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1. Product Overview1
1.1 Features and Benefits1
2. Installation3
2.1 s3-0801/1601 Switch Connectivity3
2.2 Installation Overview3
2.3 Rack Mounting a Switch5
2.4 Connecting the Switch Hardware6
2.5 Cascading Switches8
3. Local Port Operation9
3.1 Main Dialog Box Functions9
3.2 Setup Dialog Box Functions13
3.3 Commands Dialog Box Functions18
4. Web Interface Operations23
4.1 s3-0801/1601 Switch OBWI23
4.2 Viewing Ports and Servers23
4.3 The Explorer Window24
4.4 Managing Device Properties30
4.5 Installing a Web Certificate36
5. Flash Upgrades39
5.1 Recovering from a failed Flash upgrade39
6. UTP Cabling41
6.1 UTP copper cabling41
6.2 Wiring standards41
6.3 Cabling installation, maintenance and safety tips42
7. Technical Specifications45
8. Sun Advanced Key Emulation47
8.1 Special considerations for Japanese Sun USB and Korean Sun USB
keyboards (USB IQ modules only)48
9. Technical Support51
1.Product Overview
1.1Features and Benefits
Fujitsu s3-0801/1601 KVMswitches provide control of data center servers. The
switches provide users with a significant reduction of cable volume.
TheFujitsu s3-0801/1601 switch family has several options depending on the
•a rack mountable keyboard, video and mouse (KVM) switch, configurable for
analog (local) connectivity
•support for VGA, SVGA, SGA and SXGA video
•video resolutions up to 1600 x 1200
•cascading expansion; each switch supports up to 16 directly attached
servers and can conveniently scale to support more
Reduce cable bulk
With server densities continually increasing, cable bulk remains a major concern
for network administrators. The s3-0801/1601 switches significantly reduce KVM
cable volume in the rack by utilizing the innovative IQ module and single,
industry-standard Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cabling or the SMBAdapter
USB-VGAcabling option. This allows a higher server density while providing
greater airflow and cooling capacity.
The IQ and SMB Adapter modules are powered directly from the target device
and provide Keep Alive functionality when the switch is not turned on. The serial
IQ module is a DCE device that provides the primary interface between a serial
device and a s3-0801/1601 switch. It provides VT100 terminal emulation, break
suppression and port history in a compact, convenient module.
1. Product Overview
2.1s3-0801/1601 Switch Connectivity
The s3-0801/1601 switching system transmits keyboard, video and mouse (KVM)
information between an operator and target devices attached to the switch.
2.2Installation Overview
The general procedure for setting up and installing a switch is as follows:
•Unpack the switch and verify that all components are present and in good
•Make all hardware connections between the power source, switch and target
•Turn on the power and verify that all connections are working.
•Configure the switch’s IP address using the On-Screen Display (OSD) or Onboard Web Interface (OBWI).
Figure 2.1 illustrates a basic configuration for the s3-0801/1601 switch with
descriptions in the table following the figure.
2. Installation
Figure 2.1. Basic s3-1601 Switch Configuration
Table 2.1: Descriptions for Figure 2.1
1Analog User
2KVM Switch
3Power Cord
4Ports 1-16
Local USBConnections
Servers 1-16
IQ or SMBAdapter modules.
PS/2, USB, Sun and serialIQ.
2.3 Rack Mounting a Switch
Getting started
Before installing your switch, refer to the following lists to ensure you have all
items that shipped with the switch, as well as other items necessary for proper
Supplied with the switch
•Power cord
•Rack mounting brackets
•s3-0801/1601 Switch Quick Installation Guide
Additional items needed
•One IQ module per target server. SMBAdapter USB-VGA cables can also be
•One UTP patch cable per IQ module (4-pair UTP, up to 30 meters)
•UTP patch cable(s) for network connectivity (4-pair UTP, up to 30 meters)
Setting up your network
The s3-0801/1601 KVMswitching system uses IP addresses to uniquely identify
the switch and the target devices. The switch family supports both Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and static IP addressing. Fujitsu recommends that
IP addresses be reserved for each switch and that they remain static while the
switches are connected to the network.
