Fujitsu WB0110 User Manual

Operating Manual
" "
Have a qu
©201 F
Operating Manual
Declarations of conformity 7 Fujitsu Contact Information 8 Notational conventions 9 Ports and controls 10 Important notes 13 First-time setup of your device 18 WorkingwiththeTabletPC 22 Accessories for your Tablet PC
(optional) 45 Security functions 61 Connecting external devices 67 Settings in BIOS Setup Utility 72 Troubleshooting and tips 75 Technical data 82 Manufacturer’s notes 87 FCC and IC Regulatory Information 90 Canadian Notice / Avis pour le Canada 94 Appendix 95 Index 108
Copyright and Trademark Information
Fujitsu America, Incorporated has made every e ffort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this document; however, as ongoing development efforts are continually improving the capabilities of our products, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the contents of this document. We disclaim liability for errors, omissions, or future changes.
Fujitsu, the Fujitsu logo and STYLISTIC are registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
Intel and Intel Core are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
HDMI and HDMI H igh-De¿nition Multimedia Interface and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing, LLC in the United States and/or other countries.
Google is a trademark or registered trademark of Google Incorporated. Bluetooth is a trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc., USA. USB Type-C is a trademark or registered trademark of the USB Implementers
Forum in the USA and other countries. USB Type-C is a trademark or registered trademark of the USB Implementers
Forum in Canada and other countries. Adobe, Acrobat, and Adobe Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe
Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks speci¿ed here are the property of their respective owners.
Declarationsof conformity ............................................................. 7
Fujitsu Contact Informatio
Notationalconventions ................................................................ 9
Ports andcontrols ..................................................................... 10
Importantnotes ........................................................................ 13
Safetyinstructions ...................................................................... 13
Additional safety notes for devices with wireless component s . . ............................. 14
Protectingthedisplay screen ............................................................ 14
Energysaving .......................................................................... 14
Energy saving u nder Windows ....................................................... 14
Travelingwith your TabletPC ............................................................ 15
Beforeyou travel ................................................................... 15
Transporting theTabletPC ........................................................... 16
Cleaning theTabletPC .................................................................. 17
Furtherinformationon cleaningtheTabletPC ......................................... 17
First-time setu
Unpacking and ch Choose a locatio Connecting th Switching on t
Installing Bo
Workingwith theTablet PC ............................................................ 22
Statusindicators ........................................................................ 23
SwitchingtheTablet PCon .............................................................. 24
Programming theON/OFFbutton ..................................................... 24
SwitchingtheTablet PCoff .............................................................. 25
Handwriting recognition .................................................................. 25
Touchscreen ............................................................................ 26
Selectdisplayorientation(portraitor landscape format) .................................... 27
Touch commands ....................................................................... 27
Calibrate the Dual Digitizer for ¿nger-based operation of the device. ..................... 27
Using thestylus ......................................................................... 28
Styluslocation ...................................................................... 29
Adjustingthestylus .................................................................. 29
Replacingthestylus tip .............................................................. 30
Calibrating the stylus ................................................................ 30
Securing thestylus .................................................................. 31
Tabletbuttons .......................................................................... 32
Webcam ............................................................................... 33
Rechargeablebattery ................................................................... 33
Charging andmaintainingthebattery ................................................. 34
Using thepower-savingfunctions ......................................................... 35
InsertSDmemoryandSIMcard ......................................................... 36
Insertcards ......................................................................... 37
Removecards ...................................................................... 40
Wireless LAN/Bluetooth/ LTE /4Gwireless components .................................. 43
pof your device .........................................................
eckingthe device ......................................................
n .......................................................................
eAC adapter ..............................................................
he device for the ¿rst time ..................................................
nus Apps ................................................................
n ............................................................
