Fujitsu siemens D969 Technical Manual

System board D969
Technical Manual
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Herausgegeben von/Published by Siemens AG D-81730 München
System board D969 Techni
Bestell-Nr./Order No.: A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619 Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany AG 1198 11/98
Important notes
System board D969
Technical Manual
Settings in BIOS Setup
Settings with switch bloc
Add-on modules
Error messages
November 1998 edition
Creative is a registered trademark, Sound Blaster 16 and VIBRA 16C are trademarks of Creative Technology Ltd.
Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks and OverDrive is a trademark of Intel Corporation, USA.
AMD-K5 is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. PS/2 and OS/2 Warp are registered trademarks of International Business Machines, Inc. All other trademarks referenced are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
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are reserved. Delivery subject to availability. Right of technical modification reserved.


Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1
Notational conventions ............................................................................................ 1
Features.................................................................................................................. 2
Interfaces and connectors ....................................................................................... 4
Possible screen resolution....................................................................................... 5
Resource table ........................................................................................................ 7
Important notes ..................................................................................................... 9
Settings in BIOS Setup ....................................................................................... 11
Main menu - Making system settings .................................................................... 11
System Time / System Date........................................................................... 12
Diskette A / Diskette B.................................................................................... 12
Hard Disk 1 to Hard Disk 4 - Hard disk drive.................................................. 13
Boot Options .................................................................................................. 16
Video Display ................................................................................................. 18
Base Memory ................................................................................................. 18
Extended Memory..........................................................................................18
Advanced menu - Making advanced system settings............................................ 19
Cache Memory............................................................................................... 20
Shadow Memory ............................................................................................ 22
Peripheral Configuration - Ports and Controllers............................................ 23
PCI Configuration........................................................................................... 27
Advanced System Configuration .................................................................... 29
Plug & Play O/S.............................................................................................. 31
Reset Configuration Data ............................................................................... 31
Large Disk Access Mode - Hard disk access ................................................. 31
Menu Security - Setting up the security features...................................................32
Setup Password / System Password..............................................................32
Set Setup Password....................................................................................... 33
Setup Password Lock..................................................................................... 33
Set System Password .................................................................................... 33
System Password Mode................................................................................. 34
System Load .................................................................................................. 34
Setup Prompt - Setup message ..................................................................... 34
Virus Warning................................................................................................. 35
Diskette Write................................................................................................. 35
Flash Write ..................................................................................................... 35
Power On/Off..................................................................................................36
Power menu - Setting energy saving functions ..................................................... 39
APM - Enabling the APM Interface .................................................................39
Power Management Mode - Extent of energy saving functions......................40
Standby Timeout ............................................................................................40
Suspend Timeout - Suspend mode ................................................................40
Hard Disk Timeout..........................................................................................41
Standby CPU Speed.......................................................................................41
Save To Disk ..................................................................................................41
Wakeup Event - Defining system activities.....................................................43
BIOSFaX menu - modem - quick start functions....................................................44
Receive Mode.................................................................................................44
Ring Count......................................................................................................44
Fax Tone Count..............................................................................................45
Fax Modem Port - Serial port..........................................................................45
Exit menu...............................................................................................................46
Save Changes &Exit - Saving and Exiting.....................................................46
Discard Changes &Exit..................................................................................46
Get Default Values .........................................................................................46
Load Previous Values.....................................................................................46
Save Changes ................................................................................................46
Settings with switch block S180.........................................................................47
Clock speed - switch 1, 2, 3 and 4.........................................................................48
Recovering System BIOS - switch 5 ......................................................................48
Write protection for System BIOS - switch 7..........................................................49
Write protection for floppy disk drive - switch 8......................................................49
Add-on modules ..................................................................................................51
Upgrading main memory........................................................................................52
Replacing the processor ........................................................................................54
Upgrading the Second-level cache ........................................................................55
Upgrading the video memory.................................................................................56
Connecting an audio board....................................................................................57
Replacing the lithium battery .................................................................................58
Error messages....................................................................................................59
Messages d'erreur ...............................................................................................61
Mensajes de error ................................................................................................63
Messagi di errore .................................................................................................65
Felmeddelanden ..................................................................................................67
Index .....................................................................................................................71


This description applies for the system board D969 with PCI bus (Peripheral Component Interconnect).
This system board is available in different configuration levels. Depending
on the hardware configuration of your device, it may be that you cannot find several options in your version of the system board, even though they are described.
Further information to drivers is provided in the readme files on hard disk or on the supplied drivers diskettes or on the "Drivers & Utility" CD.

