Fujitsu siemens D1451 Technical Manual

Mainboard D1451
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Technisches Handbuch / Technical Manual
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Herausgegeben von/Published by Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH
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Mainboard D1451
Technisches Handbuch Technical Manual
Ausgabe März 2003 March 2003 edition
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Übersicht/Overview Mainboard D1451

Interne Anschlüsse und Steckplätze / internal connectors and slots
D I M M 1
D I M M 2
Externe Anschlüsse / External connectors
1 = Stromversorgung / Power Supply 2 = Bedienfeld / Frontpanel 3 = PowerOn LED II 4 = Diskettenlaufwerk / Floppy disk drive 5 = Gehäuseüberwachung / Intrusion 6 = IDE-Laufwerke 3/4/ IDE-drives 3/4
7 = IDE-Laufwerke 1/2/ IDE-drives 1/2 8 = Batterie / Battery 9 = USB E / FSchalter / Configuration
SwitchLüfter 2 / Fan 2
10 = CD-Audio in
11 = Audio Bedienfeld / Audio Frontpanel
12 = S/PDIF Anschluss / S/PDIF
13 = Stromversorgung Prozessor / Power
supply processor
14 = Lüfter 1 / Fan 1
Optionale Komponenten / Optional components
Power On/Off
1) Cable is not included in the deli very scope.
2) The same interface
3) 2pin or 3pin connector possible
PowerOn LED II
Message LED
Power On
1) 3)
Sleep LED
1 2
A26361-D1451-Z120-4-6319 Umschlag/Cover


Übersicht/Overview Mainboard D1451........................................................................................... 1
Mainboard D1451 ............................................................................................................................ 1
Notational conventions.............................................................................................................. 1
Important notes................................................................................................................................. 2
Information about boards .......................................................................................................... 2
List of features.................................................................................................................................. 3
Special technical features – special features............................................................................. 4
Brief instructions on installing mainboard ................................................................................... 5
Prior to installation.....................................................................................................................5
Interfaces and connectors.............................................................................................................. 7
External ports....................................................................................................................................7
Internal ports and connectors ............................................................................................................ 8
Hard disk connection................................................................................................................. 8
Pin assignment of internal ports ........................................................................................................ 9
Settings with switches and jumpers............................................................................................ 13
Add-on modules / Upgrading....................................................................................................... 14
Installing and removing processors................................................................................................. 14
Installing the processor with heat sink and fan ........................................................................ 14
Upgrading main memory......................................................................................................... 16
Adding PCI cards............................................................................................................................ 17
PCI bus interrupts - Selecting correct PCI slot ........................................................................ 17
Replacing lithium battery......................................................................................................... 18
BIOS update ................................................................................................................................... 20
BIOS Recovery - Recovering System BIOS................................................................................... 20
Microcode Update........................................................................................................................... 21
Annex............................................................................................................................................. 23
Electrical Properties........................................................................................................................ 23
Loadability for connections and fuses...................................................................................... 23
Mainboard current requirement ............................................................................................... 23
APM and ACPI system status, energy-saving modes ..................................................................... 24
Mainboard Revision and BIOS Version...........................................................................................25
Error messages............................................................................................................................. 26
DOS error messages ...................................................................................................................... 29
SmartCard reader - error messages................................................................................................ 30

Mainboard D1451

Your mainboard is available in dif ferent configuration levels. Depending on the configuration chosen, some of the hardware components des cribed may not be available on your m ai nboard.
Additional information
Information on the BIOS Setup and additional descriptions of the drivers are contained:
in the readme files on your hard dis k
on the driver floppy disks included
on the CD "Drivers & Utilities Collection" or "Drivers & Utilities" or "ServerStart".
The programme Acrobat Reader must be installed to be able to open t he m anual s. You may find the programme on the CD-ROM directory: utls/acrobat.
For more details please read the acc ordi ng readme.txt files.

Notational conventions

The meanings of the symbols and fonts used in this manual are as follows:
indicates informati on whi ch is important for your healt h or for preventing physical damage.
indicates additional inf orm ation which is required to use the system properly.
Ê Text which follows this symbol describes activit i es that must be performed in the order shown.
Ë This symbol indicates that you must enter a blank space (press the Space Bar) at this point.
Ú This symbol indicates that you must press t he Enter key.
Text in this typeface indicates screen output s.
Text in this bold typeface indicates the entries you make via the keyboard.
Text in italics indicates commands or menu items. "Quotation marks" indicate names of chapters or t erm s.
A26361-D1451-Z120-4-6319 English - 1

Important notes

Important notes
With the mainboard installed y ou m ust open the system to access the mainboard. How to dismantle and reassemble the system is described in the operating manual accompanying t he system.
Connecting cables for peripherals must be adequately shielded to avoid interference.
Observe the safety notes in the operating manual of your system.
Incorrect replacement of the lithium battery may l ead to a risk of explosion. It is therefore essential to observe t he i nstructions in the "Add-on modules / Upgrading" - "Replacing lithium battery" section.
Components can become very hot during operation. Ensure you do not touch components when making extensions to the mainboard. There is a danger of burns!
The shipped version of this board complies with the requirements of the EEC directiv e 89/336/EEC "Electromagnetic compatibility".
Compliance was tested in a t ypical PC configuration. When installing the board, refer to the specif ic installation information in the manual for
the receiving device.
The warranty is invalidated if the system is damaged during the installation or replacement of expansions. Information on which expans i ons you can use is available
from your sales outlet or the customer servic e centre.

