. This guide has been produced for people who operate the ApeosPort C6550 I/C5540
I, DocuCentre C6550 I/C5540 I on a regu lar daily bas is. When reading th is guide, read the chapter that is of particular relevance to the oper ation you are performing.
Organization of this Guide
This guide consists of the following chapters.
1 Before Using the Machine
Describes how to use this document, as well as cautions on using the product safely and legally.
2 Product Overview
Describes basic information such as identifying the major components, how to switch the machine on and off, how to use the touch screen, and how to set the power saver feature.
3 Basic Operations
Describes the basic operations of the machine including copying, printing and scanning.
4 Paper and Other Media
Describes the types of paper that can be used on the machine, precautions when handling paper, and how to load paper in trays.
5 Maintenance
Describes how to replace consumables and perform auto gradation adj ustment.
6 Problem Solving
Describes troubles that may occur with the machine and their solutions.
1 Before Using the Machine
Before Using the Machine
In this document, “Computer” refers to a personal co mputer or workstation.
The following icons are used in this guide. ImportantIndicates important information that you should read. Note Indicates addi tional information on operations or features.
The following conventions are used in this guide: " " : The cross-reference is within this guide. " " : Refers to names of CD-ROM, features, and touch screen
messages and input text.
[ ] : Refers to folders, files, applications, button or menu names
displayed in the touch scr een, as wel l as th e names of menus, commands, windows, or dialog boxes displayed on the
computer screen and their buttons and menu names. < > button: Indicates a hardware button on the computer. < > key: Indicates a key on the keyboard of the computer.
Orientation of documents or paper is described in this guide as follows:
, ,Long Edge Feed (LEF): Loading with one of the long edges of the document
or paper.
, ,Short Edge Feed (SEF): Loading with one of the short edges of the doc ument
or paper.
Paper feed direction Paper feed direction
LEF Orientation SEF Orientation
2 Product Overview
This chapter describes basic operation about the machi ne, such as the names of each component, switching on and off of the machine, and the operation of the touch screen and power saving settings.
Machine Components ................................................................................... 8
Power On / Off................................... ............... ............................. .............12
Circuit Breaker............................................................................................13
Power Saver Mode .....................................................................................14
Control panel .............................................. ............................ ....................1 7
2 Product Overview
Product Overview
Machine Components
This section describes the main components and their functions of the ApeosPort C6550 I/C5540 I, DocuCentre C6550 I/C5540 I (hereinafter called “the machine”).
Do not touch areas with warning labels indicating high temperature. You may get burned.
No. Component Function
1 Duplex automatic
document feeder (250 sheets)
This automatically feeds 2 sided originals from a stack.
2 Document glass Load documents here. 3 Control panel It consists of operation buttons, LED indicators and a touch screen.
Refer to "Control panel" (P.17). 4 Power switch Switches the power of the machine on/off. 5 Toner cover Open this cover to access the insides of the machine to replace the
toner cartridge. 6 Front cover Open this cover to access the insides of the machine to clear paper
jams or replace consumables. 7 Tray 1, 2, 3, 4 Load papers here. 8 Bottom left cover Open this cover to access the insides of the machine to clear paper
If the Tray 6 is installed in the machine, move the Tray 6 to the left first.
Machine Components
Product Overview
9 Locking casters Used for locking the wheels of the machine. Lock these casters after
moving the machine to its installation site. 10 Tray 6 (optional) Load papers here. 11 Tray 6 top cover Move the Tray 6 to the left and then open the top cover to clear paper
jams. 12 Tray 5 (Bypass) Used for loading non-standard paper (thick-stock paper, and other
special media) that cannot be loaded in the Trays 1 to 4, and 6. 13 Tray 5 (Bypass)
Top cover
Open this cover to access the insides of the machine to clear paper
jams. 14 USB2.0 interface
connector (optional)
Use to connect a USB cable.
15 Ethernet 10Base-T /
100Base-TX connector
Use to connect a network cable.