18 19 19 20 21
Fujitsu 3
Switchingthewireless components onand off ......................................... 43
Con¿guringWLANaccess ........................................................... 43
Furtherinformationon WLAN andBluetooth ........................................... 43
Accessvia 4G/LTE ................................................................. 43
Ethernet and LAN (optional, only with cradle, keyboard cover or adapter cable) . . . ........... 44
Accessories for your Tablet PC (optional) . ............................................. 45
Yourdockingcradle(optional) ............................................................ 46
Cradle components . . ................................................................ 46
Settingup the cradle ................................................................ 47
Connecting the Tablet PC to the cradle . . ............................................. 47
Disconnecting the Tablet PC from the cradle . ......................................... 49
Keyboard cover (opt ional) . . . ............................................................ 50
Componentsofthe keyboardcover ................................................... 50
Connecting the Tablet PC to the keyboard cover . . . . . .................................. 51
Separating the Tablet PC from the keyboard cover . . . .................................. 52
3DJHOHIWLQWHQWLRQDOO\EODQN................................................ 53
Protective TPU cover with shoulder strap (optional) . . . . . . .................................. 54
Components of the protective TPU cover . ............................................. 54
Safetynotes ........................................................................ 54
Insert the Tablet PC into the protective TPU cover with shoulder strap ................... 54
Remove the TabletPC from the protective TPUcover .................................. 57
Folio cover(optional) .................................................................... 59
Adapter cable (optional) . ................................................................ 60
Security functions ..................................................................... 61
Con¿guring the ¿ngerprint sensor (con¿guration dependent) . . .............................. 62
Using theSecurityLock(docking -cradle only) ............................................ 63
Con¿guring passwordprotection inBIOSSetup Utility ...................................... 63
Protecting BIOS Setup Utility (supervisor password and user password) . . ............... 63
Password protection for booting the operating system .................................. 65
Password protection for theharddisk ................................................. 66
Connectingexternaldevices ........................................................... 67
Connecting an external monitor . . ........................................................ 67
HDMIport(dockingcradleonly) ...................................................... 67
VGA monitorport(docking cradle only) ............................................... 68
ConnectingUSBdevices ................................................................ 69
USB port withcharging function(USBType-C) ......................................... 70
How toremoveUSB devicescorrectly ................................................ 70
Headphones/microphone/Line-In/Line-Out/headset-combi port .............................. 71
Settings in BIOS Setu p Utility . . ........................................................ 72
Starting theBIOS SetupUtility ........................................................... 72
BIOS Setup Utility operation . ............................................................ 73
ExitingBIOS SetupUtility ................................................................ 74
Exit Saving Ch anges - save changes and exit BIOS Setup Utility . . . . ................... 74
Exit Discarding Changes - Reject changes and exit BIOS Setup Utility ................... 74
LoadSetup Defaults–load default values ............................................. 74
Discard Changes - Discard Changes without exiting BIOS Setup Utility . . . ............... 74
Save Changes - save changes without exiting the BIOS Setup Utility . ................... 74
Save changes and power off ........................................................ 74
Troubleshooting andtips .............................................................. 75
4 Fujitsu
Executingareset ....................................................................... 76
Forcedshutdown .................................................................... 76
Execute a complete reset: Reset BIOS Setup t o the standard values . . . . . . .............. 76
Helpif problemsoccur ................................................................... 76
If you need to restore your system . ....................................................... 76
The Tablet PC’s date ortimeisincorrect .................................................. 76
Batterychargingindicatornotlit .......................................................... 77
The Tablet PC’s touchscreenremains dark ................................................ 77
The display on the Tablet PC’s touchscreen is dif¿cult to read. . ............................. 77
The externalmonitor remains blank ...................................................... 78
The externalmonitor isblank orthe imageis unstable ..................................... 78
The cursor does not correctly follow the stylus movements . . . . ............................. 78
Stylusinput notworking ................................................................. 79
The Tablet PC does not startafter switchon ............................................... 79
The Tablet PC stopsworking ............................................................. 79
The printerdoesnotprint ................................................................ 79
The wireless connection to a network does not work . . . .................................... 80
The batterydischargestooquickly ........................................................ 80
Error messageson thescreen ........................................................... 81
Technical data ......................................................................... 82
TabletPC .............................................................................. 82