Information about boards

To prevent damage to the mainboard, the c omponents and conductors on it, please take great care when you insert or remove boards. Take great care to ensure that extension boards are slotted in straight, without damagi ng components or conductors on the m ai nboard, or any other components, for example EMI spring c ontacts.
Remove the plug from the mains outlet so that system and mainboard are totally disconnected from the mains voltage.
Be careful with the locking mechanisms (cat ches, centring pins etc .) when you replace the mainboard or components on it, f or example memory modules or processors.
Never use sharp objects (s crewdrivers) for leverage.
Boards with electrost at i c sensitive devices (ESD) are identifiable by the label shown. When you handle boards fitted with E SDs, you must, under all circumstances,
observe the following:
You must always di scharge static build up (e. g. by touching a grounded object)
before working.
The equipment and tools you us e m ust be free of static c harges.
Remove the power plug from the mai ns supply before inserting or rem oving
boards containing ESDs.
Always hold boards wit h ESDs by their edges.
Never touch pins or conductors on boards fitted wit h E SDs.
2 - English A26361-D1451-Z120-4-6319

List of features

Onboard features D1451-A
Chipset i845G Board size µ-ATX VGA ! Audio ! Buzzer / int. Speak er Support - / ! LAN / with Alert-on-LAN ! / ­HI-SPEED USB 2.0 ! SmartCard Reader Support (USB / seri al) ! / ­Temperature monitoring ­System Monitoring ­Fujitsu Siemens Computers Keyboard Power Button Support !
Internal ports
DIMM slots (DDR 333, 266, 200 SDRAM) 2 AGP Slot (2/4x, 32 bit, 66 MHz, 1.5 V) ­PCI slot (32 bit, 33 MHz , 5 V and 3.3 V) 3 CNR Slot (Type A, AC‘97 only) ­IDE Interface (Ultra DM A /100) 2 Floppy Interface (up to 2.88 MB ) 1 S/PDIF* (digital audio) 1 CD / AUX audio input 1 / ­Front panel Audio (headphone, microphone) 1 Wake On LAN ­USB Ports* (2.0, ~480 Mb/ s) 2 Serial Ports* (FIFO, 16550 c om pat i bl e) 1 Fan Connectors PSU** / FAN1 / FAN2 / FAN3 - / 1 / 1 / ­SMBus Connector* (Case Temperature) ­Intrusion Connector* (Case Open) ­Power Connectors ATX / A T X 12V / AGP PRO 1 / 1 / -
List of features
A26361-D1451-Z120-4-6319 English - 3
List of features
External ports
VGA 1 Audio Mic. in / Line in / Li ne out (2 x 0,5 W / 8 Ω) 1 / 1 / 1 Game/MIDI ­LAN (RJ-45) 1 PS/2 mouse/keyboard 1 / 1 USB Ports (2.0, ~480 Mb/ s) 2 Serial Ports (FIFO, 16550 com patible) 1 Parallel Port (EPP/ECP) 1
* for use with internal devices or optional Front or Rear panel ** not supported by standard power supplies

Special technical features – special features

Your mainboard is available in dif ferent configuration levels. Depending on the configuration, your mainboards is equipped with or support s the features described in t he following.
DeskView / DeskViewOEM
The network-capable manageability software DeskView/DeskViewOEM* mainly consists of three m odul es:
DeskInfo shows the m ost important device dat a of the PCs in a network (local
and/or on an administrator PC).
DeskAlert monitors the operability of all major components and triggers alarms if
necessary depending on the mainboard v ari ant.
DeskFlash carries out a BIOS update under Windows.
Recovery BIOS
If an error occurs during a BIOS update (e.g. due to a power failure), the system BIOS will be destroyed. All Fujitsu Siemens Computers mainboards are equipped with a recovery BIOS. Wit h i t a destroyed BIOS can easil y be restored. Exact ins tructions are provided in the chapter "BIOS Recovery - Recovering Sy stem BIOS".
Instantly Available PC ensures fast availability of the PC from an energy-saving mode.
Within just a few sec onds the PC is in exactly the same state it was in when it was switched off without time-consuming booting. Depending on the operating system, the PC can be switched into an energy-saving mode with applications open by pressing the ON/OFF switch.
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