No. Component Function
16 Left cover The left cover slightly opens when the top cover is opened. Open this
cover widely to clear paper jams. 17 Top cover Open this cover to access the insides of the machine to clear paper
jams. 18 <Confirmation> indicator This indicator lights to confirm that the document is loaded correctly. 19 Document guides Use this guides to align the edges of the document. 20 Document feeder tray Load documents here. 21 Document output tray Receives scanned documents. 22 Document stopper Used when copying or scanning large size documents such as A3.
Open the stopper rightward when using it.
No. Component Function
2 Product Overview
Product Overview
23 Output tray Receives documents.
Two types of trays are available: a normal output tray and an optional
offset stacking tray.
Note • When paper whose size is less than A4 is output from the
machine with an output stacking unit, push in the extension flap.
24 Circuit breaker Circuit breaker automatically turns the machine off when a current
leakage is detected. 25 Bottom right cover Open this cover to access the insides of the machine to clear paper
If a finisher is installed in the machine, open the front cover of the
finisher first. 26 Waste toner container
Open this cover to access the insides of the machine to replace the
waste toner container. 27 Waste toner container Used to collect waste toner. 28 Fuser Fuses the printed image on the paper by fusing the toner. Do not touch
this unit as it is extremely hot. 29 Lever Used to draw out the transfer unit. 30 Transfer unit Transfers toner images on the drum to paper. Open this cover to access
the insides of the machine to clear paper jams. 31 Drum cartridges A drum cartridge comprises of photosensitive elements. Drum cartridges
are arranged in ord er R1, R2, R3 and R4 from the left as you face the
main body. 32 Toner cartridges Four toner (image forming powder) cartridges are provided: Black (K1,
K2), Cyan (C), Magenta (M) and Yellow (Y).
No. Component Function
Machine Components
Product Overview
Finisher C, Booklet finisher C
Note a finisher C and a booklet finisher C are optional. In text descriptions, the finisher C or
booklet finisher C is abbreviated as "finisher" .
No. Component Function
1 Punch scrap container Collects the scraps from the puncher. Draw out the box when throwing
the dust away.
2 Output tray Receives documents. 3 Exit cover Open this cover to access the insides of the machine to clear paper
4 Finisher tray Receives documents, when stapling or punching is selected. 5 Staple cartridge Staples are stored. Remove this cartridge to replace staples or clear
staple jams.
6 Booklet tray
(Booklet finisher C only)
Receives documents, when folding is selected in the Booklet Creation.
7 Front cover Open this cover to access the insides of the machine to clear paper or
staple jams, replace staples, or throw punch dust away.
8 Booklet unit
(Booklet finisher C only)
This unit is for folding documents in half and stapling the folded
9 Booklet staple cartridge Two staple cartridge for booklet creation (gutter) are installed. Remove
this cartridge to replace staples or clear staple jams.
2 Product Overview
Product Overview
Power On / Off
Switch on the power before operating the machine. The machine is ready for operation withi n 150 seco nds after t he power is s witched on.
It may take longer due to the image quality adjustment acc o rding to the machine condition.
Turn the machine off at the end of the day or when it is not in use for a long period of time. Also, use [Power Saving] feature when not in use for a while to reduce t he power consumption.
Important • Switching off the power of the machine may cause loss of data being processed.
For information about power saving feature, refer to "Power Saver Mode" (P.14).
Powering On
The procedure for turning on the power is as follows.
1 Open the cover and press the
power switch to the [ | ] position to turn the power on.
Note The “Please wait...” message
indicates that the machine is warming up. The machine cannot be used while it is warming up.
Powering Off
The procedure for turning the power off is as foll ows.
Important • Switching off the power of the machine during data processing stored in the memory may
cause loss of data being processed.
1 Before turning the power off, make sure that all copy or print jobs have completely
finished. Also, make sure that the Online indicator is not lit.