Notational conventions

The meanings of the symbols and fonts used in this manual are as follows:
Pay particular attention to texts marked with this symbol. Failure to
observe this warning endangers your life, destroys the system, or may lead to loss of data.
This symbol is followed by supplementary information, remarks and tips.
Ê Texts which follow this symbol describe activities that must be performed in the
order shown.
Ë This symbol means that you must enter a blank space at this point.
Ú This symbol means that you must press the Enter key.
Texts in this typeface are screen outputs from the PC.
Texts in this bold typeface are the entries you make via the keyboard.
Texts in italics indicate commands or menu item. "Quotation marks" indicate names of chapters and terms that are being
A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619 1
Introduction Features


ATX system board
64-bit processor Intel Pentium with 16 Kbytes internal cache (first-level cache,
8 Kbytes data cache, 8 Kbytes code cache) or OverDrive processor for Pentium
Memory configuration on the system board: 8 to 128 Mbyte (FPM or EDO)
Error recognition and correction via ECC / Parity
Second-level cache on the system board: 0, 256 or 512 Kbytes (PBSRAM)
256 Kbytes Flash BIOS
3 PCI, 2 ISA slots and 1 ISA/PCI slot (shared)
PCI bus
IDE hard disk controller connected to PCI bus for up to four IDE drives
(e.g. IDE hard disk drives, ATAPI CD ROM drive)
Real-time clock/calendar with integrated battery backup
Floppy disk controller (up to 2.88 Mbytes format)
Parallel interface (ECP- and EPP-compatible)
2 Serial interfaces
PS/2 mouse port
PS/2 keyboard port
Security functions
2 A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619
Features Introduction
Optional Component
Video connector
Screen controller connected to PCI bus, graphics processor Cirrus Logic CL-
GD5446 with Windows accelerator and 1 Mbyte or 2 Mbytes DRAM video memory
Audio controller on ISA-BUS (Creative VIBRA 16C; 16 bit; compatible with
Sound Blaster 16, MPU401, Multimedia PC and Multimedia PC II; Stereo-FM synthesizer YAMAHA OPL3)
USB (Universal Serial Bus)
Energy saving functions
Connector for feature connector, loudspeaker
Connector for remote-on (fax/modem board), chipcard reader and infrared
Connector for CD-line in, wavetable module, Game/Midi, voice modem, AUX-
Microphone connector (via supplementary board)
Audio port (line in) (via supplementary board)
Headphone connector (via supplementary board)
The microphone connector, audio port and headphone connector are
connected via a common plug (Game/Midi / Audio) on the system board.
A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619 3
Introduction Interfaces and connectors

Interfaces and connectors

28 27
25 24
22 21
1 = Chipcard reade 2 = Power supply 3 = infrared interface 4 = External loudspeake 5 = Soft-off power supply 6 = LED indicators in front panel 7 = LED indicators in front panel 8 = SCSI-LEDs 9 = IDE drives 3 and 4 (secondary) 10 = Voice modem 11 = IDE drives 1 and 2 (primary) 12 = AUX IN 13 = Floppy disk drive 14 = Remote on via fax/modem
The connectors marked do not have to be present on the system board.
15 = CD Line in 16 = Power on switch 17 = Wavetable board 18 = Game/Midi / Audio 19 = I2C connecto 20 = ISA slots 1-3 21 = Socket for video memory 22 = PCI slots 1-4 23 = Feature board 24 = Video connecto 25 = USB 26 = Parallel port 27 = PS/2 mouse and keyboard port 28 = Serial interface1/2 29 = Fan
11 13
10 12 14
4 A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619
Possible screen resolution Introduction

