© Fujitsu Siemens Computers 2008
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AMILO Desktop L Series AMILO Desktop P Series
First-time setup
SAP: 10600985333 FSP: 440000393
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AMILO Desktop L Series AMILO Desktop P Series
Initial startup
Microsoft, MS
Windows and Windows Vista are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. Adobe Reader is MultiMediaCard Sony and Memory All other tradem
respective own
ers, whose protected rights are acknowledged.
Copyright © Fuji All rights r eserv
ed, including rights of translation, reproduction by printing, copying
or similar method Non-compliance i All rights reserv
ed, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design.
Subject to ava ila
a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
is a registered trademark of Inneon Technologies AG
Stick are registered trademarks of Sony Electronics, Inc.
arks referenced are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
tsu Siemens Computers GmbH 2008
s, either in part or in whole.
s subject to compensation for damages.
bility and tech nical modications.
Innovativetechnology ................................................................. 1
Furtherinformation ...................................................................... 1
Operatinginstructionsforthe "AMILODesktop" ........................................ 1
Notational conventions .................................................................. 2
Importantinformation .................................................................. 3
Connectionsand Controls ............................................................. 4
Connections . . .......................................................................... 4
Displays and controls ................................................................... 6
Getting started ......................................................................... 7
Unpacking and checking the equipment supplied . . ........................................ 7
Steps for initial startup ................................................................... 7
Setting upthedevice .................................................................... 8
Connecting external devices . . ........................................................... 9
Connecting the cables . . . . ........................................................... 9
Disconnecting the cables . ........................................................... 9
Connecting the monitor . . . ........................................................... 9
Mouse and keyboard . . . . . ........................................................... 9
Connecting external devices to the USB ports . ........................................ 10
Connecting the machine to the mains . . ................................................... 10
Switchingonfortherst time: installing the software ....................................... 11
Switch on themonitor and the machine ............................................... 11
Installationofthe software ........................................................... 12
Operation .............................................................................. 13
Switch thedevice on .................................................................... 13
Switching off the device ................................................................. 13
Displays on the machine ................................................................. 14
Memory card reader . . . .................................................................. 15
Inserting thememory card ........................................................... 16
Taking outthe memory card .......................................................... 16
Technical data ......................................................................... 17
AMILO Desktop L/AMILODesktop P .................................................... 17
10600985333, edition 1 English
English 10600985333, edition 1
Innovative technology
Innovative technology
... and ergonomic design ma ke your AMILO Desktop a user-friendly and reliable Desktop PC. Your machine is equ ipped with a Microsoft Windows operating system. This is already pre-installed
and optimally congured for you. The machine is ready to start immediately when you rst switch it on. Your machine is equipped with the latest technology so t hat you can fully
exploit your computer experience.
power-saving Intel CPU
Casing in th e ne w black/white design from Fujitsu Siemens Computers With the user-friendly "BIOS Setup Utility" you can control the hardware of your machine and better
protect your system against unauthorised acce ss, using the powerful password facilities. These operating instructions show you amongst other things how to start
up and operate your machine.
Further information
General information on your machine can be found in the "AMILO Desktop" operating instructions.
Software-related parts of these instructions refer to Microsoft products, where these are included in the scope of supply of your ma chine.
When installing other software products, refer to the operating instructions issued by the manufacturer.
Operating instructions for the "AMILO Desktop"
The operating instructions for the "AMILO Desktop" can be found in the Windows Start menu under All Programs - Fujitsu Siemens Comp uters or on the Internet under "".
10600985333, edition 1 English - 1
Innovative technology
Notational conventions
Pay particular attention to text marked with this symbol. Failure to observe this warning will endanger your life, will damage the device or lead to loss of data. The warranty will be invalidated if you cause defects in the device through failure to take notice o f this warning
indicates important information that is required to use the device properly.