Screenresolutions forintegrated screen andexternal screens .............................. 83
WLAN speci¿cations .................................................................... 84
Rechargeablebattery ................................................................... 85
AC adapter (36 W) for the Tablet PC only (without cradle) . . . . . ............................. 85
Dockingcradle(optional) ................................................................ 85
AC adapter 90 W for the docking cradle (optional) . .................................... 85
Keyboard cover(optional) ............................................................... 86
Folio cover (optional) . . .................................................................. 86
Adapter cables (optional) . . . . . ........................................................... 86
Manufacturer’s notes .................................................................. 87
Disposal andrecycling .................................................................. 87
Recyclingyourbattery ............................................................... 87
DOC (Industry CANADA) Notices ........................................................ 88
UL Notice ........................................................................... 88
ENERGY STARCompliance ............................................................. 89
FCC andIC RegulatoryInformation .................................................... 90
Regulatory Notes and Statement s . ....................................................... 90
Wireless LAN, Health andAuthorization foruse ........................................ 90
Regulatory Information/Disclaimers ................................................... 90
FederalCommunicationsCommissionandIndustryCanada statement: .................. 91
Déclaration d’Industrie Canada ....................................................... 91
FCC Interference Statement ......................................................... 91
FCC Radio Frequency Exposure statement ............................................ 92
Déclaration de la FCC/d’Industrie Canada sur l’exposition aux radiofréquences . .......... 92
Exportrestrictions ................................................................... 92
Restrictionsconcernant l’exportation .................................................. 93
Canadian Notice/Avispourle Canada ................................................. 94
Fujitsu 5
Canadian Notice . ....................................................................... 94
Avis pour le Canada . . . . . ................................................................ 94
Appendix .............................................................................. 95
Before Using the Optional Wireless LAN . ................................................. 95
Wireless LANDevices Covered bythisDocument ...................................... 95
Characteristicsof theWLAN Device .................................................. 95
Wireless LAN Modes Using this Device . . ............................................. 95
Deactivating/DisconnectingtheWLANDevice ......................................... 98
Con¿guringthe WirelessLAN ............................................................ 98
Connection to the network . . . ........................................................ 98
Troubleshooting theWLAN ........................................................... 98
Using theBluetoothDevice .............................................................. 100
4G Sierra Wireless AirPrime EM7455B Regulatory and Sa fety Information ............... 101
Image Backup and Recovery Procedures ................................................. 104
Windows 10 Procedures . ............................................................ 104
Creating arecoverydrive ............................................................ 104
Recovery options inWindows10 ..................................................... 104
Downloading driver updates . ............................................................ 107
Index .................................................................................. 108
6 Fujitsu
Declarations of conformity
according to FCC Part 15
Declarations of conform ity
Responsible Party Name: Address:
Telephone: Declares that product:
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operations are subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference. (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Model ref. of certification: MQ10A
Fujitsu America, Inc. 1250 E. Arques Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 (408)746-6000
Base Model Configuration: STYLISTIC Q50 Complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
1 = Declaration of conformity
Fujitsu 7
Fujitsu Contact Information
Fujitsu Contact Information
Service and Support
You can contact Fujitsu Service and Support in the f ollowing ways:
Toll free phone: 1-800-8Fujitsu (1-800-838-5487)
Website: "
Fujitsu Shopping Online
Please go to "
Maintaining Latest Conguration
To ensure that you always have the most current driver updates related to your system, you should occasionally access the Fujitsu Software Download Manager (FSDM) utility. The FSDM utility is available from the Fujitsu S upport site. FSDM will allow you to view a list of the most current drivers, utilities and applications to determine whether you have the latest versions. If you have a Windows operating system, you will need to go to the Support Site to download the FSDM Utility: "
Limited Warranty
Your STYLISTIC Tablet PC is backed by a Fujitsu International Limited Warranty. Check the Limited Warranty Terms and Conditions Booklet that came with your Tablet PC."
Before you place the call, have the following information ready so that the customer support representative can p rovide you with the fastest possible solution:
Product name
Product con¿guration number
Product serial number
Purchase date
Conditions under which the problem occurred
Any error messages that have occurred
Type of device connected, if any ".".
8 Fujitsu
Notational conventions
Pay particular attention to text marked with this symbol. Failure to observe this warning will endanger your life, will damage the device or lead to loss of data. The warranty will be invalidated if the device becomes defective through failure to observe these warnings.
Indicates important information which is required to use the device properly.
