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Additional informat i on i s contained in the "Warranty" manual and the Help Desk li st.The latest informat i on on our products, tips, updates, etc., c an be found on the internet under:
Herausgegeben von/Published by
Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH
Bestell-Nr./Order No.:
Bestell-Nr./Order No.: 440 N30115
Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany
AG 0703 07/03
Important notes
Operating manual
Preparing the notebook
for use
Working with the
Security functions
Connecting external
Settings in BIOS Setup
July 2003 edition
Troubleshooting and tips
Memory expansion
Technical data
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Copyright Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH 2003All rights, including rights of translation, reproduction by pri nting, copying or sim i l ar m ethods,
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Innovative tec hnol ogy and ergonomic design make your AMILO the ideal user-f ri endl y and reliable
notebook. Your operating system is preinstalled on the hard disk and optimally configured to
facilitate the procedure when y ou use your AMILO for the fi rst time.
Depending on the initial configuration, the main memory of your notebook can be upgraded t o 128 1024 Mbyte with a 128, 256 or 512 Mbyte memory module. Depending on the variant, your
notebook is shipped wi t h a DVD+RW drive or a combo drive (CD-RW/DV D). As an option your
notebook can also be equipped with a 3 1/2-inch floppy disc drive. Up to two PC card slots
(CardBus or PCMIA) enable the notebook to operate a type II or type III PC card. Your notebook is
equipped with an internal modem and LA N. In addition, your notebook is equipped with a S Video
out socket to connect to a television. You can connect external devices s uch as digital audio/vi deo
devices or other high-speed devices to IEEE1394 (FireWire).
For mouse control, t he not ebook has a touchpad.
Your notebook has connec tors for external devices such as an ext ernal monitor, a printer, and a
mouse. The ECP capable paral l el port is designed for fast bi-directional data trans fer. You can
connect peripheral devices such as a sc anner, loudspeakers, gamepads , keyboard, or mouse vi a
the three USB ports.
An audio controller and two internal loudspeakers provide your AMILO with an audio capability. You
can also connect an external microphone and an external l oudspeaker.
The system settings of the notebook can be configured via the user-friendly BIOS Setup program me.
This operating manual tell s you how to put your AMI LO i nt o operation, and how to operate it in dail y
Further information on this notebook is provided:
• in the "Getting St arted" manual
• in the "Safety and Ergonomics" manual
• in the "Warranty" manual
• in the information files (e.g. *.TXT, *.DOC, *.WRI, *.HLP, *.PDF)
• in the documentation of the operating system
Notational conventions
The following symbols are used in this manual:
Indicates inf orm ation which is important for your health or for prevent i ng
Ê Text which follows this symbol describes activ i t ies that must be perfo rm ed
This fontindicates sc reen outputs.
This fontindicates programme nam es, commands or menu it em s.
"Quotation marks "indicate names of chapters, data carriers , and terms that are being
physical damage. Fai l ure to follow the instruc tions may lead to los s of data,
invalidate your warranty, destroy the notebook, or endanger your life.
Indicates important information whic h i s required to use the system
in the order shown.
Important notes
Here you will find essential s af et y information regarding your notebook. In addit i on, the
manufacturer's not es contain helpful inform ation about your notebook.
Safety notes
Pay attention t o t he i nformation provided in the "S afety and Ergonomics" manual and in
the following safety notes.
Observe the sect i ons in the manual marked with the symbol on the left .
During installation and before operating the device, pl ease observe the instruc tions on
environmental condit i ons in the "Technical data" chapter as well as t he instructions in the
"Preparing the notebook for use" chapter.
• When connecting and disc onnecting cables, obs erve the relevant notes in t hi s operating
• When cleaning the device, please observe the relev ant notes in the "Cleaning the notebook"
• Only use batteries designed for this notebook.
Do not store batteries for longer periods in the notebook.
Take care not to drop the batteries or otherwise damage thei r casing (fire risk).
