Fujitsu WL0006 User Manual

FCC ID: EJE-WL0006 (IC: 337J-WL0006) Report No. M040222_Cert_Mace_Atheros_2.4
EMC Technologies Report Number: M040222_Cert_Mace_Atheros_2.4
EMC Technologies Pty Ltd – 57 Assembly Drive, Tullamarine VIC 3043 Australia
Wireless LAN* User’s Guide
* Optional device
W ireless LAN U ser’s Guide
Please note the following regulatory information related to the opt ional wireless LAN module.
Regulatory Notes and Statements Wireless LAN, Health and Authorization for use
R adio frequency electromagnetic energy is emitted from Wire­les s LAN de vic es. The e nerg y le v els of the s e emissions, howe v er, are far much less than the electromagnetic energy emissions from wireless devices such as mobile phones. Wi reless LAN devices are safe for use by consumers because they operate within the guidelines found in radio frequ ency safety standards and recommendations. The use of Wireless LAN devices may be restricte d in some situations or environments, such as:
On board an airplane, or
In an explo sive environment, or
In situations where the interference risk to other devices or service s is perceived or identified as harmful.
In cases in which the policy regarding use of Wireless LAN devices in specific environments is not clear (e.g., airports, hospitals, chemical/oil/gas industrial plan t s, private buildings), ob t ain auth orization to use these devices prior to operating the equipment.
Regulatory Information/Disclaimers
Installation and use of this Wirele ss LAN dev ice must be in strict accordance with the instructions included in the user documentation provided with the product. Any changes or modifications made to this device tha t are not expressly approved by the manufacturer may void the user’s authority to operat e the equipm e n t. The manufa c t ure r is not re s p o ns ib le fo r any radio or television interference caused by unauthorized modification of this device, or the substitution or attachment of co nnecting ca bles a nd equip ment other than those specified by the manufacturer. It is the responsibility of the user to correct any interferenc e caused by suc h unauth orized mo difica­tion, substitution or attachment. The manufacturer and its authorized resellers or distributors will assume no liability for any dam age or violation of gove rnment regulations arising from failure to comply with these guidelines.
This device must not be co-locate d or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
For Atheros Wir eless LAN: For operation within 5.15~5.25GHz frequency range, it is restricted to indoor environment, and the antenna of this device must be integral.
Federal Communications Commission statement
This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This
device may not cause interference, and, (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of this device.
FCC Interference Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limi ts for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installa­tion. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordanc e with the instruct ions, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, ther e is no guarantee that interfer­ence will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television receptio n, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and o n, the user is en couraged to try and correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
2. Increase the distance between the equipment and the receiver.
3. Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from the one the receiver is connected to.
4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC Radio Frequency Exposure statement
This Wireless LAN radio device has been evaluated under FCC Bulletin OET 65C and found compliant with the requirements as set forth in CFR 47 Sections 2.1091, 2.1093, and 15.247 (b) (4) addressing RF Exposure from radio frequency devices. The radiated output power of this Wireless LAN device is far below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits.
The maximum SAR values measured from the devices are:
Intel PROSet Wireless LAN: 0.262 W/kg
Atheros Wireless LAN: 1.03 W/kg
Export restrictions
This product or software contains encryption code which may not be exported or transferred from the US or Canada without an appro ved US De partment of Commerce e xport lice n s e. This device complie s with Part 15 of FCC Rules., as well as ICES 003 B / NMB 003 B. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference re ceived, including interference that may cause un desirable operation. Modifications not expressly authorized by Fujitsu PC Corpora­tion ma y invalidate the user's right to operate this equipment.
Canadian Notice
To prevent rad io interfe rence to th e licensed service, this device is intended to be operated indoors and away from windows to provide maximum shielding. Equipme nt (or its transmit antenna) that is installed outdoors is subject to licensing.
Before Using the Wireless LAN
The Integrat ed Wireles s LAN is an optional device
available for Fujitsu mobile computers. This manual describes the basic operating prodecures fo r the Wireless LAN (referred to as the "wireless mod ule" in this manual) and how to set up a wireless LAN network. Before using this wireless module, rea d this manual carefully to ensure correct operat ion of the device. Keep this manual in a safe place for reference while using the wireless module.