Possible screen resolution

Depending on the operating system used the screen resolutions in the following table refer to the screen controller on the system board. If you are using an external screen controller, you will find details of supported screen resolutions in the Operating Manual or Technical Manual supplied with the controller.
You can set the screen resolution under Windows 95 by selecting Control Panel ­Display - Settings. You can set the screen resolution under MS-DOS using the SET-VGA program.
A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619 5
Introduction Possible screen resolution
640x350 70 31,5 16 640x350 84 38 16 640x480 60 31,5 16777216 640x480 75 37,5 16777216 640x480 85 43,4 16777216 640x480 100 50,6 16777216 720x400 70 31,5 16 720x400 84 38 16 800x600 60 38 65536 800x600 60 38 16777216 800x600 72 48 65536 800x600 72 48 16777216 800x600 75 47 65536 800x600 75 47 16777216 800x600 85 53,7 65536 800x600 85 53,7 16777216 800x600 100 63 65536
800x600 100 63 16777216 1024x768 87 interlaced 36 256 1024x768 87 interlaced 36 65536 1024x768 60 48,4 256 1024x768 60 48,4 65536 1024x768 75 60 256 1024x768 75 60 65536 1024x768 85 68,7 256 * 1024x768 100 81 256 *
1280x1024 87 interlaced 49 16 1280x1024 87 interlaced 49 256 1280x1024 60 63,7 256 * 1280x1024 75 80,4 256 *
Refresh rate (Hz) Horizontal-
rate (kHz) **
Max. number of
* no 16 color mode ** The horizontal rate values may have a tolerance range of ± 0.3 kHz.
The values marked are only available with a 2-Mbytes video memory.
6 A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619
Resource table Introduction

Resource table

Keyboard IRQ1 Serial port COM2 / IrDA IRQ3 02F8, 03F8
Serial interface COM1 / Chip card reader Floppy disk drive controller IRQ6 DMA2 Parallel interface LPT1 IRQ7 IRQ5, IRQ7 0278, 0378 DMA1, DMA3 RTC IRQ8 Audio controller
Base address:
MPU 401:
USB controller IRQ11 Mouse controller IRQ12 Numeric processor IRQ13 IDE controller 1 IRQ14 IDE controller 2 IRQ15
IRQ4 03F8, 02F8
possible IRQ Possible
02E8, 03E8
03E8, 02E8
0220-022F 0240-024F 0260-026F 0280-028F
0300-0301 0330-0331
"assigned IRQ" = interrupts assigned as shipped "Possible IRQ" = these interrupts can be used for your particular application "Possible address" = this address can be used for your particular application "Possible DMA" = these DMAs can be used for your particular application
Please note that a resource cannot be used by two applications at the
same time.
A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619 7

Important notes

Store this manual close to the device. If you pass on the device to third parties, you should also pass on this manual.
Be sure to read this page carefully and note the information before you
open the device. You cannot access the components of the system board without first
opening the device. How to dismantle and reassemble the device is described in the Operating Manual accompanying the device.
Please note the information provided in the chapter "Safety" in the Operating Manual of the device.
Incorrect replacement of the lithium battery may lead to a risk of explosion. It is therefore essential to observe the instructions in the chapter "Add-on modules" - "Replacing the lithium battery". The lithium battery must be replaced with an identical battery or a battery type recommended by the manufacturer (CR2032).
Do not throw lithium batteries into the trashcan. It must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations concerning special waste.
Lithiumbatteri - Eksplosionsfare ved fejlagtig håndtering. Udskiftning må
kun ske med batteri af samme fabrikat og type. Lever det brugte batteri tilbage til leverandøren.
Eksplosjonsfare ved feilaktig skifte av batteri. Benytt samme batteritype
eller en tilsvarende type anbefalt av apparatfabrikanten. Brukte batterier kasseres i henhold til fabrikantens instruksjoner.
Eksplosionsfara vid felaktigt batteribyte. Använd samma batterityp eller en
ekvivalent typ som rekommenderas av apparattillverkarenfabrikanten. Kassera använt batteri enligt fabrikantens instruktion.
Paristo voi räjähtää, jos se on virheellisesti asennettu. Vaihda paristo
ainoastaan laitevalmistajan suosittelemaan tyyppiin. Hävitä käytetty paristo valmistajan ohjeiden mukaisesti.
A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619 9
Important notes
The shipped version of this board complies with the requirements of the EEC directive 89/336/EEC "Electromagnetic compatibility".
Compliance was tested in a typical PC configuration. When installing the board, refer to the specific installation
information in the Operating Manual or Technical Manual of the receiving device.
Connecting cables for peripherals must be adequately insulated to avoid interference.
Components can become very hot during operation. Make sure you do
not touch components when making extensions to the system board. There is a danger of burns!
The warranty expires if the device is damaged during the installation or
replacement of system expansions. Information on which system expansions you can use is available from your sales office or the customer service.
Boards with electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) may be identified by labels.
When you handle boards fitted with ESDs, you must observe the following points under all circumstances:
You must always discharge yourself (e.g. by touching a grounded object)
before working.
The equipment and tools you use must be free of static charges.
Pull out the power plug before inserting or pulling out boards containing ESDs.
Always hold boards with ESDs by their edges.
Never touch pins or conductors on boards fitted with ESDs.
10 A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619

