Fujitsu SERVIS - 2 FS-102ATL(NC14003-T256/L, SERVIS-2 FS-102ATL, FS-102ATL, NC14003-T256/L User Manual

Server Intelligent Switch
For PC/AT, Mac(USB)
User’s Manual
Table of Contents
CHECKING THE CONTENTS OF THE PACKAGE.........................................................4
COMPONENT NAMES AND THEI R FUNCTIONS ..........................................................5
INSTALLING THE USB BRIDGE SOFTWARE ...............................................................6
CONNECTING THE PCS .............................................................................................13
FS-102ATL APPLICATION EXAMPLES ...................................................................... 16
HOW TO SELECT THE HOST PC................................................................................17
KEY LAYOUT DIAGRAM .............................................................................................18
ABO UT T HE SPECIAL AC ADAPTER.........................................................................19
DIP SWITCHES............................................................................................................19
OPTIONS .....................................................................................................................20
TROUBLESHOOTING .................................................................................................20
1) This product and document are the copyright of Fujitsu Component Ltd. Any unauthorized reprinting, copying, republishing, or modifications to this product or document is prohibited by law.
2) The details of this product and document are subject to revision without notice.
3) We are not responsible for any effects this product may have on other products regardless of the above statement.
4) If this product falls under any categories of restricted cargo and/or technology based on the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law, a permit based on this law must be issued in order to ship it. Therefore, an application for exportation issued by the Japanese government is required for export out of the country.
5) This product was not designed for purposes requiring high standards of reliability such as medical equipment for life-support, marine transponders, or equipment for aerospace and controlling nuclear power. If the sw itch device is used wit h any of the above equipment, facilities, or control systems, we are not responsible for injuries, fires, or other social damage that may be caused in the event of device failure.
6) Do not repair or modify this product; this product should be handled by our maintenance crew. Violation of this may lead to unpredicted problems.
7) This product uses metallic and plastic components. Follow the any regulations in force in your community when disposing of this product.
8) All company names and product names referred to in this document are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Thank you for buying the FS-102ATL (from here on, simply referred to as "the switch device"). Two consoles (monitor, keyboard or mouse) that up till now have been connected to individual hosts can be shared as a console pair by connecting two hosts to the switch device. The host can be easily selected by the Select Switch or from the keyboard. Safety instructions are provided to ensure the safe use of the switch device.
Also, be sure to thoroughly read this User's Manual before you start using the switch device to ensure correct use.
Be sure to keep this User's Manual in a safe place for future reference.
Safety Instructions
Read the “Safety Instructions” before use to ensure proper use of this product. Safety Instructions contained in this section are written for the user to avoid any damage to property or injury to self; please read the following carefully.
The switch device is compatible with PC-AT and Macintosh (USB) hosts. {Macintosh (ADB) connection is no t possible.}
Note, however, that each of the hosts must be equipped with the following keyboard/mouse and monitor connectors. Other models that have connectors other than these connectors cannot be used.
PC/AT compatible : Mini DIN 6P female (for PS/2 keyboard and PS/2 mouse) x 2,
or USB 4P female.
DB15HD female (monitor)
Mac : USB 4P female
DB15 female or DB15HD female (monitor)
The USB Bridge function is not supported for Macintosh or Linux hosts.
Use the special cable for connecting the switch device to the host.
The maximum cable length is 3 m. Operation using cables longer than 3 m is not guaranteed.
The mouse connector for the switch device is exclusively for PS/2 connection (Mini DIN 6P female). Serial mouse connection is not possible.
Operation of the switch device under special specifications (including special driver) using a programmable/wireless keyboard is not guaranteed.
The switch device may not function properly depending on the type of mouse. When using a mouse with a scroll function such as a wheel mouse, the scroll function may not function properly depending on the mouse driver software.
The keyboard connector for the switch device is the PS/2 (Mini DIN 6P female). However, AT type (DIN 5P male) keyboards can also be connected if the PS/2 [-] AT conversion connector is used.
The keyboard and mouse connectors are the same shape. Check the orientation of these connectors before connecting them. If they are forced in or connected incorrectly, the switch device may not only function improperly but also may malfunction.
