Quick Tips
It takes approximatel y 4 hours to
charge a fully disc harged single
battery with unit o ff or in
suspend mode.
Optimizing Batt ery Life
• Set power manageme nt setting
to Maximize Batter y Life.
• Adjust display brig htness levels
to lowest comfortab le setting.
• Remove PC Cards and Ex pressCards when not neede d.
• Utilize Suspend mod e when
not using your notebook .
• Read the Power Manage ment
section in your elec tronic User’s
Guide for addition al features.
Adjusting Displ ay Brightness
• Fn + F6 to decrease brightn ess
• Fn + F7 to increase bright ness
Adjusting Volume
• Fn + F8 to decrease volume
• Fn + F9 to increase volume
* Mono microphone ja ck or stereo
microphone/l ine in jack dependin g
on configuration.
* * Stereo headphone /Optical Digita l
Audio out jack or stere o headphone/Line O ut/Optical Digi tal
Audio out jack.
Caution: Your system is
configured with Trusted
Platform Module ( TPM)
Before you activate TPM, be s ure
you fully understa nd how it works
by following the direc tions included
on the TPM applicatio ns CD. If you
choose to enable TPM, yo ur TPM
password will be crit ical to the
operation of your com puter and
MUST be remembered.
Look for the latest drive rs on the
Drivers and Appl ications Restore
CD. Right-click the FDU ic on and
select “update”, or downloa d
them at us.fujitsu.com /computers.
This convenient guide will lead you through the start-up
process and will also offer some valuable tips.
1. Open the Display Panel
Ensure that your LifeBook is on a hard level surface an d that •
the air vents are not blocked.
Lift the display, being careful not to touch the screen. •
Adjust the display until it is a t a comfortable viewing ang le.•
2. Connect AC Power
Plug the AC adapter into your n otebook.•
Plug the power cord into the A C adapter.•
Connect the power cord t o an electrical outlet.•
3. Connect to Internet or Network
Connect either a phone cord to the modem jack or an Etherne t •
cable to the LAN jack on y our notebook and to a wall jack
or to an Ethernet router.
During the setup procedure, do not disconnect the power s upply, •
press any buttons, or use any p eripheral devices such as a mouse,
keyboard, or remote contr ol.
You should not attach any ex ternal devices and do not put a DV D/CD in
your drive until you have gone throu gh the initial power on sequence.
4. Booting the System
Press the Power/Su spend/Resume bu tton (above the keyboa rd) to turn •
on the notebook. When you d o this for the first time, it will displ ay a
Fujitsu logo on the screen. I f you do nothing the system will loa d
the operating system, and t hen the Windows Welcome will begin.
5. Register
For Genuine Micros oft® Windows® XP:
After the operating system has initialized, enter th e information as prompted •
to personalize your noteboo k and configure your modem to dial.
For Genuine Window s Vista™:
Accept the Microsoft•
Windows® Licensing Agreement and the
Fujitsu End User License A greement to proceed.
Select your User ID and Pa ssword during the “Welcome S creen.” •
Keep a record of your User ID an d password stored in a secure pl ace.
Do not attempt to turn p ower on or off during this stag e. •
6. Registering Your LifeBook notebook
Register your notebook with Fujitsu Service an d Support via our •
Web site at us.fujitsu.com /computers.
You will need to be set up with an Inter net Service Provider ( ISP) •
to register online.
7. Installing Click Me!
Check to be sure the WLAN switch is on.•
For Genuine Micros oft® Windows® XP: The first time you boot up your
system, you will see an icon called C lick Me! in the Start m enu.
For Genuine Windo ws Vista™: In addition t o an icon on the
desktop, a dialog box will autom atically open that prompts yo u
to run Click Me!. If yo u choose not run ClickMe ! at this time,
the ClickMe! icon will ap pear on your desktop.
When you click the Click Me! icon, your system will automati cally build •
the icon tray in the botto m right of the screen. These ic ons provide
links to utilities that you will fr equently access.
8. Install Additional Software
Close any open programs , applications or utilities In sert software •
application CD into media dri ve
Open the application folder, select the set-up icon, and load des ired •
software, as shown in t he table.
Restart your compute r. •
9. This is a Microsoft® Office Ready PC.
If you have purchased a Microsoft‚
Office license, here are the steps
to activate your full product.
NOTE: This option may not be availab le to all users. If you cannot lo cate
the Microsoft
Office—6 0-day trial deskt op icon, activate your
purchased license from your Windows
start button.
On your desktop, click the • Microsoft® Office—6 0-day trial deskt op icon.
NOTE: If you can’t find the Microsoft® Office—6 0-day trial icon on
your desktop, you can open the Ac tivation Assistant by clicking Start,
The Power indicator sym bol states whether
your system is operatio nal.
If you are charging your b attery, the Power
indicator will remai n on even if your notebook
is shut off. The Power ind icator will also
remain on if you have eith er adapter con-
nected and are shut dow n from Windows.