2.3Rack Mounting a Switch
A rack mounting kit is supplied with each switch. You may either place the switch
on the rack shelf or mount the switch directly into an Electronic Industries Alliance
(EIA) standard rack.
Switches are rack mounted in a 1U configuration. The s3-0801/1601 switch
family does not support a 0U configuration.
Rack mounting safety considerations
•Rack Loading: Overloading or uneven loading of racks may result in shelf or
rack failure, causing damage to equipment and possible personal injury.
Stabilize racks in a permanent location before loading begins. Mount
components beginning at the bottom of the rack, then work to the top. Do not
exceed your rack load rating.
2. Installation
•Power Considerations: Connect only to the power source specified on the
unit. When multiple electrical components are installed in a rack, ensure that
the total component power ratings do not exceed circuit capabilities.
Overloaded power sources and extension cords present fire and shock
•Elevated Ambient Temperature: If installed in a closed rack assembly, the
operating temperature of the rack environment may be greater than room
ambient. Use care not to exceed the rated maximum ambient temperature of
the switch.
•Reduced Air Flow: Install the equipment in the rack so that the amount of
airflow required for safe operation of the equipment is not compromised.
•Reliable Earthing: Maintain reliable earthing of rack mounted equipment.
Pay particular attention to supply connections other than direct connections
to the branch circuit (for example, use of power strips).
To install the rack mounting bracket:
1.Remove the two rack mounting screws from each side of the switch.
2.Place the rack mounting brackets next to the switch.
3.Insert the screws supplied with the rack mounting kit through the holes of the
brackets and into the switch. Tighten the screws securely.
4.Install the switch into the rack using the method of the rack manufacturer.
2.4Connecting the Switch Hardware
To connect and turn on your switch:
CAUTION: You must turn off all servers that will be part of your switching system. Wait until step 6 to turn
on your switch.
1.Plug your monitor and either PS/2 or USB keyboard and mouse cables into
the appropriately labeled ports on the switch.
2.Plug a compatible IQ or SMBAdapter USB-VGA module into the appropriate
ports on the back of the target server.
3.Choose an available numbered port on the rear of the switch. Plug the SMB
Adapter cable or one end of a UTP patch cable (4-pair, up to 45 meters) into
the selected port and plug the other end into the RJ-45 connector of the IQ
module. Repeat this procedure for all servers that are to be connected to the
2.4 Connecting the Switch Hardware
When connecting a Sun IQ module, you must use a multi-syncmonitor in the localport
to accommodate Sun computers that support VGAor compositesync.
4.Locate the power cord that came with the switch and plug the appropriate
end into the power socket on the rear of the switch. Plug the other end into
an appropriate AC wall outlet.
To avoid potential video and/or keyboard problems: If the building has3-phase
AC power, ensure that the computer and monitor are on the same phase. For best
results, they shouldbe on the same circuit.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of electric shock or damage to your
- Do not disable the power cord grounding plug.The grounding plugis an important
safety feature.
- Plug the power cord into a grounded (earthed) outlet that is easilyaccessibleat all
- Disconnectthe power from the switchby unpluggingthe power cord from either the
electricaloutlet or
the appliance.
- The AC inlet isthe main power disconnect.
5.Turn on the switch and monitor, then turn on each target device. After about
one minute, the switch completes initialization and displays the graphical
user interface Free tag on the local port monitor.
6.You can configure the network settings through the OSD or the OBWI.
To configure network settings via the OSD:
1.Press Print Screen to activate the Main dialog box.
2.Click Setup - Network and enter the appropriate Network Speed,
Transmission Mode and Network Configuration settings for your network.
To configure network settings via the OBWI:
1.Point your web browser to the default IPaddress to
access the switch.
2.Log in to the OBWIand click the Configure tab.
IQ modules
Typically, IQ modules feature two green LEDs: a POWER LED and a STATUS
2. Installation
•The POWER LED indicates that the attached module is turned on.