Check the orientation of the monitor connector before firmly fastening with fixing screws. If the monitor connector is not connected firmly, the switch device may not only function improperly but also may malfunction.
Connect the keyboard/mouse/USB/monitor on each port and the host to the same port number. The host cannot be properly selected if the monitor and keyboard or mouse port settings are set incorrectly.
Before connecting and disconnecting connectors, make sure that the hosts are OFF. Also, pay sufficient attention to static electricity. Discharge static electricity before connecting and disconnecting connectors. Connecting or disconnecting connectors with the hosts charged with static electricity or the power still ON may cause the hosts to malfunction.
Since the switch device feeds off the power (DC+5V) via the host's keyboard/mouse port, make sure that they are connected properly. Be sure to leave at least one host ON for each device. The switch device cannot be operated unless power is properly supplied.
When connecting the switch device to a USB port, be sure to use the special AC adapter. The USB port will not operate unless this special AC adapter is connected, as the USB port is self-powered.
The internal voltage sometimes drops and prevents the switch device from operating depending on how it is used and its operating environment. If this happens, the LOW POWER LED on the front panel lights up. Connect the special AC adapter (option).
Use the special AC adapter. Using an incompatible AC adapter will not only effect the operation of the switch device, but may also damage it.
Correctly set each of the hosts matched to the keyboard/mouse on the console. The switch device may not run properly if the settings are wrong.
Use a monitor that is connected on each of the host, and set the resolution correctly. The switch device supports resolutions of up to1600 x 1200 and a bandwidth of 200 MHz. This display may also shift after switching depending on the monitor used and the resolution setting. If this happens, reconfigure the monit or.
The switch device allows PC/AT and DOS/V compatible keyboards to emulate a USB-connected Macintosh keyboard, but the lack of a dedicated eject button for the optical drives (CD, DVD) of the new Power Mac G4 models (specifically the Quicksilver model available since July 2001), requires use of either of the following work-arounds. First boot the Mac in OS9, according to the instructions given in the manual. Next, decide if you wish to use the keyboard work-around (1), or the mouse work-around (2). (1) The keyboard work-around: from the Apple Menu select [Control Panel], then the [Keyboard] sub-menu. Click the function key (F1~F15) that you wish to set as the Eject key, and the corresponding keyboard item opens. Search for and select “Eject” to set the selected key as the Eject button. (2) The mouse work-around: from the Macintosh HD open the “Apple Extras” folder (in Applications), then the “Eject Extras” sub-folder, then follow the instructions given in ”About Eject Extras”.
Any attached speakers must be supported by the PCs involved, and have internal amplifiers. The switch device should never be connected between the internal amp speaker and the other speaker, at risk of damage. Refer to the PC connection instructions for further details.
Connect the switch device’s audio connector IN jack to the PC’s Line Out jack. Do not connect the switch device to the PC’s Speaker Out jack, at the risk of damage.
Checking the Contents of the Package
When unpacking the switch device, make sure that all of the following parts are provided in the package. If the package does not contain all of the parts, immediately contact your agent.
Keep the packing box (product box) in a safe place as it will be needed when sending the switch device in for repair.
Main unit :1
User' s M anual :1
AC adapter :1
AC code (for USA & for EC) :2
VGA Cable(1.8m) :2
Audio Cable (1.8m) :2
PS/2 Cable(1.8m) :2
USB Cable(1.8m) :2
Stand :1
USB Bridge Software (CD) :1
Two consoles (monitor, keyboard or mouse) that up till now have been connected to individual hosts
can be shared as a console pair by connecting two hosts to the switch device. This considerably saves installation space.
Use of the USB Bridge function allows a printer or storage device to be shared between two PCs,
and also allows free movement of files between the two PCs.
Up to two hosts can be connected to the switch device.
An AC adapter is not required as power is supplied from the keyboard/mouse port on the host.
(However, be sure to connect the special AC adapter when using the switch device on the USB port.)