Notational conventions
This style
This style
This style
"This style" indicates
This styl
indicates an activity that must be performed indicates a result
indicates data entered using the keyboard in a program dialogue or at the command line, e.g. your password (Name123)oracommandusedto start a program (start.exe)
indicates information that is displayed on the screen by a program, e.g.:
Installation is complete.
terms and texts used in a software interface, e.g.: Click on Save.
names of program
cross-references to an external source, e.g. a web address: For m ore information, go to "
names of CDs e.g.: "CD/D
indicates indicate
switch of
sor¿les, e.g. Windows or setup.exe.
nces to another section, e.g. "Safety information""
, DVDs and titles or designations of other materials,
VD Drivers & Utilities"
a key on the keyboard, e.g:
s terms and text that are emphasized or highlighted, e.g.: Do not
f the dev ice
Fujitsu 9
Ports and controls
Ports and controls
This chapter presents the individual hardware components of your device. It gives an overview of the indicators and connections of the device. Please familiarize yourself with these items before you start to work with the device.
1=Speaker 2=Power-onindicator 3=Touchscreen 4= $PELHQWOLJKWVHQVRU 5= )URQWZHEFDP 6= :HEFDPVWDWXV/('EOXH
7 = Battery charging indicator 8 = Mechanical
9 = Docking port 10 = Center ali
cover or cr
attachment for the keyboard
gnment point
10 Fujitsu
Left side
Ports and controls
1 = Tether eyelet 2 = Combined headphones and microphone
port (audio combo jack)
3 = Combined SIM card slot and microSD
slot (protected by cover)
4 = USB 3.0 port (protected by cover)
Right side
6 7
5 = USB 3.1 port Gen 1 port with charging
function (USB Type C; protected
by the cover) 6 = Battery charging indicator 7 = DC input connector (DC IN, protected
by cover)  = )RUFHGVKXWGRZQEXWWRQ
Fujitsu 11
Ports and controls
Screw holes for securing accessories are device-dependent.
1=Webcam )ODVK 2=Rearwebcam 3=Webcam VWDWXV/(' 4=Fingerprintsensor(dependingon
5 = Tether eye
6 = Stylus garage 7 = ON/OFF button 8=Volumeup/do 9 = Shortcut button 10 = Dual microp
wn button
12 Fujitsu
Important notes
Importantnote sNotes
Safety instructions
This chapter co ntains essential safety information which must be followed when working with your Tablet PC. The other notes provide useful information about your Tablet PC.
Please observe the following safety information. Please pay special attention to the sections in the manual marked
with the symbol on the left. When connecting and disconnecting cables, observe the relevant
notes in this operating manual. Read the informa tion on the ambient co nditions in the "
chapter and the "First-time setup of your device", Page 18 chapter before preparing your Tablet PC for use and switching it on for the ¿rst time.
When cleaning the device, please observe the relevant notes in the section "
When handling this device, you will come into contact with lead, a chemical which in California is held to be a possible cause of birth defects and other damage to fertility.
Wash your hands after using the device. Do not place the device on uneven or unstable surfaces. Do not place any objects on the device. Do not apply any pressure to the device. Do not use the corners of the disp lay to move it. Turn the display carefully. In d oing so, do not use excessive force. Lift and carry the device by holding it at the bottom and not just at the display. Prevent harsh impacts, vibrations and shaking of the device and the display. On devices with touchscreen: Use very little pressure to carefully
tap and write on the display. Keep the ventilation slots free. Switch off the device before you put it inside a bag or backpack. In emergencies (e.g. damage to the device or power cable, entry of liquids
or foreign objects), immediately switch off the device and disconnect the AC plug. Short circuit, smoke and/or ¿re may occur as a result. Please contact your sales outlet or our Hotline/Service Desk.
Cleaning the Tablet PC", Page 17.
Important notes
Technical data", Page 82
ablet PC complies with the relevant safety regulations for data processing equipment. If
This T
ave questions as to w hether you can set up the Tablet PC in the intended environment,
you h
se contact your sales outlet or our hotline/service desk.
Fujitsu 13
Important notes
Additional safety notes for devices with wireless components
If a radio component (Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, 4G) is integrated in your Tablet PC, you must be sure to observe the following safety precautions concerning your Tablet PC:
Switch off the wireless components when you are in an aircraft or driving in a car.
Switch off the wireless components when you are in a hospital, an operating room or near a medical electronics system. The transmitted radio waves can impair the operation of medical devices.
Switch off the wireless components, when you let the device get near Àammable gases or into hazardous environments (e.g. gas station, paint stores), as the transmitted radio waves can cause an explosion or a ¿re.