Types of Wireless LANs Covered by this Document This do cument is applicable to systems containing one
of the following two wireless modules. Most of the proc edures a re identical. Sect ions that differ betwe en the two devices have been noted in the text:
Intel PROSet Wireless LAN
Atheros Wireless LAN
If your system is a T3010 model, your wireless mod ule
is the Intel PROSet wireless LAN; if your system is a T3010D model, your wireless module is the Atheros wireless LAN.
Characteristics o f t he Wireless Module This wireless module is a mini-PCI card att ached to a
mini-PCI slot inside the computer. The main charac teristics are as follows:
It operates in the 2.4 GHz Industrial, Scientific, a nd Medical (ISM) RF band; add itionally, the Atheros wireless LAN operates in the 5 G Hz RF band.
It does not require an FCC license to operate.
It uses Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS), an RF modulation scheme that is resistant to noise.
This wireless module is Wi-Fi compliant. The Intel PROSet mo d ule ca n c o m municate at a maximum data rate of 11 M bps; the Atheros module can communi­cate at the maximum data rate of 54 Mbps.
The maximum c ommunication range is approxi­mately 80 feet (25 meters) i nside a building. Please note that the range you achieve may be shorter or longer than 80 feet, depending on factors such as obstructions, walls, columns, construction material, and reflective objects.
The wireless mod ules support a numb er of industry­standard security mechanisms, including WEP, TKIP, and 802.1x/EAP (LEAP, TLS, PEAP, MD5).
Wi reless LAN Modes Using this Wireless Module Ad Hoc Mode (See Figure A-1)
“Ad Hoc Mode” refers to a type of wire less network that invo lves conn ecting multiple computers with out the use of an Access Point. Network connectivity between compu ters can be established using only wireless LAN cards in a peer-to-peer fashion.
Ad Hoc networks are an easy and inexpensive method for establishing network connectivity between multiple comput ers.
In Ad Hoc mode, you can use M icrosoft Network func­tions, such as File and Print Sharing to share folders, printers, or other peripheral devices, and exchange files with other computers.
To use Ad Hoc Mode, you must set the sa me SSID and the same encryption key for all the compu ters that a re connected. Communication between computers in an Ad Hoc network will occur provided they are within each other’s RF coverage area.
Figure A-1. Ad Hoc Mode Network
Figure A-2. Access Point (Infrastructure) Mode Network
ADSL modem, cable modem, or similar
Wireless LAN
Wireless LAN User’s Guide
Access Point*
Wired LAN
* An optional hub for a wired LAN may be required depending upon the type of access point used.
Access Point (Infrastructure) Mode (See Figure A-2)
If a number of computers are connected simultaneously in the Ad Hoc mode, the transfer rate may be reduced, communications may become unstable, or the network connection could fail. This is because all wireless LAN cards are using the same radio frequency in the network.
To improve this situation, you can use a wireless LAN access point, which is sold separately. The wireless LAN network is in the “Access Point mode” when it uses an access point, and such a connection is called the “Access Point Network” or “Infrastructure Network”.
By using an access point, you can set and use a different communication channel for each network group. Each channel is given a different radio frequency, and it eliminates the collision of communications and provides a more stable communications environment.
How to Handle This Wireless Module
The Integrated Wireless LAN device is already installed in your mobile computer. Under normal circumstances, it should not be necessary for you to remove or re-install it. The wireless LAN has been configured to support the operating system with which your system shipped.
This personal computer may not operate properly due to the operating environment. It is highly recommended that you observe the following precautions when using your wireless LAN module:
For optimum wireless communications, it recom­mended that operation of the wireless LAN module occur within 25 meters of the Access Point. Wireless range is dependent on a multitude of factors including number of obstructions, walls, type of construction material, reflective objects, etc.
If the computer is unable to communicate properly, change the channel to be used or the installation loca­tion. During the use of a microwave oven or other equipment generating strong high-frequency energy, in particular, the personal computer may be highly sus­ceptible to the energy and unable to communicate properly.
Broadcast stations or wireless communication equip­ment that operate in the 2.4GHz or 5GHz RF Fre­quency band may interfere with the operation of the wireless LAN module. Increasing of transmit power or relocating Access Points may be necessary to combat the effects of the interference.
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