•The STATUS LED indicates that a valid selection has been made to a switch.
2.5Cascading Switches
In a cascaded configuration, multiple Fujitsuswitches are connected to one
another via CAT5 cable and managed by a single primary switch. The s30801/1601 switch can serve as either the primary or secondary switch in a
cascaded configuration.
To cascade multiple switches if the secondary switch has an ACI port:
1.Using an appropriate length of CAT 5 cable, connect the ACI port on the
secondary switch to an available port on the primary switch.
2.Repeat step 1 for all additional cascaded switches.
To cascade multiple switches if the secondary switch does not have an ACI
1.Connect a KVM-IAmodule to the local peripheral ports on the secondary
2.Using an appropriate length of CAT 5 cable, connect the KVM-IAmodule
from step 1 to an available port on the primary switch.
3.Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all additional cascaded switches.
4.Turn on the primary switch.
5.Turn on the cascaded switch.
6.Repeat step 5 for all additional cascaded switches.
The system willautomatically“merge” the two switchestogether as one. All servers
connected to the cascaded switch willdisplayon the mainswitch server listin the
graphical interface.
3.Local Port Operation
Users can access attached devices via the OSD interface on their s3-0801/1601
3.1Main Dialog Box Functions
To access the OSD interface Main dialog box:
Press Print Screen to launch the OSD interface. The Main dialog box will appear.
If the OSDPassword has been enabled, you willbe prompted to enter a password
before you canlaunch the interface.
Figure 3.1. OSDInterface Main Dialog Box
Table 3.1: Main Dialog Box Functions
ClearClear alloffline IQ modules.
DisconnectDisconnect the KVM session.
3. Local Port Operation
CommandsAccess the Commands dialog box.
NameName of server.
EIDUnique Electronic ID in a module.
PortThe port to which a target deviceis connected.
Access the Setup dialog boxand configure the OSD
Viewing and selecting ports and servers
Use the Main dialog box to view, configure and control target devices in the
switching system. You may view the target devices by name, port or by the
unique Electronic ID (EID) embedded in each IQ module. You will see an OSDgenerated port list by default when you first launch the OSD.
The Port column indicates the port to which a target device is connected.
Selecting a target device
Use the Main dialog box to select a target device. When you select a target
device, the switch reconfigures the local keyboard and mouse to the settings for
the selected target device.
To select a target device:
Double-click the target device name, EID or port number.
If the display order of your list is by port (the Port button is depressed), type the
port number and press Enter.
If the display order of your list is by name or EID (the Name or EID button is
depressed), type the first few letters of the name of the target device or the EID
number to establish it as unique and press Enter.
To select the previous target device:
Press Print Screen and then Backspace. This key combination toggles you
between the previous and current connections.
3.1 Main Dialog Box Functions
To disconnect from a target device:
Press Print Screen and then Alt+0 (zero). This leaves the user in a free state, with
no target device selected. The status flag on your desktop displays Free.
Soft switching
Soft switching is the ability to switch target devices using a hotkey sequence. You
can soft switch to a target device by pressing Print Screen and then, depending
on the method you’ve selected, typing the first few characters of its name or
number. If you have set a Screen Delay Time for the OSD and you press the key
sequences before that time has elapsed, the OSD will not display.
To soft switch to a target device:
1.Press Print Screen and type the port number the first few letters of the name
of the target device to establish it as unique and press Enter.
2.To switch back to the previous target device, press Print Screen then
Viewing the status of your switching system
The status of target devices in your system is indicated in the far right columns of
the Main dialog box. The following table describes the status symbols.
Table 3.2: OSD Interface Status Symbols
(green circle) Server connected, turned on and the IQ module is online.
Connected target deviceisturned off or is not operating properly, and
the IQmodule isoffline.
Connected switchisonline.
Connected switchisoffline or not operating properly.