For further information on how to switch the wireless components on and off, refer to section "
Switching the wireless components on and off", Page 43.
Protecting the display screen
Do not pour liquid any items on top o
During normal u can become embe warranty does
If the Tablet P or if the Tabl the LCD scree the device wi
Energy sav
If you w ill not be using your Tablet PC, switch it off. Switch off any connected external devices when they are not in use. If you use the energy saving functions, the Tablet PC uses less power. If you do this, you will be able to work longe r with the Tablet PC before having to recharge the battery.
The energy ef¿ciency is increased and environmental pollution is reduced. You save money and help protect the environment.
s onto the device or wash it with a heavily soaked cloth. Do not place
f the display in order to prevent it from being damaged.
se of the device, small particles from the environment
dded in the stylus tip and scratch the screen. The
not cover a scratched screen.
C is connected to the optional keyboard cover and is in Clamshell mode
et PC is connected to the optional cradle, never lift or carry the device by
n. Excessive stress can damage the LCD screen. Always lift or carry
th both hands on the base of the keyboard or cradle base.
Energy saving under Windows
Ź Make use of the available energy-saving functions as described in chapter
Using the power-saving functions", Page 35.
14 Fujitsu
Traveling with your Tablet PC
MobileoperationNotesTransportationTa bletPC
Please follow the instructions below when traveling with your Tablet PC.
Before you travel
Backup any important data that is saved on your hard disk.
Tablet PCTravel,TabletPC
Switch off the radio comp
connection, it is also po
onent for data se curity reasons. With data traf¿c via a wireless
ssible for unauthorized third parties to receive data.
Important notes
Information on activat for your radio componen
ing da ta encryption is provided in the documentation
Ź If you want to use your Tablet PC during a Àight, ask the Àight attendants to see if it is safe to use it.
When traveling in other countries
Ź If you are traveling abroad, check that the AC adapter can be operated with the
local AC voltage. If this is not the case, obtain the appropriate AC adapter for your Tablet PC. Do not use any other converter!
Ź Check whether the local AC voltage and the AC cable a re compatible. If this is not
the case, buy an AC cable that suits the local conditions.
Ź Enquire with the appropriate government of¿ce of the country you will be travelling in as to
whether you may operate the radio component integrated in your Tablet PC there.
Ź Take the necessary travel adapters with you when traveling abroad. Check in the following
table for which travel adapters you will need, or ask your trave l organizer.
Power connection Travel destination
United States, Canada, Mexico, parts of Latin America, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Taiwan
Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), much of Europe, parts of Latin America, the Middle East, parts of Africa, Hong Kong, India, much of south-east Asia
United Kingdom, Ireland, Malaya, Singapore, parts of Africa
China, Australia, New Zealand
Fujitsu 15
Important notes
Transporting the Tablet PC
Protect the Tablet PC from severe shocks and extreme temperatures (e.g. direct sunlight in a car).
Do not transport your Tablet PC while it is turned on.
Carry your Tablet PC with you while traveling. Do not check it in as baggage.
Never put your Tablet PC through a metal detector. Have it hand-inspected by security personnel. You can however put your Tablet PC through a properly tuned X-ray machine. To avoid problems, place it close to the entrance of the machine and remove it as soon as possible or have it hand-inspected by security personnel. Security of¿cials may require you to turn your Tablet PC on. So make su re you have a charged battery on hand for this.
Ź Switch the Tablet PC off Ź Unplug the AC plug of the AC adapter and all external devices from the power outlets. Ź Disconnect the AC ad Ź To protect ag ainst d amaging jolts and bumps, use a suitable Tab let PC
carrying case to transport your Tablet PC.
apter cable and the data cables for all external devices.
16 Fujitsu
Important notes
Cleaning the Tablet PC
Do not clean any interior parts yourself; leave this job to a service technician.
Only use detergents designed for computers. Normal household cleaners and polishes can damage the labels on the keyboard and the Tablet PC, the paintwork or the Tablet PC itself.
Never use ammonia, acidic, or alkaline cleaners or organic chemicals such as paint thinner, acetone or kerosene as these may damage surface
nishes and the coating of the LCD screen.
Use of incorrect cleaners can result in optical impairment of the LCD display screen and / or damage to the tablet PC. Always refer to the cleaner manufacturer’s guidelines and material safety data sheets for proper handling and use of the products.