Settings in BIOS Setup

The BIOS Setup menu allows you to set your hardware configuration and system functions. In addition, the BIOS Setup displays technical information on the PC's configuration.
When it is supplied, the PC is set to factory default settings which you can alter in the BIOS Setup menus. You can change these settings in BIOS Setup. Any changes you make take effect as soon as you save the settings and quit the BIOS Setup.
The Operating Manual describes how to call the BIOS Setup and change menu entries.
You can select the following settings in the BIOS Setup:
Main - system functions Advanced - advanced system configuration Security - security features Power - power-management features BIOSFaX - quick start functions Exit - save and quit
The various menus are described below with all setting options. Since the
setting options depend on your PC's hardware configuration, some of them may not be offered in the BIOS setup.

Main menu - Making system settings

In the Main menu you can set up the following:
Time (in the field marked System Time)
Date (in the field marked System Date)
Floppy disk drive (in the field marked Diskette A or Diskette B)
Hard disk drive (in the submenus of Hard Disk)
System boot (in the submenus of Boot Options)
Display device (in the field marked Video Display)
A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619 11
Settings in BIOS Setup Main - system functions
Phoenix BIOS Setup
ain Advanced Security Power BIOSFaX Exit
System Time: [07:42:19] System Date: [08/11/1995]
Diskette A: [1.4M] Diskette B: [None]
Ê Hard Disk 1: 1 Gbyte Ê Hard Disk 2: None Ê Hard Disk 3: None Ê Hard Disk 4: None
Ê Boot Options
Video Display: [EGA/VGA] Base Memory: 640K
Extended Memory: 7M
F1 Help ↑↓ Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults ESC Exit
Example for Main menu
← → Select Menu Enter Execute Command F7 Previous Values
Item Specific Help

System Time / System Date

The System Time field and the System Date field show the time and date respectively according to the PC. The time is shown in the format hh:mm:ss (hours:minutes:seconds) and the date is shown in the format mm/dd/yyyy (month/day/year).
If the settings in the System Time and System Date fields are frequently
wrong when you power up the computer, the lithium battery is dead. Change the battery as described in "Add-on modules-"Replacing the
lithium battery“).

Diskette A / Diskette B

These two fields are used to specify the type of floppy disk drive installed. 360K, 720K, 1.2M, 1.4M, 2.8M
The entry depends on the floppy disk drive installed. (Default entry Diskette A : 1.4M).
None A floppy disk drive is not installed.
(Default entry for Diskette B: 1.2M).
12 A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619
Main - system functions Settings in BIOS Setup