Important • Never turn the power off in the following instances:
While data is being received
While jobs are being printed
While jobs are being copied
While a scan is being executed
2 Press the power switch to the [ ] position.
Important • Power off processing is performed internally on the machine for a while after the power
switch is turned off. Therefore, do not unplug the power cord from the power outlet immediately after turning the power switch off.
Note Before you turn the power back on after turning it off, first make sure that the touch screen
has gone out.
Circuit Breaker
Product Overview
Circuit Breaker
The machine is provided with a circuit breaker.
In the event of a current leakage, the breaker will automatically cut off the power circuit to prevent any leakage or fire from occurring.
The circuit breaker is normally pressed to the upper side, respectively, as shown in the figure on the right.
If the circuit breaker is pressed to the lower sides, respectively, unusual conditions may occur. Please contact our Customer Support Center.
2 Product Overview
Product Overview
Power Saver Mode
The machine is installed with a Power Saver feature that will automati cally cut off the electricity to the machine if no copy or print data is recei ved for a certain duration.
The Power Saver feature has two modes, a [Low Power mode] and [Sleep mode]. The machine enters the [Low Power mode] after the preset time has elapsed if the
machine is left unused for a fixed period of time. The machine then enters the [Sleep mode] if a further preset time elapses .
Low Power Mode
Power consumption: ApeosPort C6550 I/DocuCentre C6550 I142.7W
ApeosPort C5540 I/DocuCentre C5540 I134.5W)
In this mode, the power to the control panel and fuser unit is lo wered to save power. The touch screen goes o ut, an d t he <Power Save r> but t on on t he c ontrol pa nel l ights.
To use the machine, press the <Power Saver> button. The <Power Saver> button goes out to indicate that the Power Saver feature is canceled.
Sleep Mode
Power consumption: ApeosPort C6550 I/DocuCentre C6550 I5.7W
ApeosPort C5540 I/DocuCentre C5540 I3.8W)
In this mode, the power is lowered more than in the Low Power mode. The touch screen goes o ut, an d t he <Power Save r> but t on on t he c ontrol pa nel l ights.
To use the machine, press the <Power Saver> button. The <Power Saver> button goes out to indicate that the Power Saver feature is canceled.
Changing the Power Saver Mode Change Interval
The procedure for setting the Power Saver feature is as follows. To activate the Power Saver feature, set the Sleep Mode button to Enabled, and set
both the times until the activation of Low Power Mode and Sleep Mode.
Note The time to activation of Low Power Mode and Sleep Mode can each be specified in 1
minute increments, from 1 to 240 minutes.
1 Press the <Log In/Out> button.
2 Enter the UserID with the numeric
keypad or a keyboard displayed by selecting [Keyboard], and select [Confirm].
Note The default UserID is “11111”. When using the Authentication feature, a password is
required. The default password is “x-admin”.
<Log In/Out> butt
Power Saver Mode
Product Overview
3 Select [System Settings]
4 Select [System Settings].
5 Select [Common Settings].
6 Select [Machine Clock/Timers].
7 Select [ ]. 8 Select [Auto Power Saver], and select [Change Settings]. 9 Using [ ] [ ], configure a power
saver mode migration time from 1 to 240 minutes, in 1 minute increments.
From Last Selection to Low Power Mode
Set the time to move to the [Low Power Mode] after the last operation.
Note The default for [From Last Selection to Low Power Mode] is [15] minutes. The Low Power
Mode cannot be set to [Disabled].
From Last Selection to Sleep Mode
Set the time to move to the [Sleep Mode] after the last operation.
Note The default for [From Last Selection to Sleep Mode] is [60] minutes. Configure the [From
Last Selection to Sleep M ode] tim e to be lo nger tha n the [From Las t Selec tion to L ow Power Mode] time.
10 Select [Save]. 11 Select [Close] repeatedly until the [System Settings] screen is displayed. 12 Select [Exit] to exit the System Administrat ion mode.