Never use compressed air for cleaning your computer.
Make sure that no liquid can enter the ports or slots because this can cause damage to the Tablet PC.
Further information on cleaning the Tablet PC
The touchscreen is very sensitive to scratches! Only clean the display surface with a v ery soft, slightly damp cloth.
Ź Switch the Tablet PC off.
CleaningInstructionsTablet PCKeyboardTouchpadTouchscreen
Ź To prevent the device from being switched on unintentionally, remove the AC
plug of the AC adapter from the power outlet.
Ź The surfaces may be cleaned with a dry cloth. If particularly dirty, use a cloth which has
been moistened in mild domestic detergent and then carefully wrung out.
If the Tablet PC is exposed to water or other liquids when its connection-ports are open, liquid can penetrate the Tablet PC and cause a malfunction. Do not continue to use the Tablet PC. Switch it off and contact our hotline / our service desk (see enclosed list of service desks or visit our website at: "
Fujitsu 17").
First-time setup of your device
First-time setup of your devic
The battery must be charged if you want to operate your device using the battery. When used on the move, the built-in battery provides the device with the necessary power. You
can increase the operating time by using the available energy-saving functions. For instructions on how to connect external devices (e.g. mouse, printer) to your Tablet
PC, please refer to the operating manual for your device.
Unpacking and c
Please read the chapter "Important notes", Page 13. If your device is equipped with a Windows operating system, the necessary
hardware drivers and supplied software are alread y pre-installed. Beforeswitchingitonforthe¿rst time, connect the device to th e AC voltage using
the AC adapter, see " remain connected during the whole of the installation process.
A system test is performed when your device is ¿rst switched on. Various messages can appear. The display may remain dark for a short time or may Àicker.
Please follow the instructions on the screen. NEVER switch off your device during the ¿rst-time setup process.
Connecting the AC adapter", Page 19. The AC adapter must
hecking the device
If you ¿nd that damage has occurred during transport, please notify your local sales outlet immediately!
Ź Unpack all the individual parts.
Ź Check your d
18 Fujitsu
evice for any visible damage which may have occurred during transportation.
You m ay nee you need t
d to reuse the packaging in the future, for example if
o ship your device.
Choose a suitable location for the device before setting it up. In doing so, p lease follow these instructions:
Never place the device or the AC adapter on a heat-sensitive surface. The surface could be damaged as a result.
Never place the device on a soft surface (e.g. carpeting, upholstered furniture, bed). This can result in damage caused by overheating.
The back of the device heats up during normal operation. Prolonged contact with skin can become unpleasant or even result in burns.
Place the device on a stable, Àat, non-slippery surface. Please note that the rubber feet of the device may mark certain types of delicate surfaces.
Keep other objects at least 100 mm / 3.94 inches away from the device and its AC adapter to ensure adequate ventilation.
Do not expose the device to extreme environmental conditions. Protect the device against dust, humidity and heat.
Connecting the AC adapter
Please follow the The supplied AC c
you purchased yo useinthecount
safety notes in section "
able conforms to the requirements of the country in which
ur device. Make sure that the AC cable is approved for
ry in which you intend to use it.
First-time setup of your device
Important notes", Page 13.
Ź Connect the AC cable (1) to the AC adapter. Ź Plug the AC cable (2) into a power outlet. Ź Connect the AC adapter cable (3) to the
DC jack (DC IN) of the device.
Fujitsu 19
First-time setup of your device
Switching on the device for the rst time
To make it easier to use your device for the¿rst time, the operating system is pre-installed on the hard disk.
Ź Press the ON/O F F button (2) for about one second to switch the device on.
The power-on indicator (1) illuminates when the device is switched on.
Ź During the installation process, follow the on-screen instructions.
You ca n ¿nd information and help on the Windows operating system func tions on the Internet at "
20 Fujitsu".
First-time setup of your device
Installing Bonus Apps
Fujitsu Bonus Apps
In the
Double-click on the Double-click on the shortcut In the dialog box Select the applications you wish to install by selecting the checkbox adjacent to your selection.
Ź Click Select All if you would like to install all available applicat ions. Applications that are already installed appear in grey, those that are
available for installation appear in blue.