The switch device has an independent microcomputer (MPU) to control all ports (keyboard, mouse
and each host port). For this reason, the states (key code mode, Num, Caps, Scroll state and mouse output mode) of the keyboard and mouse at each host is monitored by the MPU of each port to achieve stable switching at all times.
PS/2 keyboards and mice are supported.
2/3 button, various wheel mice (Microsoft IntelliMouse, IntelliMouse Explorer, Logitech MouseMan
Wheel, Cordless MouseMan Optical, etc.), IBM Scroll Point Mouse, Fujitsu FID677 (multi-scroll mouse) are supported as PS/2 mice.
A PS/2 keyboard and mouse can be used on the USB port. In this case, standard 3-button wheel
mouse functions are supported.
One USB HUB port is provided for each port. The corresponding HUB port is enabled when the
switch device is connected to the USB port. As the HUB port is connected (fixed) for each host, the host can be switched even if the USB device connected to the HUB port is operating. The HUB port is enabled at all times regardless of whether or not the host is selected, and cannot be switched.
VGA, SVGA, multi-sync resolution 1600 x 1200, and bandwidth 200 MHz are supported.
The host can be easily selected by the Select Switch or from the keyboard (Hot Key mode).
Component Names and The ir Functions
Front Panel
Rear Panel
1. PC Select Switch
Press this switch to select the host. PCs with POWER LEDs out can also be selected if power is being supplied to the switch device (one or more host is ON).
2. Select LED
Lights up when the host is selected.
Lights up when the host is ON.
The switch device monitors whether or not the power voltage is normal. Connect the special AC adapter when this LED lights.
5. Reset Switch
Normally, this switch is not used. Use this switch when selection is not possible or when keyboard or mouse cannot be operated. Gently push in by the tip of a pointed object such as a propelling lead pencil. Pressing this switch returns the switch device to its initial state, and hosts can be restored without being rebooted.
6. DIP Switches
These switches are used for selecting Hot Keys and setting the layout of the keyboard in use.
7. HUB Port Connector
This connector is for connecting USB devices.
8. Mouse Connector (console)
Attach the mouse here.
9. KB Connector (console)
Attach the keyboard here.
10. KB/Mouse Connector
Connect this to the keyboard or mouse (PS/2) port on the host with the special cable.
11. Monitor Connector
Connect this to the monitor port on the host with the special cable.
12. USB Connector
Connect this to the USB port on the host with the special cable.
13. Audio Connector IN1
Connect this to the PC’s Line Out jack. (Do not attach to the PC’s Speaker Out jack)
14. Audio Connector IN2
Connect this to the PC’s Line Out jack. (Do not attach to the PC’s Speaker Out jack)
15. Audio Connector Out
Connect this to the speaker.
16. Monitor Connector
Attach the monitor here.
DC5V Connector
Attach the special AC adapter here.
Installing the USB Bridge Software
Software Installation Procedure
Before attaching the switch device to the PCs, the following installation and setup steps must be
* The “Setup Program” referred to in this section is the “setup.exe” executable found on the supplied CD-ROM disk.
1. How the installation should proceed
The switch device may be used after following the steps outlined in (1)~(3), below.
(1) Run the Setup Program on the two PCs to which the switch device is to be attached. This installs
the required software (detailed in section 2. below).
(2) Set the required PC parameters (detailed in section 3. below).
(Refer to the manuals provided with the PC or OS for further details of the setup procedure)
For each of the connected PCs, check the network settings. The workgroup name in particular should be the same on both PCs. If required, setup file, folder and printer sharing.
(3) Once steps (1) and (2) have been completed, the PCs may be attached to the switch device.
2. Installing the software
Following the steps given below, run the Setup Program on all PCs to which the switch device is to be attached. This installs the required software. * The following procedure is given as an example. The exact details may vary slightly according to
the OS, etc.
(1) Without attaching the switch device to the PC’s USB port, turn the PC on, and wait for Windows
to start up.
(2) Insert the provided CD in the PC’s CD-ROM drive.
Double click on the “setup.exe” in the CD-ROM, or select [Start] -> [Run…] then specify “setup.exe” on the CD-ROM.
(3) The Setup Program’s Installation Wizard starts up.
(4) Click the [Next] button.
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