2 Product Overview
Product Overview
Exiting the Power Saver Mode
The following describes how to exit the Power Saver mode. The Power Saver mode is cancelled in the following instances:
Pressing the <Power Saver> button
Receiving data
1 Press the <Power Saver> button.
<Power Saver> button
Control panel
Product Overview
Control panel
The following describes the names and functions of components on the control panel .
No. Component Function
1 Brightness dial Adjusts the brightness of the touch screen. Use this dial to adjust the
brightness of touch screen when it is too dark to read.
2 Touch screen This touch screen displays messages required for operation and buttons
for various features. You can directly touch the touch screen to instruct
operations in screens and set features.
3 <Online> indicator This indicator lights when the machine is sending or receiving data to or
from a client.
4 <Job in Memory> indicator This indicator lights when data is stored in the machine's memory. 5 <Job Status> button Pressing this button allows you to confirm or cancel currently executing
or completed jobs, or to confirm or print saved documents.
In text descriptions, this button is indicated as the <Job Status> button.
6 <Review> button Press this button to open the [Review] screen. In this screen, you can
check a list of the status of copy and scan features whose settings have
changed from the defaults.
In text descriptions, this button is indicated as the <Review> button.
7 <Machine Status> button Pressing this button allows you to confirm the machine status and
meters, check the state of consumables, and print reports.
In text descriptions, this button is indicated as the <Machine Status>
8 <Log In/Out> button When this button is pressed, the UserID input screen is displayed for
System Administration mode or Login Setup/Auditron Administration.
In text descriptions, this button is indicated as the <Log In/Out> button.
9 <Power Saver> button If the machine is not operated for a while, the machine's power
consumption is lowered to enter the Power Saver mode. In the Power
Saver mode, this button lights up. To cancel the Power Saver mode,
press this button again.
In text descriptions, this button is indicated as the <Power Saver>
button. 10 Power switch Switches the power of the machine on/off. 11 <Clear All> button Returns the statuses of all displayed services to their default values.
The machine will be reset to this state after it is turned on.
In text descriptions, this button is indicated as the <Clear All> button.
2 3
12 13
1 4 9
5 6 7 8
2 Product Overview
Product Overview
12 <Interrupt> button Select this button to temporarily stop a continuous copy job or printing to
give another job higher priority. During an interrupt, the interrupt
indicator lights up. Pressing the <Interrupt> button again cancels the
interrupt and the previous operation is resumed.
In text descriptions, this button is indicated as the <Interrupt> button. 13 <Stop> button Press this button to stop the current copy job or communications.
In text descriptions, this button is indicated as the <Stop> button. 14 <Start> button Press this button to start copying or scanning.
In text descriptions, this button is indicated as the <Start> button. 15 Numeric keypad Press these buttons to enter the number of copies, passwords and other
numerical values.
In text descriptions, these buttons are indicated as the “numeric
keypad”. 16 <C> (Clear) button Press this button if you have entered the wrong numerical value with the
numeric keypad.
In text descriptions, this button is indicated as the <C> button. 17 <Copy>
<Custom 2> <Custom 3> buttons
Used to call a custom feature.
You can assign a feature to the buttons selected from the features
displayed on the [Menu] screen and [Language]. 18 <All Services> button Used to display the [Menu] screen.
In text descriptions, these buttons are indicated as the <All Services>
No. Component Function
3 Basic Operations
This chapter describes the basic operations of the machine.
Mailbox .......................................................................................................33
System Settings Procedure........................................................................34
3 Basic Operations
Basic Operations
This section describes the basic copy procedures. The following shows the reference section for each procedure.
Step 1 Loading Documents.........................................................................................................20
Step 2 Selecting Features............................................................................................................22
Step 3 Entering the Quantity.......................................................................................................22
Step 4 Starting the Copy Job.......................................................................................................23
Step 5 Confirming the Copy Job in the Job Status.....................................................................24
Step 1 Loading Documents
There are two methods for loading documents:
Document Feeder
Single sheet
Multiple sheets
Document Glass
Single sheet
Bound documents, such as books
Document Feeder
The document feeder supports single and multiple sheet documents with sizes from
139.7 x 210 mm (A5, A5 , 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 5.5 x 8.5 inches ) to 297 x 432 mm (A3, 11 x 17 inches).