Hard Disk 1 to Hard Disk 4 - Hard disk drive

call the submenu to make corresponding settings of the IDE hard disk drive.
You should change the default settings only if you are connecting an
additional IDE drive to one of the two IDE connectors. The maximum transfer speed is supported independently on all four
IDE drives. Consequently a fast and a slow hard disk drive can be attached at an IDE connector without affecting the maximum transfer speed of the fast drive.
The following description of the setting options for Hard Disk 1 also applies to Hard Disk 2, Hard Disk 3 and Hard Disk 4. The default settings depend on the installed drive.
Phoenix BIOS Setup
Hard Disk 1: 1 Gbyte Item Specific Help
Autotype Hard Disk: [Press Enter] Type: [User]
Cylinders: [ 1654] Heads: [ 16] Sectors/Track: [ 63] Write Precomp: [None]
Transfer Mode: [Standard] LBA Translation: [Enabled] PIO Mode: [Fast PIO 3] 32 Bit I/O: [Enabled]
F1 Help ↑↓ Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults ESC Exit
Example for the submenu Hard Disk 1
A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619 13
← → Select Menu Enter Execute Command F7 Previous Values
Settings in BIOS Setup Main - system functions
Autotype Hard Disk
Only if you have installed a new unrecorded IDE hard disk drive, you
should mark the AutotypeHard Disk field. If you have set the hard disk parameters with Autotype Hard Disk, you can
only reduce the values.
If you have installed a new unrecorded IDE hard disk drive, you should mark the Autotype Hard Disk field and press Enter. This has the effect of setting the optimum values for the IDE hard disk drive. You can change these values if you set the Type field to User.
Type - Hard Disk Type
This field is used to specify the type of hard disk drive.
None You cannot change the hard disk parameters (Cylinders, Heads,
Sector/Track and Write Precomp). An IDE drive has not been
1 to 39 The hard disk parameters (Cylinders, Heads, etc.) are preset. Auto If the hard disk supports this mode, the setup menu reads the hard
disk parameters from the disk itself. You do not need to select the parameters yourself.
User You can enter the hard disk parameters (Cylinders, Heads etc.)
yourself. If you have set the hard disk parameters with Autotype Hard Disk, you can only reduce the values.
Examples of user-defined entries (IDE drives):
Hard disk hard disk capacity parameter 850 Mbyte 1,2 Gbyte 1,6Gbyte
Cylinders 1654 2484 3148 Heads 16 16 16 Sectors 63 63 63 Write Precomp None None None
14 A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619
Main - system functions Settings in BIOS Setup
Cylinders, Heads, Sectors/Track, Write Precomp - hard disk parameter
These hard disk parameters are set in accordance with the IDE hard disk drive. If you want to change the hard disk parameters manually, set the Type field to User.
Transfer Mode
This field specifies the transfer mode for the IDE hard disk drive.
Standard One block is transferred for each interrupt (default entry). 2 Sectors, 4 Sectors, 6 Sectors, 8 Sectors, 16 Sectors
The set number of blocks (sectors) is transferred for each interrupt.
LBA Translation - Addressing
This field enables and disables the LBA (Logical Block Addressing) mode. LBA mode allows you to install and use IDE hard disks with a capacity of more than 528 Mbytes. If a hard disk supports LBA mode, you can use the full capacity of the IDE hard disk.
The default entry depends on the installed IDE hard disk drive. Change the default entries only if you are installing another hard disk drive.
You may only use IDE drives in the LBA mode selected when they were
set up. In other words, if you set up a hard disk with LBA mode disabled, you may only operate the hard disk with LBA mode disabled.
Enabled If the hard disk supports LBA and it has a capacity of more than
528 Mbytes, the BIOS translates the hard disk parameters, allowing the disk's full capacity to be used. This allows the disk's full capacity to be used. If the hard disk does not support LBA, its parameters are not translated.
Disabled The BIOS uses the hard disk parameters and supports a maximum
capacity of 528 Mbytes.
A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619 15
Settings in BIOS Setup Main - system functions
PIO Mode - Transfer rate
The PIO (Programmed Input Output) Mode defines the transfer rate of the IDE hard disk drive.
Standard 0.8 Mbyte/s to 2 Mbytes/s (default entry) Fast PIO 1 2 Mbytes/s to 4 Mbytes/s Fast PIO 2 4 Mbytes/s to 5 Mbytes/s Fast PIO 3 5 Mbytes/s to 10 Mbytes/s Fast PIO 4 more than 10 Mbyte/s
32 Bit I/O - Bus width for data transfer
This field specifies the width of data transmission between the processor and the IDE controller.
Enabled The data transfer is 32 bits in width at the PCI bus. This enhances
performance (default entry).
Disabled The data transfer is 16 bits in width.