This style
This style
This style
"This style"
This style
indicates an activity that must be performed in the order shown indicates a result
ags data entered using the keyboard in a program dialog or command line, e.g. your password (Name123) or a command to launch a program (start.exe)
refers to information displayed by a program on the screen, e.g.:
Installation is completed
is for
terms and texts in a software user interface, e.g.: Click Save.
names of programs or les, e.g. Windows or setup.exe. is for
cross-re ferences to another section, e.g. "Safety information"
cross-references to an external source, e.g. a web address: For more information, go to ""
indicates names of CDs and DVDs as well as names and titles of other materials, e.g.: "CD/DVD Drivers & Utilities" or "Safety" manual
refers to a key on the keyboa rd, e.g.:
ags concepts and text that are emphasised or highlighted, e.g.: Do not switch off device
2 - English 10600985333, edition 1
Important information
Comply with the safety information in the "Safety" m a nual and in the operating instructions "AMILO Desktop".
Important information
10600985333, edition 1 English - 3
Connections and Controls
Connections and Controls
This chapter describes the individual hardware components of your machine. It gives you an overview of the displays and connections of the machine . Familiarise yourself with these elements before you start to use the machine.
Your conguration may vary from the illustration below.
Description Figure Symbol
PC power supply
Mains connection
4 - English 10600985333, edition 1
Connections and Controls
Description Figure Symbol
Sound (external sound sources, e.g. active loudspeaker, microphone)
Sound onboard When an additional sound card is
installed, there is no sound function on the motherboard, and “Sound onboard“ is not available.
3.5 mm jack sockets
Line In
Line Out
Digital sound connection, see also motherboard manual.
Connection for USB devices (e.g. keyboard, mouse IR sender/receiver module, scanner, printer)
USB 2.0 Important information on USB 2 .0:
In order to guarantee a reliable data transfer rate, we recommend that you use a USB connection cable no longer than 3 m.
Connection for FireWire or IEEE-1394-compatible devices (e.g. video recorder, digital camera)
Network or DSL modem
Cinch connection (Coax)
USB socket
FireWire socket
RJ-45 socket
or USB
or LAN
Video input and out put connection (optional)
(see documentation for the VGA card)
4-pin or multi-pin socket
10600985333, edition 1 English - 5
Connections and Controls
Description Figure Symbol
Connection for digital video signal (monitor)
Digital Audio-Video Interface
Displays and controls
Description Symbol Meaning
Main switch
On/off switch Switch for booting up the system.
Switch for switching on and off. The machine can no longer be started from the network (Wake on LAN).
On/off switch lights up white: The system is switched on.
On/off switch ashes yellow: The hard disk is being acce ssed.
On/off switch ashes white: The system is in power-saving mode.
6 - English 10600985333, edition 1
Getting started
Getting started
Unpacking and checking the equipment supplied
Keep the original packaging of the equipment in case you need to return it.
Remove all the equipment from the packaging.After removal from the packaging, check the equipment for evidence of damage in transport.Check that that the equipment matches the delivery note.
Steps for initial startup
Only a few steps are required to start up your machine for the rst time:
Select the position for your machine and place it there
Connect the external devices
Check the rated voltage and connect the machine to the mains
• Switchonthemachine You c a n nd more details on the individual steps in the following sections.
Please observe the safety information in the "Important information", Page 3 chapter.
If you nd damage in transport or a mismatch with the delivery note, inform your sales ofce without delay!
External devices
If you wish to attach other external devices (such as a printer) to your machine, complete the initial installation of your machine before connecting them. The steps for connecting these external devices are described in the following sections.
Drives and modules
If you wish to t other drives or modules to your machine, complete the initial installation of your machine before ttingthem.Thestepsfortting drives and modules are described in the "AMILO Desktop" manual in the chapter"System expansion" .
10600985333, edition 1 English - 7
Getting started
Setting up the device
When installing your device, please read the recommendations and safety notes in the "Safety" manual.
Do not place the machine in any position other than the one intended (upright on its feet). We recommend that you place your device on a surface with good anti-slip qualities.
In view of the multitude of different nishes and varnishes used on furniture, it is possible that the rubber feet will mark the surface they stand on.
Do not stack severa l devices on top of each other. Do not start the machine in any position other than upright on its feet. Depending on the location of your machine, it may emit annoying vibration or noises.
To avoid this, allow a minimum clearance of 3 mm from other equipment or objects at the sides of the casing where there are no ventilation grilles.
Make sure that the device is adequately ventilated. In order to avoid overheating, do not cover the ventilation area of the monitor or the device.
Do not expose the device to extreme ambient conditions (see "AMILO Desktop L / AMILO Desktop P", Page 17, "Ambient conditions"). Protect the device against dust, humidity and heat.