If the rechargeable batt eri es are defective, t hey must not be used.
Do not touch the contacts of the batteri es.
Never interconnect the positive and negative terminals of a battery.
Used batteries mus t be disposed of in acc ordance with local regulations (special waste).
• The notebook includes a li thium battery (button cell) for real-time buff eri ng. Please note that:
The lithium battery m ay be replaced only by authorised personnel. Incorrect handl i ng m ay lead
to a risk of expl osion.
The lithium battery m ay be replaced only with an ident i cal battery or with a type recommended
by the manufacturer.
The lithium battery m ust be disposed of in ac cordance with local regulati ons concerning special
• All batteries containing pollutants are m arked with one of the two sy m bol s below (crossed-out
garbage can).
Important notes
In addition, the mark ing is provided with the c hem i cal symbol of the heavy metal decisi ve for
the classif i cation as a pollutant.
• Your notebook is equipped with security func tions that offer y ou a hi gh l evel of security
according to a multi -l evel concept. Detail ed i nformation can be found in "S ecurity functions"
This notebook complies with the relevant safety regulations for data processing equipment . If you
have questions as to whether you can set up the not ebook in the intended environment , pl ease
contact your s al es point or our hotline/help desk.
Notes on installing and removing boards and modules
Only qualified tec hni cians should repair the devi ce. Unauthorised opening or incorrect
repair may greatly endanger the user (electric shock, fire risk).
Boards with elect rostatic sensitive devices (E S D) are i dentifiable by the label s hown.
When you handle boards fitt ed wi t h E SDs, you must, under al l circumstances , observe the following
• You must stat i cally discharge y ourself before working with boards (e.g. by touching a grounded
• The equipment and tools you use must be free of static charges.
• Remove the power plug from the m ai ns supply before insert i ng or rem oving boards containing
• Always hold boards with ESDs by their edges .
• Never touch pins or c onductors on boards fitt ed wi t h E SDs.
Important notes
Manufacturer’s notes
Copyright-protected technology
This product incorporat es copyright protect i on technology that is protected by method clai m s of
certain U. S. pat ents and other intellect ual property rights owned by Mac rovision Corporation and
other rights owners. Use of this copyright protection technology must be authorised by M acrovision
Corporation, and is intended f o r hom e and ot her l imited viewing uses onl y unless otherwise
authorised by Macrov ision Corporation. Reverse engi neeri ng or di sassembly is prohi bi ted.
Energy saving
If you will not be using your notebook, switch it off.Make use of the devi ce's energy saving f unctions (see sect i on "Working with the notebook" ). The
notebook uses less power when t he power management features are enabled. You will then be able
to work for longer before havi ng to recharge the battery.
Energy saving under WindowsIf a monitor with energy saving features is connected to your notebook, you can use the Screen Saver
tab to activat e the energy saving features of the monitor. Select the following item i n the start menu:
Settings - Control Panel - Display - Display Properties - Screen Saver - Energy saving functions for the
display. You can set additional energy saving functi ons in the start menu by selecting the foll owi ngitem: Settings - Control Panel - Energy - Extended.
Energy Star
The notebook from Fujits u Siemens Computers is designed to conserve
electricity by dropping to less than 8 W when i t goes into standby/ suspend
mode and to less than 3 W when it goes into OFF mode. With this l evel of
power management, the notebook qual i fies for the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency's (EPA) Energy Star Computers award.
The EPA estimates that comput er equipment uses 5 percent of all busines s electricity and that this
is growing rapidly. I f all desktop PCs and peri pheral s enter a low-power mode when not in use, t he
overall savings in electric it y could amount to $ 2 milliard annually. These sav i ngs could also prevent
the emission of 20 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmos phere - t he equivalent of 5 million
As an Energy Star P artner, Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH has determi ned t hat this product
meets the Energy S tar guidelines for energy eff i ciency.