(yellow circle) The designated IQ module is being upgraded. When this
symboldisplays, do not cyclepower to the switch or connectedtarget
devices and do not disconnectIQ modules.Doing so may render the
module permanently inoperable and require the IQ module to be
returned to the factory for repair.
(green letter) IQ module isbeing accessed by the indicated user
(black letter) IQ module is blocked by the indicated user channel.
3. Local Port Operation
Navigating the OSD
This table describes how to navigate the OSD using the keyboard and mouse.
OSD activation sequence. Bydefault, <Print Screen> and CtrlCtrl are set as the OSD options. Shift-Shift and Alt-Alt must be
set withinthe OSD before use.
Closesthe current dialog box without saving changes and returns
to the previousone. If the Main dialogbox is displayed, pressing
Escapeclosesthe OSD and displaysa statusflag ifstatus flags are
enabled. See "Commands DialogBox Functions" on page 18 for
more information. In a message box, pressing Escape closesthe
pop-up box and returns to the current dialog box.
Opens dialog boxes,selectsor checks options and executes
actionswhen used with underlined or other designated letters.
Completes a switch operation inthe Main dialog boxand exitsthe
In a text box, single-clicking an entry and pressingEnter selects
the textfor editing and enablesthe Left and Right Arrow keys to
move the cursor. Press Enter again to quit the Edit mode.
Immediately disengages user from a target device; no target
device isselected. Statusflag displaysFree. (This onlyappliesto
the 0 (zero) on the keyboard and not the numerickeypad.)
Print Screen, Pause
Up/Down ArrowsMoves the cursor from line to linein lists.
Right/Left Arrows
Page Up/Page Down
Immediately turns on Screen Saver mode and prevents accessto
that specificconsole, ifit is password protected.
Moves the cursor between columns.When editing a text box,
these keys move the cursor within the column.
Pages up and down through Name and Port listsand Help pages.
3.2 Setup Dialog Box Functions
Home/EndMoves the cursor to the top or bottom of a list.
BackspaceErases characters in a text box.
NumbersType from the keyboard or keypad.
Caps LockDisabled.Use the Shift keyto change case.
BackspaceErases characters in a text box.
Deletes current selection in the Scan list or characters in a text
Deletes from the current selection to the end of the listwhen
editing a Scan list.
3.2Setup Dialog Box Functions
You can configure your switching system from the Setup dialog box within the
OSD. Select the Names button when initially setting up your switching system to
identify target devices by unique names. Select the other setup features to
manage routine tasks for your target devices from the OSDmenu. The following
table outlines the function accessed using each of the buttons in the Setup dialog
Table 3.4: Setup Features to Configure the OSD Interface
Change the Main dialog boxlistsorting optionby toggling
between numericallyby port or EID number and alphabetically
by name. Change the Screen DelayTime before the OSD
displaysafter pressing Print Screen. You can alsochange
how the OSDactivationsequence is invoked.
FlagChange display, timing, color or location of the status flag.
NamesIdentify target devicesby unique names.
KeyboardSet the keyboard country code to send to Sun servers.
ScanSet up a custom Scan pattern for multiple target devices.
Set passwords to protect or restrictaccessor enable the
screen saver.
Identify the appropriate number of ports on an attached
cascade switch.
3. Local Port Operation
To access the OSD Setup dialog box, click Setup on the Main dialog box.
Changing the display behavior
Use the Menu dialog box to change the display order of target devices, change
how the OSD interface is invoked or set a Screen Delay Time for the OSD
interface. This setting alters how target devices will display in several dialog
boxes, including Main, Devices and Scan.
To access the OSD interface Menu dialog box, activate the OSD interface and
click Setup - Menu in the Main dialog box.
To choose the display order of target devices:
1.Select Name to display target devices alphabetically by name.
-orSelect EID to display target devices numerically by EID number.
-orSelect Port to display target devices numerically by port number.
2.Click OK.
Depending on the display method selected, the corresponding button will be
depressed in the Main dialog box.
To change how the OSD interface is invoked:
1.Select the checkbox next to one of the listed methods.
2.Click OK.