8 - English 10600985333, edition 1
Getting started
Connecting external devices
Read the documentation on the external device before connecting it. With the exception of U SB devices, always remove all power plugs
before connecting external devices! Do not connect or discon nect cables during a thunderstorm. Always take hold of the actual plug. Never unplug a cable by pulling the c able itself. Connect and disconnect the cables in the order described below.
Connecting the cables
Turn off all power and equipment switches.
Remove all power plugs from the grounded ma ins outlets.Connect all the cables to the device and the external devices. Please make sure that you
always observe the safety notes provided in "Important information", Page 3 .
Plug all data communication cables into the appropriate sockets.Plug all power cables into the grounded ma ins outlets.
Disconnecting the cables
Switch off all affected devices.
Remove all power plugs from the grounded ma ins outlets.Unplug all data communication cables from the appropriate sockets.Disconnect all of the cables from the device and from the external devices.
Connecting the monitor
Follow the instructions contained in the mo nitor manual to prepare the m on itor
for operation (e.g. connecting cables).
Plug the data cable into the monitor port of the device.
Depending on the expansion stage of your machine and your monitor, you can also connect the data cable to the DVI interface.
Plug the monitor power cable into the grounded mains outlet.
Mouse and keyboard
Your machine is supplied with a mouse and a keyboard. A description of these devices can be found in the operating instructions for the "AMILO Deskt op".
10600985333, edition 1 English - 9
Getting started
Connecting the mouse and keyboard
Connect the mouse and keyboard each to a USB port, see "Connecting
external devices to the USB ports", Page 10.
Connecting external devices to the USB ports
USBdevices,USBport,Externald evices,Devices,
You can connect a wide range of external devices to the USB ports (e.g. printer, scanner, modem or keyboard).
USB devices are hot-pluggable. This means you can connect and disconnect USB cables while your device is switched on.
Additional information can be found in the documenta tion for the USB devices.
Connect the data cable to the external device.Connect the data cable to one of the USB ports on your device.
Device drivers
The external USB devices you connect to the USB ports usually require no driver of their own, as the required software is already included in the operating system. However, if the external USB device requires its own software, please install it from the data carrier provided with the USB device.
To ensure USB 2.0, the length of the cable used between the front USB port of your device and the external USB device must not exceed 3 m.
Connecting the machine to the mains
Connect the mains cable to the machine (1).Plug the mains plug into a three-pin socke t (2).
10 - English 10600985333, edition 1
Getting started
Switchingonfortherst time: installing the software
If the device is integrated into a ne twork, the user and server details as well as the network protocol are required during the software installation.
Whenyouswitchonthedevicefortherst time, the supplied software is installed an d congured. Plan a reasonable amount of time for this, as this process must not be interrupted.
Once the installation h as been started the device must not be switched off, unless the installation has been completed.
During installation, the device m ay only be rebooted when you are reque sted to do so! The installation will otherw ise not be carried out correctly and the contents
of the hard disk must be completely restored.
Switch on the monitor and the machine
Switch on the monitor (see operating instructions for the monitor).
Switch the main switch at the back of the machine to position "I" (1).Press the on/off button on the front of the machine.
The operational display will light up and the machine will start.
10600985333, edition 1 English - 11
Getting started
Installation of the software
During installation, follow the instructions on the screen.
If anything is unclear regarding the data you are asked to input, rea d the
online Help in y our operating system.
Further information on the system, its drivers, utilities and updates can be found in the manual for reinstalling installed software and on the Internet under "http:/ /".
12 - English 10600985333, edition 1
Switch the device on
If necessary, switch the monitor on (see the operating manual for the monitor).
Press the ON/OFF switch on the front of the device.
Switching off the device
Shut down the operating system properly.
If the operating system does not autom atically switch the device into power-saving mode
or switch it off, press the ON/OFF switch for at least 4 seconds. The device then consumes a m inimum amount of energy.
The ON/O FF switch does not fully d isco nnect the TV from the mains voltage. To completely disconnect the mains voltage, remove the power plug from the power socket.
If necessary, switch the m on itor off (see the op erating manual for the monitor).
10600985333, edition 1 English - 13
Displays on the machine
The displays appear on the front of the casing.