The document feeder accepts the following number of sheets.
The document feeder automatically detects standard size documents. For non­standard size documents, input the size in the [Original Size] field.
Important • Place folded or creased documents on the document glass to avoid paper jams in the
document feeder.
2 sided scanning of lightweight paper (38 - 49 g/m2) is not supported.
Document type (weight)
Number of
Lightweight paper (38 - 49 g/m2)250 Plain paper (50 - 80 g/m
Heavyweight paper (81 - 128 g/m
Heavyweight paper (129 - 200 g/m
Basic Operations
1 Remove any paper clips and
staples before loading the documents.
2 Adjust the movable document
guides to match the size of the document loaded.
Note When loading a large
document such as A3, open the document stopper rightward.
3 Place the document face up (the
face of 2 sided document up) in the center of the document feeder.
Note The <Confirmation> indicator
lights up when the document is loaded correctly.
Document glass
You can place a single sheet, a book or other similar documents up to 297 x 432 mm (A3, 11 x 17 inches) on the document glass.
The document feeder automatically detects standard size documents. For non­standard size documents, input the size in the [Original Size] field.
1 Open the document cover.
2 Place the document face down,
and align it against the top left corner of the document glass.
3 Close the document cover.
Note When a standard size
document is placed on the document glass, the size of the document is displayed in the message area.
Do not press the document with excessive force when copying heavyweight documents. A broken document glass may injure you.
Do not look on the light during copying, when you make copies with the document cover open. It may cause eyestrain or pains in your eyes.
3 Basic Operations
Basic Operations
Step 2 Selecting Features
You can select the features from the [Copy] tab.
Note Features displayed may vary depending on the model you are using.
To use the Login Setup feature or Auditron Administration feature, you need a UserID and
Password, or just a UserID. Ask the system administrator for the UserID and Password.
1 Press the <All Services> button.
2 Select [Copy].
3 If the previous settings still remain,
press the <Clear All> button.
4 Select the features to set from each
tab as necessary.
Step 3 Entering the Quantity
You can enter up to 9999 for the number of copies.
1 Enter the number of copies using
the numeric keypad. The number of copies entered appears on the upper right of the touch screen.
<All Services> butto
<Clear All> button
numeric keypad
Basic Operations
2 If you enter an incorrect value,
press the <C> button and ent er t he correct value.
Step 4 Starting the Copy Job
Press the <Start> button.
Important • If the document has been set
in the document fe eder, do not press the document while it is being conveyed.
Note If a problem occurs, an error
message appears in the tou ch screen. Solv e the problem in accordance with the m essage.
You can set the next job during copying.
If You Have More Documents
If you have another document, select t he [Next Origi nal] on the touch scr een while the current document is being scanned. You can s can multi ple doc uments for later output .
1 Select [Next Original] while scanning is in progress.
Note When using the document feeder, load the next document after the machine has finished
scanning the first document.
When the above screen is displayed and no operation is performed during a certain period of time, the machine automatically assumes that there are no more documents.
2 Load the next document.
3 Press the <Start> button.
If you still have more documents, load the next document and press the <Start> button.
4 When all documents have been scanned, select [Last Original].
<C> button
<Start> button
3 Basic Operations
Basic Operations
Step 5 Confirming the Copy Job in the Job Status
Press the <Job Status> button.
2 Confirm the job status.
Note Select [ ] to return to the
previous screen or [ ] to move to the next screen.
Operations during Copying
This section describes available operations during copying. The following shows the reference section for each feature.
Stopping the Copy Job................................................................................................................24
Changing the Number of Copies.................................................................................................25
Interrupting the Copy Job...........................................................................................................25
Stopping the Copy Job
To cancel copying, follow the procedure below.
1 Press either [Stop] on the touch
screen or the <Stop> button on the Control Panel.