Boot Options

calls the submenu in which you can select the settings for system startup of the PC.
Phoenix BIOS Setup
Boot Options Item Specific Help
POST Error Halt: [Halt On All Errors] Quick Boot: [Disabled] Quiet Boot: [Disabled]
Boot Sequence: 1. Diskette
F1 Help ↑↓ Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults ESC Exit
Example for submenu Boot Options
← → Select Menu Enter Execute Command F7 Previous Values
16 A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619
2. Hard Disk
Main - system functions Settings in BIOS Setup
POST Error Halt - Aborting system startup
defines whether the system startup is to be aborted and the system halted when an error is detected.
Halt On All Errors
If the self-test detects an error, system startup is aborted after the self-test, and the system is halted (default entry).
No Halt On Any Errors
The system startup is not aborted. The error is ignored as far as possible. The error is ignored as far as possible.
Quick Boot
can reduce the extent of the self-test and thus accelerate the system startup. Enabled When the PC is switched on, the quick self-test is carried out, in
which the floppy disk drives are not checked.
Disabled When the PC is switched on, the complete PC configuration is
tested (default entry).
Quiet Boot
Instead of a start information a logo is displayed on the screen. Enabled The logo is displayed on the screen. A switch to the start
information is made if you press the [Esc]
[Esc] key or if errors occur.
Disabled The start information is displayed on the screen (default entry).
A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619 17
Settings in BIOS Setup Main - system functions
Boot Sequence
defines the sequence in which the system BIOS searches the drives for system files to start the operating system. If you wish to change this sequence, place the cursor on the entry for the drive which you wish to move forward ([+] ([-]
[-] key).
Default entry:
1. 1. Diskette
2. Hard Disk
[+] key) or back

Video Display

This field is used to specify the type of monitor connected.
EGA/VGA, Color 80, Monochrome
Default entry: EGA/VGA

Base Memory

This field indicates the size of the available base memory below 1 Mbyte.

Extended Memory

indicates the size of the memory above 1 Mbyte.
18 A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619
Advanced - Advanced system configuration Settings in BIOS Setup

Advanced menu - Making advanced system settings

Change the default settings only for special applications. Incorrect
settings can cause malfunctions.
You can make the following system settings in the Advancedmenu:
Internal cache and second-level cache (in the Cache Memory submenu)
Copy BIOS sections to the RAM (in the Shadow Memory submenu)
Interfaces and controllers (in the PeripheralConfiguration submenu)
PCI functionality (in the PCI Configuration submenu)
System settings (in the Advanced System Configuration submenu)
Plug&Play functionality (in the Plug and Play O/S field)
Configuration data (in the Reset Configuration Data field)
Hard disk access (in the Large Disk Access Mode field)
Phoenix BIOS Setup
dvanced Security Power BIOSFaX Exit
Setting items on this menu to incorrect
may cause your system to malfunction.
Ê Cache Memory Ê Shadow Memory Ê Peripheral Configuration Ê PCI Configuration Ê Advanced System Configuration
Plug & Play O/S: [Yes] Reset Configuration Data: [No]
Large Disk Access Mode: [DOS]
F1 Help ↑↓ Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults ESC Exit
Example for the Advanced menu
A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619 19
← → Select Menu Enter Execute Command F7 Previous Values
Item Specific Help
Settings in BIOS Setup Advanced - Advanced system configuration

Cache Memory

calls the submenu in which you can make the settings for the internal cache (in the processor) and the second-level cache (on the system board).
Phoenix BIOS Setup
Cache: [Intern And Extern] Cache Mode: Write Back
Cache System BIOS Area: [Enabled] Cache Video BIOS Area: [Enabled]
Cache Memory Regions:
C800 - CBFF: [Disabled] CC00 - CFFF: [Disabled] D000 - D3FF: [Disabled] D400 - D7FF: [Disabled] D800 - DBFF: [Disabled] DC00 - DFFF: [Disabled]
F1 Help ↑↓ Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults ESC Exit
Example for submenu Cache Memory
Cache Memory Item Specific Help
← → Select Menu Enter Execute Command F7 Previous Values
Cache - cache utilization
This field switches the cache on and off. The cache is a buffer to which parts of the main memory and BIOS can be temporarily copied. ThePC's performance is higher when the cache is switched on.
You must disable the cache, if the access time is too short for older applications.
Intern Only Only the internal cache is used. Intern And Extern
Internal (first-level cache) and external cache (second-level cache) are enabled. If there is no external Cache, only the internal cache is used.
Disabled Internal (first-level cache) and external cache (second-level cache)
are disabled. All cache-related settings are then without effect.
20 A26361-D969-Z120-8-7619
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