To set a Screen Delay Time for the OSD interface:
1.Type in the number of seconds (0-9) to delay the OSD interface display after
you press Print Screen. Entering 0 will instantly launch the OSD interface
with no delay.
2.Click OK.
Setting a Screen Delay Time enables you to complete a soft switch without the
OSD interface displaying. To perform a soft switch, see "Soft switching" on page
Controlling the status flag
The status flag displays on your desktop and shows the name or EID number of
the selected target device or the status of the selected port. Use the Flag dialog
box to configure the flag to display by target device name or EID number, or to
3.2 Setup Dialog Box Functions
change the flag color, opacity, display time and location on the desktop. The
following table describes each status flag.
Table 3.5: OSD Interface Status Flags
Flag type by name
Flag type by EID number
Flag indicating that the user hasbeen disconnected from all
To access the OSD interface Flag dialog box:
1.Activate the OSD interface and click Setup - Flag to open the Flag dialog box.
To determine how the status flag is displayed:
1.Select Name or EID to determine what information will be displayed.
2.Select Displayed to activate the flag display. After a switch, the flag will
remain on the screen until the user switches to another device. Selecting
Timed will cause the flag to display for five seconds when a switch is made
and then disappear.
3.Select a flag color under Display Color. The following flag colors are
•Flag 1 - Gray flag with black text
•Flag 2 - White flag with red text
•Flag 3 - White flag with blue text
•Flag 4 - White flag with violet text
4.In Display Mode, select Opaque for a solid color flag or Transparent to see
the desktop through the flag.
5.To position the status flag on the desktop:
a.Click Set Position to gain access to the Position Flag screen.
b.Left-click on the title bar and drag to the desired location.
c.Right-click to return to the Flag dialog box.
Changes made to the flag position are not saved untilyou clickOK in the Flag dialog box.
3. Local Port Operation
6.Click OK to save settings.
-orClick X to exit without saving changes.
Setting the keyboard country code
Using a keyboard code that supports a language different from that of your switch
firmware willcauseincorrect keyboard mapping.
Sun servers may use keyboard mappings for non-US keyboards. By default, the
s3-0801/1601 switch sends the US keyboard country code to Sun and USB
modules attached to target devices, and the code is applied to the target devices
when they are turned on or rebooted. Codes are then stored in the IQ module.
Issues may arise when you use the US keyboard country code with a keyboard of
another country. For example, the Z key on a US keyboard is in the same location
as the Y key on a German keyboard. Sun servers will interpret pressing the Y key
on a German keyboard as pressing the Z key when the US keyboard country
code is used.
The Keyboard dialog box enables you to send a different keyboard country code
than the default US setting. The specified country code is sent to all target
devices attached to the switches when they are turned on or rebooted, and the
new code is stored in the IQ module.
If an IQ module is moved to a different target device, the keyboard country code will
need to be reset.
See "Sun Advanced Key Emulation" on page 47 for information on emulating
certain Sun keys using a PS/2 keyboard and special considerations for Japanese
and Korean Sun USBkeyboards.
To set the keyboard country code for Sun servers:
1.Activate the OSD and click Setup - Keyboard to open the Keyboard dialog
2.Select a country code and click OK to save your settings.
3.Reboot the Sun servers. After rebooting, each Sun server will request the
country code setting stored in the IQ module.
If youwish to reboot the target devices by power-cyclingthem, you must wait 90
secondsbefore rebooting. A soft reboot may be performed without waiting90 seconds.
3.2 Setup Dialog Box Functions
Assigning device types
To access the OSD Devices dialog box:
1.Activate the OSD and click Setup - Devices to open the Devices dialog box.
The Modify button is availableonly if a configurable switch is selected.
When the switch discovers a cascaded switch, the numbering format changes
from a s3-0801/1601 port only to [s3-0801/1601]-[switch port] to accommodate
each target device under that switch.