1 = Memory card reader status display 2 = Operational display
Memory card reader status display
The display lights up continuously: A memory card has been inserted.
The display ashes: The memory card is being accessed.
The display remains unlit: There is no memory card in the reader.
Operational display
Do not disconnect the machine from the mains whilst in power-saving mode, otherwise data may be lost.
The display lights up white: The machine is switched on.
The display ashes white: The machine is in power-saving mode. After switching on at the on/off switch the machine switches on or reverts to the status it was in before power-saving mode was initiated.
The display ashes yellow: The hard disk is being accessed.
The display remains unlit: The machine is not connected to the mains or is not ready for operation. If the machine is ready for operation, it can be switched on at the on/off switch.
14 - English 10600985333, edition 1
Memory card reader
A memory card reader is incorporated in the front o f your machine.
1 = Memory card reader status display
Card types that can be read without an adapt er:
CompactF lash Card (types I and II) (CF)
CompactF lash Ultra DMA
IBM Microdrive (MD)
SecureDigital Card (SD)
Secu reDigital Card HC (SD HC)
MultiMedia Card (MMC)
Memory Stick (MS)
M emory Stick Pro
xD Picture Card (xD)
xD Picture Card M type
xD Picture Card H type
Card types that can be read with an adapter:
M emory Stick Duo
Memory Stick Pro Duo
Memory Stick Micro
Reduced-Size MultiMedia Card (RS-MMC)
MultiMedia Card micro (MMC micro)
MultiMedia Card mobile (MMC mobile)
Mini-SecureDigital Card (Mini SD)
Micro SecureDigital Card (Micro SD)
When handling memory cards, comply with the manufacturer’s instructions. Your dealer can supply you with an adapter for your memory card.
10600985333, edition 1 English - 15
Inserting the memory card
Taking out the memory card
Always wait until the status display stops ashing before removing the card.
Carefully insert the memory card into
theslot. Thesidewithwritingonit must face upw ards. Do not force the card in, otherwise the delicate contact surfaces can be damaged.
The memory card reader status display
lights up continuously.
Take the memory card out of the slot.
16 - English 10600985333, edition 1
Technical data
Technical data
AMILO Desktop L / AMILO Desktop P
Electrical data
Safety standards complied with: CE, product safety LVD 2006/95/EC,
Protective rating: I Supply voltage range Rated frequency
Basic set-up: 9.6 kg
Ambient conditions
Operation 15 °C .... 35 °C
Transport Make sure no condensation is present d uring operation!
IEC60950-1, EN60950-1, EMC: 2004/108/EC, EN55022, class B, EN55024, EN61000-3-2/3, RTTE 1 999/5/EC, environmental standards: RoHS F SC-03230
220 V -240 V 50 Hz - 60 Hz
373 mm x 175 mm x 398 mm
–25 °C .... 60 °C
The data sheet for this machine contains further technical data. The data sheet can be found on the Internet un der "".
10600985333, edition 1 English - 17
Technical data
18 - English 10600985333, edition 1
AMILO Desktop L Series AMILO D esktop P Series
Първо пускане в експлоатация
Microsoft, MS
Windows and Windows Vista are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. Adobe Reader is MultiMediaCard Sony and Memory All other tradem
respective own
ers, whose protected rights are acknowledged.
Copyright © Fuji All rights r eserv
ed, including rights of translation, reproduction by printing, copying
or similar method Non-compliance i All r ights reserv
ed, including rights crea ted by p atent grant or registration of a utility model or design.
Subject to ava ila
a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
is a registered trademark of Inneon Technologies AG
Stick are registered trademarks of Sony Electronics, Inc.
arks referenced are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
tsu Siemens Computers GmbH 2008
s, either in part or in whole.
s subject to compensation for damages.
bility and tech nical modications.