Ź To c o n ¿rm your selection, click Install.
Note that in some cases (depending upon which application was selected for installation) after installation completes, the system will prompt you to reboot.
There are also cases in which if multiple applications are selected to install but one of them needs a reboot, the system will reboot and continue installing the rest of the selected applications.
utility can be accessed via the
menu, click on
Fujitsu Extras
Fujitsu BonusApps
User Account Control
by clicking
con¿rm you wish to enter
Fujitsu Bonus Apps
Fujitsu 21
Working with the Tablet PC
Working with the Tablet PC
This chapter describes the basics for operating your Tablet PC. You can¿nd instructions on how to connect external devices (e.g. mouse,Àash storage) to the Tablet PC in the chapter "
Connecting external devices", Page 67.
Please refer to the notes in the chapter "Important notes", Page 13.
22 Fujitsu
Working with the Tablet PC
No. Status indicato
1 Power-on indi
The indicator switched on or
The indicator is not lit up: The Tablet PC is switched off.
2, 3
WebCam indicators, front and back side
Indicator lights up blue: The corresponding WebCam is switched on while the Tablet PC is switched on.
The indicator is not lit up: The corresponding WebCam is switched off.
Pleasenote:IftheACadapterisconnectedwhenthe stateofchargeofthebatteryismorethan9%,charging willnotbestarted.Whenthestateofchargeofthebattery islessthan9%,thebatterywillbechargedto100 soonastheACadapterisconnected.
The indicator is lit orange: The battery is being charged.
Indicator is not lit: The battery is not being charged (the battery is already fully charged or the AC adapter is not connected).
lights up white: The Tablet PC is
in sleep mode.
Fujitsu 23
Working with the Tablet PC
Switching the Tablet PC on
Ź Press the ON /OF F button (2) for about one second to switch the device on. For further
information, see section " The power-on indicator illuminates (1) when the device is switched on.
Switching on the device for the ¿rst time", Page 20
Programming the ON/OFF button
You can p
Operating system Menu
Windows 10
24 Fujitsu
rogram the ON /OF F button:
Windows 10 Start - Control Panel - (Browse Control Panel - ) Power Options - Choose what the power buttons do
have assigned a password, you must enter this when requested to
If you
, in order to start the operating system. Detailed information can be
do so
d in the chapter "
Security functions", Page 61.
Working with the Tablet PC
Switching the Tablet PC off
Back up your data and close all applications before you switch off your device. Otherwise data might be lost.
Shut down the operating system correctly.
If the Tablet PC does not switch itself off automatically, press the ON/OFF
button for approx. 5 seconds.
Ź The reset button (force
device, beneath the US achieve the same effec
d shutdown) is located on the left-hand side of the
B port (USB Type C). Press the small reset button to
t as removing the battery.
Handwriting recognition
For detailed information on handwriting recognition, see the documentation for your operating system. At present, handwriting recognition on Windows supports the following languages: English, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese (traditional and simpli¿ed), Dutch,
Portuguese, Spanish, Brazilian, Norwegian (Bokmål and Nynorsk), Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Polish, Rumanian, Serbian (Cyrillic and Latin script), Catalan, Russian, Czech and Croatian.
On Windows you can set the required language under Control Panel – Time, Language and Region – Language.
Fujitsu 25
Working with the Tablet PC
Touchsc reenNotes
High-quality LCD screens (TFT) are installed in Fujitsu Tablet PCs. For technical reasons, these screens are manufactured for a speci¿c resolution. An optimal, clear picture can only be ensured in the resolution intended for the particular monitor. A screen resolution which differs from the speci¿cation can result in a blurred picture.
The screen resolution of your Tablet PC’s touchscreen is optimally set at the factory. As per the current state of production technology, an absolutely error-free screen display cannot be
guaranteed. There may be a few consistently brigh t or dark pixels (image elements).
Background lighting
LCD screens are operated with background lighting. The luminosity of the background lighting can decrease over the period of use of the Tablet PC. However, you can set the brightness of your screen yourself.
If the Tablet PC is connected to the optional keyboard cover and is in Clamshell mode or if the Tablet PC is connected to the optional crad le, never lift or carry the device by the LCD screen. Excessive stress can damage the LCD screen. Always lift or carry the device with both hands on the base of the keyboard or base.