For example, if a switch is connected to s3-0801/1601 port 6, each target device
connected to it would be numbered sequentially. The target device using s30801/1601 port 6, switch port 1, would be 06-01, the target device using s30801/1601 port 6, switch port 2, would be 06-02, and so on.
To assign a device type:
1.In the Devices dialog box, select the desired port number.
2.Click Modify to open the Device Modify dialog box.
3.Choose the number of ports supported by your switch and click OK.
4.Repeat steps 1-3 for each port requiring a device type to be assigned.
5.Click OK in the Devices dialog box to save settings.
Changes made inthe DeviceModify dialog boxare not savedto the switch untilyou click
OK in the Devices dialog box.
Assigning target device names
Use the Names dialog box to identify target devices by name rather than by port
number. The Names list is always sorted by port order. You can toggle between
displaying the name or the EID number of each IQ module, so even if you move
the target device to another port, the name and configuration will be recognized
by the switch.
When itisinitiallyconnected, a target device willnot appear in the Names list until it is
turned on. Oncean initial connection has been made, itwillappear in the Names list
even when turned off.
To access the OSD interface Names dialog box, activate the OSD interface and
click Setup - Names.
3. Local Port Operation
If new IQ modules are discovered by the switch, the on-screen list will be automatically
updated. The mouse cursor willchange into an hourglassduring the update. No mouse
or keyboard inputwill be accepted until the list update is complete.
To assign names to target devices:
1.In the Names dialog box, select a target device name or port number and
click Modify to open the Name Modify dialog box.
2.Type a name in the New Name box.
•Names must be between 1 and 15 characters in length
•Names may have any combination of upper/lower case letters and
digits, but must have at least one letter
•Names may not have punctuation, except for hyphens
3.Click OK to assign the new name.
4.Repeat steps 1-3 for each target device in the system.
5.Click OK in the Names dialog box to save your changes.
-orClick X or press Escape to exit the dialog box without saving changes.
Changes made inthe Names Modifydialog box are not saved to the switch until you click
OK in the Names dialog box.
If an IQ module has not been assigned a name, the EID isused as the default name.
3.3Commands Dialog Box Functions
From the OSDinterface Commands dialog box, you can manage your switching
system and user connections, enable the Scan mode and update your firmware.
Table 3.6: Commands to Manage Routine Tasks for Your Target Devices
Begin scanning your target devices.Set up a target device list
Scan Enable
User StatusViewand disconnect users.
for scanningin the Setup dialog box. You musthave at least
two target devicesselected in the Setup - Scan Listmenu to
enable target scanning.
3.3 Commands Dialog Box Functions
IQ Status
Display ConfigView current configuration parameters.
Device Reset
Displays the currentlyavailable firmware for each typeof IQ
View versioninformation for the switch as well as view and
upgrade firmware for individualIQ modules.
Re-establish operation of PS/2 keyboard and mouse on the
To access the OSD interface Commands dialog box:
Activate the OSD interface and click Commands to open the dialog box.
Selecting target devices for Scan mode
The Scan dialog box allows the local user to define a custom list of servers to
include while in Scan mode and the number of seconds to display each server.
The creation of the Scan list does not start Scan mode. You must enable Scan
mode via the Scan Enable checkbox on the Commands dialog box. The Scan list
is displayed in the manner set from the Menu dialog box. It can be changed in the
Scan dialog box to sort either by Name, EID or Port by choosing one of the
buttons. If a server on the list is unavailable, it is skipped. Watch mode views a
server unless a conflicting network user blocks the path to that server. If a conflict
is detected in Watch mode (or the server is unavailable), the server to be viewed
is skipped.
To add target devices to the Scan list:
1.Activate the OSDand click Setup - Scan to open the Scan dialog box.
2.The dialog box contains a listing of all servers attached to your switch. Click
the checkbox to the right of the server, double-click on the desired entry, or
highlight the device and click the Add/Remove button to toggle the scan
checkbox setting. You can select up to 100 servers for inclusion in the Scan
Clickthe Clear button to remove all servers from the Scan list.
