Fujitsu SMARTCASE S500, S26361-F5000-J004 Assembly Instructions Manual

Assembly Instructions SMARTCASE S500
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Assembly Instructions
SMARTCASE S500 (D3544-Sx) S26361-F5000-J004
Table of Contents
Step 1 Prepare the Chassis ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Step 2 Mount the Cooler ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Step 3 Insert Modules ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Step 4 MB-Mounting in Chassis .................................................................................................................................... 11
Step 5 Optional Mounting ............................................................................................................................................ 14
Mounting WLAN-antennas (optional) ...................................................................................................................... 14
WLAN-aerial cable mounting (optional) ................................................................................................................... 14
Speaker mounting (optional) ................................................................................................................................... 14
Mounting USB Type C (optional)............................................................................................................................... 15
Mounting COM Cable (optional) ............................................................................................................................... 18
Step 6 Close the Chassis ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Step 7 Add Stands ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Assembly Instructions SMARTCASE S500
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Step 1 Prepare the Chassis
Open the chassis with two hands by putting some pressure on your thumbs to push the cover reward.
Now you can take the top cover off. After opening the chassis unpack the contents.
rear i/o
Assembly Instructions SMARTCASE S500
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Overview of the content:
You can choose optional between the active cooler and the passive cooler. In the further instructions, we use the
passive cooler but you go the same way for the active cooler.
Passive Cooler
Active Cooler
Assembly Instructions SMARTCASE S500
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Step 2 Mount the Cooler
Before mounting the board into the chassis, it is necessary to add hardware to it first (CPU, Cooler, RAM, plus any
optional additional hardware). First start with the back plate, which is essential for the cooler.
Do not take the stripe off the back plate for sticking it onto the backside of the board. The sticker is necessary for
isolation and safety.
Place the back plate underneath the board.
The side with the indentation has to be positioned
directly under the screw. The end of the back
plate’s notches should be visible after the process.
Back plate
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Next, mount the cooler on top of the CPU (1) and tighten the screws in the designated holes (2). Recommended
mounting screw torque: max. 0.8Nm. Be aware that the wire needs to be able to reach the red slot.
Option 1: Active Cooler
Put the cooler on top of the CPU and screw it onto the back plate through the board. Connect the cooler with the
board by the use of the cable connector (see arrow in Step 2).
Option 2: Passive Cooler
Then put the cooler on top of the CPU and screw it onto the back plate through the board. The thermal paste is
already applied.
Assembly Instructions SMARTCASE S500
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Step 3 Insert Modules
In the following picture, you can see the board with the three appropriated M.2 WLAN Modules or storage:
Next put the memory in tilted upwards and then push it down with a little pressure.
Attention: Do not touch the pin! Touch the memory at the outside edge. Do not stick a barcode on the memory!
The following procedure is necessary to make correct contact guarantee:
Insert memory at an angle and
pay attention to the notch!
Remove the memory again
completely from the DIMM slot!
Insert memory again Press down on the memory until
it clicks into place
Do not press in the middle of the
memory, but press down on the
outer edges (yellow arrows on
the following picture)
M.2 2242
SSD/ Storage
M.2 SSD / Storage
M.2 2230
Assembly Instructions SMARTCASE S500
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WLAN - Module / M.2. Module mounting
First, you have to remove the screws.
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