Information on the screen resolution can be found in the section "Screen resolutions
for integrated screen and external screens", Page 83.
Ambient light sensor
If your Tablet PC was shipped with the Windows operating system, the screen brightness is regulated by means of the ambient light sensor and depending on the respective light conditions. This results in optimum readability and longer battery life at the same time.
If your Tablet PC was shipped with Windows 10, the ad aptive brightness setting is activated. To change the ambient light sensor settings, select Control Panel - System and Security - Power Options - Change plan settings - Change advanced power settings - Display - Enable adaptive brightness..
Synchronizing the display on the touchscreen and an external mo n i tor
In Windows 10 you can proceed as follows to set the output type:
Ź Wipe your ¿nger over the screen starting from the right-hand edge. Ź Select All settings. Ź Look for the keyword "project". Ź Select the required function.
26 Fujitsu
Working with the Tablet PC
Select display orientation (portrait or landscape format)
You can choose to use either portrait or landscape for the display, or whether the screen orientation should automatically adjust to the orientation of the tablet PC.
You can change these settings under
- Windows Mobility Center / Rotate screen
In the settings there are pro¿les saved fo r operation with different screen orientations. These pro¿les have preset standard c on ¿gurations that can be modi¿ed as desired.
These settings do not just affect the monitor settings on the Tablet PC, but also on external monitors that are connected.
Control Panel - Hardware a nd Sound
Touch commands
You can execute certain commands by using your ¿nger tip on the touchscreen of your device.
Alternatively, everything which you can select or activate using your ¿nger tip can also be selected or activated using the stylus.
Calibrate the Dual Digitizer for nger-based operation of t
Before the ¿rst ¿nger-based operation, you must calibrate your Tablet PC via the operating system, so that it recognizes your ¿ngertips as accurately as possible.
As soon as you notice that the accuracy is deteriorating, you must recalibrate the device. Please note: There are separate calibration programs available for calibrating
the stylus and for calibrating ¿nger-based operation. Do not use the calibration tool for the stylus to calibrate ¿nger-based operation.
he device.
Operating system Menu
Windows 10
Fujitsu 27
To calibrate, run the Hardware and Sound / Tablet PC Settings function in the Control Panel. You need to calibrate both portrait and landscape format s.
Working with the Tablet PC
Using the stylus
You can use the stylus on your Tablet PC as an electronic writing tool, to select menu items and to navigate through the programs. Programs that support handwriting recognition also allow you to write directly on the screen with the stylus. You can also use the stylus as a drawing tool.
The Tablet P C is supplied with a stylus tether which you can attach to the eyelets on the stylus and on the Tablet PC.
Use only the stylus that was provided with your Tablet PC. Do not use any other pointed object as a substitute, that was not specially designed for your Tablet PC . Replace the stylus tip if it is wo rn. The warranty does not cover a scratched screen.
While writing, take care that yo u do not scratch the surface of the display (e.g. with a wristwatch or bracelet).
1 = stylus tip 2 = stylus button (right mouse button) 3 = eyelet for stylus tether
The stylus of th if used imprope
Our recommend
Do not gestur
e Tablet PC is an electronic instrument that can be damaged rly. Handle the stylus with care.
ations for proper handling of the stylus are as follows:
e with the stylus.
Do not use the stylus as a pointer.
Do not use th
e stylus on surfaces other than the screen of the Tablet PC.
Do not try to turn the grip of the stylus. The grip is used to put the stylus into its garage o r to take it out of its garage.
Never stor pen conta adverse e this cas To avoid
e the stylus with its weight on the tip (e.g. with the tip pointing down in a iner). If the stylus is stored with the tip pointing down, this may have an ffect on the stylus mechanism (particularly under high te mperat ures). In
e the stylus tip may react as though it is constantly being pressed down.
damage, the stylus should be stored in the garage when not in use.
ThestyluscanbeinÀuenced by electromagnetic ¿elds (cursor quivers or jumps). There may be a few areas on the screen where the cursor quivers slightly in spite of pressing the stylus down ¿rmly.
The screen responds to entries made with the tip of the ¿nger or the stylus when the tip of the ¿nger or the stylus directly touches the screen.
You can use the stylus to perform almost all functions for which you would otherwise use a mouse.
28 Fujitsu
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