2 Select [Stop].
3 If the screen of step 1 does not
appear, press the <Job Status> button.
<Job Status> button
<Stop> button
<Job Status> butto
Basic Operations
4 Select the job to cancel, and then
select [Stop].
Changing the Number of Copies
You can change the number of copies during scanning or copying the document.
1 Press either [Stop] on the touch
screen or the <Stop> button on the Control Panel.
2 Select [Change Quantity]. 3 Set the number of copies with the
numeric keypad.
4 Press the <Start> button.
Note You can set the values greater than the number of copies that have already copied. If you
set the same value as the number of copies that have already copied, the copy job is not executed.
Interrupting the Copy Job
You can temporarily suspend the current con tinuous copy job to give another job higher priority.
1 Press the <Interrupt> button.
Note The interrupt indicator lights
up to indicate the machine is in the job interrupt mode.
2 Load the interrupt document and set features if necessary. 3 Set the number of copies with the numeric keypad. 4 Press the <Start> button. 5 After you have finished making the interrupt copy, press the <Interrupt> button.
Note The interrupt indicator goes out to indicate the interrupt is canceled.
Remove the interrupt document from the document glass when using the document glass.
6 Press the <Start> button.
<Stop> button
<Interrupt> button
3 Basic Operations
Basic Operations
This section describes basic print procedures.
Print procedures vary depending on the application software you are using. For more information, refer to the documentation provided with each application.
1 Select [Print] from the application's [File] menu. 2 Confirm the [Printer Name] and click [Properties] if necessary. 3 Configure the
properties if necessary.
4 Click [OK]. 5 Click [OK] in the
[Print] dialog box.
Basic Operations
This section describes basic scan procedures. The fol lowing shows the reference section for each procedure.
Step 1 Loading Documents........................................................................................................20
Step 2 Selecting Features........................................................................................................... 22
Step 4 Starting the Copy Job............................................................................................ ..... .. ...23
Step 4 Confirming the Scan Job in the Job Status......................................................................31
Step 5 Saving the Scanned Data.................................................................................................31
Step 1 Loading Documents
There are two methods for loading documents:
Document Feeder
Single sheet
Multiple sheets
Document Glass
Single sheet
Bound documents, such as books
Document Feeder
The document feeder supports single and multiple sheet documents with si zes from 140 x 210 mm (A5, A5 , 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 5.5 x 8.5 inches ) to 297 x 432 mm (A3, 11 x 17 inches).
The document feeder accepts the following number of sheets.
The document feeder automatically detects standard size documents. For non­standard size documents, input the size in the [Original Size] field.
Important • Place folded or creased documents on the document glass to avoid paper jams in the
document feeder.
2 sided scanning of lightweight paper documents (38 - 48 g/m
) is not supported.
Document type (weight)
Number of
Lightweight paper (38 - 49 g/m2)250 Plain paper (50 - 80 g/m
Heavyweight paper (81 - 128 g/m
Heavyweight paper (129 - 200 g/m
3 Basic Operations
Basic Operations
1 Remove any paper clips and
staples before loading the documents.
2 Adjust the movable document
guides to match the size of the document loaded.
Note When loading a large
document such as A3, open the document stopper rightward.
3 Place the document face up (the
face of 2 sided docume nt up) i n the center of the document feeder.
Note The <Confirmation> indicator
lights up when the document is loaded correctly.
Document Glass
The document glass accepts single-sheet or book form documents of sizes up to 297 x 432mm (A3, 11 x 17 inches).
The document feeder automatically detects standard size documents. For non­standard size documents, input the size in the [Scan Size] field.
1 Open the document cover.
2 Place the document face down,
and align it against the top left corner of the document glass.
3 Close the document cover.
Note When a standard size
document is placed on the document glass, the size of the document is displayed in the message area.
Do not press the document with excessive force when scanning heavyweight documents. A broken document glass may injure you.
Do not look on the light during scanning, when you scan documents with the document cover open. It may cause eyestrain or pains in your eyes.
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