Новаторска технология ............................................................... 1
Допълнителна информация ............................................................ 1
Упътване за експлоатация "AMILO Desktop" ......................................... 1
Символи ............................................................................... 2
Важни указания ....................................................................... 3
Връзкииелементизаобслужване ................................................... 4
Изводи ................................................................................ 4
Индикации и елементи за обслужване .................................................. 6
Пускане в експлоатация .............................................................. 7
Разопаковане и проверка на съдържанието на доставката .............................. 7
Стъпки за първи пуск в експлоатация ................................................... 7
Позициониране на уреда ............................................................... 8
Свързване към външни устройства ..................................................... 8
Свързваненакабели ............................................................... 8
Разкачване на кабели .............................................................. 9
Свързваненамонитора ............................................................ 9
Мишка и клавиатура ................................................................ 9
СвързваненавъншниустройствакъмUSB-изводи .................................. 9
Свързване на уреда към електрическата мрежа ......................................... 10
Първо включване: инсталира се софтуерът ............................................. 10
Включване на монитора и уреда .................................................... 11
Инсталиране на софтуера .......................................................... 11
Работаскомпютъра .................................................................. 12
Включваненауреда ................................................................... 12
Изключване на уреда .................................................................. 12
Индикации на уреда ................................................................... 13
Устройство за четене на карти с памет ................................................. 14
Поставяне на картата с памет ...................................................... 15
Изважданенакартатаспамет ...................................................... 15
Технически данни ..................................................................... 16
AMILO Desktop L/AMILODesktop P .................................................... 16
10600985333, Издание 1 Български
Български 10600985333, Издание 1
Новаторска технология
Новаторска технология
... и ергономичният дизайн правят Вашия AMILO Desktop лесен за обслужване и надежден настолен персонален компютър.
Компютърът е снабден с оперативна система Microsoft Windows. Тя е напълно инсталирана и конфигурирана оптимално за Вас. Уредът може да се стартира незабавно, когато го включите за първи път.
Вашият уред е оборудван с най-модерна технология, за да можете да използвате максимално компютърните си умения на практика.
енергоспестяващ Intel CPU
корпус в новия черно-бял дизайн на Fujitsu Siemens Computers
С лесната за обслужване помощна програма "BIOS-Setup-Utility" можете да управлявате хардуера на Вашия компютър и да запазите системата си по-добре от неразрешен достъп, като използвате мощните характеристики за паролата.
Това упътване за експлоатация, наред с останалото, ще Ви покаже как да включите и работите с уреда си.
Допълнителна информация
Обща информация за Вашия уред ще намерите в упътването "AMILO Desktop". Частитенатоваупътване, свързани със софтуера, касаят продукти на Microsoft,
акотесавключенивобеманадоставканаВашияуред. При инсталиране на други софтуерни продукти спазвайте
Упътване за експлоатация "AMILO Desktop"
Упътването за експлоатация "AM ILO Desktop" ще намерите в стартовото меню на Windows при Всички програми - Fujitsu Siemens Computers или в интернет на адрес "".
10600985333, Издание 1 Български -1
Новаторска технология
обозначава указания, чието неспазване застрашава Вашето здраве, експлоатационната годност на Вашия уред или сигурността на Вашата информация. Гаранцията отпада, ако поради неспазването на тези указания възникнат дефекти в уреда.
обозначава важна информация за правилно боравене с уреда
Този шрифт
Този шрифт
Този шрифт
"Този шрифт"
Този шрифт
обозначава работната стъпка, коятоследвадаизпълните. обозначава резултат
обозначава действия, които предприемате с клавиатурата в диалог с програма или в ред команди, например Вашата парола (име123) или команда, за да бъде стартирана определена програма (start.exe)
обозначава информация, коятосеизобразяваотопределенапрограма на монитора, например: Инсталацията е завършена!
понятия и текстове в една софтуерна плоскост, например: Кликнете върху Запаметяване.
Имена на програми или информация, например Windows или setup.exe.
Преки препратки към друг раздел, например "Указания за безопасност"
Преки препратки към външен източник, например уеб-адрес: Повече прочетете на ""
Имена на CD, DVD, както и обозначения и заглавия на други материали, като: "CD/DVD Drivers & Utilities" или наръчник "Безопасност"
обозначава бутон на клавиатурата, например: обозначава понятия и текст, на които се акцентира и които се изтъкват,
като: Да не се изключва уреда
2-Български 10600985333, Издание 1
Важни указания
Спазвайте указанията за безопасност в наръчника "Безопасност" ив упътването за експлоатация "AMILO Desktop".
Важни указания
10600985333, Издание 1 Български -3
+ 96 hidden pages