The AC Adapter indicator s hows whether
your notebook is opera ting from the AC
adapter, Auto/Airline ad apter or battery.
The two Battery Lev el indicators show
whether or not the prim ary Lithium ion
battery and/o r the optional second
Lithium ion batter y are installed (B attery 1
refers to the primar y Lithium ion batter y,
while Battery 2 ref ers to the Flexible Bay
optional second bat tery).
Located to the left of eac h Battery Level
indicator is a small ar row symbol. This
symbol shows whethe r that specific batter y
is charging. This ind icator will ash if the
battery is too hot or co ld to charge.
A shorted batter y is damaged and must
be replaced.
The WLAN power ind icator appears when
power is applied to the Wi reless LAN or
Bluetooth device.
The Optical Drive Ac cess indicator tells
you that the DVD/CD-R W/CD-ROM
drive is being acce ssed.
The Hard Drive Acce ss indicator
shows whether your inte rnal
hard drive is being ac cessed.
The NumLk indicato r states that the
integral keyboard is se t in ten-key
numeric keypad mode .
The CapsLock indic ator states that
your keyboard is set to typ e in
all capital lette rs.
The ScrLk indicato r states that your scroll
lock is active.
The Security Ind icator ashes (if a pas sword
was set) when the system r esumes from
Off or Standby mod es. You must enter
the password that was set i n the
Security Panel b efore your
system will resume op eration.
“Click Me!”
Controls, Connectors,
and Access Points
Initial Start Up
The Lithium ion bat tery is not charg ed upon purchase.
Initially you will n eed to connect eithe r the AC adapter
or the Auto/Airli ne adapter to use your noteb ook.
What’s in the Box
Check to see that all of the following items are in the box:
o LifeBook notebook o Optical drive (pre -installed)
o Lithium ion battery, pre -installed o Drivers and Applicat ions Restore DVD
o AC adapter with power cord o Microsoft
associated material
o Weight saver module o Recovery and Utilit y Disc
Depending upon your configuration, the following items may also be shipped with your notebook:
o DVD-ROM, DV D/CD-RW comb o, o DVD and/or CD-RW appli cation CD
Dual-Layer Multi-F ormat o Additional Lithium ion b attery
Power/Suspend/Resume Button
Status Indicator Panel
Touchpad Pointing Device
Display Panel
Display Panel Latch
Web Camera
Built-in Microphone
Built-in Microphone
Stereo Speaker
Air Vents
Flexible Bay
DC Power Jack
clicking Programs, pointing to Microsoft® Office, and then clickin g
Office—6 0-day desktop tr ial icon. When you are done,
complete the last three bulle ted steps.
In the Activation Wizard, click the • Activate or Buy Micr osoft® Office tab.
C l i ck • To activate a purchased lic ense, click here to launc h
Office and enter your pr oduct key to open the
wizard and enter your purchased lic ense full-product key.
In the wizard, enter your purchased license full-produc t key. •
NOTE: If a box appears on this scr een to type your 8-charac ter referral
key, please leave the box empty. The refer ral key is not required to
activate your purchased lic ense.
C l i ck • I accept the terms in t he License Agreeme nt,
and then click Continue.
C l i ck • I do not want to activat e my copy of the trial. Inst ead, I want
to convert to the full produc t now, and then click Next to activa te
your full-product version o f Microsoft
Office 2007.
10. User’s Guide
To take advantage of all the featur es of your new Fujitsu LifeBo ok •
notebook, it is highly reco mmended that you read your User’s
Guide. It contains impor tant detailed informati on about
your new computer.
Wall Jack
Memory Stick/SD Card Slot
Display Panel Latch Button
Optional Quick Point Cursor Control
LifeBook Security/Application Panel
Stereo Speaker
Anti-Theft Lock Slot Eject Button
ExpressCard Slot (top slot)
Smart Card Slot
Lithium ion Battery Bay
Air Vents
Wireless LAN/Bluetooth On/Off Switch
Flexible Bay Release LatchS-Video Out Port
Emergency Tray Release
Memory Upgrade
USB 2.0 Ports Air VentsAir Vents
Gigabit LAN (RJ-45) Jack
If you have a: You will need to ins tall
the following softwar e:
Dual-Layer Multi-Format CyberLink PowerProducer
DVD Writer
Wireless LAN /Bluetooth
On/Off Sw itch
Microphone Jack
Headphone Jack
USB 2.0 Port
Modem (RJ-11) Jack
External Video
Port (behind cover)
Battery Bay
Port Replicator Connector
Battery Bay Lock
Hard Disk Drive
Dust Filter
Telephone Jack
right side
LAN Jack
Resume Button
Common Indicators
Status Display Panel
The Status Display Pa nel is located above the keyb oard.
Following are some co mmon indicators.
AC Adapter
DC Power