Important notes
Disposal and recycling
This device has been m anuf actured to the highest pos sible degree from materials whi ch can be
recycled or disposed of in a manner that is not environmentally damaging. The device may be t aken
back after use to be recycled, provided that it is returned in a condition that i s the result of normal
use. Any components not reclaimed will be disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner.
Do not throw batteries or accumulators into the household waste. If you have any ques t i ons on disposal, please contact your local of fice, our hotline/help desk, or:Fujitsu Siemens Com puters GmbH
RecyclingcenterD-33106 Paderborn
Tel: +49 5251 81 80 10Fax: +49 5251 81 80 15
CE marking
The shipped version of t hi s device complies with the requirements of t he EEC directives
89/336/EEC "Electromagnetic compatibility" and 73/23/EEC "Low volt age directive".
Storing the battery
Store the battery i n a fully charged state. Keep the battery pack between 0°C and +30°C (32 and
122 degrees Fahrenheit). The lower the tem perature at which the batteries are stored, the lower is
the rate of self-discharge.
If storing for a long peri od of time (longer than two months) batteries should be f ul l y charged before
To be able to make use of t he opt i mal charging capacity of the batteries, the battery should be
completely discharged and then fully recharged.
If you do not use the batteries for long periods, rem ove them from the notebook. Never
store the batteries i n the unit.
Important notes
Transporting the notebook
Please observe the poi nt s listed below when transporting your notebook.
Before you travel
• Back up important dat a stored on your hard disk.
• If you wish to use your notebook during a flight , first check wi th the flight attendants if it is
permissible to do s o .
• If you are travell i ng abroad, ensure that the power adapter can be operated wi th the local
mains voltage. If this is not the case, obtain the appropriate power adapter for your notebook.
Do not use any other voltage converter!
If you travel i n anot her country, check whether the local power supply and t he
specificat i ons of the power cable are compati bl e. If this is not the case, buy a power cable
that matches t he l ocal conditions. Do not use a connection adapter f or el ectrical devices
to connect the notebook.
If you use a modem, incompatibilities with the local telecommunications system may
Transporting the notebook
• Remove all data carriers (e.g. CD) from the drives.
• Unplug the power adapter and all external devices from the mains outlet.
• Disconnect the power adapter cable and the data cables for all external devic es.
• Close the LCD screen s o t hat it locks into place.
• If the device needs to be shipped, use the original packaging or other suitable pac kaging to
protect it from dam age caused by mishandling.
• To protect against dam agi ng j ol t s and bumps, use a notebook carrying case to trans port your
Fujitsu Siemens Com puters offers a number of s ol utions for transporting y our notebook. The
current offering can be viewed on the Internet at http://www.e-shop2.de.
• Protect the notebook from severe shocks and extreme temperatures (e.g. direc t sunlight in a
Important notes
Cleaning the notebook
Ê Switch the notebook off.
Ê Pull the power plug of the network adapter out of the mains outlet.
Ê Remove the battery.
Do not clean any interior parts yourself; leave this job to a serv i ce technician.
Wipe the casing with a dry cloth.
If particularly dirty, use a cloth that has been moistened i n m i l d dom estic detergent and then
carefully wrung out.
To clean the touchpad, y ou can use disinfect ant wipes.
Wipe the LCD screen with a soft, moistened cloth.
Do not use any cleaning agent s that contain abrasives or may corrode plast i c. The use of
improper cleaning agents c an damage the markings on the keyboard and the notebook,
the paintwork of the dev i ce or the device its el f.
Ensure that no liquid ent ers the notebook.
Preparing the notebook for use
You must charge the bat tery and install the appl i cation programmes before you can work with the
notebook. The operating system and drivers requi red are prei nstalled.
When not plugged into a mains out l et, the notebook runs on its built-in battery. You can increase the
battery's life by enabling the system's energy saving f unctions.