3.In the Time field, type the number of seconds (from 3 - 255) to display each
server while scanning. The default is 15 seconds per server.
4.Click OK.
3. Local Port Operation
The order in which the servers appear in the Scan dialog boxis based on the order in
which they were selected. Scanning a single server multiple times during a loop isnot
supported. Scan time must be the same for allservers.
Enabling or disabling Scan mode
To start the Scan mode:
1.Activate the OSD and click Commands. The Commands dialog box displays.
2.Select Scan Enable in the Commands dialog box. Scanning will begin.
3.Click X to close the Commands dialog box.
To cancel Scan mode:
Select a target device if the OSD is open.
Move the mouse or press any key on the keyboard if the OSD is not open.
Scanning will stop at the currently selected target device.
From the Commands dialog box, deselect the Scan Enable checkbox.
Viewing and disconnecting user connections
You can view and disconnect users through the User Status dialog box. The
username (U) and server (S) will always be displayed when connected to a target
device. You can display either the target device name or EID number to which a
user is connected. If there is no user currently connected to a channel, the
username and server fields will be blank.
To view current user connections, activate the OSDand click Commands - UserStatus to open the User Status dialog box.
To disconnect a user:
1.On the User Status dialog box, click the letter corresponding to the user to
open the Disconnect dialog box.
2.Click Disconnect to disconnect the user and return to the User Status dialog
-orClick X or press Escape to exit the dialog box without disconnecting a user.
3.3 Commands Dialog Box Functions
Resetting the PS/2 keyboard and mouse on a target device or local
This functionisfor Microsoft Windows-based computers only. Resetting the PS/2 ports
on a target device running anyother operating system may require that you reboot that
target device.
If your PS/2 keyboard or mouse locks up, you may be able to re-establish
operation of these peripherals by issuing a Reset command. The Reset
command sends a hot-plug sequence to the target device that requests the
mouse and keyboard settings from the target device to restore functionality.
To issue a remote PS/2 reset command:
1.Select an individual IQ module in the IQ Select dialog box and click Version.
From the IQ Version dialog box, click Reset. A confirmation message will
2.On the message box, click X or press Escape to exit without sending a Reset
command to the target device.
To reset the local mouse and keyboard:
1.Activate the OSDand click Commands - Device Reset. A confirmation
message will appear.
2.Click X or press Escape to clear the message.
3. Local Port Operation
4.Web Interface Operations
4.1s3-0801/1601 Switch OBWI
In addition to the OSD, s3-0801/1601 switches are equipped with an (OBWI) that
provides secure “point-and-click” web browser-based access to your switch.
The following table shows which operating systems and browsers the switch
OBWI supports.
Table 4.1: OBWI Supported Operating Systems and Browsers
Operating System
Windows Server® 2003 SP1
Standard, Enterprise or Web Edition
Windows Vista BusinessYesYes
Windows Server 2008YesYes
Windows XP Professionalwith SP2YesYes
Red Hat® Enterprise Linux3, 4 and
Sun® SolarisTM9 and 10NoYes
Novell® SUSE® Linux Enterprise
Server 10
Microsoft Internet
Explorer version8.0
and later
4.2Viewing Ports and Servers
To log in to the switch OBWI:
1.Launch a web browser.
Firefox® version3.0
and later
2.In the address field of the browser, enter the IP address or host name
assigned to the switch you wish to access. Use https://xxx.xx.xx.xx or
https://hostname as the format.
4. Web Interface Operations
3.When the browser makes contact with the switch, enter your username and
password, then click Login. The Explorer window will appear.
The default username isadmin with password admin
4.3The Explorer Window
When a user has been logged in and authenticated, the Explorer window
appears. From the Explorer window, users may view, access and manage their
switch, specify system settings and change profile settings.
Figure 4.1 shows the Explorer window areas with descriptions in the following
Figure 4.1. Explorer Window
Table 4.2: Descriptions for Figure 4.1
Displays the IP address, appliance type and last sixdigitsof the appliance
MAC address and browser being accessed.
+ 344 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.