If you use the notebook in a normal office s i tuation, run it from the m ains using the power adapter.
Please see the "Connec t i ng external devices" chapter for instructi ons on how to connect devices
such as a mouse and a print e r t o the notebook.
Please take note of the information in the "I m portant notes" chapter.
Unpacking and checking the delivery
Ê Unpack all the individual parts.
Ê Check the delivery for damage incurred during transportation.
Do not discard the original packing material of the devices. Keep the origi nal packing
material in case you need to ship the equipment again.
Selecting a location
Select a suit abl e l ocation for the notebook bef ore setting it up. Consi der t he following points when
looking for a locati on:
• Do not place it on a sof t surface (e.g., a carpet or soft furnishings). The space between the
notebook's feet m ust be clear.
Place the notebook on a s table, flat, nonsl i ppery surface. In vi ew of the multitude of different
finishes used on furniture, it is possible that t he rubber f eet of the notebook will mark the
surface they s tand on.
• Never place the notebook and the power adapter on a heat-sensitive surface.
• The notebook and the power adapter should be at l east 200 mm apart.
• Keep other objects 100 m m away from the notebook and its power adapter to ensure adequate
• Never cover the fan intake or exhaust openings of the notebook or the power adapter.
• Do not expose the notebook to extreme environmental conditions.
Protect the notebook from dust, humidity, and heat.
Preparing the notebook for use
Connecting the power adapter
Please take note of the information in the section "Selecting a l ocation".
The power cable supplied conform s to the requirements of the country in which y ou
purchased your notebook. M ake sure that the power cable is approved for use in the
country in which y ou i n t end to use it.
The power adapter's AC cord shoul d onl y be connected to a mains outlet if the notebook
is connected to the power adapter. (electric shock!)
Upon delivery, the bat t ery can be found in the battery compartment.
Do not use the power adapter for other notebooks or devices.
Do not use a power adapter that is not specially int ended for this notebook.
Ê Connect the power adapter cable to the DC
Ê Connect the power cable into the power
Ê Plug the power cable into the mains supply.
jack (DC IN) of the not ebook (1).
The battery will charge. The battery indicator
flashes green.
The meaning of the various di splays can be found in the section "Status indicators" in t he
"Working with the notebook" chapter.
Switching on the notebook for the first ti me
When you switch on your notebook for the first time, the supplied s oftware is installed and
Ê Switch the notebook on.
Ê During installation, follow the i nstructions on sc reen.
configured. Due to the f act that this installation must not be interrupted, you should set
aside enough time for it t o be fully completed and c onnect the notebook to the mai ns
outlet using the power adapter.
During installation, the notebook may only be rebooted when you are requested to do so!
Consult the operating system manual if there is anything unclear about the requested input data.
Switching on the notebook
Preparing the notebook for use
Ê Slide the release button (1) to the right and
open the LCD panel (2).
Ê Press the ON/OFF switch.
The power-on indicator lights up.
After switch-on a self-test (POST, Power On Self Test) is automatically c arried out. Never
switch the notebook off during the self-test.
If you have ass i gned a password, you must ent er this when requested to do so, i n order
to start the operati ng system password. Detailed information can be found in "Security
functions" c hapter.
Switching the notebook off
Ê Shut down the operating system properly (with the Exit function in the Start menu).
With Windows XP the not ebook switches off automatically. If the notebook does not
Ê Close the LCD screen so that it locks into place.
switch off autom atically, press the ON/OFF switch for approx. four seconds.
Working with the notebook
This chapter descri bes the basics for operating your notebook.
Please see the "Connecting external devices " chapter for instructions on how to connect dev i ces
such as a mouse and a print er to the notebook.
Please take note of t he i nformation in the "Import ant notes" chapter.
In this sect i on the various hardware components of your notebook are introduced. You can open an
overview of the display s and connections of t he notebook. Please familiarise yourself with these
components before y ou start to work with y our notebook.